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The Engraving of Judge Sewall, here presented, is
from tvhat is supposed to be mi original Portrait of him., in
possession of his descendants, the Misses Ridgivay, of Boston.
They have very kindly permitted the Society the privilege of
having this engraved copy made from the painting. The
Editors are endeavoring to trace the origin and history of the
Portrait, ivith its date, and the name of the artist whose work
it is.
^i^ 0^l?yill fr-AcD
University Press : John Wilson & Son
Elected Apkil 10, 1878.
^ccorbmg Sjccrctarg.
Corresponbmg Sarctarg.
€«tu{ibe Committee of t^e Coonril.
Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, LL.D.
Hon. Charles Francis Adams, LL.D.
Rev. George E. Ellis, D.D.
Hon. John C. Gray, LL.D.
Hon. George S. Hillard, LL.D.
Hon. Peleg W. Chandler, LL.D.
Rev. George W. Blagden, D.D.
Rev. Lucius R. Paige, D.D.
Hon. Solomon Lincoln, A.M.
Rev. Chandler Robbins, D.D.
John Langdon Sibley, A.M.
Hon. Ricliard Frothingham, LL.D.
Henry Wheatland, M.D.
Charles Deane, LL.D.
Francis Parkman, LL.B.
Ellis Ames, A.B.
Rev. Samuel K. Lothrop, D.D.
Rev. William Xewell, D.D.
John A. Lowell, LL.D.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D.
Henry AV. Longfellow, LL.D.
Jacob Bigelow, LL.D.
Hon. Stephen Salisbury, LL.D.
Henry Austin Whitney, A.M.
Rev. William S. Bartlet, A.M.
Leverett Saltonstall, A.M.
Rev. Alonzo H. Quint, D.D.
Samuel F. Haven, A.M.
Hon. Richard H. Dana, Jr., LL.D.
Hon. Caleb Gushing, LL.D.
Henry W. Torrey, A.M.
Williams Latham, A.B.
Hon. Charles Hudson, A.M.
Rev. Robert C. Waterston, A.M.
Thomas C. Amory, A.M.
Samuel A. Green, M.D.
Hon. James M. Robbins.
Charles Eliot Xorton, A.M.
Hon. John J. Babson.
Robert Bennett Forbes, Esq.
Rev. Edward E. Hale, A.M.
Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, D.D.
William G. Brooks, Esq.
Hon. Horace Gray, LL.D.
Amos A. Lawrence, A.M.
Rev. Edwards A. Park, D.D.
Hon. Francis E. Parker, LL.B.
William H. Whitmore, A.M.
George B. Emerson, LL.D.
James Russell Lowell, LL.D.
Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, D.D.
Nathaniel Thayer, A.M.
Erastus B. Bigelow, LL.D.
Hon. William C. Endicott, A.B.
Hon. Eben. Rockwood Hoar, Lli.D
Hon. Seth Ames, A.M.
Josiah P. Quincy, A.M.
Samuel Eliot, LL.D.
Henry G. Denny, A.M.
Charles C. Smith, Esq.
Hon. George S. Hale, A.B.
Robert M. Mason, Esq.
William S. Appleton, A.M.
Rev. Henry M. Dexter, D.D.
Theodore Lyman, S.B.
Hon. William T. Davis, A.B.
Rev. George Punchard, A.M.
Abner C. Goodell, A.M.
William Amory, A.M.
Edward D. Harris, Esq.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, LL.D.
Augustus T. Perkins, A.M.
Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, LL.B.
Winslow Warren, LL.B.
Francis W. Palfrey, A.M.
Charles W. Tuttle, A.M.
Charles W. Eliot, LL.D.
William Gray, A.M.
Delano A. Goddard, A.M.
Rev. Henry W. Foote, A.M.
Charles C. Perkins, A.M.
Charles F. Dunbar, A.B.
Hon. Charles Devens, LL.D.
Charles F. Adams, Jr., A.B.
William P. Upham, A.M.
Hon. A. H. Bullock, LL.D.
Fitch Edward Oliver, M.D.
William Everett, Ph.D.
George B. Chase, A.M.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Ph.D.
John T. Morse, Jr., A.B.
Justin Winsor, A.B.
J. Elliot Cabot, LL.B.
George Dexter, A.M.
Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox.
Henry Lee, A.M.
Gamaliel Bradford, A.B.
Rev. Edward J. Young, A.M.
Hon. John Lowell, LL.D.
T. A. Moerenhout, Esq.
Rev. Luther Halsey, D.D.
Rev. Leonard Bacon, D.D.
John Winthrop, Esq.
Rt. Rev. William B. Stevens, D.D.
Major E. B. Jarvis.
E. George Squier, Esq.
Hon. George Bancroft, LL.D.
J. Hammond Trumbull, LL.D.
James Ricker, Jr., Esq.
Henry Stevens, F.S.A.
Frederick Griffin, Esq.
Rev. William S. Southgate.
Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, LL.D.
John Gilmary Shea, LL.D.
James Lenox, Esq.
Hon. John R. Bartlett, A.M.
G. P. Faribault, Esq.
Francois A, A. Mignet.
Comte Adolphe de Circourt.
M. Edouard Rene Lefebre Labou-
laye, LL.D.
Hon. John A. Dix, LL.D.
Leopold Von Ranke.
James Anthony Froude, M.A.
The Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn
Stanley, D.D.
Thomas Carlyle, D.C.L.
Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L.
Hon. George P. Marsh, LL.D.
The Right Rev. Lord Arthur Her-
vey, LL.D.
Hon. Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL.D.
Rev. Leonard Woods, D.D., LL.D.
Rev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey,
David Masson, LL.D.
Rev. Barnas Sears, D.D.
Baron F. von Holtzeudorff.
Comte de Paris.
Prof. William Stubbs, D.C.L.
Hon. William M. Evarts, LL.D.
Hon. Horatio Seymour, LL.D.
Henri Martin.
Rev. Samuel Osgood, D.D.
AYilliam Durrant Cooper, F.S.A.
Edmund B. O'Callaghau, LL.D.
Benjamin F. French, Esq.
William H. Trescot, Esq.
John G. Kohl, LL.D.
Benjamin R. Winthrop, Esq.
J. Carson Brevoort, LL.D.
George H. Moore, LL.D.
AV. Xoel Sainsbury, Esq.
S. Austin AUibone, LL.D.
Henry T. Parker, A.M.
Benson J. Lossing, LL.D.
Lyman C. Draper, LL.D.
George Washington Greene, LL.D.
Rev. William G. Eliot, D.D.
Henry B. Dawson, Esq.
Goldwin Smith, LL.D.
George T. Curtis, A.B.
James Parton, Esq.
Hon. John Meredith Read, A.M.
Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D.
Brantz Mayer, Esq.
John Winter Jones, F.S.A.
Richard Henry Major, F.S.A.
Rev. Edmond de Pressense.
Charles J. Stille, LL.D.
William W. Story, A.M.
M. Jules Marcou.
Thomas B. Akins, Esq.
M. Pierre Margry,
Charles J. Hoadly, Esq,
John Foster Kirk, Esq.
Rev. William I. Budington, D.D.
Benjamin Scott, F.R.A.S.
Hon. Charles H. Bell, A.M.
Rev. William Barry.
Rev. Edward D. Xeill, A.B.
Rev. J. Lewis Diman, D.D.
Col. Joseph L. Chester, LL.D.
William Ganimell, LL.D.
Rev. Thomas Hill, D.D., LL.D.
Josiah G. Holland, M.D.
Hon. Manning F. Force, LL.B.
Comte Achille de Rochambeau.
Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D.
Samuel Rawson Gardiner, A.M.
Hon. John Bigelow.
George William Curtis, LL.D.
Henry C. Lea, Esq.
Hubert H. Bancroft, A.M.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson,
Rev. John R. Green, LL.D.
Rev. Richard S. Storrs, D.D.
William F. Poole, A.M.
Rev. E. Edwards Beardsley, D.D.
John Austin Stevens, A.B.
Joseph F. Loubat, LL.D.
Charles H. Hart, LL.B.
Resident, Honorary, and Corresponding Members, who have died since the publica-
tion of the List of Members in the last volume of the Collections, April 1,
1878 ; or of whose death information has been received since that date.
Hon. George T. Bigelow, LL.D. | Hon. Benjamin F. Thomas, LL.D.
Honorary and Corresponding,
Erastus Smith, Esq. | William CuUen Bryant, LL.D.
Vol. I.
The Engraving of Judge Sew all, Tiere presented^ is
from what is supposed to be an original Portrait of him, in
possession of his descendants, the Misses Ridgivay, of Boston.
They have very kindly permitted the Society the privilege of
having this engraved copy made from the painting. The
Editors are endeavoring to trace the origin and history of the
Portrait, with its date, and the name of the artist whose work
it is.
Inasmuch as in the following Diarj there is so frequent men-
tion of family affairs, and reference to relatives whose affinity is
not readily discernible, it may be well to devote some pages to
the genealogy of the Sewall family, and of those allied to it.
For convenience we will treat first of the main family and of
such of the blood-relations of the Chief Justice as Avere alive in
his time ; secondly, of the family of his mother, the Dummers,
and of the Hull connection, through his wife ; thirdly, of his
own descendants.
First in importance in this branch is a letter written by Sam-
uel Sewall to his son, dated Aug. 26, 1720, and printed in the
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I. pp.
111-113. This letter was in the possession of the late Rev.
Samuel Sewall, of Burlington, Mass., and is now in that of his
son. This printed copy, however, has been collated with a
transcript made by Samuel Sewall, Jr., to whom it was ad-
dressed, and the very trifling differences noted.
Boston", April 21, 1720.
Dp:ar Sox, — You have often desired, that I would give you some
account of tlie family of which you are. And although I am much less
able to doe any thing of this natui'e now when I have been left of my
dear Parents very near Twenty years, yet considering the longer I stay,
the more unfit I shall be, take what I have to say as follows :
Mr Ilenry Sewall, my great Grandfather, was a Linen Draper in the
City of Coveutr}^ in Great Britain. He accjuired a great Estate, was a
prudent Man, and was more than once chosen Mayor of the City.
Mr Henry Sewall, my Grandfather, was his eldest Son, who out of
dislike to the English Hierarchy sent over his onely Son, my Father, Mr
Henry Sewall, to New England in the year 1634, with Net Cattel and
Provisions sutable for a new Plantation. Mr Cotton would have had
my Father settle at Boston ; but in regard of his Cattel he chose to goe
to Newbury, whether my Grandfather soon followed him. Where also
my Grandfather Mr Stephen Dummer and Alice his wife likewise
dwelled under the Ministry of the Reverend Mr Thomas Parker and
Mr James Noyes.
On the 25'i^ March, 1646, Richard Saltonstall, Esq. Grandfather of
Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq. now Governour of Connecticut, joined to-
gether in Marriage my father Mr Henry Sewall and my Mother Mrs
Jane Dummer, eldest Child of Mr Stephen Dummer aforesaid and Alice
his wife: my Father being then about 32, and my Mother about 19
years of age.
But the Climat being not agreeable to my Grandfather and Grand-
mother Dummer, (whose Maiden name was Archer) they returned to
England the Winter following, and my Father with them, and dwelt
awhile at Warwick, and afterwards removed to Hampshire. My Sister
Hannah Tappin, their eldest ChUd, was born at Tunworth May 10*,
1649. Baptised by Mr Haskins.
I was born at Bishop Stoke, March 28, 1652 ; so that the light of the
Lord's Day was the first light that my Eyes saw, being born a little
before day-break. I was baptised by Mr Rashly, (sometime Member
of the Old Church in Boston) in Stoke Church May 4* 1652. Mr
Rashly first preached a Sermon, and then baptised me. After which
an entertainment was made for him and many more. Some months
after, my Father removed to Badesly, where my Brother John Sewall
was born Oct. 10. 1654, and was baptised in my Father's House Nov. 22
by Mr Henry Cox, Minister of Bishop Stoke.
My brother Stephen Sewall was born at Badesly Aug. 19th, 1657,
baptised in my father's house by the said Mr Cox. My Father had
made one Voyage to New England to visit my Grandfather Mr Henry
Sewall. And in tlie year 1659 he went thither again ; his rents at New-
bury coming to very little when remitted to England. In my father's
absence, October 25, 1659, my Sister Jane Gerrish was born at Badesly
and was baptised by Mr Cox at Bishop Stoke in the house of Mr Boys.
At this Badesly, by the merciful goodness of God, I was taught to
read English. And afterwards was educated in the Grammer School at
Rumsey of which Mr Figes was Master.
My Father sent for my Mother to come to him to New England. I
remember being at Bishop Stoke and Badesly, April 23, 1661, the day
of the Coronation of K. Charles the 2% the Thunder and Lightening of it.
Quickly after my Mother went to Winchester with 5 small Children,
Hannah, Samuel, John, Stephen and Jane ; and John Nash and Mary
Hobs her Servants there to be in a readiness for the Pool Waggons. At
this place her near Relations, especially my very worthy and pious Uncle
Mr Stephen Dummer took leave with Tears. Capt. Dummer of Swath-
ling treated us with Raisins and Almonds. My Mother lodged in Pump-
yard, London, waiting for the going of the Ship, the Prudent Mary, Capt.
Isaac Woodgreen, Commander. Went by water to Graves-End where
the Ship lay. Took in Sheep at Dover. Passengers in the Ship at the
same time were Major Brown, a young brisk Merchant and a consider-
able Freighter ; Mr Gilbert and his wife, He was Minister at Topsfield ;
Madam Bradstreet, then Gardener ; Mrs Martha, Mr Pitkins Sister, who
died lately at Windsor, and many others. We were about eight weeks
at Sea, where we had nothing to see but Water and the Sky ; so that I be-
gan to fear I should never get to Shoar again ; only I thought the Capt.
and Mariners would not have ventured themselves if they had not hopes
of getting to Land again. Capt. Woodgreen arrived here on Satterday.
I was overjoyed to see Land again, especially being so near it as in the
Narrows. 'Twas so late by that time we got to the Castle, that our men
held a discourse with them whether they should fire or no, and reckoned
't was agreed not to doe it. But presently after the Castle fired ; which
much displeased the Ship's Company ; and then they fired. On the
Lord's day my Mother kept aboard ; but I went ashoar, the Boat
grounded, and I was carried out in arms July 6, 1661. My Mother
lodg'd at ]Mr Richard Collicott's. This week there was a publick Thanks-
giving. My Father hastened to Boston and carried his Family to
Newbury by Water in Mr Lewis. Brother Tapan has told me our
arrival there was upon Lecture-day which was Wednesday. Mr Ordway
carried me ashore in his Canoe. We sojourned at Mr Titcomb's. My
Father 2:>resently sent me to school to the Reverend and Excellent Mr
Thomas Parker, with whom I continued till my entrance into the Col-
lege ; being admitted by the very learned and pious Mr Charles Chauncey.
Sept. 3, 1662, Mother was brought to bed of Sister Anne, Mr Joshua
Moodey the Minister's Mother being her Midwife. Baptised by Mr
May, 8, 1665, Sister Mehetabel was born: Baptised by Mr Parker.
She became wife to the midwife's Grandson, Mr AVilliam Moodey. Dor-
othy Sewall (now Northend) was born Oct. 29, 1668. Baptised by ^Ir
At this time the commencement was in August. In the year 1667
my father brought me to be admitted, by which means I heard ^Ir Kicli-
ard Mather of Dorchester preach Mr Wilson's Funeral Sermon. " Your
Fathers where are they?" I was admitted by the very learned uud
pious Mr Charles Chauncey, who gave me my first Degree in the year
1671. There were no Masters in that year. These Bachelours were the
last Mr Chauncey gave a decree to, for he died the February following.
In July 1672, Dr Hoar came over with his Lady and sojourned with
your Grandfather Hull. He was my Aunt Quincey's Brother ; and
preached, as an assistant, to the Rev. Mr Thomas Thacher at the South
Church. The College quickly called him to be President. He was in-
stalled in the College Hall in December 1672. Gov. Bellingham lay
dead in his House, and Dep. Gov. Leverett was the Chief Civil Magis-
trat present at that Solemnity. The March following Mrs Bridget Hoar,
now Cotton, was born in Cambridge. In 1674 I took my 2*! Degree and
Mrs Hannah Hull, my dear Wife, your honoured Mother, was invited
by the Dr. and his Lady to be with them a while at Cambridge. She saw
me when I took my Degree and set her affection on me, though I knew
nothing of it till after our Marriage; which was February 28th. 1675-6.
Gov. Bradstreet married us in that we now call the Old Hall ; 't was then
all in one, a very large Room. As I remember. Madam Thacher and
Madam Paige, with whom Gov. Bradstreet boarded, visited us the next
On the 2*? of April, 1677, it pleased God to favour us with the birth
of your brother John Sewall, our first-born. In June 1678 you were
born. Your brother lived till the September following, and then died.
So that by the Undeserved Goodness of God your Mother and I never
were without a child after the 2d of April 1677.
In the Fall 1678, 1 was seized with the Small Pocks and brought very
near to death ; so near that I was reported to be dead. But it pleased
God of his Mercy to Recover me. Multitudes died, two of my special
Friends viz. Mr John Noyes, and Ensign Benjamin Thirston, who both
died while I lay sick : and Mr William Dummer, Son of Jeremiah Dum-
mer Esq. aged about 19 years* Presently after my Recovery, in De-
cember, Col. Townsend and I were bearers to Mr Joseph Tappin one of
the most noted Shop-keepers in Boston.
And now what shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits ? The
* By some oversight in copying, this line regarding Dummer was omitted
in the Register. The following note was printed, however, in that maga-
zine, being an endorsement made by the recipient of tlie letter, Samuel
Sewall, Jr. : —
"June 30th, 1729. Rec"? the following acC? of my Hon"? Father: viz.
my Great Grandfather Sewall lived at Xewbury at Old Town Green, where
the first Meeting House stood : and upon the Removal of the Meeting House
where it now stands (being Mr. Tappin's Meeting House), He sold his
House and Ground and moved to Rowley where he died and was Buried."
— Eds.
good Lord help me to walk humbly and Thankfully with Him all my
days ; and profit by Mercies and by Afflictions ; that through Faith and
Patience I may also in due time fully inherit the Promises. Let us in-
cessantly pray for each other, that it may be so !
Samuel Sewall.
AuGT. 26. 1720.
Recently, at the request of a descendant, investigations have
been made in England by our well-known Corresponding Mem-
ber, Col. Joseph L. Chester ; and, by the kindness of the gen-
tleman who procured the search, the main results are here
The family cannot, as yet, be traced beyond the two brothers,
Henry and William Sewall, both Mayors of Coventry ; and Col.
Chester expresses a doubt if any earlier generations will here-
after be identified. We assume that these brothers were the
true founders of their race.
A strong argument against the supposition that Henry Sewall
was of ascertained gentle birth is the following fact: His
youngest son, Richard, of Nuneaton, county Warwick, married
Mary, only sister of Sir William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms.
Yet Dugdale nowhere terms him any thing beyond " youngest
son of Henry Sewall, Alderman of Coventry." So the " Visita-
tion of Warwickshire " (Harleian Society) of 1619 gives this
match (p. 327), and terms him " of Coventry."
On the other hand, the arms of which we annex a copy from
Hurd's engraved portrait of Rev. Joseph Sewall, dated 1768, are
said by a writer in the American Quarterly Register for 1811,
p. 238, note, to have been handed down among the Sewalls in
New England and Canada, and, with a difference in the crest,
amons: the Sewalls in the Southern States.
There was, in England, a family named Seawale, whereof
John Seawale was Sheriff of Essex and Herts in the fourth year
of Richard II. (A. D. 1381), said by Fuller, in his " Worthies of
England," to bear sahle^ a chevron between three gad-bees argent^
being the same arms as those above engraved. (See a reference
to Fuller's book in the Diary, jpos?;, p. 484.) Papworth gives the
same arms to Seewell, of Thingdon, county Northampton, and
Sewale, county Chester, 1716. The same arms, with bees for
gad-flies, he credits to Sewell, of Newport, Isle of Wight.
We have no example of the use of these arms by Chief-Justice
Sewall himself, nor are they depicted on a portrait of liis brother,
Stephen Sewall, now preserved in the Essex Institute at Salem.
What amount of authority appertains to this use of these arms
by the American family we will not attempt to decide. It is
possible that some seal-engraver or herald-painter of New
England may be alone responsible for it ; but this supposition
lacks proof equally. Of course, in theory, no coat-of-arms
is of value unless recognized by Heralds' College, or fortified
by centuries of public use. Yet it may be presumed that the
descendants of any person holding in England a j)osition equiv-
alent to that of Judge Sewall would use any arms which he
might have borne, without scruple or challenge.
One little trace we discern. Sewall himself (^post, p. 305)
speaks of seeing at Coventry " the City Hall wliere [I] saw my
great-grandfather's name without any a?/as." On the same
page he speaks of his ''namesake, Mr. Shewell," a clergyman.
Again, in the "Visitation of Warwickshire," 1619, p. 289, in
this generation we find that Anna, daughter of Henry Wag-
staffe, of Harbery, married "William Shawell, of the city of Cov-
entry. This we presume to be the brother of Henry ; and we
infer that any future search must be under the name of Shewell
or Shawell.
We now proceed to the pedigree as traced : —
1. Henry ^ Sewall, born about 1544, Alderman of Coventry, Mavor in
1589 and 1606. Will dated 1 Sept., 1624; proved 30 June,*'l628.
Died 16 Ajiril, 1628, aged 84. 13uried in St. Michael's Church,
Coventry. JNIarried Margaret, eldest daughter of Avery Graze-
brook, of Middleton, co. Warwick, about 1575. Will dated 7 May,
1628; adm. 23 Nov.. 1629. Buried in St. Michael's.
I.'' sue, two sons and two daughters, of whom hereafter.
2. William^ Sewall, vintner, Mayor of Coventry in 1617. Will
dated 29 June, 1624; proved 11 Sept., 1624. Married Ann (prob-
ably Wagstaffe, see above), who died 20 Dec, 1609, aged 46, and
was buried in St. Michael's.
They had three daughters, all living in 1624, viz.: —
i. P]lizabeth,^ wife of Thomas Symes, of Coventry, brazier,
ii. Lucy,'^ wife of Henry Tadlow.
iii. Anne,^ unmarried then.
1. Hknry^ Sewall, already mentioned, and Margaret Grazebrook, had
3. I. Henry,'^ of whom presently.
II. Richard,^ of Nuneaton, co. Warwick; admin. 2 Jan., 1638-
39 ; married Mary, sister of Sir William Dugdale ; bapt.
7 Dec, 1597; died about 1648.
They had issue : —
i. Richard,^ of Nuneaton; will dated 11 Aug., 1642;
proved 29 April, 1648.
ii. Henry,^ an apprentice in 1642; living 1648.
iii. Samuel,^ a minor in 1648.
iv. Margaret,^ aged 4 in 1619 ; d. young.
V. Mary,^ b. 1616 ; living in 1642; wife of Dudley.
vi. Elizabeth,^ b. 1618; m. Edmund Seare, Notary Pub-
lic ; living 1648.
vii. Anne,^ living 1648.
viii. Prudence,^ living 1648.
ix. Sarah,^ living 1 648.
III. Anne^ (Sewall), m. before 1 Sept., 1624, Anthony Power,
of Kenilworth, co. Warwick, gent. He d. between 21
Dec, 1632, and 15 .January following. Her will is dated
15 January, and proved 1 May, 1633.
They had : —
i. Henry,^ in 1632.
ii. Stephen,^ living 1646.
iii. William,^ m. 1632.
iv. Anthony,^ living in 1 648.
V. Hannah,^ wife of Thomas Lee in 1 646.
vi. ]Mary,^ wife of William Holbech in 1646.
IV. Margaret- (Sewall)* m. Abraham Randall, of Coventry,
gent; d. s. jo. before 1646. Her will dated May 4th,
proved May 22, 1640.
3. Hexry ^ Sewall, of Coventry, married Anne Hunt. He was bapt.
at St. Micliael's, 8 April, l.)70 ; emigrated to New England, and
died at Rowley. Mass., in 1657, aged ^l years.
Their onlv child was: —
* Sewall (post, pp. 305, 306) visited some of these cousins, tlioii^'li most
of liis relatives whom he mentions were on his mother's side, and so one
generation nearer. We have endeavored to di.-jtiiiguish tlie two classes iu
tliis genealogical sketch.
4-, Henry' Sewall, of Newbury, Mass.; born at Coventry, in 1614;
came to New England in 1634; married at Newbury, 25 March,
1646, Jane, daughter of Stephen and Alice Dummer, and died 16
May, 1700, aged 86. His widow died 13 Jan., 1701, aged 74.
Their children were : —
5. i. Hannah,^ b. in England, 10 May, 1649.
Samuel,* „ „
28 March, 1652,
John,* . „ „
10 Oct., 1654.
Stephen,* „ „
10 Aug., 1657.
Jane,* „ „
25 Oct., 1659.
Anne,* „ New Eng.
,, 3 Sept., 1662.
Mehetable,* „ „
8 May, 1665.
Dorothy,* „ „
29 Oct., 1668.
Generation in wTiicJi Samuel Sewall belongs, with his Nephews
and Nieces.
5. Hannah* Sewall married, 24 Aug., 1670, Jacob Tappan, or Top-
pan, of Newbury, and had : —
i. Jacob,5b. 20 May, 1671.
ii. Samuel,^ b. 30 Sept., 1672; d. 25 Aug., 1691.
iii. Jane,5b. 28 Sept., 1674.
iv. John,5 b. 29 Jan., 1677.
V. HannaK,^ b. 4 March, 1679.
vi. Elizabeth,^ b. 20 Dec, 1680.
vii. Abraham,^ b; 29 June, 1684.
viii. Ann,5b. 16 May, 1686.
His wife died 11 Nov., 1699, and he married secondly Hannah, widow
of John Sewall, his brother-in-law, and died 30 Dec, 1717. His widow
died 4 April, 1723.
6. Samuel * Sewall, the writer of the Journal, married first Hannah,
only daughter of John Hull, and had : —
i. John,^ b. 2 April, 1677 ; d. 11 Sept., 1678.
13. ii. Samueb^b. 11 June, 1678.
iii. Hannah,^ b. 3 Feb., 1679-80 ; d. unm., 16 Aug., 1724.
14. iv. Elizabeth,^ b. 29 Dec, 1681 ; m. Grove Hirst.
V. Hull,= b. 8 July, 1684; d. 18 June, 1686.
vi. Henry ,^ b. 7 Dec, 1685; d. 22 Dec, 1685.
vii. Stephen,^ b. 30 Jan., 1686-87 ; d. 26 July, 1687.
15. viii. Joseph,^ b. 15 Aug., 1688.
ix. Judith,^ b. 13 Aug., 1690 ; d. 21 Sept., 1690.
16. X. Mary ,5 b. 28 Oct., 1G9,1 ; m. Samuel Gerrish.
xi. Jane,5 b. 7 Aug., 1693 ; d. 13 Sept., 1693.
xii. Sarah,5 b. 21 Nov., 1694; d.
xiii. A still-born child, b. 21 May, 1696.
17. xiv. Judith,^ b. 2 Jan., 1701-2; m. Rev. William Cooper.
His wife died 19 Oct., 1717, and he married secondly, 29 Oct., 1719,
Abigail, daughter of Jacob Melyen, who had been married twice before ;
viz., to James Woodmansey and William Tilley. She died 26 May, 1720,
and he married thirdly, 29 March, 1722, Mary, daughter of Henry Shrimp-
ton, and widow of Robert Gibbs. He had no children by the last two
wives. He died 1 Jan., 1730. His widow died *
7. John* Sewall, of Newbury, married, 27 Oct., 1671, Hannah Fes-
senden, of Cambridge, probably his cousin, and had : —
i. Hannah,^ b. 21 Dec, 1675 ; d.
ii. Hannah,^ b. 26 Dec, 1677; m. Rev. Samuel Moody,
iii. John,6 b. 10 April, 1680.
iv. Henry,« b. 7 Sept., 1682.
V. Stephen,^ b. 17 Jan., 1685.
vi. Samuel,^ b. 9 April, 1 688.
vii. Nicholas,^ ") b. 1 June, 1690.
viii. ^ ) ; d.
ix. Thomas,* b. 5 March, 1693; d. at college, 18 July,
He died 8 Aug., 1699, and his widow married Jacob Toppan, who had
married first Hannah, sister of her husband, and died 4 April, 1723.
8. Stephen* Seavall, of Newbury, married, 13 June, 1682, Margaret,
daughter of Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, and had : —
i. Margaret,* b. 7 May, 1687.
ii. Samuel,* b. 24 Nov., 1689.
iii. Susanna,* b. 24 Oct., 1691.
iv. Jonathan,* b. 7 Feb., 1693.
V. Jane,*b. 10 Feb., 1695.
vi. Mehetable,* b. 21 May, 1697.
vii. Mitchell,* b. 29 Oct., 1690.
* The following extracts are from the note books of Samuel Sewall, Jr.
— Eds.
" 1717. H. S. dies. October 19, my dear mother dies, a quarter after 4
in the afternoon; buried the 23d instant. 27th. Dr. C. Matlier preaches a
funeral sermon."
" October 29th, father Sewall married by brother Sewall to Madam Abi-
gail Tilley. Brother prayed and married them ; then ]Mr Prince pra_y('d, then
sung a psalm. 30th, a great dinner provided for Gov'' and Council with many
"1720 May 26. Mother Madam Abigael Sewall dies suddenly, being
taken a little after 10 at night, and expired about 12 in the night. Her
maiden name was Melyen, and then Tilley, and then Sewall."
" INIarch 20th, 1722. Brother William Cooper marries F [atlier] Sewall
to Madam Mary Gibl)s; my wife and I present, with brethren and sisters.
Brother Cooper prayed before marriage and brother Sewall aft(>r."
" August 16th, 1724. Forenoon about 11 of the clock, my dear sister
Hannah dies, after a long languishment. ISth liuried; pall bearers Ifal.ij-
jah Savage, Esq! Mr. W"' Pain, Mr. Boydal, :Nrr Franklin, ^Iv John Walley,
and ]\Ir Henry Gibbs. Father puts his children into nionining. (Jave
B[rother] Gerrish mourning. Put into the tomb. Brotlier Si.-wall [)rays at
the house after the funeral. Gave us riuffs."
viii. Henry,5 b. 25 Oct., 1701.
ix. Stephen,^ b. 18 Dec, 1704.
X. Benjamin,^ b. 6 April, 1708.
He died 17 Oct., 1725.
9. Jane Sewall married, 24 Sept., 1677, Moses Gerrish, of Newbury,
and had : —
i. Joanna,6,b. 3 Oct., 1678.
ii. *Jane.
iii. Joseph,^ b. 20 March, 1682.
iv. Sarah,6 b_ 25 Dec, 1683.
V. Elizabeth,^ b. 27 Dec, 1685.
vi. Mary,^b. 20 Sept., 1687.
vii. John,5b. 2 April, 1695.
* Moses.^
He died 4 Dec, 1694; she died 29 Jan., 1716-17. t
10. Anne* Sewall married first, 10 Nov., 1678, William Longfellow,
of Newbury, and had : —
i. Williara,^ b. 25 Nov., 1679.
ii. Stephen,^ b. 10 Jan., 1681 ; d.
iii. Ann,5b. 3 Oct., 1683.
iv. Stephen,^ b. 22 Sept., 1685.
V. Elizabeth,^ b. 3 July, 1688.
vi. Nathan,^ b. 5 Feb.,'l690.
And two more died before July, 1692. See ^05^, p. 361.
He died in Phips's expedition against Quebec, Oct., 1690. His
widow married secondly, 11 May, 1692, Henry Short, of Newbury, as his
second wife, and had : —
vii. Jane.s b. 4 March, 1693.
viii. Saniuel,5 b, jg Nov., 1694; d.
ix. Mehitable," b. 12 Jan., 1696.
X. Samuel,^ b. 22 Feb., 1699.
xi. Hannali,^ b. 2 March, 1701; d.
xii. Joseph,^ b. 8 April, 1702.
She died 1706.
11. Mkhitable* Sewall married "William Moody, of Newbury, 15
Nov., 1684, and had: —
i. Mary,^b. 30 May, 1685.
ii. Dorothy.^
iii. Samuel> b. 21 March, 1689.
iv. Mehitable,^ b. 15 Feb., 1691.
He died 23 Feb., 1700 (Coffin seems to say so).
She died 8 Aug., 1702.
* These three, Jane, "William, and Moses, are added from Sewall's own
note, poxt, p. 361. — Eds.
f " 1716-17. January 29th. Aunt Gerrish dyed about one or two a clock
in the afternoon. Went to Newbury to her interment, which was 31 instant.
"S. S. jr."
12. Dorothy* Sewall married first Ezekiel Northend, of Rowley, 10
Sept., 1691, and had: —
i. John,5b. 10 Oct., 1692.
ii. Edna,5b. 10 Jan., 1694.
iii. Ezekiel,^ b. 25 Jan., 1696.
iv. Jane,^ b. 17 March, 1699.
V. Dorothy ,« b. 20 March, 1701.
vi. Hannah,^ b. 31 Jan., 1703.
vii. Mehitable,^ b. 2 March, 1705.
viii. Samuel,* b. 12 Jan., 1707.
ix. Elizabeth,* b. 15 Dec, 1710.
He died 23 Dec, 1732 ; his widow married secondly Moses Bradstreet,
of Rowley.
She died 17 June, 1752.
We do not propose to trace the general history of the family
farther. John, brother of our journalist, had numerous de-
scendants in Maine, among whom were several very distin-
guished bearers of the name. We may refer those interested
to a valuable tabular pedigree in Drake's " History of Boston."
Samuel's brother Stephen was father of Stephen, Jr., who,
like his uncle, became Chief Justice of Massachusetts. A cousin
of Stephen, Jr., was Jonathan Sewall, Attorney-General of
Massachusetts ; a refugee, whose sons were Jonathan, Jr., Chief
Justice of Canada, and Stephen, Solicitor-General of that prov-
We have thought it proper, secondly, to trace the family of
Samuel's mother, and that of his wife ; i. e., the Dummers, and
the Hulls with the Quincys.
Our first authority on this subject is the following paper,
entered by Samuel Sewall, Jr., in his memorandum book, now
in the possession of the Misses Ridgway, of Boston : —
" The Genealogy of the Dumraers, Taken July, 17 12, from a copy taken
by Mr. "Will" Dummer, son to Jeremy Dummer Esq., when in England,
of one of his aunts at Rumsey.
" Thomas Dummer our grandfather, that lyeth interred in Bishop
Stoke church in Hampshire, had six sons :
" John, who had three sons and four daughters ; Edmund and Thomas
Dummer the younger, that now are in London, are grandsons to John.
" Richard was the father of Jeremy Dummer, Esq., now living in New
" Thomas, whose daughter Jane was grandmother to Samuel Storke :
Jane, daughter to the same Thomas, was mother to Samuel Carter : this
Thomas Dummer was my father, also. M. D. [ummer].
" Stephen Dummer : his eldest daughter was mother to Samuel Sewall,
Esq., now living in New England.
" My grandfather had also two "Williams, his sons, one of whom left
one son which hath children living. M, D."
It seems, then, that there were four brothers, of whom Stephen
came herein 1638, with wife, Alice, and children : Jane, aged 10 ;
Dorothy, aged 6 ; Richard, aged 4 ; and Thomas, aged 2. Here
he had Mehitable, born Jan. 1, 1640, and returned to England
in 1647, accompanied, probably, by all his family except Jane,
who had married Henry Sewall, Jr.
We presume that, of Stephen's children, Richard is the one
called by the Judge " uncle Richard " (post, p. 300), and that
there was another brother, "uncle Stephen " (i5.). Then there
are " uncle Nathaniel," cousin Nathaniel Dummer, " aunt Al-
ice," cousin Abigail, cousin John, cousin Stephen, cousin Sarah,
all mentioned by Sewall in this connection ; and, on p. 294, we
find mention of aunt Rider. Again (p. 293), Sewall speaks of
aunt Fessenden, her son John, and daughters Mary, Elizabeth,
and Jane ; cousin Jane Holt. On p. 295, he mentions aunt
Hills and cousin Thomas Dummer, cousin Mary, cousin New-
man, cousin Bear ; p. 298, cousin John Stork, or Stock, cousin
Thomas Holt ; p. 302, cousin Richard Cornish, aunt Mehitable
We cannot explain all these relationships, though cousin
Storcke may have been only a distant cousin.
Richard Dummer, grand-uncle to our journalist, came to New
England, and his descendants are named quite often in these
pages. He had sons Jeremiah,^ Richard,^ William,^ and Shubael,^
and daughter Hannah.^ Jeremiah''^ came to Boston, Avas an ap-
prentice of John Hull, married, and had sons Jeremy ,3 agent for
the Colony, William ,3 Lieutenant-Governor, Samuel,^ and Ann,^
wife of John Powell.
Richard 2 Dummer, Jr., of Newbury, married Elizabeth Ap-
pleton, and had sons John,^ Richard,'^ Nathaniel,^ and Shubael ; ^
daughters Hannah ^ and Elizabeth.^ His descendants continue
the name.
Rev. Shubael 2 Dummer was of York, was married, but prob-
ably had no issue.
With this outline of the family it will be easy for the reader
to trace any of the Dummers mentioned by Sewall.
As Sewall so often refers to his wife's relations as his own,
some statement of these may be serviceable.
Hannah (Sewall) Hull was the only child, arriving at adult
age, of John Hull and Judith Quincy.
Her father, John Hull, was the son of Robert Hull, by his
first wife, widow Elizabeth Storer.
John 2 Hull had an own brother, Edward ^ Hull, of Braintree
(who had a son Edward,^ according to Savage), and a half
brother, Richard Storer.
Robert ^ Hull married secondly Judith , who had been
first the wife of Edmund Quincy, and secondly of Moses Paine.
Thus John Hull had a step-brother, Edmund Quincy, Jr., and
a step-sister, Judith Quincy, whom he himself married. And a
still more remote connection is to be found in the fact that this
second wife of Robert Hull had been the second wife of Moses
Paine, a widower with three children ; Moses, Jr., Stephen, and
Elizabeth Paine.
In the next generation, the own cousins to Mrs. Sewall were
the children of Edmund Quincy, by his wife Joanna Hoar.
These were : —
Mary, m. Ephraim Savage.
Daniel, m. Hannah Shepard.
Joanna, m. David Hobart.
Judith, m. Rev. John Keyner, Jr.
Elizabeth, m. Rev. Daniel Gookin.
Ruth, m. John Hunt.
Experience, m. William Savil.
And also Edmund Quincy's children by his second wife, Elizabeth
Gookin, widow of John Eliot, Jr., viz. : —
Edmund, 3d. m. Dorothy Flynt.
Mary, who m. Rev, Daniel Baker.
The following pages are evidence of the interest Avhich Sewall
felt in all of these Quincys, who were, indeed, his wife's only near
relatives. Later on, we shall see that Se wall's grandson married
Elizabeth Quincy, grand-daughter of Edmund, 3d, and Dorothy
(Flynt) Quincy.
Male lines of Sewalls, descended from Judge Samuel the Diarist,
I — 22 Samuel,
r— 13 Samuel.
18 Henry.
Dudley. Ann White.
-15 Rev.
19 Samuel.
f— Hull.
d. s.p.
— Samuel,
d. s.p.
— Hannah.
^ II
left issue.
-20 Samuel,
CJ.of Mass.
-23 Henry D.
Mary C. Norton.
28 Samuel.
-29 Henry F.
-30 John G.
—31 Edmund Q.
^--32 Walter D.
—24 Edmund Q. (—33 Edmund Q.
Caroline Ward. L_34 George W.
—25 Charles C.
Amy Peters.
35 Charles C.
'—21 Joseph.
-26 Thomas R.
36 Joseph S.
Elizabeth Q. Sewall.
-27 Samuel E.
Louisa M. Winslow.
Showing the principal female lines of the descendants of Judge Samuel Sewall, Sr.
I — i. Mart.
Sir William Pepperrell.
-14 Elizabeth.
Grove Hirst.
-ii. Elizabeth.
II ->
Rev. Charles Chauncy.
-iii. Hannah.
Nathaniel Balston.
— iv. Jane.
Eev. Addington
—15 Joseph Sewall. 19 Samuel Sewall.-
-16 Mart.
Samdel Gerrish.
No issue.
—17 Judith.
William Cooper.
-William Cooper.
Catuarise Wendall.
—Rev. Samuel Cooper.
Judith Bulfinch.
^Judith Cooper.
John Sever.
Samuel Salisbubt.
James Hill.
Joseph Mat
Henrt Gallisok.
—Richard W.
II ->
Gabriel Johonjjot.
Joseph Hixon.
"We will now return to the regular course of the genealogy, and trace
the issue of the five children of Judge Sewall who left descendants.
These were : —
No. 13. Samuel.*
14. Elizabeth.6
15. Joseph.^
16. Mary .5
17. Judith.6
13. Samuel* Sewall, Jr., lived at Brookline, and does not seem to
fill a very large space in the history of the time. He married
Rebecca Dudley, daughter of Gov. Joseph Dudley.* Their chil-
dren were : —
* Samuel Sewall, Jr., Family Record as entered in various parts of his
book : —
" Roxbury Sept. 16, 1702. Sept. 15 was celebrated my marriage with Mrs
Rebeckah Dudley. Was married by Mr Walter. Present, The Gov^ and
Lady, with Mr. Dudley and Brothers and sisters, My Father and Mother,
sister Hannah and Bro. Joseph and sister Mary, also Mr Willard and Lady,
Mr White, INIr Lynde and Lady. About 7 of the Clock.
"July 19, 1703. Roxbury. My wife brought forth a son 10 minutes be-
fore six in the afternoon. A very hot day and a tedious painfull time. The
25th instant he was baptized per Mr Walter. Was named Hull for my
grandfather Hull's sake, to bear up his name, that it might not be forgotten.
I pray God he may live and doe worthily in his generation, and that he
may credit the name which he bears : that he and [his] father may follow
their ancestors steps as they followed Christ. Entered his name in the Town
records of Roxbury.
" Hull Sewall, the son of Samuel and Rebecca Sewall died Dec. 11, 1703
of convulsion fits. The first two was ten dales distance each. ISTov. 20th.
one fitt, 21st another, 22nd another. All three in the morning about day,
and three more the Sabbath after; two about day and one at noon. Thanks-
giving December 9th, 1703, had a fit at ten a clock at night, and so con-
tinued till Satterday following at about six and seven a clock at night, and
then died, after great pain and sore strugling in his fitts, with great skreak-
ing. So that he finished a short and painfull life before he was five months
old. He had some an hour's distance, some less, some quarter an hour; and
the last very sore and painfull.
" Was buried at Boston in Grandfather Hull's tomb. His bearers were
Mr. Nath. Oliver, junr., and Mr David Stoddard, the son of Mr. Symion
Stoddard; a pretty large company attended him to his long whome. . . .
Was buried December 15th, 1703.
" Came to live at my house December 17th, 1703, on a Friday.
"Tuesday, November 18, 1707. About 5 in the morning my wife was
i. Hull,« b. 19 July, 1703; d. 11 Dec, 1703.
ii. Rebecca,^ b. 30 Dec, 1704; d. 3 Aug., 1710,
iii. Samuel,« b. 18 Nov., 1707; d. 18 Dec, 1708.
iv. Hannah,« b. 25 Oct., 1709 ; d. 21 Oct., 1719.
brought to bed of a lusty son. Mr Walter baptized him Samuel on the 23d.
instant. . . .
" Daughter Rebecca was born Satterday, Dec. 30, 1704, about three quar-
ters after seven in the morning. Was baptized by ISIr Walter Dec. 31, 1704,
on the day following.
" December 18, 1708. A little before 9 in morning, my son Samuel dyed
of a fever. Was interred Wednesday, 22d. instant, in my grandfather Hull's
tomb, being carried from my father's house by Mr. Joshua Chickly and Mr
Timothy Ruggles. Gave them black scarves and gloves. Gave Mr. Walter,
Doctor Noyes and Mrs Baily scarves. Gave 22 pairs of Welsh leather gloves
to watchers and people of the house. My wife and I went into mourning.
" Tuesday night about 7 or 8 a clock, October 25, 1709, my wife brought
me a daughter. The Sabbath following, Mr Walter baptized it Hannah, for
mother Sewall's sake.
" An Account of my daughter Rebekah's death.
" Aug. 2, 1710. In the afternoon she was taken ill at the Govt? Sent
for Doctor Xoyes and Mrs Baily; so continued ill; in the morning after, her
mother and myself were sent for: gott there about 6 of the clock. Doctor
Noyes and Mrs Baily applying those things which they thought most proper.
My daughter Rebeckah dyed Aug. 3, 1710, ten minutes before nine in the
morning; being lamented by all that knew her. Friday, Aug. 4, she was
carried from the Govr! house pr Dan' Allen, Sam' Wainwright, Thomas
Berry, Increase Walker to the Gov^ tomb, where she was interred. Gave
them white scarves and gloves. Gave Mr. Walter a scarf and gloves; also
Mrs Bayly scarf and gloves. My wife and I went into deep mourning.
Gave gloves to several relations, Govr? sei^vants and mine. Gave Mr
Tompson a pair ; he made 2 coppies of verses on her. Gave Doctor Xoyes
a scarf. She lived 5 years, 7 months and 4 days.
"July 20. 1711. Friday, a quarter of an hour after one of the clock in
the morning, my wife was brought to bed of a daughter. Sabbath follow-
ing Mr. Walter liaptized it ^lary for sister Mary Gerrish's sake.
" August 24, 1712. Sabbath day morning, about one or two, dyed my
daughter ]Mary, after a long continued flux, and afterwards a fevour with it.
Interred in my grandfather Hull's tomb; ^Monday evening, August 25th.
Bparers, William Cooper and Col. John Appleton's second son. Gave nurse
Davis, Doctor Whear, Galusha, 3s each to buy them gloves. Gave at Govr».
maid ^lary, Betty Bril, two and sixpence each; gave Sarah Davis and Beck,
Sarah Cummiiigs and Kitty llill, two and sixpence each. Coffin, 10 plates
and making.
" .lanuary 22 1714-15 went to Boston, intending to live at my father's
untill I could find better treatment in my own. Lived at Boston till ^larcl
3, 1717-18, at wliich time I returned home.
" 1717, July 22, my wife came to see me at my father's and confesscth
V. Mary,® b. 20 July, 1711 ; d. 24 Aug., 1712.
18. vi. Henry ,« b. 8 March, 1719-20.
vii. John,« b. 9 April, 1723; d. 19 Aug., 1724.
her faults, with tears, with promises of amendment. The Lord instruct me
in my duty and give me a heart to perform it.
" 1717-18 March 3 Returned to live at Brooklin. The Lord give me a
heart and ability to doe my duty to my wife, and make us mutual blessings
each to other. ' '
1719. October 21st, his daughter Hannah died. There is a copy of a
letter to his father about it, which we do not transcribe. She had been sick
with a cold and fever for some ten days. Funeral at Boston, October 24th;
buried in Hull's tomb. She was the only child at that time.
" [1719-20.] March 8th. My wife brought me a lusty boy betwixt six
and seven at night, she being very weak and ill the most of the time. Did
not carry him forth to be baptized till the 20th instant, by reason his mother
was so very ill and weak. Mr Allen baptized him Henry for my grandfather
Sewall's sake. My wife was desirous of having it named Dudley, but her
relations were very averse to it. Madam Dudley, March 19th, told me at
Roxbui-y, that there were two sons and they were young enough to have a
great many children; the Gov":'.' father had children when he was old. I told
her I had no design to gett any thing by it, for I had names of my own rela-
tions enough to name it, and I would not do any thing to trouble them.
Brother Col. W™ Dudley sent a letter to my wife which disturbed her very
much, and made her so ill that she could not rest for 3 nights."
" April 9th, 1723, my wife brought me a son about 2 houres before day.
14th, the Rev? Mr James Allen of Brooklin baptized him John; his name
being for my grandfather Hull.
" 1724 August IStli. Mrs Ruggles sends her daughter to acquaint us, that
our son John had a flux and vomited. As we went to Boston, we called to
see him, he being considerable ill. As we goe by Dr Tompson's we asked
for him and he was not at home. Call as we came back and take the Dr.
with us. The Dr. did not perceive any danger, but we thought he was
better, and so left him and went home.
"August 19th, being a very stormy, rainy morning, it having rained
abundance in the night and continuing stormy with a great deal of rain,
JMrs. Ruggles' son came to acquaint us, early in the morning, that the child
had been very bad all night. Matthew carried my wife forthwith in the
calash, and by the time she could gett into the house he fetched his last
breath and died. Mrs. Woods laid him out, who watched with him the
night before. 20th, Mr. Craft and Matthew put him in his coffin, and in the
evening Matthew carried it in my calash to Boston.
"August 21st, went with wife and Henry to the funeral. Four young
gentlemen carried him to the tomb with napkins, viz Mr Addington Daven-
port, jun": Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Mr Edmund Quincey, and Mr Samuel
Mather, son of Dr. C. Mather. Gave them rings and gloves. Gave Mrs.
Allen, Mrs. Rugles son and daughter, and Matthew, a pair of gloves. A
large funeral for a child. Put his coffin upon my sister Hannah's in grand-
He died 27 Feb., 1750-51, of numb palsy; his widow d. 14 April,
1761. As his branch expired so soon in the male line, we will finish
that portion at once.
18. Henry « Sewall, of Brookline, H. C. 1738, married 18 Aug., 1743,
Ann White, and had : —
i. Hull,^ b. 9 April, 1744; H. C. 1761, m. 20 March,
1766, Abigail Sparhawk, and d. s.p. 27 Nov., 1767.
His widow m. Palsgrave Wellington,
ii. Samuel,'^ b. 31 Dec, 1745; H. C. 1761, lawyer in
Boston, a loyalist ; went to England and d. unm.,
6 May, 1811.
iii. Rebecca,'' b. 19 Oct., 1747; d. 29 Nov., 1747.
iv. Henry,' b. 19 Jan., 1749; d. 17 Oct., 1772, unm.
V. Hannah,"' b. 2 Sept., 1751 ; m. Edward K. Wolcott.
Henry Sewall died 29 May, 1771 ; his wife d. 5 Jan., 1755, in her
3 2d year.
Hannah "^ Sewall (daughter of Henry) married Edward Kitchin Wol-
cott, and had : —
Samuel,* ; died unmarried.
Hannah,« m. | ^ ^^^^^^^
Ann,8 b. 4 Sept., 1778.
Daughter,* m. Barber, and had no children.
Rebecca,* m. Adams, and had a son and a
Mrs. Wolcott's obituary is in Boston Advertiser, 27 Aug., 1832.
Ann * Wolcott, above named, married Philip Reynolds Ridgway, 6
Dec, 1801, and had: —
Philip R.,9 b. 26 Aug., 1802 ; d. 10 Nov.. 1803.
Samuel S.,« b. 29 Oct., 1803 ; d. 8 Mav, 1871.
Philip R.,» b. 29 Nov., 1804; d. 4 Dec., 1831.
Edward W.,^ b. 15 Sept., 1805; d. 24 Sept., 1805.
John W.,9 b. 17 Feb., 1807 ; d. 24 Sept., 18G4.
Ann S.,^ b. 14 Feb., 1808; m. Dr. Daniel Gilbert.
Henry W.,^ b. 20 April, 1809 ; d. 16 April, 1859.
Edward W.,« b. 6 Julv, 1810.
Sarah,^ b. 24 Aug., 1814; d. 25 Sept., 1814.
Sarah A.,^ b. 10 Jan., 1816; d. 19 Feb., 1817.
Joseph C.,^ b. 8 Nov., 1816; d. 22 March, 1819.
Anthony B.,» b. 9 March, 1819 ; d. 19 Oct., 18G6.
father Hull's tomb, whose name he bore. I asked brother Cooper to goe to
prayer after the fmieral. Son John had severall convulsive litt.s, and, as I
am informed, died in one.
" Monday, July 10th, 1727. Moved with my family to Hoston. Hired a
house in Deacon Williams's Court, next house to Deacon ^^'illiallls. X. Gates
and X. Gleason bringing my household stuif." — Eos.
15. Rev. Joseph^ Sewall, H. C. 1707, was minister at the Old South
Church, Boston. He married 29 Oct., 1713, Elizabeth, daughter
of Hon. John Walley,* and had : —
19. Samuel,*^ b. 2 May, 1715.
Joseph,^ b. 13 July, 1719; d. 18 Aug., 1719.
He died 27 June, 1769 ; his wife died 27 Oct., 1756.
19. Samuel^ Sewall, of Boston, H. C. 1733, was a merchant. He
married 18 May, 1749, Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Quincy,
and had : —
i. Elizabeth,'^ b. 12 March, 1750; m. Samuel Salisbury.
See later,
ii. Hannah,'' b. 15 March, 1753; m. James Hill. See
iii. Sarah'', b. 14 Jan., 1756; d. unm., 14 Sept., 1780.
20. iv. Samuel,' b. II Dec, 1757.
V. Dorothy,'' b. 23 Dec, 1758; m. Joseph May. See
vi. Katlierine,'' b. 5 June, 1760; m. Henry Gallison, and
had Jolm,8 b. 24 Oct., 1788 ; d. 24 Dec, 1820.
21. vii. Joseph,'' b. 9 jNIarch, 1762.
He died 19 Jan., 1771 ; his wife died 15 Feb., 1770.
20. Samuel '' Seayali , of Marblehead, H. C. 1776, Judge of Supreme
Court, 1800 ; Chief Justice, 1814; m., 8 Dec, 1781, Abigail Dev-
ereux, and had : —
22. i. Samuel,* b. 1 June, 1785.
23. ii. Henry Devereux,« b. 21 Aug., 1786.
iii. Joseph II., b. 5 Oct., 1788; d. 17 Feb. 1795.
iv. Lydia Maria,* b. 14 April, 1791 ; m. Samuel Greele.
V. Anne Henchman,* b. 18 March, 1793; d. 6 Feb.,
vi. Joseph Henchman,* b. 6 Feb., 1795 ; d. unm., 26 Sept.,
24. vii. Edmund Quincy,* b. 1 Oct., 1796.
viii. Elizabeth Quincy,* b. 10 June, 1798 ; m. Thomas R.
* Extracts from Diary of Samuel Sewall, Jr. : —
"Thursday, 29th of October, 1713, was celebrated the marriage betwixt
Mr. Joseph Sewall and ^Irs Elizabeth Walley, daughter to Judge Waliey,
esqre, deceased. Gave my wife and daughter Hannah with myself, gloves.-
Mr. Peraberton married them.
" May 2, 1715. Sister Sewall at 3 in the morning was brought to bed of
a stately son. 8'.'' inst. brother baptized him Samuel.
'* 1719, July loth, sister brought to bed of a son, called him Joseph.
" August 19th. My wife and I went to the burial of my brother Sewall'a
son, Joseph. Dyed 18th instant in the morning." — Eds.
25. ix. Charles Chauncy,^ b. 10 May, 1802.
He died 8 June, 1814; his widow died 22 Feb., 1847.
21. Joseph'^ Sewall, of Boston, was State Treasurer from 1827 to
1832. He married Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Robie,
21 Sept., 1788, and had: —
i. Mary,8 b. 1 July, 1789 ; d. unm., 21 April, 1816.
ii. Elizabeth, b. 9 April, 1791 ; d. Sept., 1791.
26. iii. Thomas Robie,« b. 29 July, 1792.
iv. Joseph, b. 7 July, 1794; d. 2 Sept., 1797.
V. Elizabeth Q., b. June, 1796; d. Feb., 1797.
vi. Joseph, b. 24 Dec, 1797 ; d. 20 Sept., 1800.
27. vii. Samuel Edmund,^ b. 9 Nov., 1799.
viii. Edward Bradstreet,^ b. 24 Sept., 1801 ; d. unm., 12
Sept., 1827.
ix. Martha Higginson, b. 11 Dec, 1803 ; d. unm., 12 Dec,
X. Elizabeth Salisbury, b. 20 Dec 1804 ; d. unm., 2 Sept.,
xi. Frances R., b. 17 Nov., 1807; d. 30 June, 1830.
He died 5 May, 1850 ; his wife d. 23 July, 1834, aged 70.
22. Rev, Samuel ^ Sewall, of Burlington, Mass., married, 1 Jan., 1818,
Martha, daughter of Rev. John Marrett, and had : —
28. i. Samuel,^ b. 29 Nov., 1819.
ii. Martha M.,^ b. 31 Oct., 1823 ; m., 26 Nov., 1861,
Luther P. Martin,
iii. Abigail D.,^ b. 7 Sept., 1830.
He died 18 Feb., 1868.
23. Henry Devereux* Sewall, of Watertown, N. Y., married Mary
C, Norton, 22 Jan., 1816, and had: —
29. i. Henry F.,« b. 31 Oct., 1816.
ii. Frederick N.,« b. 24 Sept., 1818; d. 8 Nov., 1819.
iii. Mary,^ b. 15 July, 1820; m. Charles Goodale.
30. iv. John G.,» b. 2 Nov., 1822.
V. Ann Elizabeth,^ b. 4 Aug., ] 824 ; m. Talcott H. Camp.
31. vi. Edmund Q.,» b. 1 July, 1826.
vii. Grace,9 b. 4 Oct., 1828; d. 6 Jan., 1837.
viii. Frank D.,» b. 25 Feb., 1833 ; d. 15 Nov., 1852.
32. ix. Walter D.,« b. 28 Aug., 1837.
He died 8 June, 1846; his wife d. 30 Dec, 1840.
24. Rev. Edmuxd Quixcy ^ Sewall, of Barnstable, Mass., Amherst,
N. II., and Scituate, Mass., married, 23 Aug., 1820, Caroline
Ward, and had : —
i. Ellen Devereux,^ b. 10 March, 1822; m. Rev. Joseph
* Married 20 May, 1844. Children: Caroline W. 0.sgood,i^ Elizabeth, i»
Joseph O.,io Edmund Q., 10 Qeorgc,^'^ Ellen D.,io :\Iary F..iMVilll;im S..!!)
Frances P., i° and Louisa L.^'^ Of these Joseph O. 0.-<good is nuuried and
has issue. — Eds.
33. ii. Edmund Quincy," b. 29 Feb., 1828.
84. iii. George Ward,» b. 7 Feb., 1834.
He died 15 Sept., 1866 ; his widow died 8 Dec, 1867.
25. Rev. Charles Chaunct* Sewall, of Danvers and Medfield,
married Amy, daughter of William Peters, Esq., in Medfield,
1 Oct., 1823. Mrs. Sewall died in Medfield, 15 Aug., 1872.
Their children were : —
i. Mary Abigail,^ b. 4 Oct., 1825 ; d. 4 Oct., 1829.
ii. Elisabeth Salisbury,^ b. 10 Aug., 1827.
iii. Mary Abigail,^ b. 4 Oct., 1829.
iv. Rebecca Phillips,^ b. 29 Feb., 1831 ; d. 20 May, 1855.
35. V. Charles Chauncy,^ b. 24 May, 1834; m. Mary Fair-
banks,« in Medfield, 25 Nov., 1859.
vi. Ellen Frances,^ b. 28 May, 1836; d. 19 Jan., 1858.
vii. William Peters,^ b. 6 Oct., 1839; d. 17 Nov., 1860.
viii. Edwai-d Upham,» b. 3 March, 1843.
ix. Alice Orne,« b. 29 March, 1847.
X. Henry Devereux,^ b. 3 July, 1850.
26. Thomas Robie* Sewall, of Boston, broker, married, Feb., 1825,
his cousin Elizabeth Quincy ® Sewall, and had : —
36. i. Joseph S.,^ b. 26 May, 1827.
ii. Mary R.,« b. 14 March, 1829.
iii. Edward B.,^ b. 26 Dec, 1830; d. 18 Jan., 1837.
iv. Francis E.,^ b. 21 Feb., 1834; d. 20 April, 1857.
He died 30 Sept., 1864; his wife died 19 June, 1848.
27. Samuel Edmund ® Sewall, of Boston, lawyer, married, 8 June,
1836, Louisa M., daughter of Nathan Winslow, and had: —
i. Lucy E.,** b. 26 April, 1837.
ii. Louisa W.,^ b. 3 June, 1846 ; m. Edward C. Cabot,
and has issue.
His wife dying 4 Nov., 1850, he married secondly Harriet, daughter of
Nathan Winslow, 18 June, 1857, by whom he has no children.
28. Samuel^ Sewall, of Burlington, Mass., married, 21 March, 1844,
Elizabeth Brown, and had: —
i. Samuel B.,^** b. 17 Aug., 1846, who m. Louisa E. Far-
rington, and has : —
Nellie L.." b. 8 April, 1873.
Samuel F.," b. 6 Feb., 1875.
John M.,11 b. 2 Sept., 1877.
ii. Martha E.,^° b. 18 May, 1858.
29. Henry Foster^ Sewall, of New York, married, 20 Sept., 1843,
Sarah Allyne Rich, and had : —
i. Mary N.,i« b. 21 July, 1844; d. 17 Sept., 1845.
ii. Henry D.,^^ b. 24 July, 1846.
iii. Charles J.,^» b. 9 Aug., 1849.
iv. Samuel,^*' b. 25 Jan., 1853; d. 31 Jan., 1854.
V. Dora M.,i° b. 13 Jan., 1855.
30. John Gallison ' Sewall, of New Tork, married Joanna White
Gannett, 23 June, 1853 (who died 18 Jan., 1874) and had: —
i. FranV b. 14 April, 1854; d. 14 April, 1854.
ii. William G.," b. 22 Jan., 1856.
iii. John,i° b. 17 Jan., 1858; d. 20 Jan., 1861.
iv. Katherine,^° b. 31 Aug., 1863.
31. Edmund Quincy® Sewall, of Watertown, N. Y., married Kate
Cynthia Smith, 28 June, 1866, and had: —
i. Grace F..i° b. 16 June, 1867.
ii. Katherine E. N.," b. 24 Aug., 1870.
iii. Josephine D.,^" b. 14 Oct., 1875.
32. Walter Devereux® Sewall, of Watertown, N. Y., married
Ellen Carina Houghton, 6 May, 1875, and has no children.
33. Edmund Q.^ Sewall, of St. Paul, Minn., married Louisa K. Lov-
ett, 27 Nov., 1852, and had: —
i. Theodore L.,io b. 20 Sept., 1853.
ii. P:dmund D.,^" b. 12 April, 1855.
iii. Caroline W.," b. 28 Nov., 1860.
iv. Samuel L.,^° b. 27 June, 1862.
V. Frederick F.,i'» b. 7 Jan., 1867.
vi. George Q.," b. 27 April, 1868; d. 18 Dec, 1869.
vii. Louise L.," b. 16 Oct., 1871.
34. George W.^ Sewall, of married Mary F. Cottingham,
17 Jan., 1872, and had: —
i. George C.,^'* b. 1 July, 1873; d. 26 Sept., 1873.
ii. Alfred C," b. 16 Jan., 1875.
Mr. Sewall is at present attached to the U. S. Survey.
35. Charles Chaunct Sewall, Jr.,® of Medfield, married Mary Fair-
banks, 25 Nov., 1859, and had: —
i. Frank.i° b. 10 June. 1862.
ii. Lily,i° b. 24 Oct., 1863 ; d. 7 Nov., 1863.
iii. Am'y P.,i° b. 20 Aug., 1865.
iv. Maryji^b. 31 Jan., 1868.
36. Joseph Sewall® Sewall, married, 20 Dec, 1860, Mary-Vashon,
daughter of Elizur Wright, of ^ledford, and had : —
i. Hannah !{.}'> b. 22 Oct., 1861.
ii. Susan W.,10 b. 4 Nov., 1862.
iii. Elizabeth Q.,^" b. 5 July, 1865.
iv. Mary F.," b. 20 Feb., 1867.
V. Margaret L.,^° b. 5 June, 1868.
Descendants in the female lines from Rev. Joseph Sewall.
Hannah' Sewall (daughter of Samuel^ No. 19) married James Hill,
and had : —
James, b. 1 March, 1772.
Samuel S., b. 13 Feb., 1774; d. 25 Dec, 1775.
Margaret F., b. 12 Aug., 1775 ; d. 28 Feb., 1833.
Joseph S., b. 2 March, 1777; d. 8 Aug., 1788.
Sewall, b. 20 March, 1779 ; d. 26 Aug., 1833.
Samuel, b. 8 Dec, 1780.
Joseph, b. 1 Jan., 1783 ; d. 19 Feb., 1809.
Richard S., b. 15 Sept., 1785.
William R., b. 9 Nov., 1787 ; d. 19 Oct., 1788.
William R., b. 20 Sept., 1790 ; d. 8 Oct., 1792.
He died 19 June, 1824; his widow d. 24 July, 1827.
Elizabeth' Sewall (daughter of Samuel,® No. 19) married Samuel
Salisbury, of Boston, 29 Sept., 1768, and had: —
i. Samuel,* b. 13 Aug., 1769; m. 1st, Elizabeth Green
May, 1802, and had: —
Samuel,^ b. 5 March, 1803 ; m. INIaria Morgan.
He m. 2d, Nancy Gardner, 18 July, 1806, and had
seven children ; viz., —
Elizabeth S.,^ b. 5 July, 1807; m. Nathaniel
Ann G.»
Sarah,^ m. Elbridge G. Austin.
Stephen,^ b. 12 Sept., 1812; m. Elizabeth P.
Francis G.,^ d. young.
Daniel W.^
ii. Martha,* b. 14 March, 1771 ; m., Aug., 1794, Stephen
Pligginson, and had : —
Elizabeth S,^ m. Rev. Reuel Keith.
Martha S,^ m. Rev. I. Nichols.
ill. Elizabeth,* b. 15 Aug., 1772; m. John Leverett, and
had issue, seven children. See Leverett Memorial,
p. 156.
iv. Rebecca Waldo,* b. 15 Aug., 1776; m., 30 Sept.,
1805, Jonathan Phillips, of Boston, and d. 13
March, 1828. Their only surviving child was Wil-
liam^ Phillips, b. 11 Jan., 1819, who died 8 April,
1873, leaving a vast property to a distant cousin, the
heir male of the name.
V. Stephen,* b. 27 Feb., 1778; d. 16 Dec, 1786.
vi. Joseph Sewall,* b. 1 Nov., 1779; d. 9 Dec, 1779.
vii. Josiah,8 b. 15 Feb., 1781 ; H. C. 1798, m. Abigail,
daughter of Judge Samuel Breese, and had : —
Elizabeth M.,^ b. 30 Nov., 1812, m. Theodore D.
Woolsey, of Yale College.
Edmund E.,^ b. 6 April, 1814; m. 1st, his cousin
Abigail S. Phillips, 27 April, 1836; 2d, Eve-
lyn McCurdy, 23 Nov., 1871.
▼iii. Sarah,^ b. 19 Nov., 1782 ; m. John Tappan, of Boston,
and had : —
John G.,8 b. 0 Feb., 1808 ; m. Eliza L. Trask.
Samuel S.,^ b. 2 Sept., 1809 ; m. Eveline Stearns.
Sarah S.,® b. 1 March, 1811 ; m. Thomas Denny.
Rebecca W.,« b. 5 Nov., 1812; m. Henry E.
Lewis W.,9 b. 3 Aug., 1814; m. Mary C. Swift.
Mary S.,^b. 3 April, 1816; m. James W. Kimball.
Francis W.,^ b. 29 Dec, 1817 ; m. Laura B. De
Elizabeth S.,» b. 28 May. 1819.
Lucy P.,3 b. 8 April, 1821 ; d. 13 Aug., 1839.
Henry E.,« b. July, 1823; d. 1823.
Henry M.,» b. July, 1825 ; d. 1825.
Josiah S.,« b. 20 Jan., 1836; m. Helen De Pey-
ix. Abby,^ b. 14 May, 1785 ; m. Aaron P. Cleaveland, of
Boston, and had : —
Stephen H.,^ b. 23 March, 1811 ; m. Rebecca B.
Rebecca S.,' b. 17 Feb., 1814; m. Edward
X. Mary,® b. 18 May, 1787 ; m. Edward Phillips (brother
of her sister's husband) and left only one child,
Abigail S.,^ b. 3 Nov., 1814, who m. her cousin
Edward E. Salisbury.
Dorothy'^ Sewall (daughter of Samuel,^ No. 19) married, 28 Dec,
1784, Joseph May, of Boston, and had: —
i. Charles,® b. 2 Nov., 1785; d. 16 April, 1786.
ii, Catherine,® b. 30 Dec, 1786; m., 10 April, 1808,
Charles W.^ Windship, and had Charles M., b. 23
March, 1809.
iii. Charles,® b. 19 March, 1788; m., 1845, Caroline M.
Gove ; d. 21 March, 1856.
iv. Louisa,® b. 11 Sept., 1789 ; m. Samuel Greele, 19 Oct.,
1823, and had: —
Samuel S.,« b. 11 Oct., 1824.
Louisa M.,« b. 1 Jan., 1827.
v. Eliza S.,® b. 23 Dec, 1790; d. 21 Oct., 1791.
vi. Louisa.® b. 31 Dec, 1792; d. 14 Nov., 1828.
vii. Samuel J.,® b. 10 Aug., 1794; d. 28 Dec, 1795.
viii. Edward,® b. 26 Aug., 1795 ; d. 29 April, 1802.
ix. Samuel J.,® b. 25 Oct., 1796; d. 17 Sept., 1797.
X. Samuel J.,^ b. 12 Sept., 1797.
xi. Elizabeth S.,* b. 5 Dec, 1798; m. Hamilton WilliS;
and had : —
Hamilton,^ b. 10 Aug., 1818; m. Louisa M.,
daughter of C, W. Windship by a second
Elizabeth S.^
xii. Abigail,^ b. 8 Oct., 1800 ; m. A. Bronson Alcott, and
had : —
Anna B.^
Louisa M.^
Elizabeth P.*
Abby M.9
He died 27 Feb., 1841 ; his wife died 31 Oct., 1825.
Samuel J.^ May, of Boston, married, 1 June, 1825, Lucretia F. Coffin,
and had : —
Joseph,* b. 27 June, 1827; d. 12 Dec, 1828.
John E.,9 b. 7 Oct., 1829.
Charlotte C.,« b. 24 April, 1833.
Joseph,* b. 21 Jan., 1836.
George E.,» b. 25 Sept., 1844.
We will now return to the issue of the daughters of Judge
Sewall who married.
14. Elizabeth ^ Sewall (daughter of Judge Samuel) married, 17 Oct.,
1700, Grove Hirst, of Boston,* and had: —
* Extracts from notes of Samuel Sewall, Jr. : —
"October 17, 1700 Mr Grove Hirst was married to Mrs Elizabeth Se-
wall by Mr Cotton Mather.
" November 28, 1702 sister Hirst brought to bed at Salem dead born.
" Jan'y 31, 1703-4 Mary Hirst born.
"June 22, 1727 Hannah Hirst married to Mr N. Balston.
" May 9, 1728 Mr C. Chauncy married to Mrs. Eliz. Hirst.
"Thursday April 9th, 1713, went to Boston to the burial of brother
Hirst's son William, about 9 months old. Sent my wife and I gloves. Dyed
the 6th instant, about 10 at night.
" August 5th 1714. My sister Hirst was brought to bed of a son ; named
it William for its father Hirst's sake.
" 13th ]\Iarch 1714-15. Brother Hirst's son William (the second son of
that name) dyed about eight at night, being 7 months old. Buried the
i. Still-born, 28 Nov., 1708.
ii. Mary, b. 31 Jan., 1703-4; m. Sir Wm. Pepperrell.
iii. Samuel, b. 23 Oct., 1705.
iv. Elizabeth, b. 20 Oct., 1706 ; m. Rev. Charles Chauncy.
V. Hannah, b. 4 May, 1708; m. Nathaniel Balston.
vi. Jane, b. 4 Sept., 1709 ; m. Addington Davenport, Jr.
vii. William, b. 9 July, 1712; d. 6 April, 1713.
viii. William, b. 5 Aug., 1714; d. 13 March, 1714-15.
He died 28 Oct., 1717; his wife died 11 July, 1716.
The only son, Samuel, died suddenly, 14 Jan., 1726-27. See Prince s
Jan. 18, 1730 (Suff. Deeds, lib. 45, f. 79), there was a division of the
Hull propert}^ among the Sewall heirs. It was then noted that the only
issue of Elizabeth Hirst were her four daughters ; viz. : Mary, wife of
William Pepperrell ; Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Charles Chauncy ; Hannah,
wife of Nathaniel Balston ; and Jane, wife of Addington Davenport.
Of their descendants we will speak briefly.
I. William Pepperrell was the famous baronet, who left an only daugn-
ter, Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Sparhawk. For a record of nu-
merous descendants, see Usher Parsons's Life of Pepperrell.
II. Rev. Charles Chauncy, D. D., minister of the first church in Boston,
had three wives. The first wife was Elizabeth Hirst, by whom
he had one son, Charles, and two daughters, one of whom, Eliza-
beth, married Benjamin Greenleaf, and had issue. For a full
record of the descendants, see the Chauncy Memorials ; the list
comprises many well-known names; among them. Gen. Fitz-John
IGth inst. in grandfather Hull's tomb. Gave my wife and I gloves. My
wife not come to the funeral.
"July 11, 1716. Last night at 12 a clock, dyes my dear sister Hirst,
after a long sickness and languishment. 13th inst. interred in grandfather's
tomb ; being in her 35th year.
" 1717, October 2S. between 3 and 4 in the morning dies my dear
brother, Grove Hirst, esq": being taken of a violent fevour just after my
mother's death.
"February 21st, 1722-23. At night betwixt 7 and 8, was married
per Father Sewall, couz. Mary Hirst to Capt. W™ Pepperrell of Kittery.
lj[rothers] Sewall and Cooper prayed, one before and the otlier after the
wedding. Wife and I present, with little Henry. Gave us gloves.
"January 11th, 1726-7, Samuel Hirst dies, suddenly on the Long Wharff.
See News Letter, Weekly News Letter, No 3; See sermons printed. 18th,
buried in grandfather Hull's tomb; pall bearers, Balston, Welstt^od, Fellow;
Mr Chauncy, minister, Mr Andrew Oliver, Mr T. Cooper and ]\Ir Talmer.
Gave us rings and gloves.
"June 22d, 1727. Couz. Hannah Hirst married to Mr Xathaniel Bal-
ston by her grandfather, at her unkle J. Sewall's. Gave us gloves."— Ens.
III. Addington Davenport, Jr., H. C. 1719, Rector of Trinity Church,
married, 23 Dec, 1729, Jane Hirst for his first wife. Their
children were : —
Addington, b. 1731 ; m. Ann ; d. 24 Feb., 1761.
Jane, b. 1733 ; m. Benjamin Faneuil, Jr., a refugee.
Elizabeth, b. ; m., 17 Sept., 1751, Nathaniel Lloyd;
and 2nd, Nathaniel Hatch, 4 Aug., 1755.
Jane (Hirst) Davenport died prior to 1738.
IV, Nathaniel Balstone, of Boston, was son of Captain Nathaniel Bal-
stone, by his second wife, Rebecca, and was grandson of Jonathan
Balston, merchant. He was born 6 Sept., 1691, married Hannah
Hirst 22 June, 1727, and was living 28 April, 1796 (SuflE. Deeds,
lib. 78, f. 142), when he and wife Hannah sold Hull lands on
Beacon hill.
I find record of only two children, viz.: Hannah, b. 2 Oct., 1730 ;
Nathaniel Balstone, who, with wife Eunice (Nathaniel Balstone,
and Mrs. Eunice Brown, of Salem, were pub. 23 July, 1751, at
Boston), sell, 7 July, 1770, Sewall lands; and Mary Thornton,
called sister by Nathaniel in his will, proved 30 April, 1773 (Suff.
Wills, lib. 72, f. 538), when he gives her the interest on £100,
and gives all the rest of the estate to wife Eunice.
Probably this line is extinct.
16. Mary^ Sewall (daughter of Judge Samuel) married Samuel Ger-
rish, 24 Aug., 1709. The husband was son of Rev. Joseph Ger-
rish, of Wenham, and nephew of the Moses Gerrish who married
Mary Sewall's aunt. The following extracts, from Samuel Sewall
Jr.'s notes, sums up the record : —
"Aug. 24, 1709. Was celebrated the marriage of my sister, Mrs. Mary
Sewall, to Mr. Samuel Gerrish, youngest son of Mr. Gerrish, minister of
Wenham. Married per Mr. Pemberton. Present my wife and daughter
" Xov. 9th, 1710. Sister Gerrish brought to bed of a daughter. 12th
inst. baptized it Hannah. Nov. 17th Father Sewall writes me word of the
sad newes of the death of my sister Gerrish. She expired about 4 hours
after midnight, dying in childbed very suddenly. Was interred in grand-
father Hull's tomb, jSTov. 18th, 1710, being Satturday. Next day Fatlier putt
up a note for a sanctified use of the early death of my sister for himself and
family- I and my wife was there at the funeral. Pal bearers, Paul Dud-
ley, Esq^ Mr Daniel Oliver, M'' Samuel Philips, Mr John Winthrop, Mr
John Smith, Mr Giles Dyer. Given scarves and gloves. Born October 28th
lived 19 years, 20 dayes."
Gerrish was a bookseller in Boston, and Town Clerk. His second
marriage is thus recorded by S. S. Jr. : —
" Thursday night, May 8, 1712, Dr. I. Mather married brother Gerrish
to Mrs Sarah Coney. I was there present; gave my wife and I gloves.
" 1715. May 22, brother Gerrish's son Samuel, baptized."
17. Judith * Sewall (daughter of Judge Samuel) married Rev. Wil-
liam Cooper* 12 May, 1720, and had: —
William,8b. 1 Oct., 1721.
Samuel,^ b. 28 March, 1725.
Thomas,^ b. living in 1753 ; sold his share of estate.
Judith,^ b. m. 1st Dr. John Sever, of Kingston,
13 Dec, 1753 ; had one daughter, Judith ; m. 2d,
William Rand, Jr. (Seaver Genealogy.)
Judith (Sewall) Cooper died 23 Dec, 1740 ; her husband died 13 Dei;.,
1743. Of the children : —
I. Rev. Samuel ^ Cooper was minister at Brattle Street Church,
Boston ; married Judith Bulfinch, 11 Sept., 1746.
His will (Suif. Deeds, lib. 83, f. 8) mentions wife Judith, grandson
Samuel Cooper* Johonnot, daughter Abigail,'' wife of Joseph
Hixon (Joseph Hixon, of ]Montserrat, and Abigail Cooper, were
published 2 Jan., 1777. They have issue, whom we have been
unable to trace). Of the other daughter, we learn by the N. E.
Hist. Register, VII, 142, that Gabriel Johounet married, 18 Dec,
1761, Judith Cooper, and had two sons, Samuel C,® baptized 13
March, 1768, H. C. 1783, went to Demerara, and died in 1806,
leaving issue, and Zachary,* baptized 12 Feb., 1769.
Gabriel had a second wife (married in 1774), and died 9 Oct., 1820.
II. William ^ Cooper, son of Rev. William and Judith ® (Sewall)
Cooper, was the famous Town Clerk of Boston, the friend of Han-
cock and Adams. He married Catherine Wendell, 25 April, 1745.
Their children, who were alive when his estate was distributed in
1813 (Su£E. Wills, lib. iii, f. 40) were:—
Richard W ^ [vbird].
Judith,'^ wife of Matthew Park.
William Cooper died 28 Nov., 1809.
We have been unable to trace his brother Thomas * Cooper, or liis
son Richard W. Cooper. Of the other children we can give the
following account : —
* Notes by Samuel Sewall, Jr.
1720 May 12. Sister Judith Sewall married to the Rev^ Mr. W? Cooper,
by her father. Brother Sewall prays. Mr Colman prays after marrias^e.
None but brothers and sisters, with Mr. Colman and his wife, ^Ir Stoddard
and wife, Mr Cooper's mother.
1721 October 1st, Sabbath-day morning, between twelve and one, sister
Cooper brought to bed of a son at Brooklin, in our best lower room. S'>
brother Cooper preach'd at Brooklin and baptized his son William, taking
him in his arms.
June 28th, 1723, sister brought to bed of a daughter; named it Mehitta-
bel for his mother's sake.
September 15th, 1721, sister Cooper's daughter, Mehittabel, dies after
lonfj lautruiihnient. Buried in crraudfather Hull's tomb the 17th.
John ' Cooper, of Machias, was the first sheriif of "Washington County,
Maine, married, in 1788, Elizabeth Savage, sister of James Savage,
of Boston,* and had : —
John T.8
William,^ m. Eliza Button, and had : —
William S.
Elizabeth D.
Emma P.
Caroline P.
Helen M.
Harriet C.
Emma E,* m. Rufus K. Porter, and had issue.
Charles W.^
James S.,® m. 1st Mary E. Savage; 2d, Abby I.
Girdler ; had : —
Mary E.
Elizabeth S.
James I.
Charles W.
Alice G.
Caroline S,* m. William J. Newman, and had issue.
Samuel' Cooper, of Boston.f was a lawyer, and Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas for Suffolk, 1800-9, and died between 1810 and
1820. He married his cousin Margaret, daughter of William
Phillips ; she died 1 9 Feb., 1 844. Their children were : —
Samuel T.^ Cooper, of Andover, who married and
left issue.
William P.,^ who went to Illinois, and left two sons,
now residing there.
George,® who was a lieutenant in the Navy, and died
unm., at Charlestown, about 1825.
* See his letter, in the Machias Centennial of 1863, p. 80, from which
book the above facts are copied. — Eds.
f By some confusion of names, Mr. Drake has entered in his biographies
of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, this son of the Town Clerk;
thus wrongly identifying him with Gen. Samuel Cooper of Xew York. —
[Mr. Sewall graduated at Harvard College in the Class of 1671.
Most of the other ten members of his class were his intimates or
associates during their joint lives. Under the usage which then pre-
vailed he became, soon after graduation, a Resident Fellow of the
College. March 1, 1674, it was " ordered by the Corporation that Sir
Sewall shall be from henceforth the keeper of the College Library."
April 15, 1674, "Ordered that Mr. Gookin and Sir Sewall, Fellows
of the College, have half a year's salary of their proportion fortlnvith
paid them of the Piscataway gift now in the Treasurer's hands.
Also, fifty shillings a peece due in February last by Mi*. Glover's gift."
Pie appears to have taken up his residence in Boston in 1674-5, at
the house of his father-in-law, undecided whether to enter the minis-
try or to follow merchandise. April 1, 1675, he writes that he
preached in the afternoon, in Xewbury, " being afraid to look on the
[hour] glass: ignorantly and unwilHngly I stood two hours and a
half." He married, Feb. 28, 167i;, Hannah, daughter of Captain John
Hull, Mint-master, Treasurer of the town of Boston and of the colony
of Massachusetts.
In the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vols.
YII. and VIII. (1853-54), were published extracts from sume inter-
leaved almanacs formerly in the possession of Judge Sewall, the
annalist, and then owned by Frederic Kidder, Esq. As these were
evidently the first notes made by him, afterwanls reproduced in his
Diary, avc have copied the omitted portions in such places as seemed
The almanacs for 1671 and 1672 contain no notes. In 167o, prior
to the date of our text, we find the following : —
" 1G73, May 12, 3 [i.e. third day, Tuesday] nioniiiig Seth Flyiit dyed.
June 5, 5, Elder Jo. C(ti/--ili/ [?] dyed.
21, 7, night Ruth Flynt dyed.
Sept. 5, 6, Joyce went to Jo. Dassitt.
6,-7, Then Leah Xucom came.
Oct. 10, G, Joyce came from Jo. Dassitt.
Nov. 1.5, 17, 11 day night, Mrs. Coleborn dyed, buried tlie 17th."
In almanac for 1G74 no note.s. — Eds.]
Dec. 3, 1673. I read to the Junior Sophisters, the 14th
Chapter of Heerboords Physick, i.e. part of it, which
beginnes thus, Sensus Communes &c. I went to the end,
and then red it over from the beginning, which I ended
the 24th of March, IBTJ.
Feb. 20, 16 T|. Brother Stephen admitted. My Father
brought down my Brother Stephen to be admitted, which
was done the 23d of that month.
March 9, 16 7 J. I sent my Brother Stephen's cloaths
to be washed by Mrs. Clark.
Mar. 23. I had my hair cut by G. Barret.
„ 24. My Father came down; Harry Summerby
attending him ; brought my Sister Jane to the Dr's. My
Sister Anne was brought to Mr. Butler's to live by my B.
John, March 20, 167|. In the Evening the Townsmen of
Cambrido;e had a meetino; and Mr. Gookin and I beins; sent
for went to them. They treated us very civily and agreed
that the School boyes should sit no longer in the Students
hinder seat. It was also consented to by us that some sober
youths for the present might be seated there. Hcec hactenus.
March 25, 1674. My Father went away and Henry
Somerby with him intending for Salem. It rained hard
in the afternoon. Madam How brought to bed of a
daughter in the afternoon.
April 2. Benjamin Gourd of Roxbury (being about 17
years of age) was executed for committing Bestiality * * *
N. B. He committed the filthines at noon day in an open
yard. He after confessed that he had lived in that sin
a year. The causes he alledged were, idlenes, not obey-
ing parents, &c.
April 6. Mr. Ganson, M!" of a Catch set sail for Liver-
poll, in which Mr. Higginson went.
April 7. The D., Mr. Gookin and myself were invited
and went to dinner with the Magistrates in the Court
Chamber. Mr. Sherman and Mr. Willard came with me
to my chamber.
April 8. Mr. Gookin and I gave Mr. Nehemiah Hobart
a visit, 6*^ to the P'ts man.
April 9. Mr. Gookin and I went down to Boston. I
went to visit my Couzen Duiiier and his wife my Couzen,
who lay in of Mary Dummer, born the 14'^ of March
167|. To the Nurse 2^, for a pair of sizers 4?
Aj)ril 10. 3*^ milk, 6'' for spice &c.
April 15, 1674. 4*^ Beer. News of Peace in Lecture
time. 3*^ for Wine, 6*^ to Onesiphorus. Tobacco Pipes
3'^ At night I lay with Sir Adams at Mr. Oakes's.
Memen. it thundered and lightened and rained very
Friday, April 17. My Brother went to Boston and
bought me an Hour-glasse and penknife 1. 1. 3'^ One
shilling to my Brother. 23, A pair of Glovs from
Goodman Fissenden. Laurence and Hannah Oakes
were at my chamber in the evening. Received my
Quarter pay ; borrowed money subducted, 2! 12f 9^
Mr. Henry Short married the 30"' March '74. Mr.
Treat to Mr. Maihos [Mayo's] ^ Granchild the 16'^ of
April, 74.
June 5, 1674. Mr. Oakes gave me to understand that
though he respected and loved me as formerly, yet he
desired that I would refrain coming to his house, and that
he did it se defendendo, least he should be mistrusted to
discourage and dissettle me.^
Monday, June 15, 1674. Mr. Thatcher, Fellow. The
Corporation met and chose Sir Thatcher Fellow, Mr.
Johnson, Printer. N. B. There were this day two bojes
killed at Watertown with the tumblinii: of a load of brush
^ Enclosures in square brackets, in the text, indicate conjectural correc-
tions or explanations. — Eds.
2 Rev. Ui'ian Oakes, pastor of the Cambridge Church, and afterwards
President of the College. The reference probably is U> the ditliculty existing
at the time between Oakes, who was also a Fellow of the ColIeg<', and Pro.-i-
deut Iloar. — Eds.
on them, on which they road : the one was about the age
of 12 years, and the other 9.
Thomas Sargeant was examined by the Corporation :
finally, the advice of Mr. Danforth, Mr. Stoughton, Mr.
Thatcher, Mr. Mather (then present) was taken. This
was his sentence.
That being convicted of speaking blasphemous words
concerning the H. G. he should be therefore publickly
whipped before all the Scholars. 2. That he should be
suspended as to taking his degree of Bachelour (this sen-
tence read before him twice at the Pr*f before the com-
mittee, and in the library 1 up before execution.) 3. Sit
alone by himself in the Hall uncovered at meals, during the
pleasure of the President and Fellows, and be in all things
obedient, doing what exercise was appointed him by the
President, or else be finally expelled the Collodge. The
first was presently put in execution in the Library (Mr.
Danforth, Jr. being present) before the Scholars. He
kneeled down and the instrument Goodman Hely attended
the President's word as to the performance of his part in
the work. Prayer was had before and after by the Presi-
dent. July 1, 1674. Sir Thacher Commonplaced, Jus-
tification was his head. He had a solid good piece : stood
above an hour, and yet brake of before he came to any
use. By reason that there was no warning given, none
(after the undergraduates) were present, save Mr. Dan
Gookin, Sr. the President and myself. July 3, 1671.
N. B. Mr. Gookin, Jr. was gone a fishing with his
Had my hair cut by Goodman Barret, July 6.
July the 8th being Cambridge lecture day, Mr. Wallie
set sail, with whom went Mr. Chauncy and Mr. Epps.
July 10. I Commonplaced. Nobody save the 6 plm.
[placemen ?] was present.
July 17. Sir Weld commonplaced. His subject was
Man as created in God's Imao;e.
July 21. Sir Bowles^ Commonplaced. His subject was
the Creation of the Soul.
August 7, 1674. New Colledge raised. John Francis
helping about raising of the new Colledge had his right
legg (both bones) broke a little above his anckle, and his
left thigh about 4 inches below the joint, by a peece that
fell on him, and had like to have killed several others and
yet hurt none.
Friday, August 14. I with my two Brothers went home
to Newbury.
Tuesday, August 18. Visited Mr. Parker, Mr. Wood-
bridge and Mr. Richardson.
Aug. 19. Tim. Woodbridge visited me.
Thorsday, Sept. 3. Mrs. Martha Noyes dyed.
Sept. 4. Buried. Her death suddain, the 5*^ day after
her Travail.
Monday, Sept. 7. First Frost. Sept. 8"^ Generall Train-
ing. My Brother John went down and had discourse with
my Sister Hannah, (that now is).^ Brought up my Sister
Jane, Sept. 11. About the IS^'' of this month my Father
w^ent down, carried my Sister Jane, and brought up the
Monday, Sept. 28"\ My little Neece Born.
Sept. 29. Broth. John went to Boston, and B. Stephen
to Mr. Batters, upon Tryal.
Tuesday, Oct. 6. My Ffither went to Cambridge.
Oct. 8. My Father was at Boston, on which day he
spake sconcerning my Buisines to a Gentleman there.
1674. Tuesday, Oct. 13. I went to Cambridge, being
summoned to wait on the Court the next day.
Oct. 16. by Mr. Richardson's means I was called to
speak. The sum of my Speech was that the causes of
1 John Bowles — sometimes written Bowels — and Tlionnis Weld were
Sewall's classmates. The title Sir designated graduates be tore they took
the Master's degree. — Eds.
^ Jcihn Sewall married Hannah Fessenden of Cambridge, ]>robably sister
of Nicholas F., both being called " cousin " by John F. — Eos.
the lownes of the Colledge were external as well as
The first day of my coming to Boston at night, I lay
with my Coiizen Dunier. The Thorsday Oct. 15 I rode
first to Charlestown Ferry, thinking to have my horse
over, and so accompany Mr. Gookin, but could not, and so
was fain to ride round in the night.
Oct. 17. Nicol. Fissenden came with me home.
Tuesday, Oct. 20. My Father went down to see how
things were after my information. Nic urged to have my
Brother [who ?] has gone too. My Mother and I with-
stood it. Father (as it was thought he would) set the
match forward, her friends earnest.
Oct. 23. Brother Stephen came to visit us.
Oct. 26. Brothers John and Steph, with Father Lum-
macks, went down the next day, Tuesday, Oct. 27.
Brother was married by Mr. Danforth.
Oct. 29. They came home, it being a rainy day.
Saturday, 31^*, They returned. Goodman Cheyny, Nic.
Fissenden, and Thomas Cheyny. Stephen my Brother to
Nov. 3. Mr. Adams married. Mr. AVilliam Adams and
Miss Mary Manning, his wife, coming from Salisbury came
to visit me. • Meraen. They were married by Mr. Dan-
forth on Wednesday, the 21 of Sept. [Oct. ?] Mr. Taylor
Thorsday, Nov. 5, Mr. Edward Taylor, of Westiield is
married (as he gave out.)
Copys of Letters in Almanack, 1672.
Memento, that about Novem. 12 1 wrote four Letters to
England. Lnj). one to my Aunt Rider. ^ It. one to my
Aunt Mehetabel Holt. It. one to my Cousin Thomas
Dummer. It. one to my Landlord Marice. In that of
my Aunt Holts were also enclosed one of my Mothers to
1 For the various relations of Sewall, the reader is referred to the pre-
liminary sketch. — Eds.
my Unckle, St. Dummer, one of my Brother John's to be
sent to my Aunt Sarah Holt. The Copies of mine are in
the Ahuanack for the year '72. My Bro. went to Salem
Nov. 13, intending for Boston Saturday, Nov. 14 to
give these Letters to Mr. Hull by him to be sent for
Thorsday, Nov. 19, My Mother and Self went to see
Goodman Moody, whom we found extream ill of the yel-
low jaundice. We visited Goodman and Goodwife Little
Tuesday, Nov. 24. My Father received a letter from
Capt. Pike, of Woodbridge,' by which he sollicited my
Father for my coming thether to be their Minister. Let-
ters date, Sept. 10. '74.
Monday, Nov. 30*^. My Father and self went to Salem.
The next day my Brother Stephen was bound Apprentice
to Mr. Edmund Batter, Merch. His time expires on the
29"' of Sept. 1679 (unless Mr. Batter dye before).^ At the
time specified he is to receive ten £ in good and currant
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1674. Lieutenant Way, Mr. Weaver,
Tho. Norman came to our house. The Lieuten. related
distinctly several things about Mr. Nicolets Church gather-
ing at lin."
Wednesday, Dec. 23. I was at an Arbitration between
Tho^ W. and JohnW. Weaver: was cast 300 and odde £
in W debdt. The Arb. were Mr. Den, C'^'. Saltonstall,
Mr. Pike, C^'^ Gerrish, and Mr. Doel. The last set not
his hand at all. Mr. Pike but to part.
Friday, Dec. 25. Sam. Guile of Havarel, ravished Good-
wife Nash of Amesbury, about G. Bailyes Pasture at the
white Bottoms.
^ ProbaV)ly, Rev. Jolin Woodbridge, of Andover. — Eds.
2 Mr. Batters did not die until 1G85, when he was seventy-six years
old. — Eds.
* See History of Lynn (ed. 1SG5), p. 2GL — Eds.
Mond. Jan. 25, 167|. Mr. Smith came to visit us, and
brought with him one Mr. Bradly, who is allso a Southton ^
man, and told me that he went to old Mr. Goldwire's to
school at Broadling, with 34 more. He allso told me that
Thos. Warren was Apprentice to an Orange Merchant at
Billingsgate, and Sam. to a Coal-seller at Cheapside.
Thurs. Feb. 13. There was a Fast held at Sam. Moody's,
principally upon the occasion of his sicknes : whereat
were present, Mr. Woodbridge, Mr. Philips, Mr. Moody,
Mr. Reinor, Mr. Richardson. The 3 first mentioned
seemed to be very sensible of the state of things and of
the plots of papists, Atheists : and Mr. Phillips spake how
the Ministers in England, when they had their liberty, look
after their own houses, quarrelled, &c. I carried my
Mother to the Fast, and there we with many more, had
(I hope) a feast day.
A Scotchman and Frenchman kill their Master, knock-
ing him in the head as he was taking Tobacko. They are
taken by Hew and Cry, and condemned : Hanged.
Nicolas Feaver, born in the He of Jersey, Robert Driver,
born in the He of Orknye in Scotland, Executed, Mar. 18,
Monday, March 15, 167|. I visited Mr. Parker.^ He
told me what one Mr. Stockman related to Mr. Parker his
father, at the table of the Earl of Pembrook. This Stock-
man went into Spain with the Embassadour, and there
hearing of one that could foretell things went to him to
enquire concerning England. He showed in a glass for
K. Henry 3 time, the Cross leaning, and stooping : for
1 Southton means, of coiirse, Southampton. Sewall was born at Bishop's
Stoke, in the county of Hampshire [or Southamptonshire], a parish some
eight miles north of the city of that name. Baddesley, where he went first
to school, was a mile or two west of Stoke, and Broadlands (possibly, the
Broadling of the text) was a few miles farther west. — Eds.
2 Rev. Thomas Parker, pastor of the church at Newbury. Having lost
his siglit, he devoted himself to teaching Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Sewall
had been under his tuition. — Eds.
K. Edward the Wizard showed a Child, a cloud drawn over
his head. Q. Mary, Ferro et Flafhis : Q. Elizabeth, Excel-
Untissima : K. James, one coming over a river with the
crown on his head, Infelix pads amator.
^ April 3. 1675. About one of the clock at night, Sam.
Moody dyed quietly, having lyen sick of the jaundice
by the space of half-an-year. He was buried on Monday.
There was a great funeral.
April 4, Sab. day. I holp preach for" my Master, [Mr.
Parker] in the afternoon. Being afraid to look on the
glass, ignorantly and unwillingly I stood two hours and a
April 29 Brother John and Sister Hanah Sewall begin
to keep house at the Falls.
My Father having found things out of order at the Lit-
tle Farm, viz, Fences down, ground Eaten and rooted up
by Cattle and hogs, and wanting a good Tenant, the Sea-
son of the year now spending, resolves and goes to live
there, notwithstanding the littleness and unpretines of the
^ Saturday, May 15. Brothers house was raised, at the
raising of which I was. Two Pins lower Suiiier.
^ The following items are supplied from the interleaved almanacs. — Eds.
" 1675. March 29, 2. Now a [] Capt. Alii [] of Cliarl [] dyes. T. []
March 30, 3. Brother brought home Sister Jane from the Dr. at
March 31, 4. Xo Lecture, because Mr. Rich f. home. I visited
Mr. Parker and ]\Ir, AVood. jVL*. Parkerus natus et
baptizatus die Pentecoste, Alio 1595, being y'J June
8'h as I take it."
2 "May 1,7. Beans planted.
5. 4 Diet Sisters.
June 3. 5 David Perkins. Brt. Arad.
June - Two troopers pressed to go against the Indians: Xoyes,
Tho. Thurrel. I went to the farm in the evening.
July IS, 1. Xews of Nihicrafts yeelding.
27. 3. John Godfrey.
Aug:. 25, 4. The fight was of two hours, 12 miles from Hatfield. John
Friday, May 21. Goodman Adams (coming to visit his
Mother Woodman) was invited by and came over and
lodged with me.
N.B. Tuesday, May 4 C'p'^ Scarlet, Mr. Smith, Mr.
Freak killed by a blow of powder on Ship board. Mr.
Freak killed outright.
July 31, at midnight, Tho. Wood, Carpenter of Rowly,
had his house and goods burnt, and, vce malum, a daughter
of about 10 years of age, who directed her brother so that
he got out, was herself consumed to ashes.
This said Saturday night, in a dream, I fancyed myself
to have Mrs. Richardson's child in my arms, and herself
following me up a pair of stairs going to heaven, all sor-
rowfull and weeping. I went up innumerable steps and
still saw nothing, so that I was discouraged, doubting with
myself whether there was such a place as sedes heatorum.
Yet I strengthened myself as well as I could, considering
how apt things only heard of are to be doubted (if diffi-
cultly obtained and not of a long time) though they be
never so true. Thus thinking, I went on ; at last I came
to a fair chamber with goodly lodgings. When I saw that
was all, I earnestly prayed that God would help us, or
else we should never get to our journey's end. Amazed
I was, not being able to conceive how furniture should
be brought up those stairs so high. Afterward it was a
chamber in the N. Building, [at the College], after, part
of an old [house] (Goff, as I take it) that joined to it, of
the same heii^ht. A schollar told me that those thiutjfs
were drawn up by a pully, and so took in at a window
which was all ranshacled like that in Goff Colledge over
the Fellows' chamber, and all things began to seem more
Plumer dies. Steven Greenleaf wounded.
Ex literis
S. Greenleaf.
Sept. 18.
Capt. Latrop.
Oct. 13.
Marsh. Skerry.
Oct. 6. 4.
Springfield, 32 houses, with their barns."
— Eds.
vile. Herabout I waked, being much troubled at the
former part, and much wondring at the latter of my
dream. ^ Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superneJ Deus
det, deus misericors et henignus, me, et comites meos, non
tantum et de somnis, sed vere tandem divinis gradibus ad
caelum, usque ascendere.
Novem. 10, 1675. Lecture day. Remember the cour-
teous speech and behaviour of Tho. and Will Noyse.
Ingenious men. Will came to me (speaking with Tim.
Woodbridge) and excused his not coming to see me, &c.
Nov. 11. Morning proper fair, the wether exceedingly
benign, but (to me) metaphoric, dismal, dark and por-
tentous, some prodigie appearing in every corner of the
skies. Father went to Attach Ben Goodridge, at which
(as all) so especially Mother, troubled and disswaded him.
Nothing moves, at which Mother was exceedingly trou-
bled, and, e. h. w. o. L. w. h. [every hour wishes our Lord
would help ?]
N. B. Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1675, about the time of the
Eclips Sister Sewall was delivered in my chamber of a
daughter, Goodwife Brown being Midwife.
Sept. 13. Saturday, was that lamentable fight, when
Capt. Latrop with sixty-four killed.
^ Decern. 19. Sabbath day, that formidable engage-
ment at Narraganset, 34 Eng""*^ put in one pit, 3 after
1 " Xov. 29, 1. Dr. Hoar dies.
Dec. 14. 3. Juditli March.
Dec. 1.9. Sunday. Enr^agement.
29, 4. Mr. Keyner came in the evening to our house, delivered
me a letter. Lodged here; in bed we had mucli and
various discourse.
30, 5. Mr. Jer. Ilobart lodges here. I at sisters witli little
30"'. 5. Rainy m. mist, hold up. "Sir. R. goes on his journey.
Gave him letters of Dec 28 for Boston.
13 Jany. Broth.-r Jolm Sewall.
29 Feb. (TuQs.) ^Nliss Thatcher, Senior, and :\Iiss Page visit us. tliey
tlie first." [Sewall was married the preceding day.]
Almanacs. — Eds.
Joseph Pliimer, 26 gon already, 75 more pressed; advance
towards Ipswich.
Lecture day Jan. 5. Hints of discourse. One (speak-
ing of twelve +ide) said it may be we knew not 11 from
12. I said it was best if (in that sense) we did not. In
defence of Mr. Graves I said that the Application of Xt's
merits was a greater wonder than the sending of Xt. into
the world. That no person could be said to be mankind :
that such an one was not, w^hich was thought very ridicu-
lous.^ Jan. 3, cold wether hindred wTiting till now.
Jan. 10, 167 1. Felled the oak at the E. end of the
house. Matre et Sorore valde plangentihus.
Nota bene. Friday about 3 in the afternoon, April
21, 1676, Capt. Wadsworth and Capt. Brocklebank fall.
Almost an hundred, since, I hear, about fifty men, slain 3
miles off Sudbury : the said Town burned, Garrison houses
Sabbath day, evening, 23 April, considerable thunder
shower. Monday 24, about 6 afternoon, a Woman taken,
and a Man knocked in the head, at Menocticot, Brain-
^ April 5, Wednesday, Governour Winthrop dyes. In-
terred old Burying place Monday following.
April 25 Tuesday, Major Willard dyes at Charleston,
buryed 27'^. April 26. Mr. Lidget dyes: interred the
28^^ 1676.
Monday, May 8. Considerable Thunder and rain in
the night. Mrs. Wharton Dyes : Buried Wednesday after-
Tuesday, Fast, Magistrates, Deputies. Sisters sail toward
1 The reader can hardly fail to think the same, on account of the obscurity
of the text. — Eds.
2 "1676. Feb. 10,7. Mr. Sanford dyes.
]\Ich. 10. 6. Mr. Ransford . 26. Marlborough.
June 20. 3. No lecture, but past the week at ]\Ir. Mathers."
Almanacs. — Eds.
Friday, May 5. 16 Indians killed: no English hurt:
near Mendham. 19 May. Capt. Turner, 200 Indians. 22
Ma}^ about 12 Indians killed by Troop.
Monday, May 9. Cold encreases mightily, all night
burning Fever : next night rested indifferently.
Sabbath, May 14, 1676. 2 or 3 in the morning, Mr.
Usher dyes. At night Mr. Russel dyes, being drowned
in flegm. Mr. Tho. Shepard buried Tuesd. 5, afternoon.
Wednes : aftern. Mr. Usher buried. Tuesd. 16. Mr.
Atwater dyes : buried Thursday following, after Lecture.
Three such Funerals, one after another, imediately, I
never before saw. Mr. Atwater w^as at meeting in the
forenoon and afternoon the Sabbath before. N. B. As
■we came from the Funeral, we saw an huddle of persons,
who were bringing Jabez Eaton that died just then in the
Wednesday, May, 24, about 10 M., Capt. Davis dies,
fever, he had been delirious severall times betw^een while
before his death.
Mr. Willard preaches the Lecture.
Mr. Woodrop, Hobart Ger., Nehem. Phips, Weld, Faild,
came after lecture and sat with me. God grant we may
sit together in heaven. May 25. Mr. Adams had a very
pithy and pertinent discourse from Nahum 2. 2. Old
Monday, June 5. Mr. Hutchison chosen Capt., Mr.
Turin, Lieut., Mr. Bendal, Ensign of the Artillery.
Tuesd. 6, late in the Afternoon, a violent wind, and
thunder shower arose. Mr. Bendal, Mrs. Bendal, Mr.
James Edmunds, and a Quaker female were drowned :
their Boat (in which coming from Nodle's Hand) being
overset, and sinking by reason of ballast. jSIr. Charles
Lidget hardly escaped by the help of an oar.
Wednesday, June 7., 5 Afternoon Mr. Bendal, Mrs, car-
ried one after another, and laid by one another in the
same grave. Eight young children. Tuesday, June 6,
Hatfield figlit, 5 English killed, about 14 Indians. Wed-
nesday, June 7, Ninety Indians killed and taken by Conec-
ticut ferry : 30 and odd by C. Henchman.
June 10*^^., Received a Letter from Unckle St. Dumer,
dated March 24, 1675 [6] i. e. last March, for it was in
answer to one wrote, Oct. 29. '75. Aunt Sarah died
about a year and ^ before. Peace and plenty. Nothing
of Father's buisiness.
June 16, 1676. Went with my Father to Mr. Smith's,
there to see the maner of the Merchants.
June 22. Two Indians, Capt. Tom and another, exe-
cuted after Lecture.
Note, at the Execution I delivered 2 Letters, one to
Unckle Steph, another enclosed to unckle Nath, unto John
Pike, to be by him conveyed. Last week two killed by
Taunton Scouts, as they were in the river, fishing.
Note. This week Troopers, a party, killed two men, and
took an Indian Boy alive. Just between the Thanksgiv-
ing, June 29, and Sab. day, July, 2, Capt. Bradfords ex-
pedition 20 killed and taken, almost an 100 came in:
Squaw Sachem. July 1., 9 Indians sold for 30£. Capt.
Hincksman took a little before. The night after, James
the Printer and other Indians came into Cambridge.
Father Sewall came Tuesday June 27. Went home
Friday last of June.
Saturday, July 1, 1676. Mr. Hezekiah Willet slain by
Naragansets, a little more than Gun-shot off from his
house, his head taken off, body stript. Jethro, his Niger,
was then taken : retaken by Capt. Bradford the Thorsday
foUowinu:. He saw the Eno-lish and ran to them. He
related Philip to be sound and well, about a 1000 Indians
(all sorts) with him, but sickly : three died while he was
there. Related that the Mount Hope Indians that knew
Mr. Willet, were sorry for his death, mourned, kombed
his head, and hung peag in his hair.
Saturday, July 8, 9 Indians, 2 English sallied out, slew
5 and took two alive. These Indians were killed not
many miles from Dedham.^
July 9, 10, &c. This week Indians come in at Ply-
mouth to prove themselves faithful, fetch in others by
force: among those discovered are some that murdered
Mr. Clark's family : viz, two Indians : they accuse one of
them that surrendered to the English. All three put to
Saturday, July 1-5. Quaker marcht through the town,
crying, " Repent, &c." After, heard of an hundred twenty
one Indians killed and taken. Note. One Englishman
lost in the woods taken and tortured to death. Several
Indians (now about) come in at Plymouth, behave them-
selves very well in discovering and taking others. Med-
field men with volunteers, English and Indians, kill and
take Canonicus with his son and 50 more.
July 27. Sagamore John comes in, brings Mattoonus
and his sonne prisoner. Mattoonus shot to death the
same day by John's men.
Friday, July 28. Mr. Chickery dyes, about 5, afternoon.
Coiiiencement day : Mr. Phips married.
Saturday Even. Aug. 12, 167G, just as prayer ended
Tim. D wight sank down in a Swoun, and for a good space
was as if he perceived not what was done to him : after,
kicked and sprawled, knocking his hands and feet upon
tlie floor like a distracted man. Was carried pickpack to
1 Tlie reports and rumors which are entered on tlie Journal are but a
few of those daily reaching Boston of the direful horrors oi Philip's War.
" James the Printer " above referred to, was a native Indian, son of a dcacnu
of the church of " Praying Indians'" at Grafton, lie hail been educati'd at
the Indian School in Cambridge, aiul was an apprentice to Saiuui'l (Jri'i'ii,
printer in that town, helping in the printing of Eliot's Bible. He ran otf to
join his own people in their assaults on the settlements of t\\p Eni,dish. but
availing himself of the Declaration put forth by the Court of Massucliiisetts
in 1G7G, promising mercy to all who would come in witliin fourti'cu days, he
returned and was soon allowed to resume his tradi\ His naiu''. with that
of Green, is on the title-page, as printer, of the Indian Psalter, print<'d in
1709. —Eds.
bed by John Alcock, there his cloaths pulled off. In the
night it seems he talked of ships, his master, father, and
iinckle Eliot. The Sabbath following Father went to him,
spake to him to know what ailed him, asked if he would
be prayed for, and for what he would desire his friends
to pray. He answered, for more sight of sin, and God's
healing grace. I asked him, being alone with him, whether
his troubles were from some outward cause or spiritual.
He answered, spiritual. I asked him why then he could
not tell it his master, as well as any other, since it is the
honour of any man to see sin and be sorry for it. He
gave no answer, as I remember. Asked him if he would
goe to meeting. He said, 'twas in vain for him; his day
was out. I asked, what day : he answered, of Grace. I
told him 'twas sin for any one to conclude themselves
Reprobate, that this was all one. He said he would speak
more, but could not, &c. Notwithstanding all this sem-
blance (and much more than is written) of compimction
for Sin, 'tis to be feared that his trouble arose from a
maid whom he passionately loved : for that when Mr.
Dwight and his master had agreed to let him goe to her,
he eftsoons grew well.
^ Friday, Aug. 25. I spake to Tim of this, asked him
whether his convictions were off. He answered, no. I
told him how dauQ-erous it was to make the convictions
wrought by God's spirit a stalking horse to any other
thing. Broke off, he being called away by Sam.
Sabbath day, Aug. 20, we heard the amazing newes of
sixty persons killed at Quinebeck, by barbarous Indians,
Capt. Henchman began.
Philipus exit.
Mr. Buckley. Mr. Zech. Long, Comr.
The great ship stops in launching; falls on one side out of
her cradle.
Mock Fight. Indian Fight.
Miss Brown. — 16,7. "Wheler Henry." Almanacs.—
of which were Capt. Lake, Mr. Collicot, Mr. Padashell.
Dilati sunt in fiiturum,
Aug. 27. We hear of Major Talcots coming on Indians
travailing towards Albany, to dwell on this side Connect,
river. He slew some, took others with most of the
Aug. 31. Cousin Anah Quinsey is taken ill of the flux,
accompanied, as it is said, with a Fever. Note, Aunt
Quinsey is providentially here. My dear Mother, Mrs.
Judith Hull grows sick the same night and is extreamly
Sept. 1. Her Face very much swelled. Night following,
Mother's pains something abated : humours dissipated.
Sept. 3. Anna Quinsey Died about ten of the Clock,
A. M. Buried Monday Sept. 4. N. B. Cousin Ana's
Water was carried to Dr. Snelling on Sab. morn. He
affirmed her not to be dangerously ill. My Father-in-
Law from the first feared her death, from her trembling
pulse, restlessness, Wormes coming away without amend-
ment, and the well-looking of her Water, when she was
manifestly very ill.
Eelations at the Funeral : Unckle and Aunt Quinsey,
Parents, Epr. Savage, Ruth Quinsey, germans, Experience,
whom my Father led, Sam. and Hannah Sewall, Cousin
Henchman, Pounden. Bearers, Henry Philips, Tim.
Dwight, Joseph Tappi[n], John Alcock. Note. This is
the first person that I know of buried out of an house
where I was then dwelling. The Lord in his mercy
Sanctify it to me, and overcome death for me by Jesus
Sept. 13. The after part of the day very rainy. Note,
there were eight Indians shot to death on the Coinon,
upon Wind-mill hill. This day a Souldier, Thorn. Fisk,
leaves part of a Libel here by accident. His debent. was
signed to Muddy River, when it should have been to
Cambridge, which he came to have altered. Tlie paper
he wrapt them in was wet, wherefore I profered him dry,
that so his writings might not be spoyled. He accepted
it and left his old wet paper, wliich, coming after into the
room, I read.
Sept. 14, at night my Mother Hull, praised be God, had
comfortable Eest.
Sept. 15. Friday, received Letters by Mr. Clark from
my Unckle St. Duiner, to Father and Mother Sewall,
where in he informs, "We do through some difficulty hear
Mr. Cox most Lords dayes." Letter to Mother of May
29, '76. In that to my Father of same dates, " Mr. Quinsey
is copying out your Writings. He shall also take my Ac-
count. I am at a weak Hand. Something hangs about
me like a consumption. You must imploy some other
man in your Buisiness, for I think I shall not be able to
doe it. You may see that the Leases (in that of June
20, mentions onely Stoak Lease) of your Bargains are
almost run .out. You must take some course to new Let
your Land, or come and live in it, or else it will lye to the
wide world, and nothing will be made of it &c." Pernio
ante. " The Bill of £20 you ordered me to pay Tho. Papil.
of London, I have paid, also Dr. Oakes, Jno. Saunders'
Bills. Mrs. Hatten's Bill is not yet paid. I am out of
purse already, and if I pay hers I must borrow money,
the which I think to doe this time, but hope that you or
some other of my Cousins will come over, or get some
other to doe your business here. I have done it a long
time, and am unwilling to meddle of paying or receiving
any more. I desire you would send me in your next what
Goods and money you have received of mine. Before
finishing my Letter in comes Mr. Quinsey, &c."
Dear Bro., &c., Jonas Clark being at my house about Miss. Hat-
ten's Bill, &c. I have been sick this Spring, and am at a weak Hand
still. Therefore did desire you and doe still, that you will now take
some speedy course to have your Business done by some other. I
have sent you an Account, with Copyes of your Leases and Lee
Deeds. Stoak Lease (you may see) will quickly be out. The Tenant
is a good Tenant, but tells me he will not give so much Rent, when
his time is out. Amongst all your Writings, I can't find, nor never
did see the Copy of your Bargain at Stoake. Mr. Clark told me
you were resolved, or minded, to come over with him. I should be
glad to see you. It seems you have charged another Bill upon me,
payable to Mr. Papil. [Papillon] or his order. I shall leave that for
some other. I told him he would be paid as soon as the money could
be gotten. I have paid all the other Bills that I could hear of. Thus
with my love, &g.
Your loving Brother, Stephen Du5er.
June 20, 1676.
"Dear Sister, — From what I heard from Mr. Clark I have
great hopes that your eneinyes, the Indians, are conquered before
this. Yourselves and troubles have been much upon my spirit. I
should be glad to hear of tlie prosperity of New England. I have so
much love to you and the Country that, had I my health, I could will-
ingly undertake the journey to see you. But I was very glad to hear
that God liad preserved you and yours, when so many have lost their
lives and Estates. Its a time of great sufferings in many places of
the TVorld. London and several other towns have had great loss by
fire this summer. Its said a 1000 houses burnt at London, in South-
worke ; and its judged set on fire by Rogues. Yet, through great
mercy, we enjoy the Gospel, though it be with some hazard. I liopo
it will please God to continue his Gospel to poor England, for I lioj)e
here are many thousands that have not bowed the knee to Baal. I
think I writ to you in my last of the death of sister Sarah. She hath
left two children. They are far from us, 8 miles beyond Chichester,
and so can hear from them or see them but seldom, &c. I have
desired my Brother, your Husband, to receive, and send you your
Rents. My Reason chiefly is because I am very unhealthy.
Yours, etc.,
Stepiiex Dummer."
June 20, 75.
In the Letter to Father of May 24, '76: " I find that
jou are Debtor, £24. 4. 2. which, when I have received,
lie meddle no more." Here followeth a Copy of the
Disbursements at several times and for several things . £515. 14. 2.
More to Mrs. Hatten, 010. 00. 0.
This Account till March 26, 1676.
Receipts :
Fifteen years Rent at Lee £300. 00. 00.
Thirteen years Rent at Stoke 275. 10. 00.
Two years at Stoke when the land was cast on me, . . 020. 00. 00.
The Total 495. 10. 00.
This Account is till Lady-day, 1676.
From me
Stephen" Dumer."
My Aunt Mehetabel writes to Mother, INIay 26, '76.
Informs that she hath four children living, viz : Thomas,
Robert, Jane and Mehetabel. Cousin Thomas, enclosed
" We have been in many fears for you, because your
enemies are many, both at home and abroad. Bat I hope
the Lord will deHver you out of all their Hands, in his
due time."
Unckles of May 29, saitli " before I finished my Letter,
in comes Mr. Quinsey. Mr. Quinsey's to me from Lon-
don, is dated May 27, so that Mr. Quinsey made very
little stay at Bishop Stoke : ex consequentia.
Sept. 16, '76. Mother Hull rested not so well on Friday
night, as before. Mrs. Brown was buried, who died on
Thursday night before, about 10 o'clock. Note. I holp
carry her part of the way to the Grave. Put in a wooden
Sept. 18. Mr. Broughton and his son George being
here, said Mr. George agreed to deliver up his Writings
of the Mills, and give up the management of it to Father
Hull. Mement. sent Letters to Newbury by Mr. G. B.
imj^rimis, a little packet 6 Letters, Stoke Lease, Unckles
Account, one letter, which had enclosed two from England
to my Father, Unckle Riders, Mary Gouldings : one to
Mrs. Noyes, the last to Richard Smith.
Mr. Reyner, of Sept. 25, saith that their Indian Messen-
gers returned the night before, and informed they saw
two Indians dead, their Scalps taken off ; one of them was
Canonicus his Captain. 'Tis judged that Canonicus him-
self is also killed or taken by the same Hand, viz, of the
This day, viz, Sept. 18. Goodman Dull, meets with a
Lively Spring, the Well 23 foot deep.
SejDt. 19. Mane, Eliza Alcock informs that Mother had
a good night, though she Rested ill on Sabbath day night.
Laus Deo qui orationem non vuU non exaudire.
Sept. 20. Judith Hull slept better last night than at
all since her sickness. Note, mark Kerseyes, &c.
Sept. 21, '76. Stephen Goble of Concord, was executed
for murder of Indians : three Indians for firing Eames his
house, and murder. The wether was cloudy and rawly
cold, though little or no rain. Mr. Mighil prayed : four
others sate on the Gallows, two men and two impudent
Women, one of which, at least. Laughed on the Gallows,
as several testified. Mothers last nights rest was inferiour
to the former. Dr. Brackenbury called in here. Note.
Mr. Joseph Gillam comes in from St. Michaels, live weeks
pasage, Loading, Wheat, Wine.
Sept. 22, Spent the day from 9 in the M. with Mr.
[Dr.] Brakenbury, Mr. Thomson, Butler, Hooper, Cragg,
Pemberton, dissectino; the middlemost of the Indian exe-
cuted the day before, x [Hooper] who, taking the ^ in
his hand, affirmed it to be the stomack. I spent ISs., Gd,
in Ale, 6d in Madera Wine, and 6d I gave to the maid.
Sept. 23. Looked into Mr. Russels Accompts. Mother
rests indifferent well now a-nights. Father ill of a pain
caused in his shoulder, and then on his left side, by re:i,son
of taking cold.
Mr. Reynor, in a Letter dated at Salisbury, Sept. 21,
'76., hath these passages: "God still is at work for us.
One-ey'd John, witli about 45 of your Southern Indians,
have been apprehended since the Soukliers went East-
ward. They we judge them All of our Southern Indians.
And nothing yet lately heard of damage in the Eastern
parts. A Sagamore of Quapaug is one of the Indians
taken and sent. Canonicus we believe was killed by the
Mohawks, when his Captain was slain. N. B. We have,
in our Business here great discoveries of our shameful
Natures. Pray that the Sanctification and Reconciliation
by Xt. may prevail to his honour."
Sept. 26, Tuesday, Dr. Hawkins takes away from my
Mother Hull about 4 ounces of blood. Saoramore Sara
goes, and Daniel Goble is drawn in a Cart upon bed
cloaths to Execution. T. Mat. Tep. pomor. [?] One ey'd
John, Maliompe, Sagamore of Quapaug, General at Lan-
caster, &c, Jethro, (the Father) walk to the Gallows.
Note. One ey'd John accuses Sag. John to have fired the
first at Quapaug, and killed Capt. Hutchison. Mothers
two last nights were very restless.
Sep. 27, Brother John Sewall came to visit me. Told
me of my friends Wellfare, and of the death of Goodman
Titcomb last Sabbath day, after about a fortnight sickness
of tlie Fever and Ague. One week or thereabout lay
regardless of any person, and in great pain.
Sept. 28. Brought my Brother John going so far as
the little Locust tree, beyond the Causy, on the Neck.
Sept. 30. Tliis morn, about the dawning of the day,
H. Sewall is called up by the Flux, which it seems troubled
her Friday in the afternoon, though unknown to me.
Oct. 1, Sabbath day. The last night H. Sewall rose
twice. Had sundry Stools this day. Mother recovers
more and more. Oct. 2. H. S. had a very ill nio-ht and
day. Oct. 3. Last night I watched. Han. S. had an
extream restless night. 8 or 10 Stools. Dr. Brackenbury
advises to Diacodium to move Rest, and approves Pep-
par boyled in Milk and Water, alike of each. Diacod.
6 ounces. Mother hath scarce any Rest. Oct. 4. Mrs.
Herlakendine Simonds watches : two stools. Considerable
sleep. 6 ounces Diacod. I lodge in the Chamber over
the Kitchen, Mother hath a very ill night: concerned
for her daughter. I should have noted before that Dr.
Brackenbury said such malignity in the lower bowels was
most times accompanied with an extream binding in the
upper, and therefore things tending to solubility most
proper, though he was loath to give an absolute purge
unless necessity required. Monday, first visit in the even.
Tuesday two visits, to-day one.
Oct. 5. Wednesday. I lodge with my wife. Nurse
Hurd Avatches. But one Stool, that in the morn., tho.
slept not all night, yet rested indifferently. Note. Mother
had very little or no sleep. Chirur. Haw^kins Breaths
two veins in her Foot, takes aw^ay about 7 or 8 ounces of
blood. Drs. Brakenbury and Avery present. Dr. Avery
saith the Diacodion would render persons faint. News of
Canon. Squaw and Sonne taken at Salmon Falls Mill, being
seen as they went over the Boom. Information of Canon,
being killed by Mohawks, (according with the first Story,
and that they had not seen a fire of some wrecks eastward.
Wife rose in Lecture time.
Oct. 6. One Stool. I rose about 10., went not to bed
again. Betty is taken ill. Mother rests finerly, had not
Betty been ill. My wife sits up almost all day, without
faintness : so that I mistrust Diacodion. Oct. 7. last
night, H. and S. S. sleep together (small intervals except)
till break of day, then I rise. She hath oue Stool. Mother
hath little or no sleep : Betty no good night. Cousin
Mary Savage dies about noon. Oct. 8. Last night no
Stool : all 3 sick persons had a very good night, praised
be God. Note, this Even. Mr. [Dr.] Brak. visits Mother,
Wife ; Dr. Alcock, Betty : both together at our chamber.
Oct. 9. Sabbath night a good night of all hands. An
hard Frost, Teste Isahele Pierce Nutrlce.
Oct. 9. Cousin Mary Savage buried in the afternoon.
Father and I at the Funeral.
Bro. Stephen visits me in the evening and tells me
of a sad accident at Salem last Friday. A youth, when
fowling, saw one by a pond with black hair, and was
thereat frighted, supposing the person to be an Indian,
and so shot and killed liiin : came home flying with the
fright for fear of more Indians. The next day found to
be an Englishman shot dead. The Actour in prison.
Mr. Dwight tells that the Minister, Mr. Woodward,
dyed ravingly distracted. Dei SemitcB investigahit.
Oct. 10. Last night, H. S. somewhat feverish, slept
not so well as formerly, yet indifferently ; cheerly not-
withstanding, this day. Violent rain and cold. Oct. 11.
Had a comfortable night, tho. rose once. Oct. 12. Had
a comfortable night. Betty extream ill of the bloody
Flux, which almost casts Mother down.
^ Note, went not to Lecture Two Indians executed.
Oct. 13. Mother and wife had a good night. Betty
indifferent. Mement. Made an Hen Coop. Mr. Clark
came and stood by me. He, Capt. Henchman, C. Green,
Mrs. Flint, Mrs. Plaisted, dined with me.
Gave Mrs. Williams Letter and my own to Mr. Brough-
ton to be given Mr. Hill for conveyance.
Oct. 14. Last night very comfortable to wife and
Mother. Oct. 15, a good night. This day we have intel-
ligence that the Garrison at Blackpoint is surrendered to
the Indians. Note, Capt. Scottow at home, here at Bos-
16. Good night. Mr. Brackenbury, the 17'^. Best
night that mother has yet had, slept without so much as
dreaming. 18, 19, 20, all Good nights. Mother con-
versant in the Kitchen and our chamber. My Wife every
day since the Sabbath goes to Mothers chamber without
hurt. 21 Good night, all Hands. Cousin Reynor comes
^ " Oct. 12 (Thurs.) turned to a fast, and two Indians executed.
30, 2, Anderson sets sail.
Nov. 4, 7, Mugge comes in.
Dec. 4,2. Gillam sails." Almanacs. — Eds.
to Town : in the night passes to Braintrey, because of 's
wife there.
A Copy of the first Letter I ever wrote to my Cousin,
Mr. Edward Hull :
Mr. Edward H. and Lovixg Cousin, Although I never saw you,
yet your Name, Affinity to me, and what I have heard concerning
you, make me desirous of your acquaintance and Correspondence.
Your Remembrance to me in my Father's I take very kindly. And
I, with your Cousin, my Wife, do by these, heartily re-salute you.
My Wife hath been dangerously ill, yet is now finely recovered and
getting strength. It hath been generally a sick summer with us.
The Autumn proraiseth better. As to our enemies, God hath, in a
great measure, given us to see our desire on them. Most Ring
leaders in the late Massacre have themselves had blood to drink,
ending their lives by Bullets and Halters. Yet there is some trouble
and bloodshed still in the more remote Eastern parts. W^hat is past
hath been so far from ushering in a Famine, that all sorts of Grain
are very plenty and cheap. Sir, my Father in Law hath consigned
to yourself two hh of Peltry, to be for his and my joint Account, as
you will see by the Letter and Invoice. I shall not need to entreat
your utmost care for the best Disposal of them according to what is
prescribed you : which shall oblige the writer of these Lines, your
loving friend and Kinsman,
Samuel Sewall.
BosTOx, Oct. 23, 1676.
Now dies Capt. Tho. Russel, well the preceding Sab-
bath, and intended for England in Mr. Anderson. Homo
projj. Deus disp. Omnia. Mother slept not so well as
formerly, yet went to Church in the Afternoon.
Oct. 23. AVent from Boston about five T. P.^ to Mil-
ton, there accidentally meeting with Moses Collier, Mr.
Senderlen and I went on to Hingham, to John Jacobs.
Oct. 24, Tuesday, went from thence to Plymouth, about
noon; refreshed there. Note, James Percival met us
there, and so we went cheerfully together from thence
about 2. T. P. ; got to Sandwich about a quarter of an
^ This same contraction occurs below. We find, by the entry on p. 4S9,
that it stands for tempore post-meridiano. — Eds.
hour by sun : lodged at Percivals with Mr. Senderlen.
Oct. 25, Wednesday, Breakfasted at Stephen Skiphs. He,
Percival and I rode out about 12 miles, within sight of
Marthah's Vinyard, to look Horses : at last happily came
on 11, whereof five my Fathers, viz, three chessnut col-
oured Mares, and 2 Colts : put them in jNlr. Bourns sheep-
pen all night. Note. Supped at Mr. Smiths, good Sup-
per. Oct. 26, Thursday, Topk up the young four yeer old
Mare, slit the two near ears of the Colts, their colour was
a chesnut Sorrel, whiteish Manes and Tails. The Bigger
had all his Hoofs white : the Lesser all black. Both Stone-
Colts. The Hair of the Tails cut square with a knife.
After this Mr. Smith rode with me and shewed me the
place which some had thought to cut, for to make a pas-
sage from the South Sea to the North : said 'twas about a
mile and a half between the utmost flowino- of the two
Seas in Herring River and Scusset, the land very low and
level, Herrin River exceeding Pleasant by reason that it
runs pretty broad, shallow, of an equal depth, and upon
white sand. Showed me also the 3 Hills on the which 4
towns kept Warders, before which was such an Isthmus
of about 3 miles and barren plain, that scarce any thing
might pass unseen. Moniment Harbour said to be very
good. Note. Had a very good Supper at Mr. Dexter's.
Being in trouble how to bring along my Mare, in came
one Downing and Benjamin his son, who, being asked, to
my gladness promised Assistance. Oct. 27, Got very well
to Plymouth, Tailing my Mare, and Ben strapping her on,
though we were fain to come over the Clifts the upper
way because of the flowing Tide. There saw x\corns upon
bushes about a foot high, which they call running Oak ;
it is content with that Stature. From Plimouth Ben and
's father mounted a Trifle before me, I waved my Hat
and Hankerchief to them, but they left me to toil with
my tired jade : was fain at last to untail and so drive them
before me, at last ride and lead the Mare with great diffi-
culty. When came to Jones his Bridge, (supposing the
house had been just by) put the bridle on the Horses
neck, drove him on the Bridge, holding the Halter in my
Hand. When I came on the other side, could not catch
my Horse, but tired myself leading my tired Mare some-
times on the left Hand into the Marsh, sometimes on the
right Hand : at last left him, went to the Bridge to ensure
myself of the path, so led her to Tracies about -} mile. He
not at Home, could scarce get them to entertain me, though
'twas night. At length his son John put up my Mare,
then took up his own Horse, and so helped me to look
for mine, but could not find him : after his Father and he
went on foot, and met him almost at the House, Saddle
Cover lost, which John found in the Morn. Oct. 28,
Saturday, Goodman Tracy directed and set me in the
way, so I went all alone to the end, almost, of rocky
plain, then, by God's good providence, Mr. Senderlen
overtook me, so we came alon<j: cheerful] v too-ether, called
at my Aunt's [in Braintree], refreshed, left my tired jade
there, set out to Boston ward about half an hour by Sun,
and got well home before shutting iu. Praised be God,
Note. Seeing the wonderful! works of God in the jour-
neye, I was thereby more porswaded of his justice, and
inhaljility to do any wrong : put in mind likewise of Mr.
Thachers Sermon, Oct. 22.
Tlie Iliunble Springs of stately Sanil\viel\ Beach
To all Iiiferiours may observance teach,
Tliey (without Complement) do all concur,
Pi-ayiuL!; the Sea, Accept our Duty, Sir,
He mild severe, I've (now) no need: and when — •
As you are come : go back and come agen.
Novem. 6. Verv Cold blusterino: wetlicr. Note, I and
John went on board, of Mr. Downe, to see Fatlier's Horse
and my Mare Shipped. 7, clear wether. Wednesday,
cloudy. In the night great deal of rain fell. Tliurs.
Thanksgiving day, cloudy, sotdtry, wind, S. E. Friday,
Nov. 10 clears up, westerly, wind roars. Mr. Downe sets
Nov. 11. Brave, mild, clear whether, and fresh Gale
of Wind.
Novem. 27, 1676, about 5 M. Boston's greatest Fire'
1 This was the second great fire in Boston, the first being in 1653. Hub-
baud, in his "Narrative of the Troubles," &c., p. 115, writes : "After all
the forementioned Calamities and Troubles, it pleased God to alarm the
Town of Boston, and in them the whole Country, by a sad Fire, accidentally
Kindled by the Carelessness of an Apprentice that sat up too late over Night,
as was conceived ; which began an Hour before Day, continuing three or
four, in which Time it burned down to the Ground forty six Dwelling
Houses, besides other Buildings, together with a Meeting-house of consid-
erable bigness : some Mercy was observed mixt with the Judgment : for if a
great Rain had not continued all the Time, (the Roofs and Walls of their
ordinary Buildings consisting of such combustible Matter) that whole end of
the Town had at that Time been consumed."
Hutchinson (Hist. I. 319) copies from an interleaved almanack, the
following account : — •
" Nov. 27, 1676. A fire broke out in Boston, about 5 in the morning, at
one Wakefield's house, by the Red Lion, by a candle carelessly set, which so
prevailed, that it burnt down about 45 dwelling-houses, the north -Uieeting-
house, and several warehouses; the wind was at south-east when it began
and blew hard; soon after it veered south, and brought so much rain as much
prevented further mischief, without which, all that end of the town had prob-
ably been laid in ashes, and Charlestown also endangered, by the fiakes of
fire which were carried over the river."
The church thus burned was that of Rev. Increase Mather, of whom the
following story is told by his son in his " llemarkables," pp. 78, 79 : —
" In the Year, 1G76, he had a strange Impression on his mind that caused
him, on Nov 19, to Preach a Sermon on those Words, Zeph., iii. 7 — ...
and Conclude the Sermon with a Strange Prediction, That a Fire was a com-
ing, which would make a Deplorable Desolation. ... At the same time, he
Eainestly urged upon his Consort, a Speedy Change of Habitation ; which
could not be Accomplished. On the next Lords-Day, he preached. Not aware
of its being so, a Farewel-sermon, on those Words, Rev. iii. 3."
" The very Night following, a Desolating Fire broke forth in his Neigh-
borhood. The House in which he with his Flock, had Praised God, was
Burnt with the Fire. AVhole Streets were Consumed in the Devouring
Flames, and laid in Ashes. His own House also took a part in the Ruines:
But by tlie Gracious Providence of God, he lost little of his Beloved Library:
Not an Hundred Books from above a Thousand: Of these also he had an
immediate Recruit, by a Generous Offer which the Honourable Mi's. Bridget
Hoar made him, to take what he Pleased from the Library of her Deceased
Husband. In less than Two Years also, he became Owner of a Better
brake forth at Mr. Moors, through the default of a Tay-
lour Boy, who rising alone and early to work, fell asleep
and let his Light fire the House, which gave fire to the
next, so that about fifty Landlords were despoyled of their
Housing. N. B. The House of the Man of God, Mr.
Mather, and Gods House were burnt with fire. Yet God
mingled mercy, and sent a considerable rain, which gave
check in great measure to the (otherwise) masterless
flames : lasted all the time of the fire, though fair before
and after. Mr. Mather saved his Books and other Goods.
Dec. 12, Mr. Ben. Davis came from on Board Boon at
Marthah's Vinyard to Boston on foot. Dec. 13, Cousin
Savage, my wife and self, visited Mr. Hezekiah Usher and
his wife (Note, that she spake for Jane) where saw Mr.
Davis. This day at even went to a private meeting held
at Mr. Nath. Williams's. Emaus Smith spake well to Script.
Philip 2. 3. latter part. Smith spake more to my satisfac-
tion than before. Note, The first Conference meeting
that ever I was at, was at our House, Aug. 30, '76 at which
Anna Quinsey was standing against the Closet door next
the Entry. Mr. Smith spake to Ps. 119. 9. The next was
Oct. 18, at Mrs. Olivers : Capt. Henchman spake well to
Heb. 6. 18.
The Wednesday following I was at Sandwich.
The 3-^ at Mr. Hill's. Goodm. Needam and my Father
spake to Heb. 3. 12. Nov. 1.
The 4"', Nov. 15, at Mr. Wings where Mr. Willard spake
well to that proper place, Malach, 3, 16.
The 5"', at Mrs. Tappins, where ]Mr. Sanford and ]Mr.
Koyes spake to 1 Peter, 5. 7. Nov. 22. Mr. Fox prayed
after. 6*^ Nov. 29, at Mrs. Aldens, where Mr. Williams
and Wing spake to Heb. 5. 7. Dec. 6. no meeting because
House: and though his Flock ^vas now Scattered, for several months, Ciod
made it an opportunity for him to Preach every Lords-Day in the other
Churches, and Entertain successively the whole City with his Enlightening
and Awakening Ministry." — Eds.
of the ensuing Fast. The 7*^. at Mr. Williams's mentioned
Dec. 14, 1676, Seth Shove was brought to our House to
dwell, i. e. Father Hull's. N. B. In the evening, seeing a
shagged dogg in the Kitchin, I spake to John Alcock, I
am afraid we shall he troubled icith the ugly dogg : where-
upon John asked which way he went. I said out at the
Street door. He presently went that way, and meeting
Seth (who went out a little before) took him for the clogg,
and smote him so hard upon the bare head with a pipe
staff, or something like it, that it grieved me that he had
strook the doa-o; so hard. There arose a considerable
Avheal in the chikls head, but it seems the weapon smote
him plain, for the Kising was almost from the forehead to
the Crown, grew well quickly, wearing a Cap that night.
'Twas God's mercy the stick and manner of the blow was
not such as to have spilled his Brains on the Ground.
The Devil, (I think) seemed to be angry at the childs
coming to dwell here. Written, Dec. 18, '76.
Dec. 18, Mr. Rowlandson and Mr. Willard came and
visited my Father. While they were here, Mr. Shepard
also. came in and discoursed of Reformation, especially the
disorderly Meetings of Quakers and Anabaptists : thought
if all did agree, i. e. Magistrates and Ministers, the former
might easily be suprest, and that then, The Magistrates
would see reason to Handle the latter. As to what it
might injure the country in respect of England, trust God
with it. Wished, (speaking of Mr. Dean's) that all the
children in the country were baptised, that religion with-
out it come to nothing. Before Mr. Shepards coming in,
one might gather by Mr. Willards speech that there was
some Animosity in him toward Mr. Mather : for that he
said he chose the Afternoon that so he might have a copi-
ous auditory : and that when the Town House was offered
him to preach to his Church distinct, said he would not
preach in a corner.
Dec. 20, Went to the Meeting at Capt. Scottows, where
Edward Allin and John Hay ward spoke to Pro v. 3. 11.
How get such a Frame as neither to Faint nor Despise.
(8) meeting. Mrs. Usher lyes very sick of an Inflammation
in the Throat, which began on Monday. Called at her
House coming home, to tell Mr. Fosterling's Receipt, i, e,
A Swallows Nest (the inside) stamped and applied to the
throat outwardly.
Vce malum. Dec. 21, being Thorsday, Worthy Mr.
Reyner^ fell asleep : was taken with a violent vomiting the
Friday before. Lightheaded by Saturday, Lay speechless
24 hours, and then died on Thorsday even. We heard
not that he was sick till Friday about 9 at night: on
the Sabbath morn, comes William Furbur and brini>:s the
newes of Death. After last Exercise Father dispatches
Tim to Braintry. Monday morn. Uncle and Tim come
back. Uncle concludes from the Winter, his own infirm-
ity and my Cousins indisposedness, to dispatch away Wm.
Furbur with Letters onely. 0 how earnestly did I expect
his coming hetlier, and say with myself, what makes him
stav so lono: ? I mig-lit have seen him as I went to Sand-
wich, but God had appointed I should see him no more.
The Lord that lives forever, grant us a comfortable joj'ous
meeting at Christ's appearance. Note. None of us saw
Mr. Rej'uer Oct. 21, for he posted to Braiutrcy in the
night, and he went back when I was at Sandwich.
I suppose the last time that I saw and discoursed him
was — [blank]. He was here with Mr. Broughton earn-
estly urging to make sure Lands of Mr. Broughton at
Dover to my Father, and so take him Paymaster for the
Aiiuity laid on it. Mr. Broughton withstood, and Mr.
Reyner feared it was because he would not let it go out
of his hands, though he pretended other things and seemed
to reflect on Mr. Reyner. Note, Mr. Reyner and 1 dis-
^ This ^Ya3 Rev. John Reyner, Jr., of Dover, ^vho married JiuliUi Quincy,
own cousin to Sewall's wife. — Ed3.
coursed of it in the orchard, and he professed his integrity
in it, and that he thought Father would never have it
sure, if not that way. Advised me not to keep over much
within, but goe among men, and that thereby I should
advantage myself.
^ Decem. 27. Ninth Meeting that I have been at. Which
was at Edward AlKn's. Script. Jer. 10. 24. N. B. Mr.
Moody got me to supply his room : Capt. Scottow con-
Dec. 28. Mr. Willard preaches. N. B. I got but just
to hear the text. This day pleasant and smiling were it
not the day of Mr. Reyner s Funeral.
Dec. 30, Saturday. Capt. Henchman and I witnessed
Mr. Dudlyes Coiiiission for collecting the Customs.
January 3, 167f. Mr. Nath. Oliver and Elizabetha Brat-
tle, a Simon Bradstreet, equit. conniihio junguntur. Note.
This day we have intelligence of Boon's being at Eoad
Jan. 6. Note. Mr. Dean came liether this morning,
and spent a considerable time in discoursing my Father.
Advised me to Acquaint myself with Merchants, and In-
vited me (courteously) to their Caballs. A great deal of
rain last night and former part of this day.
Jan. 8. Bro. Stephen came to see us in the even : I
walked out after Super and discoursed with him.
Jan. 9. Tuesday, at noon stepped out and visited Mr.
Nath. and Eliza. Oliver. Snowy day.
Jan. 10. Cloudy, Cold, noren wind. Note, went on
foot to Mr. Flints at Dorchester, there to be in the com-
pany of Ministers : but none came save Mr. Torry. Mr.
Fisk was gone to his sick Father : Mr. Hubbard and Adams
hindred (as conjectured) by the wether. So that there
was Mr. Flint, Mr. Torry, Elder Humphreys, Jolm Hoar,
Mrs. Stoughton, Mrs. Flint, Senior, Junior, Mrs. Pool and
i'*Dec. 21. 1. Wm. Furbur. 25. Yisi Sim. Gates." Almanacs.— Eds.
her daughter Bethesda/ with a Nurse named Clap. Not-
withstanding the fewness of persons, the day (thro. Gods
grace) was spent to good purpose. Mr. Fhnt prayed,
then preached singularly well from that place, Cant. 1. 6.
But my own Vineyard have I not kept ; which he handled
well, Pressing every particular person to look to their own
Souls. Elder II. prayed. After some pause (because the
day much spent and I to goe home) Mr. Torrey prayed
onely : Avhich he did divinely, that we might not think
strange of fiery Tryal, might be sure not to deceive our-
selves as to our union with Christ. Indeed, the exercise
was such, preaching and praying, as if God did intend it
for me. I prayed earnestly before I went that God would
shew me favour at the meeting, and I hope he will set
home those things that were by him Carved for me. Mr.
Flint sent his Man after the Exercise, so when I had well
supped, comfortably rode home. Chief design (it seems)
in Meeting to pray for Mr. Stoughton.
^ Jan. 17. Wrote a letter to my Uncle St. Duincr, to
desire him to pay Mr. Papil. Bill, and at present (at least)
take care of my Fathers Lands, espec. Lee, writing down
all his Receipts and payments, &c. Sent it in Father H's
Packet to Cousin Hull.
Jan. IT. Went to the Meeting at Mrs. Macharta's,
which is the 10''' I have been at. The Script, spoken
to was Hoseah 6. 3. Then shall we have knowledge and
endeavour ourselves to know the Lord (as in the Transla-
tion I have by me). Capt. Henchman handled it.
Jan. 19. Father and self went to visit Mr. Sanford, who
was very short-winded. He said he had been a careless
Xn. And when I mentioned Mr. Dod's words, he said
^ The coniliination of Betliesda and Pool has had similar examples.
Buenos Ayres lived in Brookfield a century ago, and Virgil Del[ihiiii Parris
was a member of the Legislature of Elaine. — Eds.
2 " Jany. 13. 7. Mr. Alford buried.
17. 4. Thanksgiving at Cambridge." Almanacs. — Eds.
that was his very case, viz : he feared all he had done for
God was out of hypocrisy. If so gracious and sober a man
say so, what condition may it be expected many will be in
on a Death-bed.
Monday, 2 of the Clock, P. M. Jan, 22. 167f^. went to
Mr. Thacher's, and spake to him about joyning to his
Wednesday, Jan. 24. Went to the 11"' Meeting at Mr.
Haywards, in the Chamber over Mr. Brattles Room, where
G. James Hill and Joseph Davis spake to Job, 22. 21.
Acquaint thyself with him, &c. Note. Mr. Brattle and
his Son-in-Law Mr. Oliver were there. See the Copy of
the Letter w^herein the Houses of some were threatened
to be burnt. Jan. 23. 7|.
Thorsday, Jan. 25, Mr. Numan was here, to wdiome and
to Mr. Serjeant (who staid here near an hour) 1 showed
the Copy of the Letter cast into the Governours the
Tuesday before.
Jan. 26. Went to Charlestown Lecture, was ^ an
hour too soon, so went in to Sir Allin, whether came
also the Governour, his Lady, Mr. Mrs. Dudley, Mr. Hub-
bard, &c.
Jan. 30. Sent a letter to Cousin Quinsey, which enclosed
a piece of Gold that cost me 23^ Gave the Letter to Mr.
Josson. In it ordered to buy 2 pair of Silk Stockings, pink
colored, black, 1 pair Tabby Bodyes, cloath-coloured, l wide
and long wastied : also Turkish Alcoran, 2'^ Hand, Map of
London. Sent him a copy of verses made on Mr. Reynor.
Jan. idt., sent a letter to Mr. Thacher, by the Bagg, in which
Salutations, and some newes. Wednesday, 31 Brother John
Sewall brought down Sister Jane to live w^itli Mrs. Usher,
but the next morn I went to her and she gave nie to
understand that she thought Jane would not come, and
so had supplyed herself. Father Hull kindly invited her
to stay here till she should change her condition if she
so liked. Note. Just now wanted a Maid very much,
courted Goodwife Fellows Daughter : she could not come
till spring : hard to find a good one. So that Jane came
in a critical time.
Feb. 2. Brother journeys homeward. Had him in to
Dr. Brakenburyes as he went along, who judgeth he may
cure him.
Feb. 8. John Holyday stands in the Pillory for Coun-
terfieting a Lease, making false Bargains, &c. This morn.
I visited Mr. Sanford, who desired me to remember his
Christian (he hoped) Love to my Father Sewall, and mind
him of Discourse had between them at Belchers, Cam-
bridge, which he professed pleased him as much or more
than any he had heard from any person before.
Feb. 10. Mr. Sanford dves about 9 in the mornins:.
Buried Sabbath day after Sun-set.
Feb. 7. Went to the 12^'' meeting at Mr. Morse his
House, where Mr. Gershom Hobart spake well to James
1. 19. Feb. 14, 13"' Meeting at Goodman Davis's, where
G. Tappin and Cousin Savage spake to 1 Peter 1. 6. By
which words I seriously considered that no godly man hath
any more afflictions than what he hath need of : qua medl-
tatione mild quidem die sequente usics fiiit : nam socer
{jain2yenefervidus2')ropter avenas sihi inconsidio ohla-
tas) de stlpite aiquo grandiore q^iem in ignem intcmpestive
(id aiebat) conjeci mihi iratiis fuit, et si ita insiplens forem
dixit se mihi Jidem non habitiirinn, et ventosam men fern
meam fore causatlvam. Deus det me sibi soil confidere,
et creato nidli. Psal 37. 3. 4. 5, prlnclp)iwn hvjns p.'^al.
caneham consclus, quern p)rop>ter ea quoi dicta sunt intestus
p)etli'i. [See translation in Hull's Diary, p. 2'5o.]
In the thorsday even Mr. Smith of Hingham spoalvs to
me to solicit that his Son, and my former Beili'enow,
Henry Smith, might obtain Mr. Sanfords House and
autliority therein to teach School. Sister Jane brought
us in Beer. Friday morn Feb. IG, I go to ]\Irs. Sanford
and (by her hint) to Mr. Frary, one of tlie overseers, who
gave me some encouragement, and said that within a day
or two, I should have an Answer.
Wrote a Letter to Mr. Smith that Frary had given an
encouraging answer, and that I thought no Delay was to
be made least the Scholars should be lodg-ed elsewhere.
Feb. 18. The seats full of Scholars brought in by a
Stranger who took Mr. Sanfords place : this I knew not
of before.
Friday, Feb. 16. Brewed my Wives Groaning Beer.
Feb. 21. Went to the 13"' Meeting^ at Cousin Savasre's :
where my Father-in-Law and Goodman Need ham spake to
Psal. 6. 1.
Feb. 23, 167 f-. Mr. Torrey spake with my Father at
Mrs. Norton's, told him that he would fain have me preach,
and not leave off my studies to follow Merchandize. Note.
The evening before, Feb. 22, I resolved (if I could get an
opportunity) to speak with Mr. Torrey, and ask his Coun-
sel as to coming into Church, about my estate, and the
temptations that made me to fear. But he went home
wdien I was at the Warehouse about Wood that Tho.
Elkins brought.
Satterday, Mar. 3, 167 f- went to Mr. Norton to dis-
course with him about comino; into the Church. He told
me that he waited to see whether his faith were of the
operation of God's spirit, and yet often said that he had
very good hope of his good Estate, and that one might be
of the Church (i. e. Mystical) though not joined to a par-
ticular Congregation. I objected that of Ames, he said
vere queer entibus, the meaning was that such sought not
God's kingdom in every thing. I said it was meant of not
at all. He said, was unsettled, had thoughts of going out
of the country : that in coming into Church there was a
covenantinsr to watch over one another which carried with
it a strict obligation. And at last, that he was for that
way which was purely Independent. I urged what that
was. He said that all of the Church were a royal Priest-
hood, all of them Prophets, and taught of God's Spirit, and
that a few words from the heart were worth a great deal :
intimating the Benefit of Brethrens prophesying : for this
he cited Mr. Dell. I could not get any more. Dr. Mason
(whom I have often seen with him) came in, after him
Mr. Alden, so our Discourse was broken off. March 6.
March 6, O great Menasseh, were it not for thee,
In hopes of Pardon, I could hardly be.^
March 7. A pretty deal of Thunder this day. Went
to the 14^^ Meeting at B. Needham's, where Mr. Noyes
and Mr. Alden spake to 1 Sam. 15. 22. To obey better
than Sacrifice, &c.
March 9, 167f, Cold and Clear. N. B. The corner
House in the Street called Conney's,^ next the Harbour,
toward the North end of the Town, was set on fire about
four in the Morn, as is rationally conjectured : for the
middle of the roof onely was fired, and upon a Roof of a
Leanto that came under that there were several drops of
Tallow. It was discovered by an ancient Woman rising
early, and so prevented, praised be God.
March 11. Thanks were returned by the Selectmen in
behalf of the Town, for its preservation.
March 12. Went to the first Town Meetinn: that ever
I was at in Boston. Capt. Brattle, Capt. Oliver, Mr. Joy-
litf, Mr. Lake, Mr. Turell, Mr. Allen, Deacon, Mr. Eliot,
1 Genesis xli. 51. An application to God of the epithet, The Great
Forgetter of Sins. — Eds.
'^ Coney's street or lane seems to iiave been overlooked in 1708, when tlie
Selectmen passed their order establishing the names, as printed in the
"Historical Magazine " for September, 18(JS. From deeds on record (Suff.
Reg. xxiii. 93), it seems that Coney's lane was known in 1701, when the
heirs of John ]\Iellows sold their father's estate there. It seems as if this
land was on the north side of Sndbury street, on the curve from Hanover
street to Portland street. If so. Coney's lane ntai/ liave been the name of ])art
of Sudbui'y street; or it may have been some lane, now obliti-rated, leading
across or through tliat land above described. Sudbury en'/ is on our Town
liecords in lOoi), and Sudbury street in the Book of I'ossessions, dated
c. 1613-1050.— Eds.
Deacon : the last pleaded hard, but could not get off.
Severall Constables, Fin'd, as Mr. Hez. Usher, Mr. Jonath.
Corwin [for not being willing to serve].
March 13. Capt. Lake, the Remainder of his Corps,
was honourably buried : Captains and Commissioners car-
ried : no Magistrate save Major Clark there, because of
the Court. I was not present because it was Tuesday.^
March 14. Visited Mr. Willard, and so forgot to goe
to the Meeting at Mr. Smith's.
March 15. Mane, oravit Socer [indefinite) ne slmus
oneri tentationi crucis locis quibits ^^osi^i^ 7ios j^^^ovi-
March 16. Dr. Alcock dyes about midnight. Note,
Mrs. AYilhams told us presently after Dutyes how danger-
ously ill he was, and to get John to go for his Grand-
mother. I was glad of that Information, and resolved
to goe and pray earnestly for him ; but going into the
Kitchin, fell into discourse with Tim about Mettals, and
so took up the time. The Lord forgive me and help me
not to be so slack for time to come, and so easy to disre-
gard and let dye so good a Resolution. Dr. Alcock was
39 veers old.
March 19, 167 f- Dr. Alcock was burled, at whoos
Funeral I was. After it, went to Mr. Thachers. lie
not within, so walkt with Capt. Scottow on the Change
till alK:)ut 5, then went again, yet he not come. At last
came Elder Rainsford, after, Mr. Thacher, who took us
up into his Chamber ; went to prayer, then told me I had
liberty to tell what God had done for my soul. After I
had spoken, prayed again. Before I came away told him
1 Captain Thomas Lake was, witli several others, surprised and killed by
the Indians, on Aug. 1-i, near a fort on Arowsick Island, Maine, during tlie
continuance of tlie war at the eastward. He had escaped to anotlier island,
and his fate \va.s not known, nor his mangled body recovei'ed, till many
moutlis afterwards. His monument may be seen on Copp's Hill, wliere he
was interred, though it is not decorated with the coat of arms shown in Bridg-
man's Inscriptions. — Eds.
my Temptations to ^ him alone, and bad him acquaint me
if he knew any thing by me that might hinder justly my
coming into Church. He said he thought I ought to be
encouraged, and that my stirring up to it was of God.
March 21, 167f. Father and self rode to Dorchester
to the Fast, which is the first time that ever I was in
that Mee ting-House. So was absent from the private
March 22. 23. Plenty of Rain after a great deal of
dry and pleasant wether. In the afternoon of the 23'\
Seth and I gather what herbs we could get, as Yarrow,
Garglio, &c.
March 26, 1677. Mr. Philips arrives from Scotland,
brino-s the Newes of the Messeno-ers Arrival about the
beginning of December. They send Letters of the latter
end of Januarv. BrouQ-ht likewise the lamentable newes
of Mr. Samuel Danforth's Death, of the Small Pox.
March 30, 1677. I, together with Gilbert Cole, vms
admitted into Mr. Thacher's Church, making a Soleiii
covenant to take the L. Jehovah for our God, and to
walk in Brotherly Love and watchfulness to Edification.
Goodm. Cole first spake, then I, then the Relations of the
Women were read : as we spake so were we admitted ;
then alltogether covenanted. Prayed before, and after.
Mar. 31. Old Mr. Oakes came liether, so I wrote a Let-
ter to his Son, after this tenour :
Sir, I have been, and am, iinder great exercise of mind Avith regnrd
to my Spiritual Estate. Wherefore I do earnestly desire that you
would bear me on your heart tomorrow in Prayer, that God would
give me a true Godly Sorrow for Sin, as such : Love to himself and
Christ, that I may admii'c his goodness, grace, kindness in that
way of saving man, which I greatly want. I think I shall sit down
tomorrow to the Lords Table, and I fear I shall be an unworthy par-
taker. Those words, If your oicn hearts condemn you, God is greater,
and know eth all tJdngs, have often affrighted me.
Samuel Sewall,
April 1, 1677. About Two of the Clock at night I
waked and perceived my wiie ill : asked her to call
Mother. She said I should goe to prayer, then she would
tell me. Then I rose, lighted a Candle at Father's fire,
that had been raked up from Saturday night, kindled a
Fire in the chamber, and after 5 when our folks up, went
and gave Mother warning. She came and bad me call the
Midwife, Goodwife Weeden, which I did. But my Wives
pains went away in a great measure after she was up ;
toward night came on again, and about a quarter of an
hour after ten at night, April 2, Father and I sitting in
the great Hall, heard the child cry, w^hereas we were
afraid 'twould have been 12 before she would have been
brought to Bed. Went home with the Midwife about
2 o'clock, carrying her Stool, whoes parts were included
in a Bagg. Met Avith the Watch at Mr. Rocks Brew
house, who bad us stand, enquired what we were. I told
the Woman's occupation, so they bad God bless our
labours, and let us pass. The first Woman the Child
sucked was Bridget Davenport.
April 3. Cousin Flint came to us. She said w^e ought
to lay scarlet on the Child's head for that it had received
some harm. Nurse Hurd watches. April 4. Clear cold
weather. Goodwife Ellis w^atches. April 7, Saturday, first
laboured to cause the child suck his mother, which lie
scarce did at all. In the afternoon my Wife set up, and
he sucked the right Breast bravely, ....
April 8, 1677. Sabbath day, rainy and stormy in the
morning, but in the afternoon fair and sunshine, though a
blustering Wind. So Eliz. Weeden, the Midwife, brought
the Infant to the third Church when Sermon was about
half done in the afternoon, Mr. Thacher preaching. After
Sermon and Prayer, Mr. Thacher prayed for Capt. Scot-
tow's Cousin and it. Then I named him John, and Mr.
Thacher baptized him into the name of the Father, Son,
and H. Ghost. The Lord give the Father and Sou may
be convinced of and washed from Sin in the blood of
April 9, morn, hot and gloomy with scattered Clouds:
about 11 o'clk there fell a considerable Storm of Hail, after
that it thundered a pretty while. The Child . . .
April 4z^^ was at the l^^^ Meeting, kept at our house m
the little Hall, because of my wives weakness. Mr. Scottow
spoke to Is. 27. 9. prin.
April 11 Stormy, blustering fore part, left raining a lit-
tle before night. Went to the 16*^ Meeting at B. Easts,
where Br. Edward Allen and John Hay ward spake to John
6. 57, which was very Suitable for me, and I hope God did
me some good at that meeting as to my Love to Christ.
We heard after of the Slaughter of some persons at York
by the Indians, among whom was Isaac Smith, who went
thether about boards. This is Isaac Smith of Win-
April 9, 1677. Seth Shove began to goe to School to
Mr. Smith. April 18. My Father-in-Law and I went on
foot to Dorchester, so were not at the Meeting. 'Twas a
cold blustering day, as the last of March, and ahnost all this
month has been very cold. Mr. Adams at Supper told of
his wife beins; brouo-lit to bed of a Son about three weeks
before, whom he named Eliphelet.
April 25. even. Mr. Gershom and Nehemiah Ilobart
gave me a visit.
April 27, Friday. Hannah Henchman and Susannah
Everenden with two Eastern women taken into Church.
Warm fair wether these two dayes. April 28. Consider-
able Claps of Thunder.
April 28, 1677. Mr. Moody was here, he told me that
Mr. Parker dyed last Tuesday, and was buried on Thorsday.
Mr. Hubbard preached his funeral Sermon. The Lord
give me grace to follow my dear Master as he followed
Christ, that I may at last get to heaven whether he has
already gone.
April 30. "Went to Mr. Oakes, carried him 50^, dis-
coursed largely with him concerning my temptations : he
exhorted me to study the Doctrine of Xt. well, to read
Dr. Goodwin. Spake to him of the Doctor's death : he
told me that he died of a Cough and Cold which he caught
standing in the cold after being hot in going from the Ferry.
Told me 'twas not safe to conceive a resemblance of Xt.
in ones mind any more than to picture him. Read to me
occasionally part of his Sermon yesterday, wherein he
amply proved the confirmation and gathering together in
a head the elect Angels in Xt. Heb. 12. 22, 33 : cum
mult is cdiis.
Note. [May Training No date] I went out this morning
without private prayer and riding on the Comon, thinking
to escape the Souldiers (because of my fearfull' Horse) ;
notwithstanding there was a Company at a great distance
which my Horse Avas so transported at that I could no way
govern him, but was fain to let him go full speed, and hold
my Hat under my Arm. The wind was Norwest, so that
I sujDpose I took great cold in my ear thereby, and also
by wearing a great thick Coat of my Fathers part of tlie
day, because it rained, and then leaving it off. However
it was, I felt my throat ill, the danger of which I tliought
had been now over with the winter, and so neglected it too
much, relapsed, and grew very sick of it from Friday to
Monday following, which was the worst day : after that it
mended. Mr. Mather visited me and prayed on that
May 5, Saturday : Mr. Gillam arrived from the Streights.
May 9, Mr. Tanner arrived from London, wherein came
Mr. Thacher wdio brought news of the death of Mr. George
Alcock, he dyed of the Pocks : also Mr. Thacher and his
Sister Davenport were here.
May 15. Mr. Anderson's Vessel Arrived ; as for him-
self, he dyed yesterday about 4 of the clock. T. j^omer.
[i.e., temjiore jjost meridiano.^
May 16, went to the 17*^ Meeting at B. Hills, where B.
Tapin and Cousin Savage spake to Heb. 10. 24.
May 30, went to the 18"^ Meeting at Mr. Wings, where
Mr. Thacher spake to the 4 last verses of 92 Psal.
June 4. Went to Plimouth. June 6. Returned.
Jane 13.' Went to the 19'^ Meeting at B. Williams,
where G. Needham and my Father spake to Ps. 119. 11.
June 17. Sabbath day about 7 m, John Sewall had a
Convulsion Fit. He was asleep in the Cradle, and suddenly
started, trembled, his fingers contracted, his eyes starting
and being distorted. I went to Mr. Brackenbury, and
thence to Charlestown, and set him to the child.
June the nineteenth he had another about noon.
June 21, 1677. Just at the end of the Sermon (it made
Mr. Allen break off the more abruptly) one Torrey, of
Eoxbury, gave a suddain and amazing cry which disturbed
the whole Assembly. It seems he had the falling sickness.
Tis to be feared the Quaker disturbance and this are ominous.
July 8, 1677. New Meeting House [the third, or South]
Mane : In Sermon time there came in a female Quaker,
in a Canvas Frock, her hair disshevelled and loose like a
Periwigg, her face as black as ink, led by two other Qua-
kers, and two other followed. It occasioned the greatest
and most amazing uproar that I ever saw. Isaiah I. 12, 14.
Wednesday May 19, 1675. [so dated] that place of the
1 Sam. l-j. 26. came to my mind (as I came down froui
my Brother.) which gave me great comfort, especially for
that presently after reading Mr. Carjl on course, I found
it there ])arenthetically paraphrased. Thursday, May 20.
relieved Ijy reading what he saith on the same verse, about
limiting God in works of Spiritual Mercy, p. 257.
1 " 1G77. A[.ril 21, o. Dear Mr Parker dyed; 2iitli, buried
}*Iay 5,7. Cillam «/);;«/(>. Otli, i. Tanner o/^'w/'V [arrived].
!■'), 3. liolii-rt Anderson appn/it
June 12, 3. Gooilni. Adams. 15, (], Gerrisli. 11 t'-i 2-j, Ex-
treme liot -sveatlier, person much adoe to live."
Almanacs. — Eds.
Note : Wednesday Decemb. 29. '75 Mr. Rejner came
hether in the even. Lodged with me. Upon enquiry he
told me that one might not resolve to forsake such and such
sins by reason of a jealousy that one should fall into the
same again. He liimself had experienced this, feared that
he was not willing, because not resolved, till he saw it was
through a foresight of the effects of his corrupt nature
and infirmity.
May 23, 1676. Fast at Mr. Gibbs for Mr. Thacher.
24, he grows better, having taken reasonable [medicine
for] health. N. B. Being distressed with melancholy and
troubled concerning my State — I was relieved by Mr.
Willards Sermon, especially at two places quoted, Ps. 16.
ULT quoted for the latter part, which I (having a Bible)
turned to and saw the bei^-innino; : I will shew thee the
path of life. Jude 5. 24. Comfort against falling away.
Oct. 22. Musing at Noon and troubled at my untoward-
ness in worship, God, he holp me to pray. Come, Lord
Jesus, come quickly to put me into a better frame, taking
possession of me. Troubled that I could love Xt. no
more, it came into my mind that Xt. had exhibited him-
self to be seen in the Sacrament, the Lords Supper, and I
conceived that my want of Love was, that I could see Xt.
no more clearly. Vid. Mr. Thacher Dec. 10. 2*' Answer
to the objection under the 2'^ Reason. Vid. Mr. Shepard,
Dec. 15. Use 3. Vid. Mr. Thacher, Dec' 17. Direction 9.
which I am sure was spoken to me. The Lord set it home
efficaciously by his Spirit, that I may have the perfect
Love which casts out fear.
Jan. 13, 16 7 f-. Giving my chickens meat, it came to
my mind that I gave them nothing save Indian corn and
w^ater, and yet they eat it and thrived very well, and tliat
that food was necessarj^ for them, how mean soever, which
much affected me and convinced what need I stood in of
spiritual food, and that I should not nauseat daily duties
of Prayer, &c.
Jan. 22. Went to Mr. Thachers, found him at home,
mentioned my desire of communion with his Church, re-
hearsed to him some of my discouragements, as, continu-
ance in Sin, wandering in prayer. He said 'twas thought
that was the Sin Paul speaks of, Rom. VII. At my coming
away said he thought I ought to be encouraged.
Feb. 15. Having been often in my mind discouraged
from joining to the Church by reason of the weakness, or
some such undesirableness in many of its members : I was
much reheved by the consideration of 1 Cor. 1. 26, 27.
which came to my mind as I was at prayer. What is
spoken there was set home on me, to take away my pride
and be content with God's wisdom : thought it might seem
to uncovenanted reason foolishness.
Having often been apt to break out against God himself
as if he had made me a person that might be a fit subject
of calamity, and that he led me into difficulties and per-
plexing miseries ; I had my spirit calmed by considering
what an absurd thing it was to say to God — " Why hast
thou made me thus ?," and startled at the darino; heierht
of such wickedness. These thoughts had reference to
Isaiah XLV. 9, 10. This was at prayer time, Feb. 19.
Mane. Death never looked so pleasingly on me as Feb. 18
upon the hearing of Mr. Tliachers 3 Arguments. Me-
thought it was rather a privilege to dye, and therein be
conformed to Christ, than, remaining alive at his coming,
to be changed.
Mar. 1. Was somewhat relieved by what John read
occasionally out of Antipologia,^ concerning the unwar-
rantable excuse that some make for not comini]^ to the
Sacrament : viz. unworthiness.
Mar. 15, even. Was holp affectionately to argue in
^ In 1643, tlie Independents publislied an " Apologetical Narration." It
was answered by Mr. Edwards (author of the '• Gangr;i?na ''), minister of
Christ Church, London, in an " Antapologia." Xeal, Ilist. Pur., Part III.
Ch. 4. — Eds.
prayer the promise of being heard because asking in
Christ's name.
March 19, 167f Accidentally going to look about the
woman of Cana, Mr. Chaimcey's Sermons on her, I at
first dash turned to that Sermon of the 7"' and 14
March 21. Mane. God holp me affectionately to pray
for a communication of his Spirit in attending on him at
Dorchester, and the night before I read the 9"' and 10"' of
Nehemiah, out of which Mr. Mather happened to take his
Text, which he handled to good purpose, and more taking
it was with me because 1 had perused those chapters for
my fitting to attend on that exercise. Mr. Flint prayed
admirably in the morn, & pressed much our inaljility to
keep Covenant with God, and therefore begged God's
Spirit. Mr. Thacher began the afternoon : then Mr. Flint
preached and so concluded.
March 167f. Note. I have been of along time loth to
enter into strict Bonds with God, the sinfullness and
hypochrisy of which God hath showed me by reading of
a Sermon that Mr. Burgess preached before the House of
Coiiions, Nov. 17, 1G40, and by the forementioned Ser-
mons and prayers. Omnia in honum mihi vertas, 0
Dei(S. I found the Sermon accidentally in Mr. Norton's
Remember, since I had thoughts of joining to the
Church, I have been exceedingly tormented in my mind,
sometimes lest the Third church [the South] should not
be in God's way in breaking off from the old. (I resolved
to speak with Mr. Torrey about that, but he passed home
when I was called to buisincss at the Warehouse. Another
time I got Mr. Japheth Hobart to promise me a jNIeeting
at our House after Lecture, — but she that is now his wife,
being in town, prevented him.) Sometimes with my own
unfitness and want of Grace : yet through importunity of
friends, and hope that God might communicate himself to
me in the ordinance, and because of my child (then hoped
for) its being baptised, I offered myself, and was not
refused. Besides what I had written, when I was speak-
ing [at his admission to the Church] I resolved to con-
fess what a great Siiler I had been, but going on in
the method of the Paper, it came not to my mind. And
now that Scruple of the Church vanished, and I began
to be more afraid of myself. And on Saturday Good-
man Walker^ came in, who used to be very familiar
with me. But he said nothing of my coming into the
Church, nor wished God to show me grace therein, at
which I was almost overwhelmed, as thinking that he
deemed me unfit for it. And I could hardly sit down to
the Lord's Table. But I feared that if I went away I
might be less fit next time, and thought that it would be
strange for me who was just then joined to the Church,
to withdraw, wherefore I stayed. But I never experienced
more unbelief. I feared at least that I did not believe
there was such an one as Jesus Xt., and yet was afraid
that because I came to the ordinance without belief, that
for the al)use of Xt. I should be stricken dead ; yet I had
some earnest desires that Xt. would, before the ordinance
were done, though it were when he was just going awny,
give me some glimpse of himself ; but I perceived none.
Yet I seemed then to desire the coming of the next Sacra-
ment day, that I might do better, and was stirred up liereby
dreadfully to seek God who many times before had touched
my heart by Mr. Thacher's praying and preaching more
than now. The Lord pardon my former grieving of his
Spirit, and circumcise my heart to love him with all my
heart and soul.
[Here closes Volume T. of the Journal.]
^ This was probably Robert Walker, of Boston, wliose afiitlavit. takon in
1G79 (printed in N. E. Ilist.-Gen. Regi.'^ter, Vfl. 40), states that Ik- knew
Henry Sewall in ^Manchester, England, and that bis only sun was Ileury S.,
of Xewbury (father of Samuel). — Eds.
[It will be noted that the last few pages contain items not in regu-
lai' course. It has seemed best to add in this place all the entries in
the interleaved Almanacs before mentioned. Sewall was in the habit
of making these brief entries in his Almanacs, to be afterward ex-
panded in his Journal.]
1677. Sept. 12, 4 [day of the week]. Legg appidit [arrived].
16, 1. Eliezer Danford arrives. 19, 4, Hat-
field. 23,1. Sam. Bridgham. 24,M.G.J.S.
Oct. 20, 7. Capt. S. Mosely. 31, 4. Dorchester.
Dec. 14, 6. T. Smith. 21. Shephard.
1677-8. Jan'y 17, 4. Brackenbury. 22, 3. Dorchester.
1678. May 3, Frid. "Welcome arrived from London.
— 23. Johnson and Knott arrived.
11, 3. Sam. Sewall hiatus. 16, 1. Haptizatus.
23, 6. Watch begins to be warned out of my pre-
Nov. 9,7. Mr. Jno. Noyes dies. 10. Buried. E. Thm-s-
ton dies. Teste Sarah Noyes.
Dec. 15, 1. Returned to my own bed after my sickness of
the Small Pox,
1678-9. Jan. 18, 7. Visit Public Houses.
Feb. 15, 7. Visit Public Houses.
March 16, 1. Governour Leverett dieth. 25, 3. Is buried.
1679. [On back of title of Almanac.^]
Sim Bradstreet 1216
Dan. Gookiu 1051
Dan. Denison 1127
Tho. Dan forth 1217
Wm. Hawthorn 796
Esqs. ( Jno. Pynchon 1195
Edw. f yng 1146
Wm. Stoughton 1174
Jos. Dudley 1189
Peter Bulkley 1118
Nath. Saltonstall 954
^ This undoubtedly represents the vote for the governineut. Bradstreet
was chosen governor; Danforth, deputy- govern or; and ten Assistants out of
the first thirteen names; i.e., through II. Davie and omitting T. Clark.
Hutchinson (I. 32G) mentions, that in tliis very year the King's Letter re-
quired tlie Colony to appoint the charter number of eighteen Assistants, as
the practice had become fixed to choose only eight or ten. This was obeyed
in the following year. — Eds.]
Tho. Clark
Humph. Davie
Tho. Savage
Jno. Hall
Lauren c Ilainond
Rob. Pike
Jno. Woodbridge
Apr. 8.
Jno. Leverett
1679-82.] DIARY OF SAMUEL SEWALL. 49 >/"
[1679. Mch. 18, 3. Const. Collation deferred.
April 15, 3. Perambulation.
1679. April 30. Hanah Hitte.
June 12, 5. Laurenc Oakes dyes at night of the Small
24, 3. Miss Mary Adams dyed.
25, 4. Mr. Samll. Haugh dyed S. S. C.
July 10, Balston ar.
1679-80. Fob. 3,3. Hannah Sewall born. 8th, baptzd. -
1680. Aug. 24, 3. His Excellency, Thomas, Lord Culpeper,
Baron of Thorsway, Gov. of Virginia, came to
Boston. Lord Culpeper, Dorchester. [His
title was Baron Colepeper of Thoresway,
CO. Lincoln, and he d. s. p. m. in 1688.]
Sept. 16. Sergt. Wait.
19. Marthah Clark, widow, 85 years old.
23, 5. Dorch. Elder Bowld occidltur a curru.
[This means undoubtedly Elder John
Bowles of Roxbury.]
1680-1. Jan. 11. D. Lawson.
10. Charles River frozen over, so to Nod[dles]
Feb. 28. Coragious South wind breaks the ice between
Boston and DorcM Neck. Hath been a
very severe winter for snow and a constant
continuance of cold weather ; such as most
affirm hath not been for many yeers.
1681. July 28. Barrett arrives.
Sept. 9, 6. Alitor John Foster obit. [Evidently the Dor-
chester school-master '• that made the then
Seal or Arras of the Colony, namely an In-
dian with a Bow and Arrow, &c.," as Blake's
Annals inform us. It was in a copy of the
Almanac "by John Foster, Astrophil,''^ that
Sewall was writing, and he notes down
" The Author Dyed^Scpt. 9. 1681." Several
of the Almanacs are marked " ex dono Au-
1681-2. Feb. 14, 3. Major Savage dyes, Rox.
1682. July 12, 4. Wm. Taylour, Merc. exit.
July 22, 7. Col. Robert Richbell.
Aug. 17, 5. Blazing St[ar.] 23, 4. Seen in evening,
[ — 21, 2. The Rev. Mr. Isaac Foster buried. [A class-
mate of Sewall.]
Nov. 9, 5. Doma Brattle aufugit. [Mrs. Brattle dies.
See p. 56.]
28, 3. Sliip cast away, 7 men of 13 lost.
Dec. 5, 3. Gov. Cranfield. 20, 4. Fast at Mr. Mather's.
30. Mr. Joseph Pynchon dyes.
1682-3. Jan'yl2, 6. Landlady, Jane P'issende dyes. Bur'd. 16,3.
17, 4. Mr. T. Weld, Roxb. dyes. Buried 19tb, 6.
25. Fast, 0[ld] Meet[ing] House.
Flocks of Pigeons are seen this month at New-
1682-3. Feb. 2, 6. Edw. Dudley F. 6. 3. Calf Braintrey.
[The Almanac for 1683 is by Cotton Mather,
printed by S. G. for S. S., i.e. Samuel Green
for Samuel Sewall. In it is written, " the last
half sheet was Printed with my Letters at
Boston. S. S." The last four leaves of the
Almanac are in different type, which explains
this reference.]
1683. Aug. 14, 3. My father watched his last.
1684. [Items in two Almanacs.]
Mch 27, 5. Jack, Negro. 22,7. An extraordinary high tide.
May 6,3. Commissioners Court. June 10, 3. Henry Pease.
June 21, 7. Thos. Powes drowned.
July 2, 4. Praeses obit. [Prest. John Rogers of Harvard.]
Sepultus est July 3d.
The President dies July 2d, just as the sun
gets from being eclipsed.
/ July 8, 3. Hull Sewall natus.
22, 3. Special Court of Assistants.
30, 4. Mr. Nath. Gookin.
Oct. 2, 5. Mr. Philip Jones buried. 8, 4. Clark arrives.
18, 7. Gardener arrives. 20, 2. Foy arrives.
Nov. 8, 7. Dom Wade Sepidt. est. 15, 7. Jolls Belcher.
18, 3. Mohetabel. 19, 4. Capt. Johnson obit.
Nov. 25, Tues. A very high tide, begun to run into our
Cellar. Filled C. Hills.
Dec. 4, 5. Capt. Berry sails.
[The Almanac for 1685 begins with an entry
in regard to the deputies, which is copied into
the Journal and stands in the text.]
[Having had an opportunity to examine certain notes upon the
preceding portion of the Diary, prepared by the late Rev. Samuel
Sewnll, of Burlington, Mass., the custodian of the MSS. for so many
years, the editors have judged proper to make the following extracts
On p. 2, line 2. " Herboord's Physick." Mr. Sewall notes that it
was probably the book entered on the " College Catalogue," of
1790, under Metaphysics, — " Heerboord, (Adrian) Meletemata phi-
losophica, 4to. Ams. 1665,"
P. 2, line 16. " Mr. Gookin." A reference is made to N. E. Hist,
and Gen. Reg., lY. 79, where was printed an extract from the " Col-
lege Book," Xo. 3, to the effect that, " Xovemb. 5, 1673, Sr Sewall
was chosen fellow and together with Mr Daniel Gookin, installed
before the overseers, Novemb. 26."
P. 3, line 25. In addition to our footnote, we may give Mr, Sew-
alFs opinion, tliat, at this interview with Mr. Cakes, the diarist
expressed his intention of resigning his fellowship, as Joseph Brown
and John Richardson had done the year before, and Dr. Cakes feared
that it would be attributed to his influence.
P. 4, last line but one. " Sir Weld commonplaced." Mr. Sewall
writes that '' commonplacing" denotes the reducing and treating of
topics of theology, philosophy, &c., under certain common ])laces or
general heads, and is recognized as follows in " Laws, Liberties, and
Orders of Harvard College," 1642-46, as an exercise expected at cer-
tain times of Resident Bachelors as well as So])hislers among the
undergraduates. " No. 5. And all Sophisters and Bachelors (until
themselves make common place) shall publicly repeat sermons in the
Hall, whenever they are called forth."
Mr. Sewall also says that the title " Sir," until within the memory
of the last generation, was given to one who had taken his degree aa
BaclR'lor until he took his degree of Master, when his style became
"j\Ir." The same custom prevailed in P^ngland.
P. 5, line 4 from bottom. " Summoned to wait on the Court." Ref-
erence is here made to the Col. Rec, V. 20, wlierein is printed the
order of the General Court in this matter.
P. 0, line 19. " Goodman Cheny. Xic. Fissenden." Here ^Ir.
Sewall refers to "Book of the Lockes," p. 313, and thus enables
us to add to the footnote on p. 5. It seems by Locke, that Nicholas
Fessenden married Margaret Cheney, and had a child born July,
1676. Hence his wife may well be ^Margaret, daughter of Thomas
Cheney, of Cambridge, born November,' 1656, who had a brother
Thomas. The Cheneys would thus be comiected with the bride,
Hannah Fessenden. Jan. ] 8, 1688-89, Judge Sewall notes: " Ar-]
[rived at Canterbury, visited Aunt Fissenden, her son John, and
daughters Mary, Elizabeth and Jane." This may imply a previous
connection between the Sewalls and Fessendens in England.
P. 13, line 20. Mr. Willard's lecture. Mr. Sewall notes that this
was not the famous Boston Thursday Lecture, but a stated monthly
lectui-e at the Third, or South, Church, delivered on the Wednesday
preceding Communion Sunday, every fourth week.
P. 13, line 21. " Mr. Woodrop," &c. Mr. Sewall reads these names,
" Hobart, Ger. Nehem." meaning Rev. Gershom and Rev. Nehemiah
Hobart, both sons of Rev. Peter H., of Hingham. He adds, the next
three were probably Sewall's classmates, Samuel Phips, Rev. Thomas
Weld, and Rev. Edward Taylor, — the latter name being wrongly
read by the transcriber (all this being an old copy of a lost original)
as Faild. This seems the more probable, as Savage records no such
surname as P^aild ; and the nearest approach to it, Fales, is not prom-
inent on our records till later.
P. 16. Timothy Dwight and his uncle Eliot. On this point, Mr.
Sewall says he has discovered nothing. We take the opportunity,
however, to record the result of our later searches. It seems certain
that this Timothy Dwight was that son of Captain Timothy Dwight,
of Dedham, who was born Nov. 26, 1654, was a goldsmith in Boston,
and d. s. j)- in 1691. (Dwight Genealogy, I. 105.) From the ref-
erence here, on p. 31, line 16, and p. 38, line 18, Ave conclude that
Timothy was an apprentice of Hull's, and lived in the house, as did
John Alcock.
Captain Timothy Dwight, of Dedham, married, for his second wife
(he had six), Sarah Powell, who was the mother of our Timothy.
It has been already shown (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, XXIX. 25),
that Deacon Jacob Eliot married Mary Powell, widow of William
Wilcox. Mrs. Eliot was, therefore, aunt of Timothy Dwight, being
his mother's sister. Both were undoubtedly the children of Michael
Powell, of Boston, as the following will of Michael's widow shows :
Suff. Wills, VI. 190, will of Abigail Powell, widow, dated March 4, 1677,
gives to her four daughters, Abigail Ilowlett, Elizabeth Ilollings-
worth, Dorothy Perry and Margaret Howard, each £50. To Joseph
Elliot, eldest son of Dea, Jacob E., £20. To Timothy Dwite, eldest
son of Timothy D., of Dedham, £20. To Michael Perry, £5, to
Samuel Ilowlett, £5, Son-in-law Anthony Howard and Seth Perry,
exec"." ; four daughters residuary legatees.
As Mrs. Eliot was alive, we may fairly conclude that she and Mrs.
Dwight were PowelTs daughters by a previous wife.
But our Timothy undoubtedly came into the Hull connection in
another way. His father was then living with his third wife, Anna]
[Flynt, who was niece of Edmund Quincy, Hull's brother-in-law and
step-brother. The evidently close connection between Hull and
Quincy would account for Dwight's employment.
P. 34, line 25. "Mr. Josson." This name should be Jesson.
P. 46, line 5 from bottom. " Japheth Hobart." Mr. Sewall notes
that Savage says that Hobart went to England before 1670, intending
to go to the East Indies, and was never heard of; an^ that this state-
ment does not agree well with the text.
[The following notes in regard to setting the watch are found at
the end of the first volume of Sewall's Diary, and are printed as giv-
ing valuable information not to be found on the town records.
This South Company was that of Captain John Hull. In the First
Repprt of the Record Commissioners of Boston, published by the
City Government in 1877, there are tax lists of 1676 and 1G81. This
list of 1679 covers a different year, and may be compared Avith that
printed on p. 75 of the Report. — Eds.]
A list of Persons belonging to the South Company of Boston
liable to "VVatch themselves, or by their money to procure Watchmen ;
as they were marshalled by the Lieutenant and myself Ocf 13. 1679,
in two lists, that each Clark might have half and warn no more at
one turn.
1679 Clark Vergoose his List.
1 ^
Corp" RajTisford
Edward Ellis
Jonathan Wales
John Howen
Francis Smith
- Jno. Brandon W™ Middleton
Jn» Baker
James Jn^son
Alexander Baker
Josiah Baker
Tho. Pritchet
Wid. Goose
Samuel ]Mason
James Liudon
Jn° Sibly
Tho. riimly
Digory Sargent
, Jane Bernard
Sergt Jn° Pell
Tho Paddy
Jn° Balston
Richard Keats
Roger Burgess
Xic Xeal
Sergt Jno Bull
Tho Hill
Wdi King
Tho Gent
Charles Perry
Dan" Gent
James Town.send
Alex'- Bogle
Jos. Holms juu'
^^'l"_ obisoii
Tho Ruiiily
, Abel Porter.]
' Joseph Wheeler
Peter Wyer
Jos AVaiTen
Tho Thurston
Eben Danforth
L Eliza Till
Jno Holman
Win Goddard
jn° Hurd
Jos Hurd
Benj Smith
Prudence Morse
Daniel Quinsey
Samuel Clark
Jn° Newman
Matthias Smith
Joseph Brisco
Elenour Evans
For the better Inspection of the several "Watches, and the four
several Guards in this Town of Boston. It is Ordered, Agreed and
Concluded by the Committee of Militia for the said Town, tliat the
eight Foot Company es by their Commission Officers and Serjants
(being seven in each Company) or for want thereof, or by reason of
any other hindrance, a Sufficient Supply be made at the discretion
of the rest of the Officers of said Company : Also the Officers of the
Troop that live in tlie Town (eight) or for want thereof to be sup-
plyed of their Troopers, as abovesaid : Which said Sixty four Men
shall each in their respective turn as hereafter mentioned take unto
them one or two more that live in tlie Precincts of their own Com-
pany who shall walk every Night (in their several Turn) throwout
the Town in every Quarter, and shall take Inspection of the several
Guards and Watches, how they are managed, and give such Direc-
tions as to them shall seem meet for the better discharge of their
Duty according to Law, Taking the care and cliarge of all the
W^atches in the Town in their respective nights ; Who shall march
with an Half Pike witlx a fair head, by which he may be known to
be the Commander of the Watch, and in the morning leave the same
with him whoes Turn is next, which shall be accounted a sufficient
Warning or notice to tlie next Commander to take his Turn.
Have entered the Order of the South Company onely.
This is conceived to
be the best Method
for regulating of the
Watch that hath been
hetherto agreed on
1 Sergt.
Trooper preceding IMi'.
Capt Jolm Hull
4 Sergants
Trooper Arthur Mason.]
[The order of the several Persons watching in the several Nights
is to be as above expressed, and the time to begin is this night fol-
lowing Monday Sept 6. 1680, which is Agreed by the Committee
of Militia, as doth Attest Thomas Savage, Clai-k of the said Com-
An extract of the Major's warrant, dated Aug. 19, 1680 : —
Impress twenty able Souldiers two of them Carpenters, all well
Armed with fixed fire-lock Arms — one pound of Powder, 3 pounds
of Shot, for Service of the Country at Cas(io Bay ; to appear at the
Town House at 12 of the Clock the 24^ Instant,
Proportioned the Men at the Town House, Captains meeting, or
some of them
1 Major Clark 3
2 Major Savage 3
3 Capt. Hudson 3
4 Capt Henchman 2
5 Capt Richards 3
6 Lieut Pen Townsend 2
7 Capt Hull 2
8 Capt Hutchinson 2
Had one from Muddy River ; and Joshua Atwater offered himself
to us as Volunteer; so furnished him with Arms; but his carriage
was such formerly and now, that he was dismissed,
Monday, April 18, 1681, Capt John Hull gave Andrew Gardener
of Muddy Rivei", his Halbert in Token of his having constituted him
a Serjant ; and declared him (as to his Place) to be the Second ; viz
1 Jno Bull 2. Andrew Gardener ; 3 John Pell ; 4 Solomon Rainsford,
This was done in the Evening, after Training, in the little Hall,
present Lieutenant, Eusigne, Serjents, Corporal Odlin, Clarks, Drum-
The Ceremony of delivering a Ilalbert having been a gooil while
since been performed to the three Serjants, and not to Serjant Gar-
dener, some began to mutter that Serjant Gardener was none, and
some, that 'twas not intended he should be any : and none knew what
his place was. Now said Gardener was made a Corporal of the
South Company when W- Hudson Captain, on the same day with
our Lieut. Frary and Ensigue Thurston ; and he hath proved con-
stant and diligent ; wherefore 'twas agi'ced on as mentioned p. ( ) ;
though Serjt Gardener disabled himself, modestly and earnestly de-
sireing to have the 4th place, according to the date of the Cereniony.
Since there is a gap in this Diar}-, from July, 1G77, to ]\[arch,
1084-85, caused by the loss or disappearance of one or more volumes,
it may be well to remind the reader that John Hull, SewalTs father-
in-law, kept a similar record, which ends Sept. 2U, 1 082. This]
[record, which embraced a private and a general diary, was published
in Vol. III. of the "Transactions of the American Antiquarian
Society," in 1857. We copy from the private or personal record
a few items relating to Sewall : —
1673-6, "Feb. 28, being Monday, Mr. Broadstreet married my
daughter Hannah to Samuel Sewall, in the
1677 " 2d, 2d, being Monday, at ten o'clock at night, my grand-
child, John Sewall, Avas safely born into the
1678. " T'-'ne 4, on the third day of the week, in the morning,
half an hour before six o'clock, Samuel
Sewall Avas safely born."
1678. " Sept. 10, John Sewall had a vomiting, continuing that day
and the night following, and then taken with
convulsion fits, — about seventeen sore fits.
He died about twelve o'clock, before the
12th of September."
1679-80. " Hannah Sewall was safely born into the world, being
the third day of the week, about midnight."
" Elizabeth Sewall Avas safely born into the Avorld, Dec.
29, 1G81, a little after four o'clock in the
John Hull died Oct. 1, 168.3, leaving a AvidoAv, Judith, Avho lived
till 1695.
The folloAving items respecting ScAvall's life during this period
having been gathered- from various sources : —
March 30, 1677, he joined the (Old) South Church in Boston.
May, 1678, he Avas made a freeman.
March 10, 1678-79, he Avas appointed by the toAvn of Boston one
of perambulators of bounds for Muddy River, now Brookline.
In December, 1680, Hull Avrites to a correspondent, "I haA-e re-
ceived your glasses and hats, and have obtained my son-in-laAV, Samuel
Sewall to take your consignment of them. He hath sold" a part, &c}
1 Although Sewall's Diary is lacking for the period 1677-85, it Avould
seem as if some part of it bad been known quite recently. In the notes to
Hull's Diary, as printed, p. 278, is tbe following, given as an extract from
the Diary of Samuel Sewall : —
" Thursday, Xov. 9, 1082. Daniel Quincey married Mrs. Anna Shepard,
before John Hull, Esq. Samuel Xowell, Es(], and many persons present, —
almost Capt Brattle's great hall full. Mr. Willard began Avith prayer; Mr.
T. Shepard concluded. As he was praying, Cousin Savage, my mother Hull,]
[Colony Kec, V. 323, Oct. 12, 1681 : « Mr. Samuel Seawall, at the
instance of some friends, with respect to the accommodation of the
publicke, being prevailed with to undertake the management of
the printing press in Boston, late under the improvement of Mr.
John Foster, deceased, liberty is accordingly granted to him for the
same by this Court, and none may presume to sett up any other
presse without the like liberty first granted."
Dec. 26, 1681. Samuel Sewall was surety on the town's book for
Samuel Green, printer, and his family, that they should not be
chargeable to the town. (Boston Records.)
March 13, 1682-83, he was appointed by the town, with John Saffin,
Anthony Checkley, and the seven Selectmen, a committee to draw
up instructions for its deputies to the General Court. This was, of
course, an important trust. Aug. 31, 1683, he was chosen one of the
seven Commissioners of the town to assess rates.
Oct. 10, 1683 (Rec, V. 418), "It is ordered, that the Tresurer of
the county, as soon as can, satisfy and pay in mony to Mr. Samuel
Seawall tenn pounds seventeen shillings, for printing Mr. Samuel
Torreys sermon at the last election."
The new edition of Thomas's "History of Printing" contains the
titles of some ten pamphlets printed for Sewall.
Sept. 12, 1684, the following order was passed (Col. Rec, Y. 452) :
*' Whereas, at a session of the Generall Court in October, 1681, this
Court was pleased to intrnst Mr. Samuel Sewall with the manage-
ment of the printing press in Boston, lately under the improvement
of Mr. John Foster, deceased, and whereas, by the providence of
God, Mr, Seawall is rendered unable to attend the same, he judging
it reasonable to acquaint this honnoured Court therewith, desiring
that he may be freed from any obligation unto duty respecting that
affaire, with thankfull acknowledgments of the liberty then granted.
The Court grants the request above mentioned."
Nov. 7, 1683, his name appears on the roll of the General Court,
as a deputy from Westfield, a town in Hampshire County, which
John Hull represented in 1674.
my wife and myself, came in. A j;ood space after, when we had eaten cake
and drunk wine and beer plentifully, we are called into the hall again to sing.
In singing-time, iNIrs. Brattle goes out, being ill. INIost of the company go
away, thinking it a fit. But she grows worse, speaks not a word, and so
dies away in her chair. And the strangeness and horror of the thing fills
the (just now) joyous house with sorrow and ejulation."
This account is repeated in Harris's Genealo,g}- of the Brattles, with a few
additions; but we have been imable to trace either version to the original. —
[Dec. 5, 1683 (Col. Rec, V. 426) : « Upon complaint of Leiftenant
Fraiy, that their company is under much discouragement, by reason
of the removing of Mr. Sewall from them to command another com-
pany, and other inconveniences arising thereby, this Court judgeth it
meete to recall that former order, and doe appoint Mr. Samuel Seawall
captaine of that company belonging to Capt. John Hull, and Mr.
Frary to remain leiftenant of that company as formerly."
The two following letters, written by Sewall in the years during
which his Journal fails us, are here reprinted from the Mass. Hist.
Society's Collections, 4th Series, Vol. viii. p. 516-7 : —
For the Reverend Mr, Increase 3Iather, in Boston.
BosTOx, March 23, 1682-3.
Honoured Sir, — H you think it not inconvenient, I have some
thoughts what if I should print the Colledgo-Laws ? that so every
student admitted may have a fair Admittatur to keep p"" him,
in memory of his Admission. I know that to avoid writing out a
copy,^ many borrow Laws to present at their Admission, w])ich they
are fain to return agen awhile after, which is very mischievous, for
by that means, they are without both Laws and Admittatur. I
supose the Colledgc-Orders are not very bulkey, so I could have some
stitch't up in Marble-Paper, and (considering the fewness of what
shall part with) afford them at a very easy rate.
Sir, Your friend and Serv' Samuel Sewall.
For his much esteemed Friend^ Mr. Cotton Mather, pr. Eliahim M.
Boston, Xr. 25, 84.
Sir, — Would intreat you to send me the little book you spake of
to me, which Dr. Owen writt of tlie Glory of Christ.
Please also, in stead of some Recreation, when you can spare the
time, to give me your Reasons Avhy the Heart of x\merica may not
be the seat of the Xew-Jerusalem. The worthy Pastor of Newbury,
in his fourth letter to Mr. 3Ieadc, (which I thank you for directing
me to,) warrants me in such an Liquiry. Your Arguments, briefly
laid down under several heads, will be refreshing to me to have them
to consider of. Desiring your Prayers, that I may be found in
Christ, not having my own Righteousness, I take leave, who am, Sir,
Yours, Sam. Sewall.
My son Sam: is still sick.
1 A specimen of a written copy is in Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. , for March,
1876.— Eds.]
[Oct. 15, 1684 (Col. Rec, Y. 456) : « In answer of the petition of
Samuel Seawall, Esq. humbly shewing that his house of wood in
Boston, at the hill where the Reverend Mr. John Cotton formerly-
dwelt, which house is considerably distant from other building and
standeth very bleake, he humbly desiring the favour of this Court to
grant him liberty to build a smale porch of wood, about seven Foote
square, to breake of the winde from the fore doore of said house, the
Court grants his request."
The house thus mentioned by Sewall was undoubtedly that which
had belonged to his father-in-law, John IIull.^ It had belonged to
Rev. John Cotton, as the following statements of title will show.
We give, in the first place, an extract from the will of Rev. John
Suff. Wills, I. 52: "And because that south part of my house
which Sir Henry Vane built, whilst he sojourned with me, he by a
deed gave it (at his departure) to my son Seaborn, I do therefore
leave it unto him as his by right, and together therewith liberty
of commonage with his mother, in that south garden, which lyeth
under it."
To his wife, for life, "the dwelling house Avherein I now live."
After her death, all houses and lands were to be divided among his
children. Seaborn having a double share.
Evidently, therefore, this Cotton mansion w^as a double house, and
John Hull bought the southerly or Vane i:)ortion first. The record
is as follows : —
Suff. Deeds, VI. 227. Sept. 24. 1064. Seaborn Cotton of Hamp-
ton and Dorothy his wife, sell to John Hull for £200 — all that parcel
of land given S. C. by the will of his father John Cotton — and con-
firmed to him by deeds of Mrs. Sarah Mather of Dorchester, and
Increase and Mariah Mather of Boston, nnd John Cotton and Johan-
nah, his wife, of Gilford, — "and likewise the House that was some-
times S"" Henry Vanes." — which said house and land is situate in
Boston and bounded as follows —
" Bounded with the Towne street on the East ; Mr. ILnvard and
Mr. Bellingham on the south ; Mr. Bellingham and some land belong-
ing to the said Seaborn, Sarah, Increase and John on the west ; and
by east and west line from the street to the Hill even with the noi'th
side of the said House."
May 28, 1077 (Deeds, Lib. 10, f. 108), Seaborn Cotton sold liis
^ Hull writes, in 107-1, " ^ly habitation is greatly (lisa(lvautag(M)us for
trade; yet because I always desired a quiet life, and not too inucli business,
it was always best for nie." — Ens.]
[half of the northerly part of the house and land, " which was the
mansion house of the late John Cotton," to Nicholas Paige ; and,
Aug. 17, 1677 (Deeds, Lib. 10, f. 170), Increase Mather and John
Cotton sold to Paige their part of this same northerly half. The
boundaries in both deeds are : north by land of Simon Lynde and
house and land in which Governor Endicott last dwelt ; south by
land of John Hull, Bellingham heirs, and heirs of James Davis ; east
by the highAvay : west by the foot of Beacon Hill.
April 30, 1G78 (Deeds, Lib. 10, f. 338) Paige mortgages to Thomas
Deane, by the same boundaries, except that on the south John Wing
is instead of heirs of James Davis.
May 1, 1681 (Deeds, XH. f. 49), Paige again mortgages to Deane,
bounded north by Simon Lynde and Edward Sliippen ; south by
John Hull and Bellingham heirs ; east and west as before. This
mortgage was discharged May 29, 1682 ; and on the same day (Deeds,
XII. f. 216) Paige sells the lot to John Hull, bounded north by Simon
Lynde and land of Edward Shij^i^en, formerly the dwelling-place of
Governor Endicott.-'
Following these early records with the light thrown upon them
by the late N. I. Bowditch, in his "Gleaner" articles in the "Boston
Transcript " for 1855-6, we arrive at the following results : —
Where is now Pemberton Square, formerly rose Gentry or Sentry
Hill. At a very early date evidently, the town had laid out Trcmont
Row from School Street to Court Street, and Sudbury Street, as it
was termed, to Court Street corner.
Probably the hill Avas not so near the line of the street as to pre-
clude the placing of houses there.
We will begin at the south en<l of Tremont Row, with John Cog-
gan's lot, which occui)ied the land covered by the Pavilion and Court,
being 76 feet on Tremont Street. It bounded north on Bellingham,
running west 322 feet, and nearly reaching Somerset Street.
Then came Bellinghani's lot, bounded east on the street (Tremont
Row), John Cotton and Daniel Maud, north. According to Mr.
Bowditch, this lot was sold in two parts. In 1663, B. sold to Ilum-
' This corrects another error of Shaw (copied by S. A. Drake, p. 47), who
says (p. 291) that Governor Eudicott's house stood on the lot owned bj- Gai'-
diner Greene. Bendall sold to David Yale (Deeds, II. f. 48), whose attorneys
sold to Captain John Wall. Wall's widow and son (Deeds, Lib. XT. f. 195)
sold, in 1(378, to Edward Sliippen, a house and two acres of land, bounded
on a messuage now or heretofore of Mr. Cotton, south, and Sudbury Street
east. Mr. Bowditch says that this lot was, iu 1768, sold to Dr. James Lloyd.
(Deeds, Lib. 315, f. 273.) — Eds.]
[phrey Davy the south part, and Davy's heirs sold it (being 140 feet
on the street, as Bowditch says), with a stone house thereon, to An-
drew Faneuil. Here Peter Faneuil lived and died, and after him
John Vassall owned it. The north half was sold by Bellinghani's
heirs, in 1693, to the deacons of the First Church, and it measured
62 feet on the street. "William Phillips bought both lots, 1791 and
1805. A rear lot remained, and was bought by Sewall.
This would seem to make Bellingham's front 202 feet on the
Next came Daniel Maud's lot, " 137 feet on the street, w-ith an
average depth of 80 feet," says Bowditch, bounded north and west
by Cotton.
We have thus arrived at Cotton's lot, afterwards Hull's and Sew-
all's. Bowditch says : " The west line of Cotton's estate coincides
with the east line of Bulfinch's pastui-e, i.e. of the Church estate in
Ashburton Place. Its north line ran 680 feet in a straight course to
Tremont Row, including the house lots on the north side of Ashbur-
ton Place, and the wliole central portion of Pemberton Square, em-
bracing the fronts of all the houses on its Avest side south of Mr.
Francis's lands, and cori'esponding portions of the houses on its east
side, both nortli and soutli of the entrance from Tremont Row.
"Cotton's estate (with Bellingham's united in the Sewall family^)
measured east on Tremont Row 163 feet or nearly to the south line
of the present entrance to the square. It had various jogs outwards
on its southerly line, greatly enlarging its contents, adding perhaps
90 feet more to its aver;ige width for a depth of over 300 feet."
Cotton's north line was on Edward Bendall, whose lot passed to
Edward Shiiipen, and then in part to Cyprian Southack. This lot
measured 103 feet on Court Street.- Then came Robert Meeres's lot
^ "We must confess our inability to understand this remark. Bowditch
seems to trace both parts of Bellingham's /;-on< lot into the hands of "William
Phillips, and thence to Patrick T. Jackson, without touching Hull or S(>wall.
Probably ]Mr. Bowditch alluded to the fact that Sewall did buy a back Idt of
Bellingham's land, Oct. 11, 1607 (Lib. 14, f. 4:39-112), from Elizabeth (Sav-
age) Bellingham, wife of Samuel, son of Richard B. The sale was confirmed
(Lib. 21, f. 110) by her trustees, Edward Hull and John Shelton, both of
London. This land was " adjoining to the hill formerly belonging to John
Cotton," and boimded north by land of S. Sewall; east by laud of Samuel
Sewall, and in part by lands belonging to the First Church, now occupied by
Mr. John Bayley, soutli by land lately of lluniphrey Davie, and west by land
late of Captain John Wing, — being about half an acre. — Eds.
2 This remark of " Gleaner's" requires some explanation. The Bendall-
Shippen lot seems to have been of an irregular shape. Three lots were sold,]
[of 85 feet on the street, and the corner lot on Howard Street was
that of Robert Howen.
Cotton Hill, therefore, seems to have tonclied Treraont Street at
its south corner, very nearly at the present outlet of Pernberton
Square, and to have continued northerly round the curve for 163 feet,
tlie greater part facing Scollay Square. Before citing the deeds
which explain the descent of the land, it may be well to say a word,
about the Cotton house, once occupied by Sir Henry Vane, in cor-
rection of errors already in print elsewhere. Mr. S. A. Di'ake, in his
"Landraai-ks of Boston," p. 51, makes this house to be one which
was standing in 1817, when Shaw wrote and so described it, a little
south of the entrance to Pernberton Square; and this was evidently
the tradition. (See Recollections of S. Breck, p. 41.)
Although Shaw says, in 1817, that Governor Bellingham's house
stood on the spot where Faneuil built, this seems to be an error. When
Bellingham sold that south lot, he sold land only ; but, in selling the
north lot, a house and land passed. Hence, it is probable that the
venerable mansion referred to was that of Governor Bellingham.
The First Churcli sold the house and lot in 1787 to Sampson Reed.
(Deeds, Lib. IGO, f. 166.) William Phillips bought it in 1805, hav-
ing bought the other Bellingham lot in 171)7.
Certainly Bowditch held that this oLl house Avas not Cotton's, for
he writes as follows about this north lot : " Upon this lot stood a
most ancient-looking building, with windows of very small panes of
glass. I have heard it stated, and have reason to believe it true,
that when it was pulled down, a chair was made from some of its
timbers for the late Hon. Judge Davis, as possessing great antiqua-
rian interest, under the idea that it was in this house th;it Sir Henry
Vane sojourned. It was within one of being the right house, but a
miss is as good (or as bad) as a mile, in sueh a matter."
The deeds of Sewall's grandchildren seem to show that their home-
stead, the Cotton-IIull-Sewall-Coo]ier house, was on the nortluM'ly
side of the lot, and near the street. It Avas occupied in 1758 by
William Vassall, and probnbly afterwards by Patrick Jeffrey. We
are nssui'ed by the family that Gardiner Greene did not alter the
Vassall house, which he bought and lived in ; and, as it was a large
measuring 170 feet on Court Street, nortli of Iloward Street, or Southack
Court, which Southack laid out; and tlie other part Mas of an L-sliape, bounded
141 feet on Iloward Street north, 410 feet weist on Bulfincli, 014 feet south on
Cotton, and then coming out to Tremout Kow, vhere it measured 10-3 feet.
— Eds.]
[square house of the usual pattern, we may conclude that it was
essentially in the form that Cooper, and probably Sewall, gave it.
Possibly it was the Hull and Cotton house intact ; at all events, as
we have shown, if the Cotton-Vane house was not destroyed at an
earlier date, this must represent it.
The title of the land seems to have passed as follows : Sewall
seems to have left no will, and his property was divided among his
heirs by an ehiborate scheme of lot. His daughter Judith, who mariied
the Rev. William Cooper, inherited the house and land at Cotton Hill.
Dec. 30, 1753, the Cooper heirs, William, Samuel, and Thomas and
Judith Cooper agreed to a division of the estate. As they soon
united in a sale of all their shares (Thomas Cooper's being sold Feb. 2,
1758, to Jacob Wendell, Deeds, Lib. 91, f. 76), it is unnecessary to give
the details. It may be noted that the arbitrators set off " a passage
way 20 feet wide from Treamount street to the back part of the
dwelling house first mentioned, and from thence turning southerly,
keeping the same width, and running westerly thirty feet into Valley
acre aforesaid, to lye open," &c.
Valley Acre is represented on Lieut. Page's map of Boston in 1777,
as a high hill east of Beacon Hill. Mr. Bowditch says that it " em-
braced the lands on both sides of Somerset street to Bulfinch st. &c.,
and extended down the hill to the low ground on Court street.
The actual transfer was as follows : —
Lib. 92, f. 52. Sept. 1758. Jacob Wendell, William Cooper and
Samuel Cooper of Boston, John Sever and wife Judith of Kingston
sold to Wm. Vassall as follows : —
Jacob Wendell sells for £250 house and land a house formerly in the
occupation of Samuel Kneeland and now of Mrs. Thorn and Mrs. Mont-
gomery— bound west on house and land formerly occupied by Daniel
Bell and now by Peter Mourfield and Mrs Sarah Kenedy, 4G feet ;
north on land of John Jekyll dec? 158 feet ; east on Treamont street
70 feet ; south on a passage way 166 feet.
Also land adjoining to Valley Aclior, bounded east on land of Judith
Cooper now Judith Sever, 174 feet; south on garden of Peter Fan-
euil 120 feet; west on Thompson's pasture and Valley Achor 174
feet; north on a passage way 180 feet.
William Cooper sold for £500 the southerly half of a house and
land occupied by s'^ Wra. Vassall, bounded south on land of John
Erving and garden of said Cooper, 177 feet from Treamount street
up towards Valley Achor; east on Treamount street 33 feet to land
of John Erving ; west on land of Judith Sever 20 feet ; north on the]
[other half of said house belonging to Rev. Samuel Cooper, 177 feet
from Tremont st. up towards Valley Achor.
Also a garden adjoining the house, bounded north on the house
& yard behind it, 101 feet; east on land of John Erving 120 feet;
south on land occupied by Rev. Thomas Foxcroft 97 feet ; west on
land of Judith Sever 122 feet.
Also one half of land commonly called Valley Achor east on land
formerly of Tho' Cooper but now of Jacob Wendell, 40 feet ; south
on Thompson's Pasture 280 feet ; west on Joseph Sherburn 17 feet;
south on Sherburn 35 feet ; west on land formerly of Sara. Lynde
now of heirs of Thomas Bulfinch 80 feet ; north on a passage way
320 feet. [This was a passage, 20 feet wide, lying in common, set off
at the division.]
Samuel Cooper sold for £250 the north half of the house occupied
by Vassall & land bounded east on Tremoiit street 40 feet ; south by
the other half of the house 177 feet ; Avest on Judith Sever 16 feet ;
north on a passage way 177 feet from s^ street up towards Valley
John Sever and wife Judith for £250 sold the house now occupied
by Mr Mourfield & Mrs Kennedy — bounded east on the house occu-
pied by Mrs Thorn and Mrs. Montgomery 46 feet ; south on a passage
leading up to Valley Achor 170 feet west on Valley Achor 63 feet,
north on heirs of John Jekyll 150 feet.
Also one half of Valley Achor adjoining said house, bounded east
on said land 68 feet; south on land of William Cooper 320 feet ; west
on land of Lynde now of Bulfinch heirs 36 feet ; north on land for-
merly of Capt Cyprian Southac now of John Tyng, 320 feet.
Also a lot near the house occupied by Vassall bounded north on a
passage way up to Valley Achor 70 feet ; east on land of Wm &
Samuel Cooper, and of Rev Tho.' Foxcroft 220 feet ; south on garden
of Peter Faneuil 70 feet; west on land of Jacob Wendell 174 feet.
All the aforementioned houses and lands being the estate of the
late Judith Cooper, mother of the grantors, which was bounded as
follows : —
East on Tremont street 163 feet.
North on heirs of John Jekyll 311 feet, and of Capt Cyprian Southnc
(now John Tyng) on Valley Achor 295 feet, and heirs of Bulfinch 20
feet — the whole line from Treamount street up to and cross Valley
Achor being 626 ft.
West on heirs of Tho' Bulfinch 116 ft.
South on Joseph Sherburn 36 feet ; west on Sherburn 17 feet.
South on Thompson's Pasture 271 feet, east on a bend of 11 feet, then]
[west on Thompson's Pasture 114 feet ; then south on garden of Peter
Faneuil 190 feet ; then east on land occupied by Rev Tho' Foxcroft
63 feet ; then south on said Foxcroft 98 feet ; then east on John
Ervincr 112 feet ; then south on said Erving 96 feet.
"William Vassall was born in the West Indies in 1715, and came
■with his father Leonard Vassall to Boston. He was of H. C 1733 ;
sheriff of Middlesex, a mandamus counsellor, and a refugee. He
sold the Cooper estate to his nephew Leonard Vassall Borland, aa
appears by the following deed : —
L. 179, f. 240. 23 March, 1787. Wm. Vassall formerly of Boston,
now of Battersea co. Surrey, Eng. sold for £4000 to Leonard Vassall
Borland of Boston — house jyid land bounded north on Dr. James
Lloyd, 211ft., John Tyng on Valley Acre 295 ft. and Thomas Bulfinch
20 feet; west on Bulfinch 116 feet; southwest on heirs of Thomas
Sherburne ; south on said heirs, on Isaiah Doane, on land belonging
to the parish of the Old Brick Meeting house, and on heirs of John
Ervine ; (distance not given) ; southeast on said land (of Ervine) and
east on Tremont st. 133 feet — including land bought of Joseph Sher-
burne and recorded Lib. 118 f. 170. Also sundry small houses bounded
south on the "Writing School &c.
There was probably some informality about this, but April 19, 1790,
John Lowell as attorney for William Vassall sold (Deeds, 179, f. 241,
242, 6, 7, 8) to Patrick Jeffrey, nncle of the famous Francis, Lord
Jeffrey. This Patrick came to Boston and married a widow. Madam
Haley, sister of notorious John Wilkes.
Jeffrey, in 1801, conveyed to the town a strip of his land taken for
Somerset Street, which was extended to Beacon Street. (Deeds,
Lib. 277, f. 297.)
He then sold east of the street, in 1802, to Jonathan Mason for
$36,000 (Deeds, Lib. 203, f. 32) ; and, in 1804 (Deeds, Lib. 210, f. 138),
he sold the part west of Somerset Street to Asa Hammond.
Jonathan Mason, in 1803, sold the eastern lot for $41,000 to Gardi-
ner Greene. (Lib. 205, f. 252.) This estate in Mr. Greene's posses-
sion became one of the most noted sites in Boston.
iMr. Greene acquired in 1824 the ^laud estate, already noticed as
lying next south of Cotton's lot, and tlius obtained about 300 feet
front on Tremont Street. (Deeds, 293, f. 196.)
Finally, in 1835, the Phillips and Greene estates with others were
sold to Patrick T. Jackson, and Pemberton Square was laid out.]
[It may be well to say a word about Sewall's political position, aa
he is found acting as a magistrate or deputy when his Diary recom-
mences. He was chosen a deputy in 1684, probably out of respect to
the long services of his father-in-law, then recently deceased.
Hutchinson writes (Hist. I. 341) : " There were all the symptoms,
notwithstanding, of an expiring constitution. Several of the towns
neglected to send their deputies in the year 1684. Little business
was done at the court. The people, indeed, showed some resentment
against the magistrates, who had been forward for surrendering.
Mr. Dudley, Richards and Brown were dropped, Cooke Johnson and
Hutchinson chose in their stead. Mr. Bradstreet, the governor, Mr.
Stoughton, Bulkley, Saltonstall and Gidney had fewer votes than
usual. (The Governor had 690 votes. Danforth had 631 for Gov-
" There seems to have been as much indifference in the legislature
about public affairs in 1685, expecting every day to be superseded."
The great political issue during tliese years was, of course, that of
the surrender of the charter of the Colony. It is impossible to read
Sewall's own account of the progress of affairs in 1685 and 1686,
without concluding that, though liis sympathies were with the sup-
porters of the charter, he refrained from taking any prominent part,
and that he was personally on friendly terms with Dudley and
Stoughton. — Eds.]
[The Journal is now continued from the autograph manuscript of the
Second Volume, in the Cabinet of the Soeiety. — Eds.]
Wednesday Febr. 11, 1684-5. — Joshua Moodey and
self set out for Ipswich. I lodge at Sparkes's. Next day,
Feb. 12, goe to lecture which Mr. Moodey preaches, then
I dine with Mr. Cobbet, and so ride to Newbury ; visit Mr.
Richardson sick of the dry Belly ake. Monday, Febr. 16,
Get Mr. Phillips and Payson to Town and so keep a Fast-
day, Mr. Moodey Preacliing Forenoon, Mr. Phillips After-
noon, Mr. Woodbridge and Payson assisting in Prayer ;
was a pretty full Assembly, Mr. Moodey having given
notice the Sabbath-day, on which he preached all day. At
Wenham and Ipswich, as we w^ent, we were told of the
Earthquake in those parts and at Salem (Feb. 8). the
Sabbath before about the time of ending Afternoon Exer-
cise; That which most was sensible of was a startling
dolefull Sound; but many felt the Shaking also, Peter
and Jane Toppan. Mr. Phillips had not finished his Ser-
mon, and was much surprised at the Sound, expecting
when the House would have Crackt. In several places
Exercise was over.
Tuesday Febr. 17, I and Brother, sister Stephen Sewall
Ride to Sparkes's by the Ferry, great part in the Snow ;
Dined with Ipswich Select-Men. 18"* I Lodged there ;
the Morn was serene ; came to Salem, seeing Mrs. Hale
by the way ; staid Lecture, came to Boston, found all
well. Laus Deo.
Tuesday March 10th. 1G84-5. Deputies for Boston are
Mr. Isaac Addington votes 90 and odd, Mr. John Saffin 70
and odd, Mr. Timothy Prout 50 and odd, Mr. Anthony
Stoddards passed by, who hath been annually chosen about
these twenty years : Mr. John Fayerwether left out. Am
chosen for the year. Mr. Addington chosen a Commis-
sioner also to seal up the Votes and carry them. In the
Afternoon I carried my Wife to see Mrs. Flint ; wayes
extream bad.
Thorsday, March 12, 1684-5. Mr. John Bayly preached
from Amos 4. 12, and Mr. Willard from 2 Cor. 4. 16-18 ;
both Sermons and Prayers Excellent. In the even 2 first
Staves of the 46 Ps sung*. Watched with Isaac Goose
and Sam Clark, had a pleasant Night, Gave each Watch
\2d. to drink. Satterday March 14th. went to ^Ir. God-
dard of Watertown to buy Hay, Dined as I went with
Thomas Danforth, Esq. aud Lady ; visited Mr. Sherman
as I came back. Wednesday March 25th, 1685. went to
Cambridge with Capt. Elisha Hutchinson, there meet with
Lieut. Johnson ; at Mr. Cotton's Chamber the Deputy
Governor tells how Major Bordman dyed that morning ;
he had been Colleire Cook a lono; time. Dined with the
Commissioner of Middlesex at the Ordinary, then pro-
ceeded in our Errand to Mr. Sherman from the Council
to enquire when Easter Day was, and consequently our
Election,^ because by the Rule in the Prayer Book it
should be a Week sooner. Mr. Sherman was pleasant
and took it for granted 'twas as the Almanack had set
it, i. e. an English Almanack, which I shewed hhn. Dep-
uty Governour told the Commissioners this was the last
time they were like to convene for such a purpose.
Thorsday March 26tli. 1685. Went to the Gathering
of the Church at Sherborn and ordaining; Mr. Daniel
Gookin their Pastor. But six Brethren and three of the
Names, Mors. Mr. Wilson, Mr. Adams and Mr. Nathan-
iel Gookin of Cambrido;e manao-ed the Work ; Mr. Nath!
Gookin the younger introduced the Elder, a happy Type
of the Calling the Jews. Mr. Torrey, Brinsmead, Fisk,
Estabrooks, Man, Moodey, Hubbard, West, Sherman,Wood-
rop, Eawson, Grindal, Wilson jun'' there, and Fellows of
the Colledge: Only Major General and self of Magistrates.
No Relations were made, but I hope God was with them.
I put up a Note to pray for the Indians that Light might
be communicated to them by the Candlestick, but my
Note was with the latest, and so not professedly prayed
for at all.
Tuesday, March the last, went to Weymouth, heard
Mr. Brinsmead preach from Prov. 10. 29 ; see my Book
of Records. After Lecture I took the Acknowledgment
of many Deeds. In the even Angel Torrey brings word
that little Hull was seized with Convulsions ; His first Fit
was when I was at Watertown, 25th March. Lodged with
Mr. Brinsmead.
Wednesday morn April 1. Speaking to Mr. Brinsmead
to pray for drying up the River Euphrates,^ he told me he
^ By the Charter, the annual election was to be held on " the last Wednes-
day in Easter terrae yearely." This plan made the day vary each year, the
extremes being May 2, 1638, and June 2, 1641. In 1685, the day observed
was May 27. — Eds.
2 Judge Sewall, as the numerous references in his papers indicate, con-
tinued through his whole life to pursue those biblical and theological studies
to which his attention had been di-awu when he had in view the work of the
had prayed that God would reveal to some or other as to
Daniel of old, the Understanding of the Prophesies of this
time, that so might know whereabouts we are. Went
home : Mr. Torrey accompany ed me to Monotocot Bridge ;
found things pretty calm at home and the Child sleeping.
— Friday April 3rd, Mr. Joseph Eliot and I Graft some
Walnut Trees. Apr. 14th 1685. A Ship arrives from
New castle and brings News of the death of Charles the
2nd, and Proclamation of James the 2nd, Kino;. Brou2:ht
a couple of printed Proclamations relating to that affair.
News came to us as we were busy opening the Nomina-
tions just before Dinner ; it much startled the Governour
and all of us. In the morn before I went the Governour
said that a Ship master had been with him from Nevis,
who told him Govf Stapleton should say, we should have
a new Governour before he got to Boston. Master dined
with Magistrates and Commissioners at Capt. Wing's. Car-
ried my wife to George Bairsto's yesterday, April 13th.
— Thorsday, April 16th, a Vessel arrives from London.
Mr. Lord, commander, brings Orders to the several Colo-
nies to proclaim the King. Mr. Blathwayt writes to Simon
Bradstreet, Esq. superscribed For His Majestie's Service,
advising that 't would be best for us early to doe it; and
our Charter being vacated in Law and no Government
settled here, was the reason we were not writt to : Copies
and forms sent to us as to the other Colonies, but no mention
of Governour and Company. Also another letter was writt
to Simon Bradstreet, Wm. Stoughton, Jos. Dudley, Peter
ministry. He was especially interested in the enigmas of prophetical inter-
pretation, and in solving the question of the Lost Tribes, the riM>|iling of
America, the Two "Witnesses, &c. The symhols represented hy the river
Euphrates, its drying up, &c. (Rev. xvi. 1"2), engaged his earnest thought,
and were frequently the subjects of his correspondence with divines, as bear-
ing upon tlie triumphs of the Gospel. Two editions were publisheil. tiie first
in 1G97, of what he considered liis magnum opu.<\ under tlie title of " Phe-
nomena Qua-dam Apocalyptica," &c. This is one of the many biuiks that
are liandled onlv when the shelves which hold them are dusted. — Kds.
Bulkeley, Sam'l. Shrimpton, Richard Wharton, Esquires,
to proclaim the King. Suppose this was done lest the
Government should have neglected to do it. The Council
agreed to proclaim the King before they knew of the Let-
ter. Major Richards counted the Votes for Mr. Dudley,
told them twice over, and still found them 666, and so
'twas entered and sent to the Towns, s.s.
Monday April 20th. The King is Proclaimed ; 8 Com-
panies, the Troop, and several Gentlemen on horseback
assisting ; three Volleys and then Canon fired. ^ This day
a child falls upon a Knife which run through its cheek to
the Throat, of which inward Wound it dies, and is buried
on Wednesday. 'Tis one Gees child. — Thorsday, April
23, Mother Sewall comes by Water in Stephen Green-
leaf to see us. — Sabbath, iVpril 26th, I go to Meeting ;
staid at home last Sabbath and April 20th by reason of
my Sore Throat, with which was taken the night before
Mr. Lord came in. — April 27th. Father Sweet buried
— Tuesday, April 28th Began to wean little Hull to see
if that might be a means to free him of Convulsions,*
he had one yesterday. — Wednesday, April 29th, The
Vessel of which Matthew Soley died Master in London,
arrives, and brings Gazettes to the 2d. of March. The
King w\as buried 14th of Febr. in the even privately.
Friday, May the first, Mother Sewall goes to Salem ;
my Wife and I go with her to visit Mrs. Bellingham, and
so to the Ferry Boat in which met with a Hampshire Man
1 The entiy in the Colony Records, V. 474, adds a little to the picture.
The Governor and Council having ordered his Majesty to be proclaimed in
the High Street in Boston, it was " donn on 20th of Aprill last, the honour-
able Governor, Deputy Governor and Assistants on horseback, with thousands
of people, a troope of horse, eight foote companys, drums beating, trumpets
sounding, his majesty was proclaymed by Edward Rawson, secretary, on
horsback, and John Green, marshall generall, taking it from him, to the
great joy and loud acclamations of the people, and a seventy peec of ordi-
nance next after the volleys of horse and foote. . . God save the King, &c."
— Eds.
that had been well acquainted with Mr. Cox and such
Hampshire People, several of them, as mother knew :
rode to Capt. Marshal's and there took leave. White Oaks
pretty much put forth : 'tis a forward very green Spring.
An Apsoon ^ man arrives of about 5 weeks' passage, brings
word that the King was to be Proclaim'd the 23rd of
April, and the Parliament to sit the 4th of May. Mr.
Tho. Smith from Barbados brings the Honourable Francis
Bond, one of His Majestie's Council for that Island, and
of a great Estate, also one Mr. Middleton : Former comes
to recover his health.^ Father Town is buried at Cam-
bridge this first of May. Sundry other vessels come from
England, which I mention not. The like has hardly been
known as to earliness. — Sabbath May 3rd, a letter read
from the N.[orth] Church wherein Mr. Willard and Mes-
sengers desired to be sent in order to ordain Mr. Cotton
Mather, Pastor of that Church; signed. Increase Mather,
at the desire and order of the Church. The Governour
and self with the Deacons, nominated to goe. — May 6th,
General Court Assembles ; Magistrates vote an x\ddress to
be sent by the Ship now ready to sail, on which a Nega-
tive put. A Committee chosen to Eevise the Laws,^ at
1 Probably from Bergen-op-Zoom. — Eds.
2 Francis Bond, Esq., is mentioned several times in the Barbadoes lists
printed by Ilotten, in 187i. The main family was of Cornwall; but one off-
shoot was William Bond, of London, sheriff in L508, "most famous in his
age for his great adventures both by sea and land." His brother. Sir George
]?ond, and his nephew. Sir George Whitmore, were Lord Mayors of London.
Numerous junior branches are indicated in the genealogy. The main branch
lived at Sutton, and of this line AVilliam was grandfather of Alice Lisle,
whose judicial murder is noted in these pages. — Eds.
3 The report of the committee is on record, under date of ]\Lay 27, 1685.
(Col. Rec. V. 476.) At this date, also, was passed a law establishing a Court
of Cliancery to exercise equity jurisdiction. This revision of the Colony
laws, "especially those more lately made," was entered upon and very
slowly and grudgingly pursued, in compliance with the peremptory excep-
tions made to them by the Attorney and Solicitor General of England.
Among the laws which were annulled was that which sentenced to death
Quakers returning from banishment, and that passed in 16.19 " against keejv
ing Christmas." The Records add: " For greater expedition in tlie present
the earnest Suit of the Deputies, which they would have
had them made a Report of next Tuesday, but agreed to
be next Election Court. Took the word " such " out of
the late Law printed Title " Convey ancies " ; made some
Freemen, it may be Twenty : Dissolved the Court on Fri-
day May 8th, 1685. — Thorsday, May 7th. a youth was
Cut for the Stone and a great one taken out as big as a
Hen's Egg, — Friday morn, May 811' 1685, the Lad dies,
at Neighbour Mason's, and now his Son will not be cut,
seeing this stranger fare so ill. Mr. John Bayly preached
the Lecture for Mr. Mather, from Ps. 37. 4. Delight thy-
self also in the Lord &c.
Friday May 8th — past 6, even, Walk with the honored
Governour [Bradstreet] up Hoar's Lane,' so to the Alms
revisall of the lawes, this Court doth order, that they shall be sent to the
presse sheet by sheet, and that the Treasurer make payment to tlie printer
for the same paper and ■worke, June 10, 16S5, and tliat Elisha Cook and
Samuel Seawall, Esqrs., be desired to oversee the presse about that worke."
— Eds.
^ This walk is not easily traced, owing to the indefiniteness of the de-
scriptions. Sevvall, of course, starts from his liouse on Tremont Row; then
by Hoar's Lane to the almshouse. This last-named site is well known, being
on the corner of Park and Beacon Streets. Hoar's Lane is therefore pre-
sumably that part of Beacon Street reacliing from Tremont Street to Park
Street. Although, by the town's order of 1708, this was termed Beacon
Street, yet Bowditch says that, in a deed of 1750 (Suffolk, Lib. 84, f. 8), it
was called " the lane leading to the almshouse."
But why called Hoar's Lane? The only supposition is, that the name
came from William Iloare, who lived on the south corner of School and
W^ishington Streets. Hoare mortgaged, Dec. 13, 1083 (Deeds, Lib. 13, f. Gl),
to Mrs. Hull and Samuel Sewall, his land on that corner, bounded east by
the street to Roxbury, north by the lane running from said street to the
Training Field, south by Arthur Mason, w^est by Josepli Whiting. Hoar's
wife, Hannah, was daughter of Robert W'right, and with her sister, Lydia
Gridin, sold land, in 1700-1 (Deeds, Lib. 20, f. 218), inherited from their
father. It was bounded east by heirs of John Blowers, west by land of Dr.
Elisha Cooke, south by Capt. Samuel Sewall's land, north by "school-house
lane, so called."
From the Almshouse they went " down the length of the Common to ^h\
Deaii's pasture." Presuming this means down Beacon Street, tiiey would
reach a lot of about five acres, bought by Thomas Deane, as Bowditcli shows;
being the lots of Richard Truesdale, sold May 11, 1(J07 (Deeds, Lib. .5, f. '23 i.),
House ; then down the length of the Common to Mr. Dean's
Pasture, then through Cowell's Lane to the New Garden,
and Thomas Miller or Millard, sold May, 1668 (Deeds, Lib. 5, f. 249).
Deane, indeed, sold in 1672, to Whitcomb, he to Hawkins, who sold to Sav-
age, from whom Sewall bought, April 2, 1692. (Lib. 15, f. 18-3.) Tins estate
was then known as Sewall's Elm Pasture, and thereon his heirs laid out, on
paper. Bishop-stoke Street and Coventry Street. It reached from Joy Street
west, about 440 feet on Beacon Street. (Bowditch.)
Clearly this ought to be the " Deane's pasture" in question; for, doubt-
less, Sewall walked by it often, and with appreciative eyes, before he
bought it.
" Then through Cowell's Lane to the Xew Garden." Here is a trouble,
for we lack any authority for calling the lower part of Beacon Street Cow-
ell's Lane. In fact, the Cowell tribe lived on the corner of Washington and
West Streets, and this latter street ought to be Cowell's Lane. In 1708, it
was Cowell's Corner.
But the "new garden," we must insist, was that spot of most historic
interest, where William Blackstone resided before Boston existed. Dunton,
who was here in 1686, writes: " On the South, there is a small but pleasant
Common, where the Gallants a little before sunset walk with their Mai'malet
Madams, as we do in Moorfield, &c, till the Nine-a-Clock Bell rings them
home ; after wliich the Constables walk their Rounds to se good order kept,
and to take up loose people."
Bowditch has conclusively proved that Blackstone's lot was at the foot of
the Common, at the corner of Beacon and Charles Streets.
Richard Pepys bought this lot of six acres, Jan. 30, 1655, and sold it to
Nathaniel Williams, as appears by a deed of Peter Bracket, who married
Williams's widow, conveying the lot to Williams's children (Deeds, Lib. 9,
f. 325), and also by the following deposition: —
Lib. 26, f. 84. Anne Pollard, widow, aged about eighty-nine years, testi-
fied, Dec. 26, 1711, " That this deponent's husband Mr William Pollard occu-
pied and improved a certain piece or parcel of land, scituate near the bottom of
the Common, at the westerly part thereof in Boston aforesaid, and bounded
on the Sea south-west, for many years; and that her said husband hired the
same of Richard Peepys, late of Boston aforesaid, Gent'.' deceased, who often
told this Deponent, that he the said Peepys bought the said land of ]Mr.
Blackstone formerly of Boston aforesaid. And further this deponent saith
that the said Peepys built a house thereon wherein this deponent and her
husband dwelt for near fourteen years, during which time tlie said Black-
stone used frequently to Resort thereto, and this deponent never hcai'd any
controversy between him, the said Blackstone, and the said Peepys about the
said land, but the same was always reputed to belong to him as this deponent
understood. And she further says, That soon after the sale thereof, as she
supposeth, the said Blackstone removed from this town of Boston. And she
further saith not."
Bowditch shows that the Williams sold, Jan. 29, 1708-9 (Deeds, Lib. 24,
then to our House, then to our Pasture by Engs's, then
I waited on his Honour to his Gate and so home. This
f. 103), to Thomas Banister, their orchard and pasture. He also shows that
the next lot eastward belonged to Francis East; and, in 1694, this lot meas-
ured 12 rods 13 feet on the south line on the Common, with Sewall's land
east. East's lot "extended on Beacon Street to just about the east line of
Spruce Street, and the west boundary of East's pasture extended in a bevel-
ling line to Mount Vernon Street, which street is intersected a little west of
the division line between the two elegant mansions of Messrs. John E. and
Nathaniel Thayer."
The Blackstone lot " bounds south on Beacon Street to the original chan-
nel, which was many hundred feet west of Charles Street, or about the lowest
long block of dwelling-houses now [Xovember, 1855] completed on the Mill
Dam. On the east line it extended along East's pasture and beyond it on
land of Allen or Wheelwright, and to within a few feet of Pinckney Street,
at a point which is nearly in the range of the westerly part of the School
House Estate, at the corner of Centre Street. It thence extended along in the
direction of Pinckney Street westerly, so as to include all Louisburg Square,
till it met a line about 50 feet west of the west line of Louisburg Square,
where it was bounded on the pasture of Zechariah Phillips, on which pasture
it afterwards bounded northerly by a line running to the water."
It is evident that there was a small projection of land here, — "Black-
stone's Point," — the water sweeping in over the Parade Ground south, and
behind Beacon Street north. The orchard, planted first by Blackstone, is
clearly indicated on Bonner's map; and, in fact, when Banister's heirs sold,
in 1733, the land is said to be " improved as a garden."
We may presume, then, that Sewall's walk was " down the length of the
Common," on Beacon Street, to Williams's garden, and that he returned
the same way; or, as he writes, " then to our house."
Then he starts on a fresh trip, — " then to our pasture by Engs." As to
this we are less confident. It seems that Maudit Ingles, Engles, or Engs,
evidently a foreigner, was an original grantee on Summer Street, near the
corner of High Street.
At a little later date, Sewall had a lot here, and the coincidence is worth
noting. The record is (Deeds, Lib. 26, f. 81): 20 Dec. 1711, W>" Hickin-
botham, of Boston, Knacker, and wife Anna, widow of Samuel Engs, sell to
James Marshall, a house and land in Summer street, bounded south on said
street 17 feet north on other land of Engs' heirs 29^ feet; east by a passage
way between land of Engs and land of Capt. Samuel Sewall, Esqre, 102 feet;
west on land of said Engs.
" Then I waited on his Honour to his gate and so home," says Sewall.
We find no record of Governor Bradstreet's home. He was then living with
his second wife, Anne, daughter of Emmanuel Downing, and widow of Jo-
seph Gardner of Salem. He had made an antenuptial settlement of her
estate; and from a remark he makes in his will about the small amount of
day our old Red Cow is kill'd, and we have a new black
one brought in the room, of about four years old and bet-
ter, marked with a Cross and slit in the Left Ear, and a
Cross off the right Ear, with a little hollowing in. As
came with his Honour through Cowell's Lane, Sam. came
running and call'd out a pretty w^ay off and cried out the
Cow was dead and by the Heels, meaning hang'd up by
the Butcher. At which I was much startled understand-
ing him she had been dead upon a Hill or cast with her
heels upward, and so had lost her ; for I was then looking
for her and 't was unexpected. Mother having partly bar-
gained and the Butcher fetcht her away in the Night un-
known. Had served this family above Ten years, above
Nine since my dwelling in it.
Satterday May 9th, Brother Stephen Sewall visits me. —
Monday, May 11th, 1685, I accompanied Mr. Moodey to
Mr. Eliot's [the " Apostle to the Indians "] to persuade
Mr. Benjamin to go to the Ordination of Mr. Cotton
Mather, in which 1 hope we have prevailed ; the men-
tioninof of it drew Tears from the o-ood Father so as to
hinder his Speech. The Father was abroad and preached
yesterday. Visited Mr. Dudley also. Deacon Parkes
dyed last night, and Goodman Woodward of Dedham,
household goods ^vhich he had bought siuce liis marriage, and the want of
mention of a house in Boston, we infer he only hired a house in town. The
only laud which he seems to have owned was on the north side of Court
Street, and apparently there was no house standing on it. This lot is de-
scril)pd in the following deed: —
Lib. 17, f. 25, 27. Jany 2:5, 1001-5. Sijnon Bradstreet and wife Ann
sell to William Clarke a piece of land in Prison Lane, bounded south on the
lane, west on land of Manasseh Beck, north on a pasture of Mrs. Penelope
Bellingham. east on land of John Dassett. This land was mortgaged by
Samj)son Slieaffi.^ in 1<)87 who surrendered same.
But we do find Bradstreet taxed, in 1087 and IGSS, in division or ward
Xo. 7, which went down .Scliool and State Streets and up Summer Street.
"We may infer tliat, as he is named next to William Iloare. he lived near tho
Old South, on Washington Street or on School Street. If in either ])]ace,
Sewall might have left him as he came back from the foot of Summer Street.
— Eds.
father to the Minister, is dead within 's day or two.
At Mr. Dudley's was Wm. Hahaton and David Indian,
who Acknowledged the Papers I offered him in Feb. Court,
at Capt. Paige's, speaking English. — Tuesday, May 12th,
I weary myself in walking from one end and side of the
Town to t'other to seek our lost Cow. — Wednesday, May
13, 1685, Mr. Cotton Mather is ordained Pastor by his
Father, who said. My son Cotton Mather, and in 's sermon
spake of Aaron's Garments being put on Eleazer, intimat-
ing he knew not but that God might now call him out of
the World. Mr. Eliot gave the Right Hand of Fellowship,
calling him a Lover of Jesus Christ. Mr. Benjamin Eliot ^
was there who hath not been at Town these many years.
— Thorsday May 14th, Mr. Torrey and Uncle Quinsey
dined here. Have agreed to have a Fast here at our
house next Friday. 'Twas first to be on Tuesday, but
altered it. I invited all the Magistrates : to most writ
the following words — " To Samuel Nowell, Esq " Sir —
The Ministers of this Town are desired to Pray and Preach
at my House next Fi'iday, to begin about half an hour
past Nine ; which I acquaint you with that so yourself and
Wife may have the opportunity of being present. Sam.
Sewall. May 18. 1685."
Tuesday May 19th. 1685 went to Roxbury Lecture, in-
vited Mr. Eliot and his Son to be with us on Friday next.
When I come home I find Hullie extream ill having had
two Convulsion Fits, one of them very long : the Child is
much changed. — Friday May 22d. 1685, had a private
Fast : the Magistrates of this town with their Wives here.
Mr. Eliot prayed, Mr. Willard preached. I am afraid of
Thy judgments — Text Mother gave. Mr. Allen prayed ;
cessation half an hour. Mr. Cotton Mather praj'ed ; Mr.
Mather preached Ps. 79, 9. Mr. Moodey prayed about an
hour and half; Sung the 79th Psalm from the 8th to the
^ He was the assistant of his father in the church at Roxbury, and died
in 16S7, his fatlier survivinG; him. — Eds.
End : distributed some Biskets, and Beer, Cider, Wine.
The Lord hear in Heaven his dwelling place. — Satterday
May 23d, morn, Thunder and Lightening. Saturday 5
p.m. Mr. Wharton and Safhn offered me an Address,
which I saw not cause to sign. Governour had signed,
J. Winthrop, Capt. Tones and some others interested in
the Narraganset Lands. Mr. Lynde, Mr. Smith (Nar.)
and Mr. Brindley were by at the same time. Sabbath May
24th, we read the ninety-seventh Psalm in Course : Mr.
Francis Bond at our House. — Tuesday May 26th, 1685,
Mary Kay comes hither to dwell in Hannah Hett's stead,
wdio is upon Marriage. — Wednesday, May 27th, 1685,
Election day, being very fair Wether all day. Mr. Wil-
liam Adams preaches from Isa. 66, 2. Capt. Blackwell
and Mr. Bond dine with us : Mr. Philips craves a Blessing
and returns Thanks, in which mentions the Testimony of
Jesus, that God would make us faithf ull in it. Governour
chosen without counting ; Mr. Nowell (I think) came next.
Mr. Danforth Deputy Governour clear. Assistants,'
D. Gookin
J. Pynchon
Wm. Stoughton
J. Dudley
N. Saltonstall
H. Davie
J. Richards
S. Nowell
J. Russell
P. Tilton
S. xVppleton
R. Pike
Elisha Cooke
Wm. Johnson
John Ilathorn
Elisha Hutchinson 777
S. Sewall 1065
Oliver Purchas 683
Commissioners United Colonies
Mr, Stoughton 307
Mr. Nowell 485
Mr. Danforth
Mr. Dudlev.
1 As Sewall has preserved some lists of the votes for mac::istrates, it may
be well to note that the list for 1GS3 is printed in the Hutchinson Collection,
p. 541. — Eds.
Persons left out this year
Mr. Bulkeley 667 1 -i , t ,,
Tw- ^T^ -.1 . -, ^ ^ Mn Ifist year — In the room now
Mr. Woodbridge 5d9 j *^
Mr. Dudley, Oliver Purchas. Mr. Brown had votes 398,
Mr. Gedney 598, John Smith 608, Dan.l Pierce 471. Ma-
jor General and Treasurer, no telling ; Mr. Addington had
a great many Votes for Secretary. My dear child Hull
had a Convulsion Fit in Lecture Time. Mr. Adams, prayed
after the Election over. The Governour, Deputy Gov-
ernour and about nine Assistants sworn, of which myself
one : Court adjourned till Thorsday 8 of the clock.
Thorsday about noon, one Jonathan Gardner of Roxbury
commits Bestiality with a mare ; he is sent to Prison, but one
Witness. Hull hath two Convulsion Fits which brins; him
extreme low ; Mr. Philips prays with us. — Friday, May
29th. Mr. No well and I go to Mr. Stoughton and Dudley
to acquaint them with the Freeman's Choice of them, in
the Court's Name, and to desire them to come and take
their Oaths : I doubt Mr. Bulkeley's being left out will
make them decline it. Mr, Eliot was ill and not at this
Election, which knew nothing of till Mr. Philips told me
the last night.
Monday June 1, 1685. Artillery Election day ; Eliakim
sets out to see his mother at N. Hampton, Connecticot. I
Train not. Mr. John Phillips is chosen Captain. Capt.
Hill Lieutenant, Mr. Benj. Alford Ensign, Henry Deving
eldest Sergeant, Crick second, Seth Penn third, Sam. Chickly
fourth, Roby, Clark. The 46th Psalm sung at Mr. Wing's,
from the 6th verse to the end. About 3 of the clock in
the Afternoon this day, Cousin Anne Quinsey is brought to
bed of a Daughter. June 2, 1685. In the Afternoon Mr.
Stoughton and Dudley come and confer with the Council
thanking them for their respect in acquainting them with
their choice, and to say they w^ere not of another mind as
to the Substance than formerly, relating to the great Con-
cerns of the Country, lest any might be deceived in desir-
ing them to take their Oaths. Also that if things went
otherwise than well in that great Trial [we] were like
shortly to have, all the blame would be laid upon them.
Said, supposed things would be so clear when the day
came as that [there] would be a greater unanimity what
to do than now was thought of. Deputy Governours Cloud
and Pillar. Seemed, through the importunity of friends,
Ministers and others to incline to take the oath.^ Take
leave. When gone Deputy Governour relates a saying of
his Wife. — June 3, very seasonable Rain. Wednesday
June 3d, '85, at night very considerable Thunder and
Rain. In somnils visum est mihi, me rediisse Novohurgo
vel alio cdiqiio opindo ; et vie ahsente, uxorem mortuam
esse Roxburice vel Dorcestrice ; quam narrcdionem ceger-
rime tidi Nomen scepiiis exclamans. Dum j^ercontarer
uhi esset socer dixerunt eum in Angliam 'profecturum ;
FiUa scilicet mortuci liberum esse ei ut iter faceret quo
vellet. Heme m^ortem 2:)artim ex incuria mea et Amoris
indigenticL accidisse, Ullzahetha susurravit quod adhuc me
gravlus jyressit. JExcusso somno pro gaudlo uxorem quasi
nuper nuptam amplexus sum.
To the Kings Most Excellent 3fajestie.
The Humble Address of the Governor and Company of the ^lassachusets
Bay in Xew England Assembled in Generall Court at Boston, "iSth
January 1G84-5, Showeth,
Tliat your Majesties poor and distressed Sul)jeets of tliis Colonic
have been long since transported and planted here under tlie most
Gracious and Princely Encouragement of your ^lajesties Royall
Ancestours of Blessed Memory: and since your Majesties happy
Restauration, have had many Gracious Intimations of your ^[ajestie.s
Favourable regard and Inclination towards us, and our good Settle-
ment and Security here, for which wee renew to Almighty God and
your Majesty most luunble Thankes, as wee ought alwayes.
1 These are intimations of the anxieties and misgiviuL^^s, and of the differ-
ences, even alienations of feeling, of some of tlie old magistrales consequent
on the unsettled state of the Government. — Eds.
That since it hath pleased your Majesty to proceed in Law against
the Charter of this your Majesties Province in order to the vacating
thereof upon the Scire facias late brought against us in the Chan-
cery, of which wee never had any legall notice for our Appearance
and making Answer : ISTeither was it possible in the time allotted
that wee could. Had wee had opportunity it would have been easie
to demonstrate our Innocency in what is objected against us. And
wee hope that heavy charge is beyond beliefe, that wee have raised
£50,000 pr Annum, converting it to our own use. Inasmuch as the
ordinary Charge for the necessary Support of the Government doth
not amount to £1200 a year: nor was there ever more raised on that
Account. And wee most humbly beseech your Majestic to allow us
sincei-ely to profess that not one of the Articles therein objected
were intended, much less continued to be done, in Derogation of
your Majesties Royall Prerogative, or to the Oppression of your
It is matter of great grief and Sorrow to our hearts that by being
misrepresented as disloyall and disobedient Subjects, wee are fallen
under your Majesties Displeasure ; wee implore your Majesties
Favour, and humbly entreat that our great distance from your
Majesties Royall Court, our poverty and many evill circumstances
may be so graciously considered as that, of your Sovereigne Grace
you Avould please to grant a Pardon and Amnesty of all our Errors,
and the Continuation of our Liberties and Immunities granted in our
Charter, under the Security of which our Worthy Predecessors
undertook so great an Adventure, and left their Dear and Native
Land and very desirable Enjoyments there, that so they might gain
an inoffensive Retirement to Worship God according to the dictates
of their Conscience warranted by the Word of God, which wee also
account more precious than all our outward Concerns, the Continu-
ance of which will erect for your Majestic a lasting IMonument of
Praise and Thanksgiving in the hearts of the present and succeeding
Wee humbly take leave to add, that notwithstanding the many
ill Representations and Informations that ly against us, wee are true
Lovers of your Majesties Person and of the English Government,
and do render unfeigned thanks to Almighty God for your most
happy and miraculous Preservation hitherto, and shall not be want-
ing to doe our utmost endeavour to promote your Majestic peaceable
and prosperous Reigne for which also as in duty bound wee shall
ever pray.
[CopiE.] Letter to Mr. Humphreys.
Mk. Humphreys :
"Worthy Sir, — Although we have received no particular informa-
tion from yourselfe concerning our Affairs, yet being by rumour
informed that our Charter is condemned and Judgement entered up
against us, our General Court have agreed upon this inclosed Address
to be presented to his Majestic, and do request your Assistance for
its speedy Presentation. How far wee are indebted to yourself wee
know not till wee hear from you ; Wee would willingly discharge
our debts while wee have it, especially to yourself, to whom for your
friendship as well as service, wee are deeply indebted. Our Treas-
urer hath given order to Mr. John Ives to be making payment of our
debt in part as far as our effects will goe ; And the General Court
do hereby with all thankfulness acknowledge their obligations to
yourselfe and those honored and worthy Gentlemen who are of
Council for us, still requesting of [you] and them that by the first
opportunity wee may be informed from yourselfe what may be need-
ful for us to doe under our present circumstances, as also what is past
concerning us ; not to give you further trouble at present remain,
your assured Loving friends,
Edward Raavsox, Secretary
in the name and by the order of the General Court. ■^
1685. Thorsday, June 4tb, Mr. Mather preaches from
Isa. 14. 32. Doct. The Church of God shall stand and
abide for ever. Probable that N, E. Church shall doe so.
The 87th. Psalm simg. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley dine
with us. Mr. Stoughton inclines to take his Oath ; Mr.
Mather, Capt. Scottow and Capt. Gidney dine with us
likewise. This day the Chancery Bill is passed.
Monday, June 8th. 8 Companies Train : in the morn,
between 7 and 8 o'clock. Asaph Eliot comes in and tells
me a Rumor in the Town of the New Governour being
come to New York, and the certain News, doleful news of
Mr. Shepard of Charlestown, his being dead, of whoes ill-
ness I heard nothino^at all. Saw him very well this day
senniii-ht ; was much smitten with the News. Was taken
^ This address and letter are printed in Col. Kec, V. 4(j!3, -iGS. — Eos.
on Friday night, yet being to preach and administer the
Lord's Supper on Sabbath day, forbore Phj^sick, at least at
first. This day Mr. Stoughton and Dudley come in, and
in their places at Court in the afternoon, take their Oaths.
N[ote]. Charlestown was to have had a great bussle in
Training on Tuesday with Horse and Foot, Capt. Ham-
mond eno-ao-ing some of Boston to be there ; but now 'tis
like to be turned into the Funeral of their Pastor : he
dying full and corpulent. Mr. Bayly, Sen'r dined with
ns at Mr. Pain's. The reverend Mr. Thos, Shepard was
ordained May 5, 1680 by Mr. Sherman, Mr. Oakes giving
the Right Hand of Fellowship. Mr. Sh.'s Text Heb. 13.
20 — That great Shepherd of the Sheep.
On the Sabbath June 711' '85, Cous. Quinsey had his
Daughter Anne baptized.
Tuesday, June 9-' The Reverend Mr. Tho!* Shepard
buried : Governour, Deputy Governour and Magistrates
there. Mr. Bulkely dined with us and was there.
Bearers, Mr. Mather, Mr. Simes, Mr. Willard, Mr. Hub-
bard of Cambridge, Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, Mr. Cotton
Mather : the two last preached at Charlestown the last
Sabbath day. It seems there were some Verses ; but
none pinned on the Herse. Scholars went before the
Herse. A pretty number of Troopers there. Capt.
Blackwell and Counsellor Bond there.
Tuesday, June 9^.'/ 1685. Govy Edw. Cranfield sails away
in his Sloop from Portsmouth. It is like is gone to Bar-
bados. Teste Petr. Weai^e.
Thorsday Even, June 11^.'.' Brother Steven Sewall lodges
here : hath been extroam ill.
Satterday, June 13'.!' Capt. Benj" Gillam buried. Gov!
Bradstreet's Effigies hung up in his best Rooui this day.
Wednesday, June 17"' a Quaker or two goe to the Gover-
nour and ask leave to enclose the Ground [on the Com-
mon] the Hanged Quakers are buried in under or near
the Gallows, with Pales : Governour proposed it to the
Council, who unanimously denyed it as very inconvenient
for persons so dead and buried in the place to have any
Thorsday, June 18. A Quaker comes to the Governour
and sj)eaks of a Message he had which was to shew the
great Calamities of Fire and Sword that would suddenly
come on New-England. \Yould fain have spoken in the
Meetinghouse, but was prevented. Eliakim comes home
this day, brings word that Capt. Henchman is coming
away from Worcester with his Family.
Noyes this day of a French Pirat on the Coast, of 36
Satterday, June 20t^ 1685. The Court not agreeing
about the Proviso in the end of the 2'! Section of the Law,
title Courts, adjourns till Tuesday July 7*.^' except Occa-
sion be, and then the Governour is to call them sooner.
Also the Dep* Governour goes to keep Court at York next
week with Mr. Nowel, and several other Magistrates will
go out of Town. The final difference between the Magis-
trates and Deputies is : The Governour and several with
him would Repeal the Proviso, letting the rest of the Law
stand as it does ; the Deputies have voted the Repeal of
the Proviso ; and withall that the Remainder of the Law
have this alteration, viz : in stead of greater part of the
Magistrates, — greater number of the Magistrates present
— so to make the Law new as [it] might be construed
contrary to the Charter : the Governour, Mr. Stoughton,
Dudley and several otliers could not consent.
Voted, the 16*.'.' of July to be observed as a Fast.
Satterday, P. M. Carried my Wife to Dorchester to eat
Cherries, Rasberries, chiefly to ride and take the Air : the
Time my Wife and Mrs. Flint spent in the Orchard. I spent
in Mr. Flint's Stuch', reading Calvin on the Psalms ic. 4-3.
68. 24.
Sabbath, June 21, 168-5. Mr. Solomon Stoddard preaclies
in the i\iternoon from Gal. 5. 17. shewinu' that there is a
principle of Godliness in every true Believer ; and how it
differs from Moral Vertue, &c. Some little disturbance by
a Quaker about the time of Baptism.
Wednesday, June 24, 1685. Carried my Wife to Cam-
bridge-Lecture ; Mr. Willard preached from those words,
He that knows and does not his Master's will, shall be
beaten with many Stripes. Dined with Mr. Nathaniel
June 25. Mr. Rnssel of Hadley preacheth the Lecture
from Zech. 7. 5. Did ye at all fast unto me, even to
me ?
Publick Fast, By the Governour and Company of the
Massachusetts Bay in N. E. at a Gen^ Court held at Boston
May 27. 1685.
This Court having taken into their serious consideration,
that in respect of afflictive Sicknesses in man}^ Places, and
some Threatenings of Scarcity as to our necessary food,
and upon other Accounts also, we are under solemn Frowns
of the Divine Providence ; being likewise sensible, that the
People of God in other parts of the World are in a low
Do therefore appoint the Sixteenth day of July next,
to be set apart as a Day of publick Iluiniliation by Fast-
ing and Prayer throughout this Colony, exhorting all who
are the Lord's Remembrancers, to give Him no rest, till
Isai. 62. 7. He establish and make Jerusalem a Praise in
the Earth : And do hereby prohibit the Inhabitants of this
Jurisdiction all servile Labour upon the said Day.
By the Court, Edward Bawson Secretary. Copyed out
of the Print.
June 25'.'.' A Ship comes in to Marble head, and brings
news of the King's Coronation.
June 26. Mr. Jn.° Cotton, and Mr. Solomon Stoddard
dine here.
Satterday, June 27"' It pleaseth God to send Eain on
the wenry dusty Earth.
Wednesday, July 1, 1685. Commencement day ; Peter
Butler comes in from London, brings news of the King's
Coronation, Sermon and Formalities, with a Letter from
Mr. Humfryes, and a Copy of the Judgement entered up
against us that [is] about 145 p«ages, cost 5'?* 10. having
Pengry's Rec* upon an outside Leafe.
Cous. Nath. Duiner is brought by Cous. Jer. to our
House this day, he came in Mr. Butler who came in Late
Last Night ; so came not ashoar till this morn. Goes to
the Commencement with Eliakim. Besides Disputes there,
are four orations, One Latin by Mr. Dudley ; and two
Greek, one Hebrew by Nath Mather, and Mr. President
after giving the Degrees made an Oration, in Praise of
Academical Studies and Degrees, Hebrew Tongue : Mr.
Collins, Shepard, &c. Dept. Governour and Mr. Nowell
absent ; not returned from keeping Court in the Prov-
ince of Mayn. Governour there, whom I accompanied by
Charlestown. After Diner the o"! part of the 103 Psalm
was suno; in the Hall.
Thorsday, July 2'! 1685. Mr. Cotton Mather preaches
from 2. Cor. 5. 5. In's Father's Turn, who keeps at
After the County Court is over, is a Conference at his
Honours; present the Governour, Mr. Stoughton, Dudley,
Eichards, Sewall, Mr. Torrey, Brinsmead, Willard, Adams.
Were unanimous as to what discoursed relating to our
Circumstances, the Charter being Condemned. Every
one spake.
Satterday, July l*.!" 1685. Little Hull hath a Convulsion
Fit: it took him sleeping in the Cradle after Difier.
I was taken ill myself very feverish so as feared the
Fever and Ague, took some Cardnus Drink at night.
Sweat pretty well, and so it went off, blessed be God.
Satterday, about 4 mane Isaac Woode dyes ])retty sud-
denly : for was abroad the day before tlio' had been not
well a 14 niirht.
Monday, July 6"\ I am taken with a Feverish Fit ; yet
go to Court in the Afternoon, the County Court, where
was read Major Pynchon's Letter to the Council ; which
is that 5 Men came to one of the Houses of Westfield (I
think) about midnight 28^^ June, knockt at the door, the
Man bid him come in, so in they came all Armed with
drawn Swords, and threatened to run the man and his wife
through if they stirred : so plundered that House, and
another in like manner: told tliey had 60 Men in their
Company and that if they stirred out of door, they would
kill them ; so stayd in a great part of Monday, then when
thought the Coast was clear told the Neio'hbours and some
were sent to Search after them ; at last found them : one
of the 5 snapt and missed fire, another shot, then one of
ours shot so as to shoot one of theirs dead : another of
the 0 fought one of ours with his sword, till another of
ours knockt him down. One or two that were taken are
brought to Boston, one at least is escaped. Major Pynchon
his Works will cost near an hundred Pounds.
An Indian was branded in Court and had a piece of his
Ear cut off for Burglary.
Tuesday, July 7"' Brother Moody visits us. General
Court sits in the Afternoon. Time is spent in ordering a
Drum to beat up for Yolunteers about 30. Samson Waters,
Capt., to go with Mr. Patteshal's Brigenteen to fetch in
two Privateers that tliis morn are said to be in the Bay, a
Sloop and Shalop, in the Shalop, Graham.^
Wednesday I take a Vomit, after 12 Sweat much, when
cold lit past. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley visit me and
Mr. Secretary. Thorsday morn take Cortex Peruvianus
1 The Col. Kecords, V. 4S8, 489, show that tliis friq-ht was caused by the
pirates Veal and Graham. A drum was beat for volunteers, not exceeding
forty, for manning JMr. Richard Patteshall's briq-antine, and they were to
meet at Mr. John Vyall's, at the Ship Tavern. I>y the next order, the Court
decreed, that, as men did not readily (>nlist, " free plunder be offered to such
as shall voluntarily lyst theinselves, or that a sufficient number of men be
forthwith impressed to that service." — Eds.
in a glass of Wine. Marshal Gen^ comes to speak with me,
being sent to call me to Court because all the Magistrates
might be together to give their sence what to do when
Col. Kirk comes, and how to receive him. Brother and
Sister Gerrish lodged here last night. I had very little
sleep. Brother and Sister Gerrish Lodged here.
Now about News comes to Town that Panama is taken
by one Banister an English Man ; and that by the help
of the Natives he intends to hold it.
Friday, July lOll'. I take another dos of the Cortex :
my Fit stayes away. Brother and Sister Gerrish go home.
Between 2 and 3. P. M. as Mr. Fisk and Mr. Wyllys
were talking with me, it grew darkish, thundered, and a
very sudden, violent storm of Rain, Wind and Hail arose
which beat so upon the Glass and partly broke it, as star-
tled us. The Window of Mothers Bed-Chamber next the
Street hath many Quarrels broken in it, all over, except
the sidelong Pane next the Shop. We were speaking
about Col. Kirk's comino: over.^
Mr. Stoughton visits me and tells of the Court's Ad-
journment till next Tuesday Senight and then the Elders
to meet them and advise.^ Mr. Dudley and Mr. Bullivant
visit me at the same time. Mr. Stouo-hton also told me
of George Car's Wife being with child by another Man,
tells the Father, Major Pike sends her down to Prison.
Is the Governour's Grandchild by his daughter Cotton.
One Vicars drowned, the boat he was in being sunk in
the Harbour by the Gust ; our Washer's Son.
^ Tlie ever infamous Colonel Piercy Kirk, already known as employed at
Tangier, was designated by James 11. as governor of tlie colony. Talfrey
writes (III. 395), '' that campaign in the "West of England had not yi't taken
place, which has made the name of Kirk immortal; but fame cniHigli had
gone abroad of his brutal character to make his advent an anticipation of
horror to those whom he was to govern." But ^Massachusetts was spared tlie
intlictiini. — Eds.
- This conference with the Elders of the several towns was a matter of
formal vote. Col. llec, V. -102. — Eus.
Jn^ Balston arrives ; when was below, was some rumor
that the Governour was come. July 10^.' '85, brings news
the Parliament had sate, and were adjourned for a day or
two. Dr. Gates has been wliipt and set in the Pillory.
Was set in the Pillory before the Exchange, May 19, the
day of the Parliament Sitting : 'Tis for Perjury.
Sabbath-day, July 5. Mr. Sherman the Father is taken
dehrious in Sndbury Pulpit; so fain to be born away ; is
now sick of the Fever and Aii-ue. Orders g-o out to Towns
that have not sent, to send a Deputy or Deputies at their
peril against the 21. Instant, and the Elder w^arned also
to appear ; I read the paper to Watertown. The Depu-
ties that were present on Friday, are to warn the respect-
ive Elders.
Wednesday, P. M., July 15. Very dark, and great
Thunder and Litrhteninji;.
One Humphry Tiffiuy and Frances Low, Daugliter of
Antony Low, are slain with the Lightening and Thunder
about a mile or half a mile beyond Billinges Farm, the
Horse also slain, that they rode on, and another Horse in
Company slain, and his Rider who held the Garment on
the Maid to steady it at the time of the Stroke, a coat or
cloak, stounded, but not killed. Were coming to Boston.
Antony Low being in Town the sad Bill was put up with
[regard] of that Solemn judgment of God ; Fast-day Fore-
noon. July 15, 1685. 2 Persons, 2 Horses.
July IT. Mr. AUin makes me an Issue in my left Arm.
July 19t^ By accident the Spear was not sent on Sat-
terday, but this night ; I not being very throughly re-
covered, Mr. Goose Watches accompanied by Sam. Clark,
and Cous. Nath. Duiiier. This Sabbathday Mrs. Sarah
Noyes's House broken up in time of Afternoon-Exercise ;
and Money Stolen ; Ens. Pecker's the Sabbath before.
A Bristow-Man comes in this day, and fires hve Guns
at the Castle, which a little startles us.
Tuesday July 21. Cous. Nath. DuiTier goes to Salem
in order to pass to Newbury next day. Brother Stephen
comino; for him.
This day about 31 Ministers meet, Mr. Higginson
Prayes excellently : Governour gives the Question. Bine
all together at Monk's.^ After Diner about 3 or 4 aclock,
they give their Answere, i.e. Mr. Hubbard Speaks in behalf
of the rest, that their Opinion was the Government ought
not to give way to another till the Generall Court had
seen and judged of the Coiiiission ; so should be called if
not Sitting at the Arrival of a Comissioned Governour.
But several expressed some Dissent : And after, shewed
themselves extreamly dissatisfied, saying that Mr. Hub-
bard had greatly abused them and that he was not ordered
by the Ministers that they knew to speak their minds,
which six gave in under their Hands. The Meeting has
been uncomfortable, and I doubt will breed great Ani-
Thorsday 23'! July. Five Ministers gave under their
Hands that Mr. Hubbard was apointed by the Ministers
to deliver their mind, and that [he] had delivered it right.
First five were, Mr. Jn? Higginson, Sam. Chiever, Joseph
Estabrooks, Nicholas Noyes, Tho. Barnard.
The Governour goes from Lecture sick of a Cold, and
dines not with us, nor comes to Court. Col. Pye dines
with us, who comes hether by Land from Mary-Land.
Friday, July 24. Governour not abroad, very sharp
debates about submission &c. upon a Governour's Arrival,
occasioned by a vote from the Deputies to the piu-pose
that the Court be Adjourned till 3'.' Wednesday in August
except some demand of the Government from His Majes-
tic be made before, then that effectual Order be taken for
convening the Court by Governour, Dep. Governour or 3
^ George ]\Ioiik kept tlio VAne Anchor Tavern, which was on A\'asliington,
north of the store now occupied by Little, Brown, & Co., one estate. Inrty
feet wide, intervening. The i)hice and the man are noted in Dunton"s •■ Let-
ters from New England," reprinted in 1807 by tlie i'rince Society. — Lns.
Magistrates of Boston, and no Answer to be given till
then. Magistrates past a Negative and another Vote for
Adjournment till 2^ Wednesday in October. Address is
past but several did not vote, of which Self one.^ Mr.
Houghton and Dudley called as went home.
Mr. Higginson gave in his Opinion for Submission this
day in case a Comissioned Governour come over.
Satterday, July 25. Governour is prevailed with to
sign the Address. Court is Adjourned by the Dept.
Governour (for Governour at home) till the 2!^ Wednesday
in August at one aclock : Several Freemen first made.
July 29*;^ Cous. Dumer returns, and brings word of
Mr. Batters Death this morn. He went from Court,
as Mr. Addington the Speaker remembers, last Thorsday.
Mr. Nath. Green arrives this day, come from London June
the G. Jolls arrived in whom went the Letter concern-
ino- the Kind's Proclamation.
Tho. Fayrewether a day or two before, by whom we
hear of Argyle's Rising in Scotland, Landing there from
Holland with the preparations against him. Act of Par-
liament for Settling the King's Revenue, as to the former
Thorsday, July 30. Actions (33) being heard, Court is
Adjourned till Tuesday next, Jury not dismissed because
of Several Criminals.
Friday, July ult. Condey arrives, hath had the Small
Pocks of which Jn^ Cutts, his own Son, a youth, and one
more are dead ; but 'tis said have been well a 14 night.
When came a little above the Castle, took in the Colours
and cast Anchor, and a Man coming from on Board would
not tell what the matter was, so beo-an to noise it that the
new Governour was come, flocking to the waterside. Not
considering that Condey came out before Green.
^ The Record gives a copy of the address as voted, and tlie Court adjourned
to the second Wednesday in August. At that date, nothing important was
done, and an adjournment was made to Sept. IG, and then to Oct. 14. — Eds.
Satterclay, Aug* 1. An order from the Council is signed
to cause the Ship to remove lower to Lovel's Hand, and
there the Passengers, Ship, and Goods between Decks to
be Aired : None to come to any Town till further Order.
And None to entertain persons coming from the Ship.
Yet Mr. Yaughan and Wyar gone homeward. Mr. Sam!
Epps dyed in London last April. It seems upon the 30^.^
of July Mr. Eliot riding home his Horse stumbled and
threw him, by which means his Collar-Bone is broken
near his shoulder which puts him in great pain.
Wednesday, Augt. 5. rode to Dorchester Lecture with
Cous. Nath. Duiiier ; was kindly entertained at Mr. Stough-
ton's after Lecture. Goino- thither I saw a few Feet of
Ground enclosed with Boards, which is done by the Quak-
ers out of respect to som one or more hanged and buried
by the Gallows : though the Governour forbad them, when
they asked Leave.
Aug* 7^.^* Eldridge Sails for London, wherein goes the
Address to Kino^ James the 2'.^ ILath been hindered from
July 27- by running on a Rock, essaying to go out at
Broad Sound.
Satterdny 8. at night August 8. 1G85. The Reverend
Mr. Jn!' Sherman dyes : seemed to be cheerly in the morn
and on Friday : the wether extreani hot : Is l)uriod on
Monday August 10. 1G85. Not many Ministers there, I
supose knew not of it. Dept. Governour, Major General
Gookin, Mr. Stougliton, Dudk\y, Davie, Richards, Nowel,
Russel, Hutchinson, Cook, Sewall, there: Governour not
present. I saw one or two Coaches. He is much La-
mented as a Godly, prudent, peacable Man. By Ed. Oaks
I luiderstand Mr. Adams is seised again with his Fever-
Ague, so that said Oaks preach'd there all day on the
Sa1)batli. AVlien return from the Funeral, I iind my little
Hull extream ill.
Auii:t. 12. General Court meets: Thorsdav Auui;t. 13.
Adjourns till 3'.^ Wednesday in September, excepting
Emergency. This Court ordered Court of Assistant Ju-
rymen from Salem, and other Towns, not of late usual.
The Treasurer refused to send out Warrants for Valuation,
without a special order of Court, lest thereby he should
seem to accept of that Office ; so in his Bill he drew up,
mentioned their providing a Treasurer against October.
So the Secretary is ordered to give forth Warrants to the
Towns to send in Votes for Treasurer to be presented to
October Court. Is a Rumor that a Comission will be
granted to some Gentlemen here, before the Governour
Augt. 14. I go to the Funeral of Robert Saunderson's
young Son. At night Mr. Willard, Eliot Jacob, Rob!
Walker, Frary, Nath. Oliver, Benj. Davis meet here to
discourse. Because the two last named desire to come
into the Church without making any Relation at all ; or
having Mr. Willard report the Substance of what they
said to him.
Tuesday, Augt. 18. The Posthumous Daughter of James
Richards Esqr. is to be buried this day, died very sud-
Monday Morn. Augt. 17. The sad and unexpected
Newes of Mr. Adams's ^ Death came to Tow^n. Is to be
buried on Wednesday. Relations of the young Nymph
above, are also Relations to Mr. Adams.^
Mr. Adams sate down to Super with us on Thorsday
even Augt, 6. in Company with Mr. Torrey. Mr. Torrey
cravinsi: a Blessinti;, thanked God for the Interview. This
day his Election Sermon came out, and Augt. the 7'.'.' Friday
morn, he gave me the Errata, whiclnvas chiefly carried away
1 A classmate of Sewall. — Eds.
2 This liint of a connection between "Rev. William Adams and the daughter
of James Richards by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Gibbons, is not to
be explained now. James was possibly son of Thomas and Weltliian Rich-
ards; but of Adams we know only that his father, William, was of Ipswich.
— Eds.
in stead of carried with ambition. Snped with a new sort
of Fish called Coiiers, my wife had bought, which occa-
sioned Discourse on the Subject. Mr. Adams returned
Wednesday, Augt. 19* 1685. I ride to the Funeral of
the Reverend Mr. Wi? Adams from Roxbury, in the Com-
pany of Mr. Hutchinson, Sergeant and their wives. Mag-
istrates there, Dept. Governour, Mr. Stoughton, Dudley
Richards, Cook ; Four of our Class, viz : Mr. Thacher,
Bowls, Norton, Self. I took one Spell at carrying him.
Is laid in Mr. Lusher's Tomb. Mr. Wilson prayed with
the Company before they went to the Grave. Dyed a
strong Death about Sun-Rise on Monday morn.
Augt. 20, 1685. Mr. Moodey preaches from Ps. 74. 9.
There is no more any Prophet : With respect to four
Ministers taken away in less than twice so many Moneths:
Shewed that 'twas a peculiar Aggravation to all other
Afflictions and Fears. Mr. Edw. Taylor lodges here this
night, he hastened to Town against Lecture-day that so
misrht see Mr. Adams amono; the Ministers after Lecture ;
but coming, found me gone to His Funeral.
Augt. 26. Mr. Condey the Shipmaster dyes about 9.
last nio-ht. Hath been sick but a little while.
Augt. 27. Mr. Thomas Bayly preaches in Mr. Mather's
Turn. After Lecture Capt. Condey buried. Gloves given
to the Magistrates. Eight Companies warned to Train
next Monday. Capt. Eliot also warns the Troop.
Friday, Augt. 28, 1685. Mr. Foy arrives from London,
about 8 weeks Passage, brings News of Argyle's Ijcing
taken : and of Monmouth's beino; in Arms in Eni>-land,
with Rumors of a frreat Enijafjement and 30 or 40.000
slain, which Solomon Raynsford told us at Dinner. 'Tis
said there are Black Boxes sent to Mr. Stoughton, Dudley,
Bulkly, and Wharton. Many are clapt up in London, so
that the Halls [of the Companies, e. ^., Fishmongers,
Plumbers, iS:c.] full.
This day Angt. 28. is a Churcli Meeting at which 'tis
consented that Persons may be taken in, the Church only
being present, and not the Congregation: at the same
time Mr. Benj. Davis, Mr. Nath. Ohver and Mr. Sam!
Checkly were propounded.
Monday, Augt. 31. Eight Companies and the Troop
Train. Dine with the South-Company, Capt. Blackwell, Mr.
Brown of Barbados, Mr. Tho. Bayly, Capt. Gerrish, Capt.
Jn° Higginson, Cous. Duiner Trained. This morn CoiTiis-
sioners chosen, and by reason of the Training, persons
came and delivering their Votes went away, and some
came not at all, so that was but Nine Persons when they
were proclaimed and but eleven at any time in telling.
Most had 61 Votes, generally 50 odd. Mr. Nowell and
my self present for 2.
After went to see my sick Ensign, and staid while Mr.
Willard went to prayer w^ith him, his Life is feared. A
Ten-pound Horse was stab'd and killed with a Pike this
day, Jn° Bemis's : Company made a Gathering 16s. In
the South-Company, Mr. Allen Prayed, 5-9 verses 149
Ps. sung.
Thorsday, Septf 3^ My Ensign Mr. Asaph Eliot dyes
about 3 past Meridian, of a Fever. Is to be buried next
Satterday about 2 of the Clock. Mr. Jn? Bayly preached
the Lecture. Several desirable j)ersons are lately dead at
Watertown in a week or two.
Friday, Septf 4, '85. about 6 aclock Mr. Asaph Eliot,
Ensign of the South-Company was buried : 'twas rainy
wether, but had 7 Files Pikes and 6 Musketeers. Mr.
EHot was about 34 years old.
Sabbath-day, SeptF 6. in the time of Afternoon-Exercise,
a considerable Gust of Thunder, Lightening, Eain.
Supose this to be the day that a Barn was burnt by it
at Eoxbury.
Tuesday Sept. 8. A Porpus was pursued and taken
witliin the inward Wharfs.
Wednesday, 7 : 9^!^ Dined at Mr. Dudley's in Company
of Counsellor Bond, Mr. Stoughton, Blackwell, Davie, Tor-
rey, Willard, Shrimpton, El? Hutchinson, Paige, King,
Allen, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Paige. Mr. Hutchinson shewed
me his Letter concerning his Mill at Piscataqua, wherein
is sollicited to build a Fort, lest the Indians burn it. When
came home heard of a Body of Indians near Chelmsford,
3 or 400. The Rumors and Fears concerning them do
much increase.
The Indians are near Albany : Wonolanset brings the
news to Chelmsford ; and mistrusts of their mischievous
Thorsday 7 : lO*!* Mr. Jn° Cotton preaches the Lecture.
After Lecture Counsellor Bond dines with the Court,
Thanks them all for their curtesy and kindness to him.
Goes off in Mr. Smith.
Sabbath-day Septf 13, 1685. Mr. Benj. Davis, Nath!
Oliver, Sam! Checkly and his wife are received into the
Church, which is a Sabbath or 2 sooner than I expected :
The Lord's Super not being to be administered till Oct!"
4*1' Sam! Checkly had most in 's Relation : two wear
Perriwigs : ' viz : Davis, Checkly.
Mr. Bond with us to day. Were first propounded
Augt. 28.
Sept. 14, 1G85. Go to Cambridge, and there hear Mr.
Wigglesworth preach excellently from those words, Fight
the good Fight of Faith, Lay hold on eternal Life. vld.
Notes.^ Capt. Hill chosen Capt. Mr. Lynde Lieut. Mr.
Williams of New-Cambridge [Newton] Ensign, Mr. Hill
I think will not accept. Coming home, hear of Meadfield
Mill being burnt, and their confusion at Malborough last
^ ]\rany evidences, of Sewall's intense dislike of " Perriwigs " appear in liis
papers. — Eds.
^ In the Cabinet of the Historical Society are several small MS. volumes,
which prove Mr. Sewall's zeal and diligence in making full notes of serniona
heard by him. — Eos.
Satterday niglit. A suspected Indian is put in Prison. It
seems were in Arms last Sabbathday at Dedham, somway
knowing of Meadfield Mill being burnt. People are much
Tuesday, Sept! 15. Take leav of Mr. Bond and give
him Mr. Oakes's Artillery Sermon to read at Sea, stitched
in Marble paper. Sails in Mr. Smith.
Tuesday, Sept!" 15, 1685. Mr. Barns tells me the Gov-
ernour of Carolina is come to Town this day for his health :
is so weak that stumbled at a pebble and fell down. Name,
West. Mr. Willard speaks to the 7^^ Coiiiandment, con-
demns naked Brests : and seems to be atz-ainst the Mar-
riasre of First-Cousins.
Thorsday, Sept' 17. News comes to Town of the ris-
ini>: of the Neg-ros at Jamaica. Proves nothino- answerable
to the Rumor.
Generall Court havinsc Voted that care be taken to see
that all Persons are fui-nisht Math Arms and Amunition ac-
cording to Law because of Indians, that Wonolanset have
£10. given him to apease, [him] because he alledges some
of his carried away contrary to safe Conduct, and for his
late Service ; that the West end of the Town-House be
secured with Lead at the Country's Charge, Court is
adjourned to the 2"! Wednesday in October at one of the
Clock. Tim- Prout made surveyor general in Mr. Stod-
dard's Room, to look after stock of Powder &c.
Mr. Dudley, Saltonstall, Buckley, to say whether they
will accept their Commissions as Majors.
Sabbath-day night, Septr. 20. 1685. Watch with Isaac
Goose, and Cous. Natli. Duiiier. Sam. Clark keeps on
Board his Brother's Ship, intending a Voyage to Sea,
having no work in the Shop.
Note, Saljbath-day, ScptT 20. Mr. Jn° Baily preaches
with us all day : Mr. Willard at Watertown. In the xVftcr-
noon from those words of Job, Till my Change come.
Doct. Death a very great Change.
Monday, 7r 21. Shewed Mr. Tho. Chiever, Schoolmaster,
in the Evening, what had received from Jamaica concern-
ing Zadori. [a stranger from Hungary.]
Tuesday, 7' 22. 1685. Jn? Gardener came in late last
nis^ht ; this morniniz; the News he brino;s runs throw the
Town, viz. that James late D. of Monmouth was beheaded
on Tower-Hill on the 15*.^ July last. Argyle drawn, hanged
and quartered. Neigbour Fifield brought me the News,
who had it from the Cryer of Fish.
Mr. Nowel and Moodey called here, having been to see
sick father Porter, this morn 7^ 22.
7^ 22. This day Mr. Morgan, his Lady and Family
arrive from Barbados intending to dwell here for some
By the same Ship word is brought of the death of Mr.
Henry Higginson of the Small Pocks.
7' 22. In the Afternoon I visit Father Porter, and Mr.
West late Governor of Carolina, who comes hether for cure
of the Dry Gripes.
Wednesday 7f 23. Cous. Nath. Duiiier and I ride to
Milton Lecture. Before Lecture, 1 went to Anthony Gul-
liver and got him to go with me to Penny-Ferry and shew
me the Marsh [he] was to buy of Mr. Gardener. He owned
that he hired the Marsh 6 Acres of my Father at fifty
shillings and would see me paid ; seemed to say he hired
it for his Son. Dined at Mr. Thacher's.
Wednesday night, Sept!" 23. Mr. Clutterbuck Arrives
from New-Castle and brinijs word that he saw Aro-ile's
head cut off June the last ; and the certain Newes of the
Death of Monuiouth about the middle of July. Dissenters
in the North released, and Scotland in quiet.
'Tis remarkable that Clutterbuck should from Ocular
Testimony contradict diametrically the Rumors that were
spread in Town Friday was Sefiight and strongly propa-
gated, said to come by Clutterbuck : which was a nicer
Laurence Vandcnbosk Fr.[ench] Minister Marries
Sylvester and Widow Gillam ; though had prom-
is'd the Court to do no more such things : this about the
beginning 7' : is since gone to New York.^
7^ 25. Brother and Sister Stev. Sewall visit us. His
Honour visits the CaroHna Governour.
7^ 26. Jn" Turner arrives from Newfoundland, brings
above 20 Passengers, though his vessel so very small. 14—
Monday, Sept' 28, 1685. Meeting of Boston-Freemen
to chuse a Treasurer for the Coimtry. Mrs. Stanbury
buried last night.
The last high Tide carried away the Bridge at Cam-
bridge [to what is now Brighton], part of it; so that
Cous. Fissenden now keeps a Ferry there. Seth tells me
'tis that part the Town was to maintain. Friday was
Seiiight, by a Eaft of Boards.
Sept' 29. Cous. Nath. Duiiier goes to Salem in Capt.
More to try to sell what remains of his Goods, for Fish
there. Cous. Fissenden calls in, all were well lately at
Newbury, he having visited them.
Thorsday, Oct' 1. 1685. Mr, Samson Stoddard arrives,
who came from London the 25. July : brings the particu-
lars of the Takina: and Executing of the Late Duke 3f
Monmouth whoes Head he saw struck off. Persons con-
fined are now released.
Friday, Oct!" 2. go to Andrew Gardener's at Muddy Eiver
^ This matter is referred to in the printed "Vindication of Xew Entr-
land," presumed to be mainly written by Increase JNIather, reprinted in
" Andros Tracts," Vol. II. It is there written, that " 'tis confessed that care
or twice a Debauched Priest has appeared amons^st them; particularly one
Vardenbosch, wlio besides the good work of Baptizing a noted ^Vhore or two
of his acquaintance, made private ^Marriages without any previous publica-
tion of Banes (which is a nusance and Bane to all humane society); and yet
so tender was the Government as oidy to give tliem some Orall Rebukes, upon
which the guilty Knaves have run away." Savage calls him Lawrence Vau-
derbosk, a Huguenot clergyman. — Eds.
to gather Chestnuts in Company Mr. Dudley, Shrimpton,
Lidget, Luscomb : 3 last I knew nothing of till came
to Roxbury. Made us Eat there after came from Nut-
Monday OctT 5. Cloudy Lowring day, yet the Artillery
Company goes over to Charlestown : the 2 Companies
Train : we divide into 2, and with Cambridge Artillery
opose them upon the Hill in prospect of the Harbour.
Mr. Cotton Mather praj^ed wdth us in the morn, and at
breaking up. Capt. Wade with his Troop there : the
Major Generall with a small Guard. Major Richards,
Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Nowel, Cook, dine with us at Jack-
son's. Mr. Cotton Mather Craves a Blessino; and Returns
Thanks. Got over about dark.
Wednesday, 8r 7'^ Meeting at our House, Mr. Zech.
Walker speaks from Gen. G. 8, 9. to very good purpose,
shewing how may walk to be in a way of findhig favour
in God's Sight. Last Direct, was to carry it as inoffensively
as might towards Men, that our own Rashness and indis-
cretion might not be the cause of our sufferino;.
Thorsday, Oct^ 8. Dolebery arrives being 7 weeks this
day from London : brings little News that I hear of ; only
'tis rumored, we are not like to have an alteration of the
Government this year. A j'outh about nine years old. Son
to Eiiianuel Wishart, drowned this day. County Court dis-
Satterday, Oct!" 10, 1685. We read in course the de-
feat of Adonija ; and the illustrious Coronation of King
Sabbath-day, Oct^ 11. A day of Sore Rain almost all
dav Loni»: : Rained verv hard t^-oini!: to and from Meetius'-
forenoon and all Meeting time till 2 aclock, and great part
Afternoon, and now at dark Rains hard. Ilath been cloudy.
Rainy, dark Wether above this week : but this Day exceeds.
Eliza. Foxcroft Baptised this Afternoon.
Monday, Oct! 12. Soutli-Company Trains, rest discour-
aged by the wet because thought could not perform their
intended Exercise.
Tuesday, Octf 13. Is a rumor in Town of Jolls's beino;
cast away on the Cape and all the Passengers Lost but
five Persons ; Mr. Randolph drowned : but supose all
Friday, Oct' 16. The Reverend Mr. Michael Wisro^les-
worth is chosen by the Magistrates to Preach the next
Satterday, Oct! 17. Yesterday Mr. Stoughton and Dud-
ley were grossly abused on the Road by James Begelo
[Bigelow] of Watertown, and others. Begelo lay in Gaol
all night, and to day bound over to the County Court first
Tuesday in November. Court adjourned till Tuesday Morn-
ing next ; partly because of the designed Training. Before
Adjournment the Deputies sent down a Smart Bill, alledg-
ing that they were no blameable cause of the Laws not
beino; Printed.
Monday, Oct' lO'- Training of Six Companies. Exer-
cise was Takino; of the Fort and advancino; White Colours
with Red Cross, above the Red Colours : so it stood while
went to Dinner. Then Retaken. Firing's on the Coinon :
Yollies to the Governour. About Nine aclock at nig^ht
News comes to Town of Capt. Henchman's Death at
Worcester last Thorsday ; buried on Friday. Yery few
at his Funeral, his own Servants, a white and black,
carried him to, and put him in his Grave. His Wife and
children following and no more, or but one or two more.
Tuesday, Oct!" 20'^ Mr. Torrey here, prays with me and
mv Wife in the Mornino-. Great Rain and Storm.
Oct-: 21, 1G85. Capt. Jn" Phillips finally refuses to be
Treasurer ; the Magistrates chuse Mr. Nowel : but the
Deputies would have it done by the Freemen, that their
Priviledges may not be dipt, as many of them have of
late been. Mr. Walker speaks at Mrs Oliver's from Isa.
59, 19. AYhen the Enemv shall come in like a Flood, &c.,
being the place propounded by said Oliver. Very rainy
Wednesday, Oct' 21. '85. very high Tide, went into our
Cellar over the Wharf : but did not fill it : filled several
other Cellars.
Thorsday, Oct! 22. Deputies reassume their Vote as to
the Treasurer and consent with the Magistrates, provided
it be not drawn into an Example : so after Lecture Mr.
Nowel took his Oath as Treasurer, having first made a
w^orthy Speech. The Bill is passed that Persons must be
Arrested 14 days inclusive before the Court. Court Ad-
journed to the 3*^ Tuesday in November at one aclock :
except there be some great Occasion to convene sooner.
A Half Money-Rate and whole Rate in Country-pay
passed. Mr. Mather preached from Ps. 73. 28. first
part : 'Tis good for all to draw near to God. No
Thanks-Giving this Session. [See note, p. 105.]
OctT 31. 1685. Mrs Prout, the Mother, is buried ; Ram
part of the way, so but a few comparatively at the Grave ;
Rainbow seen. Note, Little Hull had a sore Convidsion
Fit this day about Noon, so that I was sent for home from
Court : had another near Sunset.
Satterda}^, Oct^ 31. in the even I read in course in the
Family Mr. Norton's Sermon on Jn? 8. 20. Lib'' 22. 8*.^
3'f 1G59. Doct. All Engagements of Spirit, and Advan-
tages notwithstanding ; the Changes that befall Men, they
come neither before nor after, but in the apointed Hour,
or the precise Time, foreappointed of God. Sometime
this Week a virulent Libel was fixed on Mr. Dudley's
Fence, extreamly abusive, especially to Him.
Nov!" 3'3 Capt. Brown Dines with the Court. Giles
Goddard is brought in Not guilty respecting Mr. Nowel's
Trunks, lost in Time of the Fire. 1679.
Nov!" 3'.^ James Begelo fined 10£ and Stebl)iu 5£ for
their Abuses to Mr. Stoughton and Dudley. To find Bond
for good Behaviour till next Court, then Apear; Fees of
Court, standing CoiTiitted till jDcrformed.
Wednesday, Novf 4'.!' The County Court was Ad-
journed to Thorsday come Senight at 2 aclock.
Mr. Allin preached Novy 5. 1G85 — finished his Text
1 Jn? 1. 9. mentioned not a word in Prayer or Preaching
that I took notice of with respect to Gun-powder Treason.
Part of the 132'^ Ps. sung; viz. from 11"/ v. The Lord to
David Sware — to the End. In the Even I met at Serj!
Bull's with Capt. Frary, Serj'^ Gardener, Pell, Raynsford,
Corp'l Odlin, Quinsey, Paddy, Clerk Mason, Wheeler ;
Ten mentioned sate down to Super, Serj* Bull and his
Wife waited : After by the Fire spake as to an Ensign,
all said they were unanimous for Serj* Gardener upon
Serjl^ Bull's refusal, who alledged, as formerly, the loss of
's 4t!' Finuer of 's ri<»:lit Hand, and a Pain in the same
Shoulder : and as to me, is not of any Church, nor a
Freeman, nor of Estate, besides the former Objections.
Altliough it rained hard, yet there was a Bonfire made
on the Coinon, about 50 attended it.
Friday night being fair about two hundred hallowed
about a Fire on the Coinon.
Friday, Novf 6. Mr. Willard calls in and tells me of a
Thanks-Giving intended by the Ministers through the
Colon}' upon the 3'3 of the next Moneth : Go to the Gov-
ernour to get his Approbation, which He doth not presently
grant; but will speak of it in Council on Thorsday next;
whether convenient for the Churches generally to attend
such a Day without an Order from Authority, as usual.
The difficultv of Printiuo- an Order is, lest bv puttiu"- in,
or leaviui!- out. we offend Eiiii'land. Havinii: occasion this
day to go to Mr. Hayward the Piiblick Notary's House, I
speak to him about his cutting off his Hair, and wearing
a Perriwig of contrary Colour : mention the words of our
Saviour, Can ye not make one Hair white or black : and
Mr. Alsop's Sermon. He alledges, The Doctor advised
him to it.
Sabbathday Nov": 8. By Mr. Willard's Prayer in the
Morn, I understood some Minister was dead : Enquiring
at Noon was told by my Wife, from Mr. Willard, that it
was Mr. Nathaniel Chauncy of Hatfield. Was a Learned
Godly Man.
In the Afternoon Mr. AVillard Ordained our Brother
Theophilus Frary to the Office of a Deacon. Declared
his Acceptance JanT 11"' first, and now again. Propounded
it to the Congregation at Noon : Then in Even propounded
if any of the Church or other had to object they might
speak : Then took the Church's Vote, then called him up
to the Pulpit, laid his Hand on 's Head, and said I ordain
Thee &c., gave Him his Charge, then Prayed, and sung
the 2*^ part of the 84'.!' Ps. 4 Children Baptised before
the Ordination. Thomas Eyre ; William, Eliza, Joseph.
So God in some measure is building our House when
pulling down others.
Going to Mr. Willard's I understand Mr. Thomas Cob-
bet died last Thorsday Even, to be buried tomorrow Novf
9".' ; was abroad at some of his Neighbours the Monday
before. Mr. Chauncey died on Tuesday last. So two
Ministers dead this last week.
Monday Nov! 9. Mr. Cobbet buried about 4. in the
Afternoon, Flight of snow. This day about 6 or 7 at
night a Male Infant pin'd up in a sorry Cloth is laid upon
the Bulk of Shaw, the Tabacco-Man : Great Search made
tonight and next day to find the Mother. So far as I can
hear this is the first Child that ever was in such a manner
exposed in Boston.
Thorsday, Nov"" 12. Mr. Moodey preaches from Isa.
57. 1. Mr. Cobbet's Funeral Sermon; said also of Mr.
Chauncy that he was a Man of Singular AVorth. Said
but 2 of the First Generation left.
After, the Ministers of this Town Come to the Court
and complain against a Dancing Master who seeks to set
up here and hath mixt Dances, and his time of Meeting
is Lecture-Day ; and 'tis reported he should say that
by one Play he could teach more Divinity than Mr. Wil-
lard or the Old Testament. Mr. Moodey said 'twas not a
time for N. E. to dance. Mr. Mather struck at the Root,
speaking against mixt Dances.
An order is made to sumon Mr. Shrimpton to Answere
Mr. Sergeant by virtue of the new Law : about the Fathers
Will, next Monday 14 night, w^hich is the last of Novf
Mr. Shrimpton and Sergeant differ about Will. Ecclips
at night. County Court adjourned till this day 14 night.
Governour's Hat blew off and fell flat on the Ground just
as went to go in at 's Gate. Hath a new Border which
began to wear Catechising day or Sabbath last, as I take
it. Dept. Governour not in Town. New Almanack comes
out this Day intituled New-England's Almanack, by Mr.
The Ship Capt. Berry went out Master of to Jamaica,
came in this day : He dyed in the Voyage, and w^as buried
in the Sea.
Friday, Novl" 13. Barington arrives, brings word of
the beheading my Lady Lisle, Mrs. Hez. Usher's Mother,
at Winchester.' 4 Executed at London, Mr. Jenkins's
^ Lady Alice, or Alicia, Lisle, was the wife of John Lisle, who was bred to
the bar, and, being returned to the Long Parliament, became a sturdy opponent
of the King. Pie entered the army, attaining only the rank of Major. He be-
came legal adviser to the High Court of Justice which condemned Charles I.,
and a Commissioner of the Great Seal under Cromwell. On the Restoration, he
took refuge in Lausanne, with other refugees, and there he was assassinated.
His widow, the Lady Alice, was arraigned in August, 1685, before the in-
famous Lord Chief Justice, George Jeffries, on the charge of High Treason,
for having, merely on grounds of humanity, given hospitality to a lawyer and
a clergyman suspected of complicity in Monmouth's insurrection. She was
beheaded in September. Her daughter Bridget was the wife of Dr. Leonard
Hoar, third President of Harvard College. After his decease, Nov. 28, 1(375,
she married, Nov. 29, 1676, Air. Ilezekiah Usher, a merchant of Boston.
Not being happy in this marriage, she went to England with her daughter,
Bi-idget Hoar, and did not return here till after Mr. Usher's death, July 11,
1697. Under date in his journal, Sewall records her death in Boston, ^lay
25, 1723, and her interment, by her own request, in the grave of Dr. Hoar,
at Braintree. Her daughter, Bridget Hoar, born at Cambridge, March 13,
Son, Alderm Hayes Son, and 2 more, and whipping the
Taunton Maids. Capt. JoUs dead in London. Is a Rumor
that the Government will be Changed, this Fall or Winter,
by some Person sent over, or a Comission to some here.
It seems there was a Thanksgiving kept at Deacon
Allin's this Day, which knew not of till Satterday. Madam
Usher there. Have a Gazette to the 24\^ of August which
mentions the raising the Sieg of Grann, taking Newheusel,
defeating the Turkish Army by the Imperialists.
This Friday night began to read the Revelation m
Course, having begun Parens just about the same time
though not on purpose.
Sabbath-day, Nov!" 15, 1685. In the Afternoon Mary
Smith, Widow, Mr. Wheelwright's Grandchild, was taken
into Church ; then Mr. Willard mentioned what the Elders
had done as to a Thanksgiving, and propounded to the
Church that we might have one on the First Thorsday in
December : because had Fasted, and God had graciously
answered our Prayers ; so should meet Him in the same
place to give Thanks for that, and any other Providence
that hath passed before us. Silence gave Consent, no one
1673, married, June 21, 1689, Rev. Thomas Cotton, of London. See Camp-
bell's Lord Chancellors, Vol. III. p. 62, and Sibley's " Graduates of Harvard
University," Vol. I. pp. 2M-218. — Eds.
1 For a considerable number of years last past, covering the lifetime of
all now on the stage, the executive authority of Massachusetts has annually
designated, by proclamation, a day for a public thanksgiving and another for
a public humiliation and fast. The usage has become so much a matter of
course, or routine, that the last Thursday of Xovember and the first Thurs-
day of April are regarded by the executive as appropriated to these occasions.
The proclamations are phrased in general forms, and, for the most part, if
not in set terms, yet by implication, the usage for our modern times is com-
mended as a tradition and as a conformity with the ways of the fathers of
the colony. But a very important and distinctive fact has been lost sight of.
These days of observance were not appointed by " the fathers " with any
thing like our modern regularity and generalities of phrase. A sj^ecial reason
and occasion for each of them at any season was always emphatically stated,
and that reason or occasion was of such a character as to secure the fullest
Monday, Novf 16. Brother Stephen here, and gives an
Account of what had done at Kittery, for which was glad,
but sorely saddened by Hullie's being taken with Convul-
sion Fits at Even. Gave of Dr. Winthrop's Physick and
Tuesday Even Mr. Moodey here, prays with us ; then I
go with him to see Madam Usher, expecting to have seen
some Prints ; but had only a Letter from a Sister which
reached to the day of Condemnation [of her mother].
Mr. Moodey prayed there: tookleave.
Wednesday, Novf 18. Uncomfortable Court day by
reason of the extream sharp words between the Deputy
Governour and Mr. Stoughton, Dudley and Others. Some
Essay to have put a Sanction upon the Apointment for a
Thanksgiving ; but it fell throw. I argued 'twas not fit
upon meer Generals, as (the Mercies of the year) to Com-
and a Thanksgiving and of Particulars we could not agree.
Governour would have had one Article for the Peace of
England, according to His Majesty's Proclamation.
Hollowells business heard, as to Land : about that grew
the fierceness in discourse. Mr. G. Boroughs dined with
us.^ Major Generall not well. Mr. Shove comes to Town
today ; but I see him not.
Tliorsday, NovF 19. Mr. Mather Preaches from Numb.
25. 11. Shewed that Love was an int»:redient to make
one zealous : those that received good People, received
Christ, Mat. 25. Said that if the Government of N. E.
were zealous might yet save this People. 2'} Part of 79"'
and profoundest sympathy of the people in the observance. An examination
of the records will abundantly show how, instead of generalities, there was
always a specific and pointed mention of one or more matters directly engag-
ing the feelings of the people, in reference to which they should unite in
glad thank-offering or consecrate the fears, the gloom, or the disasters which
they had to encounter. — Eds.
^ Mr. Sewall did not foresee that, some seven years afterwards, he would
sit in judgment of his guest, the Rev. George Burroughs, at his condemna-
tion for witchcraft. — Eds.
Ps. sung. Madam Usher, her Daughter and Husband in
Mourning. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley called here. 'Tis
reported that a Frigot is to come yet before Spring with
a Comission for a Governour here, upon the place : Mr.
Dudley is talked of and 'tis said Healths are drunk to the
new Governour already, and were so Nov'' 17. the day the
Ship came in. I presented a Bill for Serj!' Andrew Gar-
dener to be Ensign of the South-Company, which past
the Magistrates, the whole Court.
Mr. Tho. Weld is aproved by about 11 Magistrates Novf
19*1' in his intended Work of Gatherins; a Church the 16'.!^
of December next, Wednesday.
Friday Novf 20*.".' a very rainy and dark day*, and in the
Afternoon turns to a storm of Snow : Court is adjourned
to Tuesday, February 16*1' at One of the Clock, except
some Frigot or Ships Arrival from England with His
Majesty's Coiiiands that may call for one sooner; then
the Secretary, or if he sick or dead, the Treasurer, to send
forthwith to the Members of the Court, and to such others
as Freemen may cliuse to convene two days after the Date
of such Signification, to which time the Court is adjourned
in such Case. No Freemen made, nor Prayer. Ground
covered with Snow by that time Court done^ which is
een quite dark. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley not here
today. 'Twas Essayed again to have had a Sanction put
on the Thanksgiving : but 'twas again pleaded, to do it
without mentioning particular causes would be to impose
too much on those Coiiianded : So fell.'
Monday night Novl" 23. 16S5. I go the Rounds with
Cons. Quinsey and Isaac Goose, a very severe night for
Cold, yet 'twas fair and comfortable : came home at 5.
Nov!" 25, Wednesday. Just before I went to the Meet-
1 The court %vas carefully non-committal on matters of English politics,
to which a reference was pro^X)sed in the proclamation. — Eds.
ing at Brother Ilayward's, where I was to speak from
Ps. 79. 8, Jn° Turner, Master of the Brigenteen, came
in and told me that James Mudge, one of his seamen,
having carried a Pass to the Castle, coming on Board
again, fell between the Boat and Brigenteen into Water
and was drowned. He several years since gave his
Daughter to Capt. Mass Daurter at Charlestown.^ Thaw-
ing Wether.
Nov!" 26, Thorsday. Nurse Goose dyes about 2. or 3.
aclock in the night ; having lien sick about a Week : was
here it seems Wednesday w^as Seriight. Was helpfull to
her self all along till this last sickness : waslit her own
Cloaths. She saw her great Grandchildren : w^as a good
Wo man. ^
Mary an Indian, James's Squaw, was Frozen to death
upon the Neck near Roxbury Gate ^ on Thorsday night
Novy 27'.^ '85, being fudled.
^ We can interpret this only as meaning that James Mudge (who is not
on record elsewhere apparently) gave liis cliild, for bringing up, presumably,
to Captain Mass's daughter. But we cannot identify Captain Mass nor his
daughter. — Eds.
2 This was doubtless Susanna, widow of Peter Vertigoose, Vergoose, or
(ioose. She had a son Peter, who lived in Norwich, England, and it is
probable that the family was not of English origin. Her son, Isaac Goose,
-of Boston, was twice married, his second wife being Elizabeth Foster. By
her he had a daughter, Elizabeth, who married Thomas Fleet, the Boston
Of late years persistent efforts have been plied by descendants to make
out that this wife of Isaac Goose was the veritable Mother Goose of the
" Melodies." jNIuch will be found in the " INT. E. Historic and Genealogical
Register," Vol. XXVII. The facts remain, that no one can produce a copy of
Fleet's presumed edition of the "INIelodies; " that no contemporary evidence
of such publication is found; and that the sole authority for the story is a
reported statement of the late Edward A. Crowninshield that he saw a copy
at Worcester. Diligent and repeated search has failed to rediscover the
sheet, and the story must be held uuproven. On the other hand, the French
had, long before this, termed fairy tales, " stories of Mother Goose;" and
Boston must abandon any claim to originating that title. — Eds.
8 "Roxbury gate" is a term which appears often on the early records.
In 163.0 (Town Rec, printed ed., p. 4), it was voted that bro. Wilbore see
to the gate and style next Roxburie. P. 43, in 1639, Samuel Sherman was
Novf 30. Nurse Goose burled. "Was not well yesterday,
Feverish and tossing most of the night ; so not at the
Court nor meeting of Magistrates, nor at the Funeral.
Mr. Willard here, I returned Alsop of Scandal. Mr. Sec-
retary here.
At night viewed the Eclips, which in the total obscura-
tion w^as ruddy ; but when began to receive some Light,
allowed to keep up a cow-house he had built " by the gate next Roxbury."
In 1640 (p. 53), the license was renewed, and he was warned to set his fence
straight, so as not to encroach on the highway. In 1613 (p. 71), William
Colbron and Jacob Eliot were ordered to repair the common gate and fence
next Roxbury. In 1644 (p. 80), James Penn was to have three acres next
to William Hibbins's lane, near Roxbury Gate. In 1645 (p. 84), Widow
Howen was allowed to cut hay on some part of the marsh near Roxbury
gate, where cattle cannot come to feed. In 1G50 (p. 99), Peter Oliver had
£15 a year to maintain the highways from Jacob Eliot's barn to the farthest
gate by Roxbury Town's end.
All these possessions seem to have centred in the Eliots. May 31, 1652
(Deeds, Lib. I. f. 211), William Hibbins sold to Margery, widow of Jacob
Eliot, five acres of land near Roxbury Gate, bounded east by the highway to
Roxbury, west by Boston Common, land of Eliot nortli and south.
On the same day (Lib. I. f. 211), James Penn sold to widow Margery
Eliot five acres at Roxbury Gate, part upland, part marsh, bounded east by
the highway to Roxbury, west by Roxbury Creek, Boston Common north, and
Mr. William (.<ic) south.
She had already bought land of the deacons of the church in Boston, as
administrators of Samuel Sherman (William Colbron being one), which was
confirmed to her as against Sherman's children, ^lay, 1062. Col. Rec, III.
274, and IV. pt. 11, p. 47.
The Eliots, whose homestead and field was near Eliot Street, long owned
this land at the extreme south of the town, Colbrou's field lying between
these possessions.
It is said by competent authorities that there were two Roxbury gates.
The farther gate was at the Roxbury line, just beyond Arnold Street, on
Washington Street, where there is a memorial stone. This was near the
Bull Pasture. The inner gate was just oi;tside the line of fortifications, and
therefore just above Dover Street. The Xeck was at its narrowest at this
gate; and between the gates were upland and swamp, the subject of nuuiy
grants, deeds, and plans, as the records show.
It is a question, perhaps, as to where the first road to Roxbury was placed.
In 1680 (Deeds, Lib. 12, f. 188), widow Mary Salter sold half of her liouse,
bounded east by the sea, west by the highway to Roxbury, south by the old
highway to Roxbury, and north by land of Deacon Jacob Eliot. This \\ouId
seem to show two roads on the Xeck, the old one perhaps following the
shore. — Eds.
the darkish ruddiness ceased. Horizon somewhat Hazy.
Read in course the Eleventh of the Revelation.
30. Nov!" Coul!^.-Nath. Dumer visits us.
Wednesday, Decf 2. Elias Parkman comes in, and hath
a man drowned near the Castle, as E? tells me. See last
Friday, Dec!" 4*.^ Being at Mr. Addington's upon Busi-
ness, He tells me Mr. Shrimpton's Answer in writing last
Monday was, that the Court proceeded upon a Law made
since the vacating the Charter, and therefore he should
not attend : so that this Monday we begin palpably to
dye [i.e., the Government by the Colony Charter].
Sabbath-day, December 6. Hull hath a Convulsion Fit
as he sits in his Grandmother's Lap at Table, dining, with
which we are much surprised.
Monday, Decemb!" 7^.'/ 1G85. About One in the Night
my Wife is brought to Bed of a Son, of which Mother
Hull brimi-s me the first News : Mrs. Weeden Midwife.
Wednesday Dec!" 91'.' 1685. Our Neighbour Gemaliel
Wait eating his Breakfast well, went to do something in
his Orchard, where Serj* Pell dwells, there found him Self
not wxll and went into Pell's his Tenant's House, and there
dyed extream suddenly about Noon, and then was carried
home in a Chair, and means used to fetch him again, but
in vain : To the Children startled about him he said, here
is a sudden Chanoi-e, or there will be a o:reat Chano-e, to
that purpose. Was about 87 years old, and yet strong
and hearty : had lately several new Teeth. People in the
Street much Startled at this good Man's sudden Death.
Govf Hinkley sent for me to Mr. Rawson's just as they
were sending a great Chair to carry him home.
Satterday, Dec!" 12, '85. Father Wait buried : Magis-
trates and Ministers had Gloves. There heard of the
Death of Capt. Hutchinson's Child by Convulsions, and
so pass to the Funeral of little Samuel Hutchinson about
Six weeks old, where also had a pair of Funeral Gloves.
Peter Butler comes in this day, Several have had the
Small Pocks ; buried a Negro. Several very green, hardly
recovered ; among whom Nath! Parkman is one. Snowy
Esther Kein at her Time, falls into Convulsion Fits, and
dyes last Thorsday : No likelihood of the Child's being
born. —7
Sabbath-day, Decembf 13*.^ 1685. Mr. Willard baptizeth
my Son lately born, whom I named Henry : David Stod-
dard, the son of Mr. Simeon Stoddard, was baptized next,
and then Several other grown Children. Nurse Hill came
_in before the Psalm was Sung, and yet the Child was fine
and quiet: Mr. Willard preached from John 16^}" 8.
Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much Fruit,
so shall ye be my Disciples : which is the first Sermon my
little Son hath been present at.
Monday, Dec. 14. County-Court meets about Mr. Ser-
geant's Business chiefly : Mr. Shrimpton's Letter is read :
but 'tis not agreed on to proceed, and some Heat, the Vote
being in a mafier equal. Mr. Stoughton and Maj'" Rich-
ards not there. Mr. Shrimpton pleads that he has full-
filled his Father's Will dated July 17*.'.^ One Thousand Six
hundred Sixty and Six : and canot submit to this arbitrary
way, especially the Law being made since the Dissolution
of the Charter of this Place. Gov!" seems somewhat reso-
lute : the Court Adjourned till Thorsday. Something of
Bushnell, the Barber's, relating to his Estate was now also
done : He dyed in '67. just about the same Time Mr. Wil-
son did, as I remember.
This Monday a Jury is suinond who sit on the Body of
Joseph Johnson, and the verdict they find, a wound an
inch or 2 above his Navel which they judge to be the
cause of his Death, and that they were informed James
Morgan did it with a Spit. So Avere Sworn in Court
Dec"" 14. 1685., and James Morgan ordered to have Irons
put on him. He coinitted the Fact last Thorsday night.
Wednesday,'Dec. 16. A very pleasant Day for gather-
ing the Church at Dunstable, and Ordaining Mr. Thomas
Thorsday, Dec' 17^^ Mr. Mather preacheth from Mat.
16., former part of the 25V.' Verse. For whosoever will
save his Life shall Lose it. At County-Court nothing
done in Mr. Sergeant's Business : So he makes a Speech
when the Court open, that if the Court did nothing they
would give him a Record of it, that he might go elsewhere
for he would not be kept out of 's Money ; speaking
Mr. Francis Stepney, the Dancing Master, desired a
Jury, so He and Mr. Shrimpton Bound in 50£ to Jan5
Court. Said Stepney is ordered not to keep a Dancing
School ; if he does will be taken in contempt and be pro-
ceeded with accordingly. Mr. Shrimpton muttered, saying
he took it as a great favour that the Court would take his
Bond for £50.^
Sabbath, Dec! 13. 1685. Jn° Maryon, the Father, faints
in the Old Meetinghouse, in time of Worship, which ob-
structs Mr. Allen, and makes considerable disturbance.
Dec!" 17. One Trescot, an ancient woman of Dorches-
ter, riding over the Neck, Tide being high, her Horse
drowned and she hardly saved : questioned whether she
may live or no. This night Little Hull hath a Convulsion
Fit, as he lay with me in Bed. Henry very restless.
Friday, Decemb'' 18, 1685. Father John Odlin,^ one
1 Francis Stepney — auspicious name for one of his profession — seems
not to have been successful liere. lie is entered on the town book of per-
sons not admitted to citizensliip, as follows: " 1G85, Sept. 21. Francis Step-
ney at Jno. Birge, Dancinge JMaster." As his name is not on the very full
tax-lists of 1687 and 1088; he probably took no root here. — Eds.
2 John Odlin was one of four survivors of the earliest iiiliabitants of
Boston, who testified before Sewall himself, June 10, IGSl, as to the pur-
chase, " in or about 1631," of the peninsula of Boston from "William Blaxton.
Odlin said he w^as eighty-two years old when he gave this testimony The
three others were respectively seventy-eiglit, seventy-six, and sixty-eight.
See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d S., IV. 203. — Eds.
of the very first Inhabitants of Boston, dies ; know not of
above one more besides the Governour [Bradstreet].
Satterday, Dec"" 19"? Father Jn" OdUn buried in the
first Burying place [corner of Tremont and School Streets]
as father Wait the Satterday before.
Friday Dec. 18. Begun in Course to read the New-
Testament, having ended the Revelation the night
Satterday Dec. 19. Mr. Willard Prayes with my little
Henry, being very ill.
Sabbath-day, Dec. 20. Send Notes to Mr. "Willard and
Mr. Moodey to pray for my Child Henry. ^
Monday, about four in the Morn the faint and moaning
noise of my child forces me up to pray for it.
21. Monday even Mr. Moodey calls. I get him to go
up and Pray with my extream sick Son.
Tuesday Morn, Dec. 22. Child makes no noise save by
a kind of snoaring as it breathed, and as it were slept.
Read the 16*;*? of the first Chron. in the family. Having
read to my Wife and Nurse out of John : the fourteenth
Chapter fell now in course, which I read and went to
Prayer : By that time had done, could hear little Breath-
ing, and so about Sun-rise, or little after, he fell asleep, I
hope in Jesus, and that a Mansion was ready for him in
the Father's House. Died in Nurse Hill's Lap. Nurse
Hill washes and layes him out : because our private Meet-
ing hath a day of Prayer tomorrow, Thorsday Mr. Wil-
lard's Lecture, and the Child dying after Sunrise (wether
cloudy), have determined to bury on Thorsday after Lec-
ture. The Lord sanctify his Dispensation, and prepare me
and mine for the coming of oar Lord, in whatsoever way
it be. Mr. Tho. Oakes our Physician for this Child. Road
the 16*'' Chap, of the First Chronicles in the Family.
* Parts of the family worsliipped in the Old, or First, Church; and others,
with Sewall, in the Third, or South. — Ed3.
Tuesday night read the IS*:!" Jn" in the Chamber, out of
which Mr. Willard took his Text the day Henry was bap-
tized: in the Family, the S'} of Matthew, both requiring
Wednesday, Dec. 23. Go to the privat Fast at Brother
WilHams's. Capt. Scottow begins and is enlarged and fer-
vent in praying for the Church and Christ's Witnesses :
Made me conclude. Sung part 137. Ps. But if I Jeru-
salem, &c. Just before I went, Brother Longfellow came
in, which was some exercise to me, he being so ill condi-
tioned and so outwardly shabby. The Lord humble me.
As I remember, he came so before ; either upon the
funeral of my Father or Johny.
Thorsday, Dec^ 24".^ 1685. We follow Little Henry to
his Grave : Governour and Magistrates of the County
here, 8 in all, beside my Self, Eight Ministers, and Sev-
eral Persons of note. Mr. Phillips of Rowley here. I led
Sam., then Cous. Savage led Mother, and Cousin Duiner
led Cous. Quinsey's wife, he not well. Midwife Weeden
and Nurse Hill carried the Corps by turns, and so by Men
in its Chesnut Coffin 'twas set into a Grave (The Tomb
full of water) between 4 and 5. At Lecture the 21. Psalm
was Sung from 8"^ to the end. The Lord humble me
kindly in respect of all my Enmity against Him, and let
his breaking my Image in my Son be a means of it. Con-
siderable snow this nio:ht. At ni(2:ht little Hull had a sore
Convulsion Fit.
Friday-morn Dec. 25. had another; Wave upon Wave.
Mr. Phillips Prayes with Hullie. Receive Newes this 25'.^
Dec. that Brof St. Scwall hath a Son.
Dec. 25. Friday. Carts come to Town and Shops open
as is usual. Some somehow observe the day ; but are
vexed I believe that the Body of the People profane it,
and blessed be God no Authority yet to compell them to
keep it. A great Snow fell last night so this day and
night very cold.
Satterday, Dec. 26. Dreamed last night of Mr. Chaun-
cy. the President, and of Sam. Danforth.
Dec. 27. Dr. Oakes had Hke to have had his little Sou
killed with the Jack's falling almost on top of 's head.
Upon which was hastily called out as the Psalm was Sing-
ing after the Lord's Super.
Dec. 28. Cous. Fissenden here, Saith he came for Skins
last Friday, and [there] was less Christmas-keeping than
last year, fewer Shops Shut up.
Dec. 30*:^ An Indian Man is found dead on the Neck
with a Bottle of Ruiii between his Legs. Fast at Charles-
town this day. Mr. Cotton Mather Preaches forenoon,
mentions the Notion Mede has about America's Peopling.
Mr. Moodey preaches Afternoon excellently. Hull (as
supose) hath a sore fit in the night; but I asleep, and find
it by the Effects.
Dec. 31. Mr. Allen preaches from 2 Tim. 2. 19. Saith
should pray for the Natives that they may name Christ.
Spoke against Observing the 25. Listant, called it Anti-
christian Heresie : Spoke against the Name. Canker
befi;an in the Tona;ue.
Satterday, Jan^ 2'.^ [l^Sf] ^^^t night had a very un-
usual Dream ; viz. That our Saviour in the dayes of his
Flesh when upon Earth, came to Boston and abode here
sometime, and moreover that He Lodged in that time at
Father IIuH's ; upon which in my Dream had two Reflec-
tions, One was how much more Boston had to say than
Rome boastinf!" of Peter's being there. The other a sense
of great Respect that I ought to have shewed Father Hull
since Christ chose when in Town, to take up His Quarters
at his House. Admired the goodness and Wisdom of
Christ in coming hither and spending some part of His
short Life here. The Chrouoloij-ical absurdity never came
into my mind, as I remember. Jan'^ 1. 108^ finished
reading the Godly Learned ingenious Pare us on the
Satterday, Jan^ 2. discoursed with Ralf Carter about
Lignum Vltae. He saith thinks 'tis found no where but
in America, there a common Wood at Antego and other
places. Is physical [medicinal].
January 5*1' The Infant exposed the beginning of the
winter, is buried this Day. Mr. Moodey and his wife visit
us after the Catechising. He full of great pain.
Thorsday, Janf 7"' Mr. Moodey preached excellently
from those words, Ye are my Friends if ye do Avliat I
command you : Exhorted not to disown Christ when in
adversity, i.e. his Members in a low Condition. A very
blustering, snowy day that hindered many from going to
Meeting, which took special notice of in Prayer ; and
God's letting us stand another year in His Vineyard. At
his lecture this day twelvemonth we had the newes of our
Charter's being condemned, just as going to Meeting.
Some coming over the Neck to day, had much ado to find
the way.
Satterday, Jan"" 9"? A very great Storm of Snow and
Wind. Mr. Tho. Oakes here, who tells me there is news
come to Town of the French Kino-'s Death.
Sabbath-day Afternoon. My Wife goes to Meeting, which
is the first time since her Lying-in.
Tuesday, January 12. I dine at the Governour's : where
Mr. ^y est, Governour of Carolina, Capt. Blackwell, his Wife
and Dauo;hter, Mr. Moro:an, his Wife and Dauirhter, Mrs.
Brown, Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson, and Wife, Mr. Peter
Sergeant, and Wife, Mr. Secretary, and S. S. Mrs. Mercy
sat not down, but came in after dinner well dressed and
saluted the two Daughters. Madam Bradstreet and Black-
well sat at the upper end together, Governour at the lower
end. I sat next Mis Frances, Capt. Blackwell's Daughter.
After Dinner Madam Blackwell Swowned, or very ill, so
was lead into the Chamber.
Wednesday, Jan!" 13 •'•' very cold day. Meeting at Brother
Allen's : I speak from Eph. 4. 3.
Thorsday exceeding cold : Mr. Jn? Bayly preaches the
Lecture for Mr. Mather from Eccles. 9. 10. Whatsoever
thy hand; &c. After Lecture the Court sat, and adjourned
till Tuesday 1. aclock, to hear Mr. Shrinipton's Case, i. e.
Mr. Sergeant's Complaint against him J Mr. Shrimpton
resolves to appeal to the Court of Assistants upon the
Pleas he hath made. Mr. Stoughton, Dudley, and Mr.
Thomas call'd. here ; their Horses all broke away, and
fain to run beyond Capt. Frary's before any had stopt, it
beino; nis-ht and excessive cold.
Satterday, January 16. Notwithstanding the three very
severe Nights last past and Snow in abundance lately fallen,
yet, by reason of the Spring Tides, and wind 2 of the nights,
the Harbour remains fairly open, and the Chaiiel between
the Castle and Dorchester Neck ; though much loose Ice
floating up and down. Isaiah Tay told me yesterday, that
the 17'^ January last year he went on the Ice to the
Castle, and Nine hundred were told by their Company
going and coming on the Ice, and at the Hand.
Sabbathday, Jan5 17'^ 168 1. Rain and Thaw all day.
This day Mr. Willard begins to preach upon the ll'*" of
the Hebrews. Faith is the substance, &c.
Wendnesday Jan!" 20'- Went to Dorchester Lecture.
Mr. Danforth preached from Rev. 22. 17. Said that
Chapter treated of Heaven, that Christ dy'd for Man-
On Tuesday last the Court sat, and as it fell out, I was
not there. Agitation was about Mr. Shrimpton's Business.
^'pro. 2 Qon. of those that pretended to vote; Mr. Adding-
ton knew not what to enter. Governour, Mr. Stoughton
and Dudley went away thinking the Court ended ; 'tis said
Mr. Davie gon also but called back, and he Mr. Cook and
C. Hutchinson adjourned the Court to the Govcrnour's
that evening, and from thence 'twas adjourned to the
^ See, on this case, General Sumner's History of East Boston. —Eds
Town-Honse on Thursday after Lecture, JanT 21. Was
very hot discourse about the irregular pretended Adjourn-
ment of the Court. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley fell espe-
cially on Mr. Cook. After much hot Dispute nothing at
last done as I know. Mr. Stouo-hton aro-ued the new liaw
was not deterininal and so worth nothing : and that the
Ordinary could not act after an Award and mutual agree-
ment as was produced in this case : must be relieved by
some Superiour Court, as Chauncery. Thus the symptoms
of Death are on us. This morn about 5, Hull had a Fit.
Mr. Willard preached excellently from Buy the Truth,
Must have a care of being cheated, our Natures encline to
falshood. Must not take Great Men, Rulers, for our Rule,
but the written Word of God. Must have no man's per-
son in admiration. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley called here.
It seems Mr. Hubbard's Son of Long Hand, presented a
Gun at his Sister and it went oft" and killed her. Cous.
Fissenden tells me there is a Maid at Woburn who 'tis
feared is Possessed by an evil Spirit. Mr. Eliot not at
Lecture Jany 21. which I think is the 3'} day of his
Friday, Janf 22. Hull hath another Fit about 5 or 6
mane, and is extream ill after it. Mr. Willard prays with
him in the Even, Capt. Scottow present.
Friday, January 22. Joseph Redknap of Lin buried,
being about 110 years old: was a Wine-Cooper in London,
was about 30 years old at the Great Frost. Ralph King
Sabbath, Jan"" 24. Fridav ni2:ht and Satterdnv were
extream cold, so that the Harbour frozen up, and to the
Castle. This day so cold that the Sacramental Bread is
frozen pretty hard, and rattles sadly as broken into the
Monday, Jan^" 25. I call in Andrew Gardiner and de-
1 Here is a case for Mr. Thorn to investigate, in liis researclies on " Lon-
gevity." — Eds.
liver him his Commission for Ensign, he disabling himself,
I tell him he must endeavour to get David's heart ; and
that with his stature will make a very good Ensign. Capt.
Scottow present, to whom have lent my Gr. Testament,
and Governor Pen. Mrs. Harris and Baker present their
mutual offences against each other as to their seating [in
Cambridge Meeting-house], before Mr. Willard and the
Tuesday, Jan!" 26. "Walked with Isaac Goose and Cous.
Quinsey : though the Snow extream deep by reason of this
day's snow and what was before, yet had a very comfort-
able night. Nehemiah Perce's Wife is brought to bed of
a Daughter.
Wednesday, Jan'' 27. Peter Butler is Non-suited in
suing for his 500 £ Legacy, at wdiich I doubt Mr. Nowell
and his wife grieved.^ Is talk of a Ship below and some
think it may be Jenner from London.
Tliorsday, January 28. Mr. Jenner having lodged at
Capt. Clap's last night, with Mr. Belcher and others, come
near twenty together to Serj! Bull's over the Ice and
bring the News of the Rose Frigot ready to come and
bring Mr. Randolph, who is to be Deputy Governour,
and Mr. Dudley Governour. Sheriff Cornish executed [in
London], and a woman burnt about the [Popish] Plot and
such like Treason. The Town much filled with this dis-
course. Jenner came from He Wight the 13, of November.
When Mr. Jenner came in the Mag-istrates went all off the
Bench to hear his News in the Lobby. Mr. Addington also
came in. Isa. 33. 17. was preached from, by Mr. Cotton
Mather. Thine eyes shall see the King, &c. whoes Sermon
was somewhat disgusted for some expressions ; as, sweet
sented hands of Christ, Lord High Treasurer of ^Ethiopia,
^ Peter Butler, Sr., of Boston, married ZMary, daiigliter of William Ali'ord.
She married secondly (as his third wife) Ilezekiah Usher, Sr., -who died
May 14. 1G76. She married thirdly Rev. Samuel Xowell, of Cluulestowu,
and outlived him, dying a widow, Aug. 14, 1(JD3. — Eus.
Ribband of Humility — which was sorry for, because
of the excellency and seasonableness of the subject, and
otherwise well handled. Doct. 'Tis a matchless priviledg
to behold Christ in his Beauty. Mr. Eliot not at Lecture.
Mr. Jenner rumors that the Oxford Frisrot is to come in
the Spring, and bring a Governour from England, and
that one Vincent, Brother to the Minister, most talked of ;
which Mr. Dudley laughs at.
Friday, Jan^ 29*- Isaac Goose proves his Mother's Will.
Mr. Belcher dines with the Court. It seems there's a dis-
course that the K. should motion to have all the Net^-roes
at Jamaica baptized. Mr. Francis Stepney has his Jury
to try his speaking Blasphemous Words ; and Reviling the
Government. 'Tis referred till next Tuesday.
Sabbath, Jan^ 31, 1G8|. 125".' Psalm Smig by us in
course in tlie family, They that trust in the Lord, &c. In
publick mane the 56'- from 8*'' verse, ad finem, of all
my wanderings, &c. Mr. Willard speaking of Faith,
instanced in things past before we had a being, and
Things to be, as Destruction of the Man of Sin. Seemed
very much concerned for God's People. Madam Br.
Usher taken into the first Church, and Mr. Royse
taken in and baptized in the North Church. Gallant
warm thawing weather.
Feb. 1. Nath. Man brino;s me a Letter wherein am told
of my Brother St? Child's Death last Friday about noon.
Had from the Satterday before till then more than 200
Feb. 1. In the Afternoon a great Cake of Ice comes
from Cambridge-ward and jostles away the Body of Ice
that lay between the outward Wharfs and Noddle's Hand :
so now our Harbour open again.
Feb. 2. Several Ships Sail. This day Return Wait is
by Sentence of Court turned out of his Marshal's Place,
mauv complaints cominci; airainst him. The Persons in-
jured left to their remedy in Law against him.
Wednesday, Feb. 3. Mr. Henry Phillips is buried with
Arms, he having been an Ensign at Dedham, and in Boston
several years of Capt. Oliver's Company. Capt. Hutchin-
son led the Souldiers, his and Capt. Townsend's Company
springing of said Oliver's. Capt. Townsend and Capt. Hill
each of them Trailed a Pike : were about 24 Files, 4 deep.
Snow very deep ; so in the New-burial Place [Copp's Hill],
3 Paths, 2 for the 2 Files of Souldiers, middlemost for the
Kelations. Edw. Cowel and Mr. Winchcomb go before the
Governour. Return Wait is refused though I see he was
there. About eight of the South-Company there attend-
ing. Bearers, Deacon Eliot, Saunderson, Allen, Bridgham,
Frary, and Mr. Chiever.
Thorsday, Feb. 4. Francis Stepney fined 100£. 10£
down, the rest resj)ited till the last of March, that so might
go away if he would. He appeals : Mr. Shrimpton and
Luscombe his Sureties. Mr. Moodey preaches from Luke
12. 4. Especially this day from those words. My Friends.
Friday, Feb. 5. Fast at Cous. Dummer's : I and Mother
Sabbath, Febr. 7'^ 168 1. Went to the first Meeting
House both parts of the day, sat down there at the Lord's
Table. Mr. Moodey preached from Isa. 12. 1. beghming
upon that Scripture this day — Li that day thou shalt say,
&c. Shewing that 'twas chiefly a Directory of Tlianks-
giving for the Conversion of the Jews ; and that should
get our Praises ready before hand. Very warm day, and
so till Wednesday Feb. 10., when Mr. Willard Preaches at
Maccartas from Rom. 8. 1. Seems very sensible of the
Countries Danger as to Changes.
Febr. 12'.^ Ice breaks up from Gill's Wharf.
Febr. 13*- Satterday, pretty well clear our Dock of Ice
by a Passage Cut open. Shut up about 7 weeks. Balston
sails. An Indian Squaw died on the Neck last night. Mr.
Eyre's little Son dyed, went well to Bed : dyed by that in
the Bed. It seems there is no Symptom of Overlaying.
Sabbath-day, Febr. 14. Little Hull speaks Apjole plainly
in the hearing of his Grand-Mother and Eliza Lane ; this
the first word. At the Burial of Mr. Eyr's Child, Mr.
Moodey discoursed of the grievous spreading of the Small
Pocks in. and round about Portsmouth, at Exeter, &c.
Tuesday, Feb. 16. 168|. Generall Court meets. Dine
3 times. Is a discourse this day of a strange Beast killed
at Middletown, or 4 miles off that place, last Dec, 10 foot
long his Body, 10 foot his Tail, as tall as a two year and
vantage Horse ; Had a dead Horse and two Dear lay at 's
Den, and Indians waiting for him, at last saw him coming
with another in 's Mouth, as a Cat carries a Mouse almost.
Indian shot him down. [Sewall writes in the margin — all
untrue.] Great disorder in the Town by Cock-skailing :
I grant 2 warrants. Tho. Barnard has one, and James
Barns the other, whereby several Companies broke up :
but for want of a Law and Ao;reement shall find much
ado to supress it.
Mr. Eliot at Meeting on Lecture day.
The Arrow a":ainst Dancini^ comes out.^
Friday the Court adjourns to the 11- of May on the
Conditions of former Adjournment. The Law about
Wills is made in a new Edition." Some Freemen made,
and I think Sam. Chekly an Ensign. Order for a Fast to
be on March 25. 1G86. Great Heat about the Libel, and
Mr. Clark's Fine tiie occasion of the Discourse at this
Sattcrday, Febr. 20. I send for Edw. Cowel and blame
him for his ill carriage at Richd. White's Wedding, Dec.
10. He denys the fact, and saith he came not nigh her
^ Probably this was a second edition of tlie pamphlet noted by Sibley
("Harvard Graduates," pp. 445, 446), "An Arrow against Profane and
Promiscuous Dancing. Drawn out of the Quiver of the Scriptures. By the
ISIinisters of Christ at Boston in Xew England. Boston, printed by Samuel
Green and are to be sold by Joseph Brunning, 1G84. Sm. 8vo. pp. 30." It
"was the work of Increase Mather. — Eds.
2 This law is in the printed Records, V. 508. — Eds.
(i. e. the Bride) and stooped down only to take up his Hat
taken off in the Crowd.
Wednesday, Feb. 24. Privat Meeting at our House :
Mr. Willard preached excellently from Act. 1. 7. I had
pray'd before, privatly, and he prayed at the Meeting in
the very same words, that God would make our Houses
Bethels. Question was. How shall we attend known Duty
with cheerf ullness and Constancy : though God impart not
so much of his Counsel to us as we could desire ? Which
Mr. Willard propounded and opened excellently, shewing
the reference to the foregoing and following verse, as was
desired. Many People present.
Thorsday, Feb. 25. The Law about Wills and Adminis-
trations is published ; and almost as soon as the Prumm
had done beating, Mr. Serj' comes with his Petition : and
an order is made for a Hearing next Monday, 3 weeks,
the 22'.' of March : some w^ould have had it sooner, and
Mr. Nowcl and Self thouu-ht it verv indecent that it was
so soon, especially considering, the Order made upon a
Law scarce yet out of the Marshal's Mouth.
Mr. Jn" Winchcomlje is made Marshal of Suffolke, his
Oath is given him ; and the Marshal Generall declares it.
Very rainy fore-noon, and dark most part of the day.
Sal)bath-day, Feb. 28. A Jury is summoned to sit upon
the Body of Sarah, the Daughter of Henry and Mary
Flood, about 13 weeks old, for that said Mary was sus-
pected of Murder. So now 3 in Prison for suspected
Tuesday, March 2. Brother St. and Wife visit us. Mr.
Chicklv is cast in his Attaint. Mori-'an, Indian and Flood
put upon Tryal.
Wednesday, March 3'! James Morgan is brought in
guilty by the Jury, Sam! Phips Fore-Man. Mr. Wyllys
cast by Anna 1 faugh, as to Haugh's Farm. Mr. Stough-
ton calls at night and shews me the Names of the Persons
in the Commission, telling me that a Copy of the Conunis*
sion is come to Town. Comes by Eldridge, who bore
away to Montserrat. The Address sent to his present
Majesty, is sent back to Mr. Dudley by Mr. Humphrys.
Sabbath-day, or Monday, we hear of the Death of Abel
Porter and above 60 more, going from Scotland to Pensil-
vania. Tuesday, March 2, hear of the Death of Jeremiah
Green at Salt Taboodas [Tortugas] ; was a hopefull young
Shipmaster, Mr. Nathaniel's Son.
Thorsday, March 4. Mr. Moodey preaches. After Lec-
ture, James Morgan is condemned to dye : He said w^as
murdered ; but spake not of Appealing, which I expected
he might.
Friday 5. Joseph Indian is acquitted. James Morgan
is sent to, and acquainted that he must dye next Thors-
day, and ordered that Mr. Mather be acquainted with it
w^ho is to preach the Lecture. Note. Mr. Stoughton and
Dudley voted not in the Judgment, and Avent off the
Bench when Sentence was to be passed. Major Richards
slid off too. Judgment was voted at George Monk's be-
fore rose from Table, on Thorsday.
Friday, March 5. Capt. Clap's Son, a very desirable
Man and Gunner of the Castle, tliouo;h Mr. Baxter hath the
name, at the Castle Hand hath one of his eyes shott out,
and a piece of his Scull taken away by the accidental
firing of a Gun as he was a-oino: a fowling.
Satterday, March 6. James Morgan sends a Petition
by one Vaughan, signed with said Morgan's own hand,
wherein he acknowledges his own sinfiill Life, the justness
of the Court's Sentence ; and desires longer time to live,
but 'tis not granted.
Sabbath-day, March 7'^. P.M. Capt. Clap hath a Bill
put up, wherein he desires Prayers that the untimely
death of 's Son may be sanctifyed to him ; dyed this day.
Monday, Alarch 8'.!' 168f . Anniversary Town-Meeting :
Select-Men as last year ; Mr. Cooke, Hutchinson, Joyliff,
Prout, Frary, Allin, Fayerwether, Wyllys, Turell. Mr.
Hutcliinson had 86 Votes, which were the most : Capt.
Frary 82. Constables ; W™ Sumner 90. votes, the high-
est ; Jabez Negus, W™ Rawson, Isaiah Taj, Tho. Adkins,
Henry Emes, Joshua Windsor 51. Sam! Marshall 37.,
being chosen after the refusal of Joseph Parson, Edw.
Brom field, Benj. Alford, Humphry Luscombe, which 4
last fined. Mr. Wyllys chosen Treasurer by the Town,
and Mr. Joyliff Recorder. Meeting very comfortably
held, being not so full as sometimes, and not such conten-
tion about Priviledges. Mr. Nowell begun with Prayer,
and I, by mere accident being left, was fain to conclude.
7. Sworn by Major Richards same day, viz : all save Isaiah
Tay. The Governour seems to mention it with some con-
cernment that the 18, said to be of the Commission are
publickly to be seen at the Notaries ; so there is a Nom-
ination before we j)ut in votes.
Tuesday, March 9"/ 168|. Supply Clap, Guner of the
Castle, is buried at Dorchester by the Castle-Company
about Noon ; after the Vollies there, Several great Guns
were fired at the Castle ; both heard by the Town.
Mr. Tho. Kay our Maid's Father, dyes about 8. or 9.
aclock. An Order is given for the Execution of Morgan
next Thorsday ; which the Marshal Generall acquaints
him with.
Court sits, so the Votes for Nomination are put in, in
the other Room. Dine 5 times.
Note. Wednesday Morn about 5. aclock, little Hull hath
a Convulsion Fit in Bod. March 10*^^'.' About 8. aclock this
evening Father Abel Porter dyoth. Mr. Kay buried this
day. Robert Orchard comes to town.
Thorsday, March 11. Persons crowd mcicli into tlie Old
Meeting-IIouse by reason of James Morgan ; ' and before
I got tliether a crazed woman crycd the Gallery or Meet-
^ According to custom, a condemned culprit was brouglit to the meeting-
house to be made the subject of discourse, on the Sunday preceding hid
execution, or at the Tliursday Lecture. — Eds.
inghoiise broke, which made the People rush out with
great Consternation, a great part of them, but were seated
again. However, Mr. EHot, the Father, speaks to me that
I would go with him back to the Governour, and speak
that the Meeting might be held in our Meeting-House [the
South] for fear of the worst. Deputy Governour for-
warded it, so Governour proceeded, met Mr. Mather,
paused a little and then went to our House, the stream
of People presently following and deserting the Old :
first part of the 51. Ps. Sung. Mr. Mather's Text was
from Num. 35. 16. And if he smite him with an Instru-
ment of Iron, &c. Saw not Mr. Dudley at Meeting, nor
Court ; suppose he might not be in Town. Mr. Stoughton
here. Morgan was turn'd off about ^ an hour past five.
The day very comfortable, but now 9. aclock rains and
has done a good while.
Know not whether the mad woman said the House fell,
or whether her beating women made them scream, and so
those afar off, not knowing the cause, took it to be that ;
but the effect was as before ; and I was told by several as
I went along, that one Gallery in the old Meetinghouse
was broken down. The mad woman was the Dau(>:hter of
Goodm. Bishop, master of Morgan. She went in at the
Southwest Dore, beat the women, they fled from her : they
above supposed they fled from under the falling Gallery.
Mr. Cotton Mather accompanied James Morgan to the
place of Execution, and prayed with him there. ^
Friday, March 12. Father Porter laid in the Old Ceme-
tery ; is acknowledged by all to have been a great Man in
Prayer. A very winterly day by which means many hin-
^ Concerning this execution of INIorgan, Dunton has much to say in liis
letters from New England. Dunton visited Morgan while under sentence,
and prints his dying speech. He also gives abstracts of the three sermons
preached; one by Cotton Mather (the first of his three liundred and eighty-
tliree publications), and one by eToshua Moodey, on the Sunday preceding
the execution. Tlie third was by Increase Mather on the Thursday of the
execution. All are in print. — Eds.
dered from coming to the Funeral. I perceive there is a
considerable disgust taken at the use of our House yester-
Sabbathday. Mr. Jn** Bolt, and Jn" Nichols are received
into our Church. Mr. Bolt mentioned profan Courses he
had been entangled in after Conviction. Relations of both
well accepted, being such as gave good hope.
Monday, March lo*^^^. Mr. Wigglesworth here, speaks
about a Council respecting Mr. Thomas Chiever.
Tuesday, March 16. 168 1. Went to Muddy-River and
met with the Deputy Governour to adjust the matter of
fencing : measured from a Stake by the Crick 16 Rods
Marsh, then Upland 40, 40, 52. which reached a little
above the Dam, then guess'd that might be 16 Rods to
16 the beffinninfj: of the Ditch. Then measured from the
40 Dam to about a Rod below an Ehn growing to Boston-
side of the Fence, which accounted the middle : Dep-
7^ uty Governour to fence thence upward above the Dam
* ^" 16 Rod to the Ditch : Simon Gates to fence downwards
to the Stake by the Crick where hy consent we began.
Had a good Dinner at Simon's ; Capt. Scottow accom-
panied me. Deputy Governour expressed willingness
for Simon and his Wife to sxo on foot to Cambrid<i:o
Church directly throw his Ground.
When came home, found all well ; but they told me the
Sm<dl Pox was in Town, one that came in Peter Butler
beino: sick of it at one Wolf's, whos House stands on some
part of Capt. Oliver's Land, in the Town-House-Street.
Wednesday, March 17. 168|. Little Hull had a Sore
Convulsion between o. and 6. a little after his Mother and
I gon to our privat Meeting. A cry of Fire this night but
not one House burnt quite down ; 'twas Bachelour White's
that fell on fire thereal)Outs where Mr. Sanfonl dwell'd.
Generall Court on Adjournment Febr. 16. 108-j. Pub-
lick Fast. This Court considering how npjiarent the
threatening Hand of God is, by reasoii of the spreading
of that infectious Disease of the Small Pox in some Towns
in the Countrey ; (Portsmouth, Exeter.) ; together with
other Evils impending our selves and the Churches of
Christ abroad, as also the more than ordinary severity
of the Winter, and the Loss of many of our Cattell occa-
sioned thereby:' Have appointed the 251'.' Day of March
next to be kept as a Day of Solemn Humiliation and
Prayer throughout this Colony ; That we may obtain Fa-
vour from God for the diverting these Tokens of his
Anger, and his Smiles towards us in the Spring and Seed-
Time approaching : And to this end do recommend it to
the Elders and Ministers of the respective Churches, to
promote this work on the said day ; forbidding Servile
Labour to all People within this Jurisdiction, thereon.
Edw. Rawsox Seer*.
Monday, March 22. 168|. Went to Braintrey, viewed
Abbies Farm, and treated with Jonathan Paddleford about
Lettimz; of it to him : Lodiz:ed in the Lower Room of Unkle
Quinsey's new House.
Tuesday, March 23. Went and run the Line between
us and Tho. Faxon : and between us and Jn'' French, the
Father; came home in Company Ephr. and Jn'* Hunt;
found all well ; but hear of the sad consequences of yes-
terday's County-Court, Mr. Shrimpton's saying there was
no Governour and Company. Heat between the Members
of the Court. I can't yet understand that Mr. Nowell,
Cook, or Hutchinson were there. Some are much offended
that Mr. Shrinipton was not sent to Prison.
Fast-day, March 25, 1G86. Mr. Willard exercisoth all
day, Mr. Bayly being constrained to keep house by reason
of the Gout. Tho. Hollinsworth, sick of the Small Pocks,
prayed for.
^ The special and enipliatic statements of the reasons for a day of peni-
tential observance, as so distinctly presented in this proclamation, illusti'ate
what is affirmed in a previous note. — Eds.
Friday, March 26, 1686. Court of Assistants. Go to
the Governour's and accompany him to Court; was slow
to go out till knew the Court pretty full : Deputy Gover-
nour and about |- Duzen went down, among whom Mr.
Stoughton : Mr. Dudley went not. At the Town-House
debated what was best to do respecting Mr. Shrimpton :
Mr. Stoug;:hton related matter of fact. Governour had
adjourned the Court from Thorsday to Monday, beside the
Appointment to hear Mr. Sergeant, which was done Feb.
25. The Court not being full as the Governour alledged,
several malefactors were call'd and sentenced, before which
ended, Mr. Stougliton and Dudley came in ; a while after
the Governour said to Mr. Sergeant, Will you have your
case called now. Here is but a thin Court, — which was
somewhat o;rievous to Mr. Stoufjhton ; At lensi-th Mr. Ser-
geant and Shrimpton called, Mr. Shrimpton in a great
fury, said he was no Thief, &c. though called among them ;
and he perceived he was to Answer Mr. Sergeant and not
the Court, because of the Governour's speech above ; told
the Governour he had wronged him much, which some
apply to his Arbitratorship, some otherwise : said there
was no Governour and Company, and the Governour had
notice of it from Mr. Humphryes., and would not iVnswere :
substance was what suljscril^ed before in 's Paper given in
more silently ; but now spoken, in a great Croud with
contemptuous Pride and Rage. Gov!", Stoughton, Dudley,
Davie, Richards. Court cleared the Room, debated among
themselves. None but the Governour Spoke to send Mr.
Shrimpton to Prison, one reason was because he had given
the Essence of it in writinsJ!: lonsji: before, and nothinu!: had
bcci\ done to him : But would have spoken to him ami the
People, desiring the Governour to begin ; Governour said
he despised it, or the like, speaking to ^[r. Davie who pro-
pounded it inconvenientlv : So went awav anLrr\'. and rest
followed him ; So is extream Displeasure among the People,
against Stoughton and Dudley chiefly: This 20"' Shrimp-
ton sent for, not coming, (was not at home) Court and
Council is Adjourned to the next Thorsday after Lecture,
and Marshal ordered to Summon him.
Satterday, March 27'-^ Capt. Eliot, Mr. Wyllys, Allin, Frary
go to the Governour's to comfort Him and strengthen his
Hands, seeming to be extreamly concerned. I vindicated
Mr. Stoughton, being the Senior Magistrate, all that ever
I could ; but I question whether it takes much place or no.
Mr. Addington entered nothing, and professed before the
Council that was so surprized and 'twas such a sudden
Gust, that scarce knew what he said : and all say 'twas
extreara sudden and tumultuous : I perceiv Sundry Oaths
are taking, what avail they'll be of as to things done in
Court, I know not.
Ship comes in from Dartmouth to Salem this week,
about 8 weeks passage, brings news of horrid progress of
the Persecution in France ; ^ of severals relatino; to Eno;-
land, Parliament prorogued to May ; Rose-Frigat set out
for Portsmouth, &c.
Natalis. March 28. 133 Ps. sung in the morn in course :
The Lord give me a holy godly Life without End. Letter
read from Maldon directed to the three Churches in Bos-
ton, desiring Council respecting their Pastor Mr. Tho.
Chiever, who is charg'd with scandalous immoralities, for
which hath not given satisfaction.^ Mr. Eliot and my Self
to accompany Mr. Willard thither next Wednesday come
Sennight, 7'- April.
^ The Edict of Xantes was revoked in October, 1685. The revocation
had been preceded and was followed by great severities against the Ilogue-
nots. — Eds.
2 From tlie " Bi-Centennial Book of Maiden," p. 157, it seems that Rov.
Thomas Cheever was son of the famous schoolmaster, Ezekiel Cheever. lie
was ordained July 27, 1081. Charges were made and sustained before a
council, and he was dismissed ^Nfay 20, 1686. He afterwards recovered the
public confidence, and was ordained pastor of the church at Chelsea, in 1715,
where he continued for about thirty-five years, dying at the age of ninety-one
years. — Eds.
March 29. I visit Mr. Mather, and Mr. Nowell confined
by his Lameness. About 6 aclock P. M. Hull hath a
very sore Convulsion Fit.
March the last walked with Isaac Goose and Cous.
Quinsey, had a very pleasant Moon-shiny night.
Thorsday, April 1, 1686. Mr. Shrimpton comes before
the Council, gives in a Paper shewing that March 22. he
did say there was no Governour and Company in being in
this place, which he still did averr, and was ready to prove
if called to it. Council adjourned to April lo-' and the
Essex Magistrates writt to, to be here. Mr. Shrimpton said
he never did disown a Government here, but honoured
them. Mr. Secretary in writing the Letter writt Henry,
in stead of Samuel. Am afraid little can or will be done,
we shall only sentire nos mori ; for Governour seemed to
own before the People that the Charter was vacated in
England, and insisted upon a Proclamation sent him :
And the Deputy Governour said the Government must
not be tumbled down till His Majesty call'd for it, or to
that purpose : Such discourses and arguings before the
People do but make us grow weaker and weaker. Said
'twas voided as much as London's; and they durst not
since hold a Coiiion Council.^
April 2, 1686. Mr. Thomas Thacher dyes about 9 or
10 aclock. Hath had a pretty long Indisposition. Buried
on the Sabbath Afternoon.
Monday, Apr. 5. Mr. Nehemiah Hobart chosen to
preach the next Election-Sermon Artillery, hardly any
other liad Votes, tiiough Mr. Cotton Mather is even al-
most Son in Law to the Cap- and a worthy ^lan.
Apr. 7. 1686. Get up about 4 mane to go and ac-
company Mr. Willard to Maldon, went most by Water,
some by Land. Those that went by Water were
^ The JTidgment against tlie city of London on a quo u-nrninto was pro-
nounced by the Court of King's Bench, in June, 1083. — Eds.
landed at Switzer's Point, then went about 2 miles on
Apr. 8. Came home about 4 or 5 P. M. Visited Mr.
Nowell. Mr. Tho. Bayly preached the Lecture. Vide
Locos Comunes, quoad Concilij factum.
Monday, Apr. 12. Mr. Lewis (in whom Mr. Wear goes
for England to answer for Hampshire,) going out, runs
on Shore upon a Rock a little below the Castle, at high-
Water: so judg'd the Voyage may be much obstructed.
High wind, and flurries of Hail.
Tuesday, Apr. 13, 1686. Have news by Madera that
Col. Kirk was set sail in order to come hether.
S. Bradstreet Esq.
Rob. Pike
T. Danforth
E. Cooke
D. Gookin
W. Johnson
I. Pvaichon
I. Hathorn
W. S tough ton
E. Hutchinson
L Dudley
S. Sewall
P. Bulkly
I. Smith
N. Saltonstall
I. Addino;ton
H. Davie
0. Purchis
I. Richards
D. Pierce
S. No^Yell
Jn" Blackwell
Jam. Russell
Left Out,
P. Tilton
Wl? Brown
Bar. Gedny
Jn° Woodbridge
S. Apleton
Persons that came next are — Capt. Phillips of Charles-
town, 307 — Lt. Thurston of Meadfild, 207 — Sam! Par-
triggc of Hadley, 176 — Capt. Daniel Epps 146. Mr.
Saffin had very few Votes. Mr. Stoughton not present.
Mr. Dudle}^ dined (as I think) at Mr. Shrimpton's, which
will go near to give great offence. Commissioners dined
at Wezendunk's/ Governour gave us liis Company there,
and Mr. Dudley came and abode with us some time ;
said remembred not 'twas the Day for opening the Nomi-
Thorsday, Apr. 15. After Lecture the Court meets,
Mr. Shrimpton sent for, Evidences sworn. Considered
how to hear him, as County Court, I voted for the County
Court, and three more, or Assistants. When some were
for Satterday, others for next Thorsday : first carried it
because of Major Appleton and Pike : so Juries to be
summoned then to appear. Mr. Shrimpton would not
take any blame to himself as to substance of what had
said, and pleaded that might be heard by the County
Court, else refused to give Bond to appear. The Deputy
Governour said his Case was Capital, which Mr. Stoughton
earnestly spake against. In the hurry Deputy Governour
Adjourned the Court, bid the Marshal Generall look to
Mr. Shrimpton ; Marshal Generall required a Warrant
which Secretary would not grant because the Court Ad-
journed : So Mr. Shrimpton under no obligation to appear.
Boston to chuse Jury-Men for the County Court, Friday
3 aclock all under one [ballot] and read the Nomination-
Bill. This Thorsday 15. April, Capt. Ephraim Savage's
Maid is known to have the Small Pocks, to the (xreat
saddening of the Town, besides all our other Deaths.
Warrants run for the Jury to appear IT*.'.' Inst, at 8
aclock mane to try a Case .that concerns Limb, Life, or
^ Tliis was Warner Wesendunk, or Werendunk, whose name appears on
the Boston Tax List of 1085. Administration was granted Aug. 12. lODO
(Suff. "Wills, yiii. l-ll), on estate of Warner W'., Taverner, to 'J'iioinas
Walter, at the request of the creditors, as the widow and relations did not
desire it. Ilis widow is on the list of inhabitants in 1G95. Tliere was also
a Stephen "W., who appears on the same lists. In lG9o, he terms himself
" merchant, of London," now resident in Boston, and makes Francis Foxcrcift
his attorney. In 1707, he makes John Oulton his attorney. (Suff. Deeds,
Lib. 11, f. 212; Lib. 20, f. 220.) — Eds.
Banishment ; and for a Grand jury. Doubt the terms of
the Warrant extream inconvenient.
Thorsday, 15. A])vl\, pomerid. The Companies warned
to Train. News is brought by Mary-Land that Mr. Ran-
dolph alone was come for N. England. Am told a Letter
from Mr. Ive of Dec. 10. saith was then in the Downs
waiting for a wind. So that the Report that the Devil
Kirk was coming (as was said the Mariners called him)
now abates.
Satterday, April 17, 1686. After much discourse an
Indictment is drawn up, the Grand jury find the Bill per
Pen Townsend, Foreman. Mr. Shrimpton appears not : so
an Attachment ordered to goe out for him against next
Thorsday, upon which the Marshal is to take Bond of him
with Sureties of 1000. which if refuse to give, to carry
him to prison. The Towns sent to as far as Weymouth
sent their Jury Men very soon Satterday Morn ; which
was to me a very rare sight, seeing the warrants to arrive
a Thorsday night. INIr. Stoughton and Dudley calFd here.
Mr. Stouii-liton said would not come ao-uin till after the
Election, [if it] should make me lose .all my Votes.
Sabbath, Apr. 18. Capt. Ephr. Savage puts up a Bill to
have God's hand sanctified in sendinu: the Small Pocks into
his Family.
Apr. 19. Mr. Seaborn Cotton dyes.
Thorsday, Apr. 22. Court Assistants. Mr. Shrimpton
gives no Bond, but is sent to Prison, ^Marshal did not liglit
on him before. In the afternoon pleads against the illegal-
ity of the Indictment it having no Date : which suppose
will be granted ; is dismissed tonight on 's Parol to appear
tomorrow. Acknowletlo-ed was ashamed of tlie manner of
's behaviour in the County Court, but stood to the Sub-
stance, that no Governoiu' and Company.
Mr. Tho. Smith comes to Nantasket ; was much feared
to be lost. Cous. Nath. Dummer here. Mr. Cotton's
Sermon printed off. Apr. 22, 1686.
Satterday, Apr. 24. Court makes a Decree in the Ad-
miralty Case. Mr. Shrimpton's Paper satisfies not ; Court
overrules his Plea as to the Indictments not having a Date ;
because alledge the giving in to Court makes it have a
Date sufficient and determines 22'! March last past, and
order the Secretary to underwrite it when Received in
open Court : near half the Magistrates could not vote for
either. Court is adjourned to the 14'- May, 8 aclock, Mr.
Shrimpton promises then to appear, and Jury ordered to
attend. Is a Rumor that the Frigot hath been long at
Sea. Gave the Magristrates one of Mr. Cotton's Sermons
on 2 Sam. 7. 10., each of them one, being now just come
out. Ap. 24. 1686.
Monday, Apr. 26, 1686. I and my wife set out for
Newbury with little Hull ; Brother St. Sewall meets us at
the Gate next the little Bridge near where Boston and
Cambridge Rode join : yet Eliakim went on to Salem,
w^hether we got well in good time. Was kindly enter-
tained by Capt. Gedney, Mr. Hathorn, Epps • Visited by
Mr. Noyes.
Tuesday, Ap. 27. Being in a strait for a Horse, Brother
accidentally meets with Stephen Jaqucs, who had a Horse
exceeding fit for our purpose, and was a Newbury Man ;
so got to Newbury very well in good time.
Wednesday, May 5, came home-ward, took Rowley-
Lecture in the way. Text — Denying the Power, shewed
that true Goodness was a powerfull Principle. Came to
Salem, Gilbert Cole to our great Benefit overtaking and
accompanying us, and bringing my wife from Salem, else
must have Troubled Brother.
Thorsday, May 6, 1686. Got home about four aclock,
found all well, blessed be God. 'Twas Lecture-day at
Lin too and is so once a Moneth, but we have miss'd botli :
And indeed my wives painfull Flux such, that had we
known of Lin Lecture before past the Place, could not
have took it. Mr. Wharton buried a Child since our
going : and Mr. Cotton Mather married Mrs. Margaret
Phillips before Major Richards (Mr. Russell and Capt.
Hutchinson also present.) Tuesday May 4'.'.' 1G86. 'Tis
said was a great Wedding, but Eliakim not bidden.
Going to Newbury, at Ipswich Farms met with Richard
Waldron, who told me what an Eastward Master reported
about the coming out of the Rose-Frigot, shewing me a
Letter written to the Capt. of the Rose at Boston in N. E.
which causes great thoughts and expectation. Left Hull
well at our coming away. God did graciously help us out
and home this journey, and answer Prayer. Capt. Frary
met us and bid us wellcom Home.
May lOV.'. Went to Charlestown and wished Mr. Cotton
Mather Joy, was married last Tuesday.
Monday, W}} May, Night and Tuesday Morn, plenty of
w^arm refreshing Rain which was extreamly wanted.
Tuesday Morn. Mr. Mather's Maid, a Member of
[blank] Church is brought to Bed of a Child. Nothing
suspected before that I hear of. 'Tis said He has turn'd
her out of 's House.
May 12, 1686. Pleasant day. Governour ill of 's Gout,
goes not to Meeting. Mr. Wigglesworth preaches from
Rev. 2. 4 and part of 5*1' v. and do thy first works, end of
the Text. Shew'd the want of Love, or abating in it, was
ground enough of Controversy, whatsoever outward per-
formances a people might have. In 's prayer said. That
may know the things of our peace in this our day, and it
may be the last of our days. Acknowledged God as to
the Election, and brini>:ing forth him as 'twere a dead Man.
— had been reckoned among the dead, — to preach. Gov-
ernour being at Home adjourned to his House, and there
the Deputy Governour and Assistants took their Oaths,
being much obstructed and confused by the Drums
and VoUies from which the Souldiers would not be
Thorsday, May 13. Major Richards and I were sent by
the Mao-istrates to wait on Mr. Stouii:hton to invite him to
take his Oath ; Called at Major Dudley's for Extract of
his Letter.
Friday, May 14. The Rose-Frigot arrives at Nantas-
ket, Mr. Randolph up at Town about 8 mane : takes
Coach for Roxbury : Major Pynchon and Mr. Stoughton
are sent to the Magistrates to acquaint them with the
King's Commands being come, and that Mr. Deputy, with
whom he pleased to take with him, might go to Capt.
Paige's and see he Commission, Exemjolification of the
Judgment and Seals. Mr. Shrimpton in the morn was
sent for and told, by reason of the Governour's absence,
and other business, should not now proceed with his Trj'al,
and that the Court would be adjourned and he should be
acquainted with the time. Had a small Admiralty Case.
Jury dismissed after Dinner. Major Pynchon has not
took his Oath, I saw him not till came in with Mr.
Elder Humpliryes of Dorchester buried this day. Major
Richards and Self saw his Grave dio-frincr when went to
Mr. Stoughton' s.
Satterday, May 15. Gov' Ilinkley, Major Richards,
Mr. Russell and Self sent to by Major Dudley to come
to Capt. Paige's, where we saw the Exemplification of the
Judgment against the Charter, with the Broad Seal af-
fixed : discoursed about their acceptance : had some
thouo-hts of shewing; their Seals to the Mao-istrates and
Deputies, though not to them as a Court ; but before we
returned, the Magistrates were gone to the Governour's
and from thence they adjourned till Monday one aclock.
Major Generall came home and dined with me. Went to
George Monk's and paid him in full, drank half a pint of
Wine together.
Friday morn Capt. Townsend is chosen Deputy for
Boston in his Brother Addington's room. Mr. Jif Saffin
is chosen Speaker the day before. Mr. Nicholas Noyes,
the Minister, told me the first News of the Frigot.
Sabbath, May 16. The Lord's Supper administered
with us : In the morn the 2? Ps. sunii; from the 6'.l' v. to
the end. In the family, sung the 139".^ in course. Mr,
Randolph at Meeting, sate in Mr. Luscombe's Pue. Mr.
Willard prayed not for the Governour or Government, as
formerly ; but spake so as implied it to be changed or
changing. It seems Mr. Phillips at the Old Church, prayed
for Governour and Deputy Governour. Govf Hinkly,
Major Pynchon, Rawson and Self with Mr. Willy in the
Fore-Seat at the Sacrament.
Monday, May IT"' 1686. Generall Court Sits at One
aclock, I goe thither, about 3. The Old Government
draws to the North-side, Mr. Addington, Capt. Smith and
I sit at the Table, there not being room : Major Dudley
the Praesident, Major Pynchon, Capt. Gedney, Mr. Mason,
Randolph, Capt. Winthrop, Mr. W^harton come in on the
Left. Mr. Stoughton I left out : Came also Capt. [of]
King's Frigot, Gov?' llinkley, Govf West and sate on the
Bench, and the Room pretty well filled with Spectators in
an Instant. Major Dudley made a Speech, that was sorry
could treat them no longer as Governour and Company ;
Produced the Exemplification of the Charter's Condemna-
tion, the Commission under the Broad-Seal of England
— both: Letter of the Lords, Commission of Admiralty,
openly exhibiting them to the People ; when had done,
Deputj^ Governour said suppos'd they expected not the
Court's Answer now ; which the Praesident took np and
said they could not acknowledge them as such, and could
no way capitulate with them, to which I think no Reply.
When gone. Major Generall, Major Richards, Mr. Russell
and Self spake our minds. I chose to say after the Major
Generall, adding that the foundations being destroyed
what can the Righteous do ; speaking against a Protest ;
which some spake for. Spake to call some Elders to pray
tomorrow which some think inconvenient, because of
what past, and the Commissioners having several times
declared themselves to be the King's Council when in the
Tuesday, May 18. Mr. Willard not seeing cause to go
to the Town-House to pray, I who was to speak to him
refrain also. Major Bulkley and Mr. Jonathan Tyng
came to Town last night. Mr. Phillips had very close
Discourse with the President, to persuade him not to
accept : 'twas in Mr. Willard's Study Monday after noon
just at night. Mr. Stoughton and Mather there too.
Now are readino: the be^'innino- of the Psalms and the
Tuesday, May 18. A great Wedding from Milton, and
are married by Mr. Randolph's Chaplain, at Mr. Shrimp-
tou's. according to the Service-Book, a little after noon,
when Prayer was had at the Town-House : Was another
married at the same time. The former was Vosse's Son.
Borrowed a Ring. 'Tis said they having asked Mr. Cook
and Addington, and they declining it, went after to the
President and he sent them to the Parson. In the even
Mr. Moodey, Allen, Willard, Addington, Frary visit me.
It seems neither of the Mathers, nor Baylys, nor Major
Richards were at the Fast.
Wednesday, May 19. Capt. Eliot tells me that he hears
Salem Troop is to be here on Friday, Capt. Higginson is
Mr. Wharton's Brother in Law, and Capt. Gedney is of
Salem, commands one of the Companyes. Mr. Higginson
and Mr. Noyes steady for Submission ; the former is the
Captain's Father. My Son reads to me Isa. 22 in his
course this morning. In the Afternoon Major Richards
and Self sent for to Capt. Winthrop's, and desired to have
our Companyes in Arms next Tuesday, Boston Troop to
bring the President from Eoxbury ; what was thought of
the former notion is now laid aside.
Friday, May 21, 1686. The Magistrates and Deputies
goe to the Governour's. I was going to them about 11.
aclock, supposing them to be at the Town-House, and
seeing a head through the Governour's Room, and, Brisco
in the Street, I asked if Magistrates there ; so went in and
they were discoursing about delivering the Keys of a Fort
which had been asked, seemed to advise him not to do it
till the Gentlemen Sworn. Mr. Nowell prayed that God
would pardon each Magistrate and Deputies Sin. Thanked
God for our hithertos of Mercy 56 years, in which time
sad Calamities elsewhere, as Massacre Piedmont ; thanked
God for what we might expect from sundry of those now
set over us. I moved to sing, so sang the 17. and 18.
verses of Habbakkuk.
The Adjournment which had been agreed before, Second
Wednesday in October next at 8 aclock in the Morning,
was declared by the Weeping Marshal-Generall. Muny
Tears Shed in Prayer and at parting.
This day the Pra3sident goes on Board the Frigot a little
below the Castle, so the Flagg is hung out at the Main
Top. About 4. or 5. P. M. She comes up with a fair wind,
Castle fires about 25 Guns ; a very considerable time after
the Frigot fires, then the Sconce and Ships, Noddles Hand,
Charlestown Battery, Frigot again, Ships with their An-
cients out, and Forts their Flaggs. Not very many Spec-
tators on Fort Hill and there about, I was for one, coming
from the Warehouse. I waited on the Proesident in the
morn to speak with him, and so accompanied Him to
Town. Wednesday, Major Richards and I were sent for
to Capt. Winthrop's to speak with us about attending with
our Companyes on Tuesday ; this was near night. Were
advised to consult our Officers ; Major Richards objected
the discontent of the Souldiers and may be it might prove
inconvenient. On Thorsday, before Lecture, at Capt.
Paige's, I told the President thought I could do nothing to
the purpose : On Friday waited on him on purpose and
propounded Lieut. Hayward : when came home, after Din-
ner went to speak with Lieut. Hayward, found him at
George's. There he Avas speaking with his Capt., the
Pr93sident having spoken to him ; he was to return an
Answer to the Prcesident. I hear no more of it, so I
suppose 'tis left with him. On Wednesday Major spake
of warning by Corporals not Drum.
May 26, mane we read the seventeenth Psalm in Course,
a precious seasonable Prayer for this Day.
Wednesday, May 26. Mr. Ratliff, the Minister, waits
on the Council ; Mr. Mason and Randolph propose that
he may have one of the 3 Houses to j)i'each in. That is
deny'd, and he is granted the East-End of the Town-
House, where the Dej)uties used to meet ; untill those
who desire his Ministry shall provide a fitter place. No
Body that I observed went to meet the President at his
first cominsc to Town that I know of.^
^ It seems proper, at tins point, to mention a cnrious literaiy performance,
which promised to throw light on the events of this date. In tlie " St. Cliry-
sostom's Magazine," Vol. II. Nos. 11 and 12, pnblished in Xew York,
December, 1874, and February, 1875, appeared two letters, pur}X)rting to be
written by Rev. Robert RatclifEe, the Episcopal clergyman who preceded
Andros. The editor of the magazine wrote to an inquirer that these letters
were printed from the originals, but further responses to all questions were
lu the first of these letters, addressed to the Bishop of London, RatclifEe
Tliorsday, May 27. Lieut. Checkly and I wait on the
President and Mr. Stougliton to Mr. Allin's. Mr. Whiting
of Hartford preaches. Mr. Danforth sits in the Gallery,
Major Gookin with me. Ministers generally dine with
the President and Co.
Friday, May 28. I pay my Respects to Mr. Stougliton
as Deputy-President, break fast with him, and ride part
of the way to Town. Then I goe with Capt. Eliot and
adjust the Line between him and me at Muddy-River.
Visit Mr. Benj. Eliot as we come back. Yesterday a very
refreshing Rain.
Sabbath, May oOt!^ 1686. My Son reads to me in course
the 2Q^!! of Isaiah — In that day shall this Song, &c. And
we sing the 141. Psalm, both exceedingly suited to this
day. Wherein there is to be Worship according to the
Church of England as 'tis call'd, in the Town-House, by
Countenance of Authority. 'Tis deferred 'till the 611' of
June at what time the Pulpit is provided ; The pulpit is
is made to give a full account of the pi'oceedings at the Council Chamber on
May 20, when the late Governor Bradstreet made a long prayer. Katclifte,
as represented, asked for a place in \Yhich to hold Church of England services;
and Bradstreet rose, and, after upbraiding Dudley, left the hall.
It appears, from the Council Records, that, on the 25th May, there were
twelve present, viz., Dudley, Stougliton, Mason, Fitz Winthrop, I'inchon,
Dudley, Walt "Winthrop, Wharton, Gedney, Ilincks, E. Tyng, and llan-
On Atay 26, eleven were present; Ilincks not named, and Stougliton was
made deputy.
On ]\Iay 27, eleven present; Ilincks attending and Gedney absent. On
the 28th, eleven; Usher being present. On .lune ISth, Jonathan Tyng
appears. The names of Simon Bradstreet, Dudley Bradstreet, and Nathaniel
Saltonstall do not appear on the records.
It w^ould have been strange, if, after the meeting of INIay 21, herein re-
corded, Bradstreet should have attended the Council meeting; almost incredi-
ble that, if he had done so and had enacted so striking a part, Sewall should
not record it.
For these and other reasons, especially the inexplicable retention of the
originals, we are compelled to concede no authority to the transcripts, and
must continue to stand by such details only as these journals furnish to us.
— Eds.
movable, carried up and down stairs, as occasion serves ;
it seems many crouded thether, and the Ministers preached
forenoon and Afternoon. Charles Lidget there.
Satterday, June 5"\ I rode to Newbury, to see my
little Hull, and to keep out of the way of the Artillery
Election, on which day eat Strawberries and Cream with
Sister Longfellow at the Falls, visited Capt. Richard Dum-
mer, rode to Salem, where lodged 2 nights for the sake
of Mr. Noyes's Lecture, who preached excellently of
Humility, from the woman's w*ashing Christ's feet. Was
invited by Mr. Higginson to Dinner, but could not stay,
came alone to Capt. Marshal's, from thence with Mr. Davie,
who gave me an account of B. Davis Capt., Tho. Savage
Lieut, and Sam Eavenscroft Ensign, of the Artillery ; Jn**
Wait w^as chosen but serv'd not. Mr. Hubbard preached
from Eccles., There is no Discharge in that War.
Friday, June IL Waited on the Council, took the Oath
of Allegiance, and rec'd my new Commission for Capt.
Was before at a privat Fast at Deacon Allen's : so Capt.
Hutchinson and I went about 5. aclock, and all the rest
were sworn, Capt. Hutchinson at present refuses. I read
tlie Oath myself holding the book in my Left hand, and
holding up my Right Hand to Heaven.'
Friday, June 18. My dear Son, Hull Sewall, dj'cs at
Kewburj- about one aclock. Brother Toppan gets hither
to acquaint us on Satterday morn between 5 and 6. We
set out about 8. I got to Newbury a little after Sun-set,
where found many persons waiting for the Fiuieral ; so
very quickly went; Mr. Woodbridge and Richardson
there : Bearers Mr. Sam' Tompson, Jn" Moodey, Jn"
1 This matter of holding up tlie hand in taking an oath, as opposed to the
Englisli custom of holding the Bible or kissing it, became very soon one of
the trivial but irritating questions in dispute between the colonists and the
Aiidros faction. In 1089, Rev. Samuel Willard printed a discourse on the
point, and the grievance of using the English mode is brougiit forward in
the pamphlets of the day. Sei? Andros's Tracts (Prince Society, l^oston,
1808), Vols I. pp. 15, 17, 179. — Eds.
Toppan, Johnny Richardson. Had Gloves. Gave no
body else any because 'twas so late.
Sabbath-day Morn. Goodman Pilsbury was buried just
after the ringing of the second Bell. Grave dugg over
night. Mr. Richardson Preached from 1 Cor. 3, 21.22,
going something out of 's Order by reason of the occasion,
and singling out those Words Oi^ Death.
On Monday I distributed some Gloves, and in the After-
noon about 6 aclock came with Deacon Coffin to Salem
about 10. at night. From thence early in the Morn by
reason of the flaming Heat, and got to Winnisimmet be-
fore the Ferry-men up, Got home about | after seven,
found all well. Hullie w^as taken ill on Friday Morn.
Mr. Clark of Cambridge had a Son of 9 years old drownd
the Tuesday before. Two women dy'd suddenly in Bos-
ton. James Mirick that lived just by my Father at New-
bury, had his House suddenly burnt down to the Ground
on Sabbath-day Even before this Friday.
The Lord sanctify this Third Bereavement.
Tuesday, June 22, 1686. Betty Lane's Father dyes
Wednesday, Junij ulf. Went to a Fast at Dorchester,
Mr. Danforth and Williams exercised, and no other. In
the Evening supped with Major Gidney, Mr. Moodey,
Allin, at Mr. Stoughton's.
Friday, July 2. Mrs, Chaney, widow, dyes having been
sick a day or two, of a Flux. Her Body is carried in the
night to Roxbury there to be buried.
July 9. Mr. Richard Collicot buried.
Monday, July 12. Mr. Thomas Kellond dyes, is to be
buried on Thorsday between 4 and 5. Is the only son of
INIadame Kellond, and Mrs Luscombe is now her only
child. Conversed with Mr. Thomas when at Newbury in
the beginning of June. He was so fat and corpulent that
most thought he could not live.
Wednesday, July 21. Went to Cambridge-Lecture and
heard Mr. Morton. Considerable Rain this Day. Dined
at Remington's.
Mr. Jn" Bayly preaches his farewell Sermon from 2
Cor. 13, 11. Goes to Watertown this week. July 25,
July 26, 1686. More Rain this day. Major Richards
and most of the Captains gave in some Military Orders
for the Council's Approbation and Passing : and before
the Council agreed that this day fortnight be a Training-
July 27, 1686. Mr. Stoughton prayes excellently, and
makes a notable speech at the opening of the Court. The
Foreman of the Grand-Jury, Capt. Hollbrook, swore laying
his hand on the Bible, and one or two more. So Mr. Bal-
lard, Foreman of the Petit Jury, and one or two more.
Others swore lifting up their hands, as formerly. Attor-
neys are sworn and none must plead as Attorneys but
July 28. A considerable Troop from Watertown come
and fetch Mr. Bayly, some of ours also accompany them.
Francis Stepney the Dancing Master runs away for Debt.
Several Attachments out after him.
Thorsday night, July 29, 1686. I goe the Grand Rounds
with Isaac Goose and Matthias Smith : Comes eight dayes
sooner than it ought because Capt. Lidget's Lieut, refuses,
and so tlie rest of the Company,
Friday, July 30. Church Meeting, at which Richard
Draper, Mrs. Clark, Sarah Chapin, and Eliza Lane ad-
About the same time W™ Johnson Esq!" is sharply re-
proved by the Council for his carriage on the Fast-day,
stajing at home himself and having a Duzcn ]\Ien at 's
House.' Told him must take the Oath of Allegiance ; he
^ It seems, from the "History of Woburn, Mass.," written by the late
liev. Samuel Sewall, p. 108, that William Johnson was a prominent citizen
of that town. He was the son of Captain Edward Johnson, the author of
desired an Hour's consideration, then said he could not
take it ; but when his Mittimus writing, or written, he
consider'd again, and took it rather than goe to Prison.
Objected against that clause of acknowledging it to be
be Lawfull Authority who administred ; would see the
Aug* 4. Mr. Moodey exercises at our House, being our
Meeting-day. Mr. Shove in Town.
Aug* 5. WH} Harrison, the Bodies-maker, is buried, which
is the first that I know of buried with the Common-Prayer
Book in Boston. He was formerly Mr. Randolph's Land-
lord. This day Capt. Paige hath a Judgment for Capt.
Keyn's Farm : Mr. Cook Appeals. Mr. Morton preaches
the Lecture. One Jn° Gold, Chief Commander of the
Military Company at Topsfield, is sent to Prison for Trea-
sonable Words spoken about the change of Government, is
to be tryed this day fortnight. Council said he was not
Sabbath-day, Aug* 8. 'Tis said the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper is administered at the Town-House. Clev-
erly there.
Aug* 9. Pretty sharp Thunder and Lightening.
Aug* 10. Ridd to Brain trey in Company of Mr. Pain,
and Mr. Joseph Parson, and home agen. 'Tis said a Groton
Man is killed by 's cart, Bowells crushed out ; and a Boy
killed by a Horse at Rowley ; foot hung in the Stirrup and
so was torn to pieces ; both about a week ago.
Auti^* 10. at nifj-ht. Two Brothers die in one Bed, the
Mate and Purser of the Ship which brought the French-
men. Died of a Malia:nant Fever. Auu:* 11. Buried
together. Mr. Parris spake at Mrs. Noyes's.
Augt. 18, 1686. Went and came on Foot to Cambridge-
Lecture. Dined at Mr. Gookin's in Company of Mr. Hub-
" Wonder-working Providence," and was noted for his zeal for the old
charter. A full sketch of his life and character will be found in the above-
cited history. — Eds.
bard, N. Cambr. [New Cambridge, now Newton] and
Angt. 21. mane Mr. Randolph and Bullivant were here,
Mr. Randolph mentioned a Contribution toward building
them a Church, and seemed to goe away displeased be-
cause I spake not up to it.
Friday, Augt. 20. Read the 143, 144 Psalms mane, and
Sam Read the 10*1' of Jeremiah. I was and am in great
exercise about the Cross to be put into the Colours, and
afraid if I should have a hand in 't whether it may not
hinder my Entrance into the Holy Land.
Sabbath-day, Augt. 22. In the Evening seriously dis-
coursed with Capt. Eliot and Frar}^, signifying my inability
to hold, and readino; Mr. Cotton's ArQ-uments to them
about the Cross, and sayd that to introduce it into Boston
at this time was much, seeing it had been kept out more than
my Life-time,^ and now the Cross much set by in England
and here ; and it could scarce be put in but I must have
a hand in it. I fetcht home the Silk Elizur Holyoke had
of me, to make the Cross, last Friday morn ; and went
and discoursed Mr. Mather. He judged it Shi to have it
put in, but the Captain not in fault ; but I could hardly
understand how the Connnand of others could wholly
excuse them, at least me who had spoken so much against
it in April 1G81, and that Summer and forward, upon oc-
casion of Capt. Walley's putting the Cross in his Colours.
AuLj-t. 22. Balston arrives.
^ The English colors at that time, of course, bore St. George's cross; and
the use thereof, as savoring of idolatry or Popery, aroused Puritanic feelings
at an early date. In 10.'31, Endicott and Davenport had altered the ensign
;ised at Salem by removing one part of the red cross. Palfrey points out
that this act placed the colonial government in a difficult position, since the
act would be construed in England as a defiance, and yet at home it Jiad the
sympathy of the people. Finally, it was decided to leave out the cross on the
colors of the military companies, but to keep it on the flag at Castle Island.
Hutchinson writes (I. 38): "This scruple afterwards prevailed, and the
cross was left <^^i of the colours and generally condemned as unlawful." —
us- '^■:ot
Monday, Augt. 23. At even I wait on the President
and shew him that I cannot hold because of the Cross
now to be introduc'd, and offer'd him my Commission,
which he refus'd, said would not take it but in Council.
Receiv'd me very candidly, and told me we might expect
Sir Edmund Andros, our Governour, here within six
weeks ; for ought I know that might make him the more
placid. Came over the Neck with Mr. Sherman. Laus
Balston arrives Augt. 22 : came from Graves-End June
24, 1686. Had news there by several vessels that the
Rose-Frigot was arrived here. Mr. Lee ^ and another
Minister come over with many Passengers.
^ This was the Rev. Samuel Lee, born in London in 1623, bred at Oxford,
and a proctor there in 1651. He was settled at Bristol, Mass. ; embarked for
home in 1G91; was taken by a Fi-ench privateer to St. Maloes, and died there
soon after. As Savage's account of his family relations is incorrect, we offer
the following statement from records : — •
In the Collections of the Mass. Hist. Society, 4th Series, pp. 540-542, are
some letters from Lee to Mather; and in one of them, dated Aug. 25, 1687,
Lee thanks Increase INIatlier for admitting his daughter Anne to his church.
In Robbins's History Sec. Ch. she stands as admitted April 24, 16S7. Again,
Oct. 14, 1687, Lee writes: " My wife and daughters present their hearty
respects, especially Annie."
Again (4th Series, VIII. 373), eloshua Moodey writes, Nov. 19, 1688:
"Mr. Saffin has lately married Mr. Lee's eldest daughter." From many
sources, as, for example, a deed in the Suffolk Registry, XIX. 237, Sept.
24, 1691, to John George from John Saffin and wife Rebecca, we learn her
In Rev. Samuel Mather's Life of his father. Cotton iNIather (p. 131), he
writes : —
" In his fifty-third year, July 5, 1715, he was married to his third Wife.
She is the Daughter of the renouned and very learned Mr. Samuel Lee. She
was the widow of Mr. George, a worthy Merchant, when Dr. Mather pay'd
his Respects unto her in order to be Marry'd. She is a Lady of many and
great Accomplishments, and is the Doctor's disconsolate Widow." Her
name was Lydia, and she died Jan. 22, 1733-34. (Hist, and Gen. Reg.
VI. 20.)
In Suffolk Deeds (Lib. 17, f. 146), under date of Xov. 1, 1695, is an in-
denture between Henry Wyrley of Xew BristoU in the coui\ty of Bristoll in
New England. Fellmonger, and Anne his wife, one of tln^ Daughters and
coheirs of the Rev. Samuel Lee, late of Bristoll, clerk, dec -ed, of the one
Augt. 29. Lord's day. Mr. Lee, the Minister, now
come over, came to our Meeting in the Forenoon, and
sate in my Pue.
part, and John George of Boston, merchant, of the other part; by which the
Wyrleys sell their one fourth part (the whole in four equal parts to bo
divided), of the following messuages, &c. : —
One messuage farme or tenement situate near Bissitree in the co. of Ox-
ford, Eng. commonly called Bignell's farm, in the holding of one Richard
Wilson ;
And of several other parcels of land called Brill lands, in the parish of
Brill, CO. Bucks, viz:
Riddo Hill in the tenure of Peter Baker; the upper part of Little Park,
in the tenure of John Gregory; the close next Mr. Dormers, in the tenure
of one Smith; the close next Mr. Smith's close, in the tenure of Mr. Hunt;
the Poltree meadow in the lane by the wood and
Hazelcomb near Poltree wood, in tenure of John Gregory; the Hazelcomb
by Spring Copps, in tenure of Richard Turner; and the woods of Poltree
and Spring Copps.
The land is estimated at one hundred acres, more or less.
We thus establish that Lee had, Rebecca, who married John Saffin; Lydia,
who married John George, and second. Cotton Mather; Anne, who married
Henry Wyrley; and undoubtedly a fourth daughter.
We now turn to a letter printed in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register,
I. 191, dated Xov. 7, 1728, from Dr. Isaac Watts. It is addressed evidently
to the wife of ISIajor Samuel Sewall, who was Katherine (George), widow of
Nathan Howell, and step-daughter of Cotton Mather. It was occasioned by
the death of her two children, George and Nathan Howell, drowned Jan. 8,
1728, while skating.
John George's will (SufE. Wills, XVIII. 196), dated March 16, 1711,
proved Nov. 27, 1714, mentions his widow; his only child, Katherine Howell;
her husband, Nathan Howell; and his own sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebecca Saffin.
Katherine George and Nathan Howell were married by Dr. Colman, Aug.
II, 1708; and had George, born Nov. 1, 1712, and Nathan, born March 21,
1713-1-4. These were the two children who were drowned. From Sewall's
Diary (quoted in 4th Series, II. 125), it seems that Nathan Howell, the
father, died May 2, 1716, and his widow married Samuel Sewall, Jan. 1,
1716-17. Sewall had no children by this wife ; and as her mother, Katherine
George, had none by her second husband, Mather, this line of Lee's issue
became extinct.
As to the letter, Dr. Watts writes as follows: " Mr. Lee, your Venerable
Grandfather was Predecessor to Mr. Thomas Rowe, my Ilonour'd Tutor,
and once my Pastor in my younger years. Mr. Peacock who married your
eldest Aunt, was my intimate Friend. i\Irs. Bishop and 'Mrs. AVirley were
both my Acquaintance, tliough my long Illness and Absence from London
has made me a Stranger to their Posterity whom I knew when Children. But
now I know not who of them are living or where. Doc"" Cotton Mather, youi'
Augt. 30. Eight Companyes Train, but I appear not
save to take leave in the morning, getting Mr. Willard to
goe to Prayer. Lieut. Holyoke led the Company which
had Lt. Col? Colours : in the morn Lt. Way came to me
and told me the likelihood of Mr. Lee's being my Tenant ;
so invited said Way to Dinner. Gave each Souldier a
Sermon : God's Promise to his Plantations ; and 20s. [to
the Company for a Treat].
Augt. 3L Mr. Nowell, Moodey and Rawson visit me
and comfort me.
Augt. 31. Mr. Lee views the House at Cotton-Hill in
order to taking it.
Sept"" 1. Went to Natick Lecture, Simon Gates shew-
ing me the way ; called as went at Noah Wiswall's ; came
home accompanied by Major Gookin and his Son Sam. till
the way parted. Mr. Dan! Gookin preached ; were about
40 or 50 Men at most, and a pretty many Women and
Children [at the Lidian Meeting-house]. Call'd at the
President's as came home, who was very pleasant ; Ex-
cus'd my giving himself and the Deputy President occa-
sion to say what they did on Thorsday night. Met with
there, Capt. Blackwell and Mr. Hubbard and his wife, with
whom I came over the Neck.
Sept^ 3. The report about Sir Edmund Andros coming,
is refreshed by Martin in his way to N. York.
Friday, Sept!" 3. Mr. Shrimpton, Capt. Lidget and oth-
late Father-in-Law was my yearly Correspondent, and I lament the loss of
We have here a distinct statement that Mr. Peacock married the oldest
aunt; and, as all the reference is to Lees, undoubtedly she was the oldest
daughter of Rev. Samuel Lee. ]\Irs. Bishop and ]Mrs. Wyrley are mentioned
in the same connection; and, as the latter was Anne Lee, we may presume
Mrs. Bishop to be also. Yet if so, who was she? Rebecca (Satliii) is said
to have married, July 26, 1712, Rev. Joseph Baxter, of Medfield (born 1(J76,
H. C. 1693; died May 2, 174.5). Can Bishop be an error for Baxter, or was
there a fifth daughter? If there were five, one may have died witliout issue
before Wyrley inherited the fourth part of Lee's estate, already described as
sold by him. — Eos.
ers come in a Coach from Roxbury about 9. aclock or past,
singing as they come, being inflamed with Drink : At
Justice Morgan's they stop and drink Healths, curse,
swear, tolk profanely and baudily to the great disturb-
ance of the Town and grief of good people. Such high-
handed wickedness has hardly been heard of before in
Monday, Septf 6. Artillery Training. Not one old
Captain there. Dartmouth Frigot arrives from Barmudas
last night. Lieut. Holyoke's little Daughter buried to-
day : died on Satterday.
Tuesday, Septf 7*1' The Dartmouth Frigot comes up.
I goe with my wife, Cous. Ruth, Savages and Mrs. Baker
and their Children to Hog-Iland. We put off just as the
Frigot and Ships and Town Salute each other mutually.
Got home by 9. aclock.
I little thought of its being the day signed by the Alma-
nack for the Court of Assistants, till coming home I acci-
dentally spyed. It has been a great day of feasting on
Board Capt. Head. Mr. Lidget and Shrimpton there. I
suppose they are little concerned for being bound over in
the morn for their Friday night Revel. ^
Monday, Sept!" 13, 1G86. Mr. Cotton Mather preaches
the Election Sermon for the Artillery, at Charlestown,
from Ps. 144. 1. made a very good Discourse. President
and Deputy President there. As I went in the morn I
had Sam. to tlie Latin Scliool, which is the first time. Mr.
Chiever received him gladly. The Artillery Company had
like to have been broken up ; the animosity so high be-
tween Charlestown and Cambridgi;e Men about the Place
of Trainiuii;. Were fain at last to vote the old OlHcers to
^ General Sumner, in his " History of East Boston," sncfgosts that Sewall
does not write of this alleged misbehavior of Shrimpton as of his own per-
sonal knowledge, but probably heard of it as an exaggerated rumor. There
is no record of any further proceedings in the court against Slii'impton on
tills charfje. — Eds.
stand for next year, in general. Major Gookin, Richards
and Self, by as Spectators. Major Gookin to order.
Wednesday, SeptF 15. Mr. David Geffries ^ marries
Mrs Betty Usher before Mr. Ratcliff.
Monday, Septf 20. The President, Deputy President,
Capt. Blackwell, Councillour Usher, Mr. Moodey, Lee,
Morton, Allen, Willard, Cotton Mather, and Self, goe and
visit Mr. Baylye at Watertown, and there dine.
Sept!" 23. Lecture day. Govf Bradstreet is gone with
his Lady to Salem. President and Deputy President call'd
Sept!" 24. Friday. Capt. Clapp leaves the Castle ; about
nine Guns fired at his goiug off. It seems Capt. Clap is
not actually come away, but Capt. Winthrop, and Lieut.
Thomas Savage did this day there receive their Commis-
Satterday, Sepf 25. The Queen's Birthday is celebrated
by the Captains of the Frigots and sundry others at Nod-
dles Hand. King and Council's Proclamation of Nov!" 6.
last, was published by beat of Drum throw the Town to
hinder their making Bonfires in the Town however. Went
with their Boats to the Ships and Vessels and caused them
to put out their Ancients. Many Guns fired. A kind of
Tent set up at the Hand and a Flagg on the top on 't.
Made a great Fire in the Evening, many Hussas,
Sabbath, Sept!" 26. Mr. Willard expresses great grief
in 's Prayer for the Profanation of the Sabbath last night.
Mr. Lee preaches with us in the Afternoon from Isa. 52. 7.
Said that all America should be converted, Mexico over-
come, England sent over to convert the Natives, loolv you
^ David Jeffries was a new comer, born at Rhoad, in Wiltshire, ayIio
arrived here May 9, 1677. A full account of liis descendants can be found in
the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, XV. 14-17. Among them we may note
David Jeffries, town treasurer; his son. Dr. John Jeffries, who made the
celebrated balloon voyage across the English Channel; and his son, the late
eminent physician, John Jeffries, Jr. — Eds.
do it. Read in course this day Cant. 6. vid. Bright'm.^
fol. 121.
Septy 27. Hannah clambring to the Cupboard's head
upon a chair breaks her forhead grievously just above her
left Eye : 'twas in the morn.
SeptI" 28. Mr. Edward Grove w^ho kept the Salutation,
dyed this day of the bloody Flux. Yesterday's Training
was hindred by the Rain. No Drumms beat.
Wednesday, Sept!" 29. Set forth toward Narraganset,
went to Woodcock's.
Oct' 2*^ Mr. Joseph Eliot and I went from Joseph
Stanton's to Stoiiington and kept the Sabbath with Mr.
Octf 6. Went with Mr. By field to Rode-Iland about
the middle on't, go to Bristow, there lodged. OctF 7.
Went to Newport and back again to Mr. Byfield's. OctF 8.
Rode to Plat's Farm. Ocf 9. Satterday. Mr. Eliot and
I got home about one aclock, and found all well. Soli
Deo gloria.
Sabbath-day, Octf 10. By reason of the Fires the Meet-
ing-Houses are much filled with Smoke ; so 'twas a
Lecture-day, one might feel it in ones eyes. Mr. Willard
preached in the afternoon from Ps. 43. ult.
Wednesday, Octy 6. Mr. Baj'ly is ordain'd at Water-
town, but not as Con2:re""ational Men are.
Thorsday, Octf 7. Deacon Bright carrying home chairs,
&c. used at Mr. Baylys, is hurt by his Cart none seeing,
so that he dyes Oct!" 9. Satterday. It seems he was the
only Officer left in that Church. Several of his Ribs
Octf 12. Mr. Shove dines with us.
Wednesday, OctF 13'.'.' Carry Mistress Bridget Hoar be-
hind me to Cambridge-Lecture, where Mr. Lee preached.
^ ;Mr. Brightman (called by Fuller William, by Xeal Thomas') \Yrote a
Commentary on the Song of Solomon. — Eds.
After Lecture was invited to Dinner by the late Deput}?
Governour ; at his Table sat down Deputy Governour and
his Lady, Mr. Lee, Morton, Bayly, Hubbard of the Vil-
lage, Russell, Sewall, Wyllie, Ballard, Leverett, Brattle,
Williams, [of] Derefield. Mr. Lee craved a Blessing and
returned Thanks. Came home in Company Mr. Hez.
Usher and Lady, and from widow Clark's, with Capt.
Eliot and his Sons Elizur Holyoke and Mr. Joseph : got
home about 8. aclock at night. Went in Company of the
same save Mr. Hez. Usher and Lady who were not ready.
Wednesday, Sepf 29. Capt. Clap went to Dorchester-
Lecture, so to Boston, where he dwells, having actually
left the Castle this day 29*.!^ September. Guner Baxter
also is here, having laid down his place, and both aged.
Thorsday, Oct^ 14. Many Guns fired, and at night a
Bonfire on Noddles Hand, in remembrance of the King's
Birth-day; 'tis the more remarkable because Wednesday
Octf 13"' was the day the Generall Court was adjourn'd to
at 8 aclock. Upon Thorsday before Lecture the Guns
fired ; some marched throw the Streets with Viols and
Drums, playing and beating by turns.
Satterday, Octl" 16. Accompanied Judge Stoughton as
far as Dorchester Burying place, at his return from the
Monday, Octf 18. Pretty deal of Rain. Sabbath, OctF
IT. Mr. Edw. Taylor preaches in the Forenoon.
Tuesday, Ocf 19. Wait on Major Richards to Brain-
trey, where He join's in Marriage his Cousin John Hunt
and Cousin Ruth Quinsey; present, Capt. Quinsey the
Father, Mr. Fisk who pray'd before and after, his wife.
Cap. Daniel Quinsey and Exper. Quinsey, Avife, Capt.
Savage and w^ife, Lieut. Tho. Hunt and wife. Hunt of
Weymouth and wife, Mr. Sam. Shepard. Came home
after Diner. Wedding was about one of the Clock. This
day Mr. Smith and Butler come in from London. I re-
ceive Gazetts next morn to the 2C"' of Auijrust. 'Tis
reported that the King-Fisher ^ rides no longer Admiral in
the Downs as being ready to sail and bring Sir Edmund
Andros our Governour.
Satterday night, Oct^ 23, about 7 aclock the Frigot fires
many Guns, Drums and Trumpets going. I heard the
Sabbath-day, Oct^ 24, A Man Swoons in our Meeting-
House, and falls down, which makes much disturbance, yet
Mr. Willard breaks not off preaching.
Tuesday, Oct^ 26. I set sweet-briar seeds at the Pas-
ture by Mr. Saunderson's, next the Lane at the upper
end. Little red Heifer is this day brought from Brain-
trey to be killed.
Oct"^ 29. Mr. Sam! Danforth preaches at the Meeting
at Cousin Quinsey's, Luke 3. 8.
Friday, Nov^ 5. Mr. Morton is ordained the Pastor of
the Church at Cliarlestown ; Propounded to the Church
and to all if any had to object; then the Churches Yote w^as
had ; Mr. Mather gave him his charge, Mr. Allen, Moodey,
Willard pray'd. Mr. Morton's Text was out of Rom. 1. 16.
Took occasion to speak of the 5*.'.' of November very pith-
ily, and said the just contrary to that Epistle was taught
and practised at Rome. Mr. Mather spoke in praise of
the Congregational way, and said were [he] as Mr. Mor-
ton, he would have Hands laid on him. Mr. Moodey in 's
prayer said, thongh that which would have been gratefuU
to many was omitted, or to that purpose.^ I dined about
3. or. 4. aclock at Mr, Russel's.
^ The " Kiii,:,rfisher " was the vessel \Yhich brought Andros hither. She
is not in tlie navy list of 1(J77, but, in 1602, is called a fourth-rate, GGi tons
burthi'n. Avirli '220 men and -iO guns. — Eds.
^ In using tlie word ordained in connection witli the induction of the Rev,
Cliarles ]\lortou to the pastorate of the church in Charlestown, Sewall obscures
the explanation of what seems to have been objectionable to him, as well as
to Mr. ^Slather, in the services on the occasion. ]\[r. ^b)rton was at thetimo
sixty years of age. lie was born at Pendevy, Cornwall, in 1(J2(J. His father
and two of his brotliers were clergvmen of the Church. As a Follow of
Fridcay, Nov'^ 5. One Mr. Clark [of the English Church]
preaches at the Town-House. Speaks much agamst the
Presbyterians in England and here.
Satterday, Nov^ 6. One Robison Esqr., that came from
Antego, is buried; first was had to the Town-House
and set before the Pulpit, where Mr. Buckley preached.
The President and many others there. Common-Prayer
Monday, Nov^ 8. Lewis arrives. I have a Gazett to
the 6"' of September, by which are inform'd of the taking
of Buda [by the Imperialists], which heard of before by a
vessel from Bilbao.
Nov^ 9. Mr. Shove at our house, went on to Roxbury,
after had sat with me awhile. I am ill of a Cold I took
on Friday, lies much in my head.
Thorsday, Nov^ 11. I deliver'd my Commission to the
Council, desiring them to appoint a Captain for the South-
Company ; left it with them to put 'em in mind on't. As
was coming home Capt. Hill invited me to his House where
unexpectly I found a good Supper. Capt. Hutchinson,
Townsend, Savage, Wing and sundry others to the num-
ber of 14 or 15, were there. After Supper sung the
46".' Ps.
Wadham College, Oxford, where he was distinguished for mathematical and
general scholarship, he was also very zealous for the church rites and cere-
monies. Siding afterwards with the Puritans, he was ejected from his min-
istry at Blisland by the Act of Uniformity of 1062. Removing to London,
he for several years had a most successful academy at Newington Green, edu-
cating many ministers and many distinguished pupils, among them the famous
De Foe. He came to this country with a view to the Presidency of Harvard
College; but, as under the rule of Andros he was politically obnoxious, the
ofRce of Vice-President was created for him. The earlier ministers of the
colony, beginning with AVilson, though they had been regularly ordained in
England, considered a reordination, by the imposition of hands, requisite
when they assumed the pastorate of a particular clmrch. Though the feeling
in favor of the precedent was a strong one, Morton objected to it, and he set
the example of a method which has since been known among Congregation-
alists in the resettlement of a minister previously ordained as an installation.
— Eds.
Friday, Nov^ 12. I go to the Meeting at the School-
Jif Griffin is this week buried with the Coinon-Prayer :
Which is the third funeral of this sort, as far as I can
In the Preamble to the Order for the Thank so-ivinu;, are
these words — As also for that His Majesties Kingdoms,
and other His Majesties Plantations, flourish in all happy
peace and tranquillity. It is therefore ordered &c.
Nov"^ 10, 1686. Second year of His Majesties Reign.
Tuesday, Nov^ 16. I goe to Roxbury Lecture, and hear
Mr. Eliot, the father, pray and preach. Came home with
Mr. Moodey. This day Gardener arrives and brings Ga-
zetts to the 16*:^ of September, in one of which is that on
the 131!' of September His Majestie accepted of Rode-Iland
Surrender by their Address. At night Brother Longfellow
lodges here.
Wednesday, Nov^ 17. At parting I give him 2 French
crowns and 15^ English money, and writt to Stephen to
furnish him with cloths to the value of £6., and charg'd
him to be frugal.
Nov^ 18. Jn'^ Neponet, alias Nemasit, executed. Mr.
Eliot hopes well of him.
This day sent for my Coat home from Capt. Gerrishes,
where I suppose I left it the 25*:^ May, and now the cold
wether made me look after it.
Friday, Nov": 19. Went to Capt. Gerrish and paid him
ISd., which laid out for crying my Coat, from thence Elia-
kim calls me to Mr. Moodey, so we together viewed the
Eclips. As to the time and digits the Cambridge Alma-
nack rightest ; had he not unhap23ily said 'twould not be
visible. Clouds hindered between whiles that could not
so well see how much the Moon eclipsed, but when near
half darkened, and when emerging, had a good view.
This night Eliza Damon, servant to Nash the Currier,
dyes about midnight of the small pocks, to our great start-
ling, lest it should spread as in 1678. Had liop'd the
Town was clear of it. But one that I know of dyed on't
before, and that a great while since.
Satterday, Nov' 20. Capt. Davis buries his Serjeant,
Henry Messenger, in arms.
Tuesday night, Nov^ 23. Mr. James Whetcomb dyes.
Wednesday, 24. Robert Combs taken up drown'd.
Thorsday, 25. Public Thanksgiving.
Friday, Nov^ 26. Marshal arrives from England.
Monday, Nov^ 29. Mr. Whetcomb buried. Coffin was
lin'd with Cloth on the outside, and below the Name and
year a St. Andrew's Cross made, with what intent I can't
tell. Bearers, Mr. Wharton, Joyliff, Hutchinson J™^' Paige,
Sergeant, Nelson. Gave scarvs to the President, Mr.
Bradstreet and the Ministers, and Mr. Oakes. Should
have been buried on Friday, but the storm of rain hin-
This day W^ Clendon the Barber and Perriwig-maker
dies miserably, being almost eat up with Lice and stupi-
fied with Drink and cold. Sat in the watch-house and
was there gaz'd on a good part of the day, having been
taken up the night before.
Dec"" 8, 1686. Going to Cambridge-Lecture, a little
beyond Daniel Champney's I saw a Rainbow to the North,
being just about Noon: only Here. Simons with me just
then ; but Capt. Eliot and Mr. Tho. Oliver saw it, with
whom rid over the Causevs. Mr. Oliver said he had not
before noted a Rainbow in the North. Cloud rose sud-
denly very black and hail'd afterward. Ministers pray
together at Boston this day.
Sabbath, Dec^ 12. Clutterbuck arrives, brings ncAvs of
Capt. Jeiier's death, Widow Winsley's Son : ^ and that the
1 Capt. Thomas Jenner, of Chai'lestown, has been traced by Mr. W. S.
Appleton, in N. E. Ilist. and Gen. Register, XIX. 2-16, but witliout success
as to explaining the relationship with the Wensleys. Jenner was a noted
shipmaster, and brought John Dunton to this country. — Eds.
Capt. of the Kings-fisher expected to sail in a day or two :
this was Oct^ 13, and then in the Downs. Mr. Cotton
Mather preaches with us.
Dec^ 13. Mr. Mather, Willard, Mr. Cotton Mather,
Mr. Moodey, Alhn visit me. Very pleasant wether.
Tuesday, Dec^ 14. Capt. Legg arrives, who brings GO
Beds for Soldiers, and a considerable quantity of Goods
for the Governour. 120 Soldiers to come. This day Mrs.
Crines, Mr. Bering's Daughter, dies of the Small Pocks.
Sabbath, Dec": 19, 1686. Day of the Fort-fight. As I
was reading the Exposition of Habakkuk 3'!, which this
morn sung and read in the family, I heard a great Gun
or two, as I supposed, which made me think Sir Edmund
might be come ; but none of the family speaking of it, I
held my peace. Going to Mr. Bradstreet's, Tho. Baker
told me Sir Edmund was below, which Winchcomb and
Brisco confirmed ; said they saw the Frigot with the
Flagg in the main Top, and sundry gon down. Presi-
dent and Deput}^ come to Town ; President comes and
hears Mr. Willard, whoes Text was Heb. 11. 12. There-
fore sprang there of one &c. 113. Psalm sung. Mr. "Wil-
lard said he was fully persuaded and confident God would
not for^^et the Faith of those who came first to New Eno;-
land, but would remember their Posterity with kindness.
One Doct. Faith usually reaps the greatest Crops off the
barrenest Ground. Between Sermons, the President and
several of the Council goe down. Mr. Lee preaches with us
in the Afternoon from Zech. 3. 9, 10.
Mercy Lincorn and [blank] Dinsdale baptized. Jn"
Eastman taken into Church, Mrs. Harris as to hci' owning
the Covenant dismissed. A youth, one Bradish, of about
10. years old, that was drowned, buried. Fine, serene,
moderate wether.
Mr. Secretary indispos'd, so I wait on Madam Bradstreet
morn, and even. Capt. Wing absent.
Monday, Dec"^ 20. 1686. Governour Andros comes up
in the Pifiace, touches at the Castle, Lands at Gov'^ Lev-
eret's wharf about 2 P.M. where the President, &c. meet
liim and so inarch up through the Guards of the 8 Com-
panyes to the Town House, ^ where part of the Comission
^ The Town House of Boston has been the scene of so many stirring events
as to merit a slight sketch of its history. In 1636, mention is made of the
market-place; and the " Book of Possessions " shows that this was the space
at the head of our present State Street. In 1612, as Lechford tells us, " the
general and great quarter courts were kept in the church meeting-house in
Boston." Tliis was undoubtedly the first meeting-house which stood on the
south side of the market-place, where Brazer's block now is. In 1640, this
house was abandoned for one on a new site, now covered by Joy's building,
on Washington Street.
Robert Keayne, by his will, proved May 2, 1656, gave money for building
a hall over the market-place, "with rooms for the Courts, the Town's men
and Commissioners and a Library, also an Armory and a place for Mer-
Jan. 9, 1656-7, " Capt Savage, Mr. Howchin and Mr. Ed. Hutchinson,
sen., are chosen a committee to consider of the modell of the towne house, to
bee built, as concerning the charge therof, and the most convenient place, as
also to take the subscription of the inhabitants to propogate such a building,
and seasonably to make report to a publick townes meeting." Boston llec-
ords, printed ed., p. \M.
Jan. 28, 1660-1. " In reference to the accounts of Tho. Joy and partner
for the building of the towne house, stayre cases and Conduit and the com-
pleating of the said worke," it is ordered that the Treasurer pay him £680
in full. Ibid., p. 158.
May 19, 1658, the General Court passed an order, as follows (Rec, TV.
part 1, p. 327): —
" In answer to the request of the Select men of Boston, the court judgeth
it meet to allow unto Boston, for and towards the charges of their town house.
Bostons proportion of one single country rate for this year ensuing, provided
that sufficient rooms in the said house shall be forever free for the keeping
of all Courts, and also that the place underneath shall be free for all inhabi-
tants in this jurisdiction to make use of as a market for ever, without payment
of any toll or tribute whatsoever."
We may presume tliat the Legislature soon took possession of the room
provided; certainly Josselyn, in his ■' Two Voyages to Xew England " (Lon-
don, 1675), writes, that there is a " Town house built upon pillars, where the
merchants may confer; in the chambers above they keep their monthly
courts." Dun ton, eleven years later, copies this account.
Oct. 9, 1667, the Legislature ordered " the necessary full and suitable
repair of the Town and Court House in Boston, founded by the late Captain
Robert Keayne," one-half of the expense to be paid by the country, one-
quarter bj' tlie county of Suffolk, one-quarter by the town of Boston. May
31, 1671, they ordered, on the same terms, "by a firm, whole wall to the
read : He hath power to suspend Councillors and to ap-
poin-t others if the number be reduced to less than Seven.
bottom of the braces, with brick or stone, to repair the Court or Town house,
so that all inconveniences by rotting the timbers &c be prevented." As the
place of meeting of the Council, as well as the representatives, the old town-
house was the scene of great events. On Dec. 20, 1686, Governor Andros
landed, and was escorted to the town -house. Here he a'ld his Council, for
some twenty-eight months, ruled New England. Here, 'm, on the 18th April,
1689, began the revolution which overtlirew arbitra'/ government. About
noon, in the gallery at the Council House, was read the " declaration " de-
posing Andros, and here he was brought as a captive that day.
In November, 1693, the Legislature provided for keeping up the building,
the province paying one-half the expense. The preamble is as follows: —
" Whereas the town house in Boston, within the county of Suffolk, has
formerly been, and is still continued to be, made use of for the holdings of
councils, courts of judicature and other pul)lic assemblies for the whole prov-
ince, and has been accustomed to be upheld and repaired in part at the charge
of the late colony, etc."
This building, of wood, was destroyed by fire in 1711. The next year, a
brick town-house was built on the same spot and for similar uses. In 1719,
Xeal described it as " The Town House or Exchange, a fine piece of Build-
ing, containing, besides the AValk for the Merchants, the Council Chamber,
the House of Commons and another spacious room for Sessions of tlie Courts
of Justice. The exchange is surrounded with Booksellers' shops, which have
a good Trade."
Tlie booksellers, we may adil, had long been in that locality. Avery,
Phillips, Wilkins, Browning, Elliot, Perry, and several others, before 1700,
had shops under or near the town-house.
On Dec. 9, 1717, a fire took place, which destroyed all of the building
except the walls. Many of the original records of the Legislature to that
date were destroyed, and probably some other offices suffered to a certain
extent. In the " Historical Magazine " for September, 1868, will be found
a copy of the contemporary statement about the fire.
In 1742, tlie town of P>oston received the noble gift of Faneuil Hall, in-
tended for a market and a town-hall ; and the S(>paration of the town and
province buildings must have been effected at that time.
Althougli from that date of 1712 the town memories may cling to Faneuil
Hall, the Old State House was, for fifty years longer, the seat of goverinnent.
Here the provincial Legislature sat and organized revolution; here, also, the
first sessions of the State Legislatui'cs were lield. Finally, on the 11th of
January, 1798, the sevci-al branchi^s of the Oeneral Court marched in jti'oces-
sion from tlie Old State House to the new State House, and the fame of its
site was eclipsed. The town continued to use Faneuil Hall, and there the
first city government was organized. In 1830, the Old State House was con-
verted into a city hall, and !^o remained until 1810, when the present locality,
before occupied by a court-house, was taken for a structure for that purpose.
— Eds.
He and Council to make Laws. Then took the Oath of
Allegiance and as Governour, then about eight of the
Council sworn. Court clear'd. Governour stood with
his Hat on when Oaths given to Councillours. It seems
speaks to the Ministers in the Library about accommodation
as to a Meeting-house [for church services], that might so
contrive the time as one House might serve two Assembhes.
Last Satterday, Mr. Cook not prosecuting his Appeal,
Possession was given by Major Bulkly and Marshal Green,
of the Farm to Capt. Paige and his wife. The Consta-
bles were ordered this day to come and take new Staves,
little thinking the Government should have been before
altered, or at this time. Mr. Nath. Oliver was the person
first spyed the Frigot under sail about 7 mane Sabbath-
day, knowing her by the Flagg ; he went to Capt. Davis,
Capt. Davis to the President. Governour was in a Scarlet
Coat Laced ; several others were in Scarlet. Mr. Brad-
street and Mr. Danforth there, to meet the Governour at
the Wharf. At Dinner Mr. Mather crav'd a Blessino-.
The day was serene, but somewhat cold. Major Richards
made the South-Company change their Colours for the
8*!" Colours. Andrew Gardner led them.
Tuesday, Dec^ 21. There is a Meeting at Mr. Allen's,
of the Ministers and four of each Congregation, to con-
sider what answer to give the Governour; and 'twas
agreed that could not with a good conscience consent
that our Meeting-Houses should be made use of for the
Conmion-Prayer Worship.
Dec^ 22. Kings-fisher comes up but neither salutes the
Castle nor the Town. In the evening Mr. Mather and
Willard thorowly discoursed his Excellency about the
Meeting-Houses in great plaihess, showing they could
not consent. This was at his Lodging at Madam Tay-
lor's.^ He seems to say will not impose.
^ Madam Taylor was undoubtedly Mrs. Rebecca, widow of that William
Tailer or Taylor, who was a great Boston merchant, and who committed sui-
Friday, Dec^ 24. About 60 Red-Coats are brought to
Town, landed at Mr. Pool's Wharf, where drew up and
so marched to Mr. Gibbs's house at Fort-hill.
Satterday, Dec^ 25. Governour goes to the Town-House
to Service Forenoon and Afternoon, a Red-Coat going on
his right hand and Capt. George on the left. Was not at
Lecture on Thorsday. Shops open today generally and
persons about their occasions. Some, but few. Carts at
Town with wood, though the day exceeding fair and
pleasant. Read in the morn the 46. and 47. of Isa., and
at night Mr. Norton from Jn° 9. 3. Neither this Man nor
his Parents.
Thorsday, Dec^ 30. The Council meets. Gentlemen
from Plimouth and Rhode-Hand here and take their Oaths
without any Ceremony, perhaps for sake of the Quakers,
w^ho have promised to deliver up their Charter. Mr.
Lee preaches the Lecture from Isa. 4. 5, 6. But the
cide July 12, 1082, as is fully stated in Noadiah Russell's diary, printed in
N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, VII. 56. She was daughter of Israel Stough-
ton, of Dorchester (see Register, Vol. XVII. p. 289), and sister and co-heiress
of ^Mlliani Stougliton, the lieutenant-governor.
By Suffolk Deeds, Lib. 21, f. G22, it seems that Stoughton's heirs divided
his estate July 17, 1701, and they were William Tailer, of Dorchester; John
Xelson and wife Elizabeth, of Boston; Rev. John Danforth and wife Eliza-
beth, of Dorchester; Thomas Cooper and wife Mehitable, of Boston.
These four represent the two sisters of Stoughton, William Tailer and
Elizabeth Nelson being the children of Rebecca Tailer, and Elizabeth Dan-
forth and ]\Iehitable Cooper being the children of Hannah Stoughton and
James ISIinot.
William Tailer, the son, was lieutenant-governor, and died March 1,
17;51-2, aged fifty-five. He married first a daughter of Xathaniel Byfield,
and secondly. Abigail, widow of Thomas Dudley and daughter of Benjamin
Gillam (Register, XIX. 25J), by whom he left issue.
The Stoughton property was mostly in I)orchestt»r; but Cooper received a
brick house, called the Green Dragon, occupied by Samuel Tyley; a brick
house next it, occupied by Duncan; a wooden house below it, next to
the Mill Pond, occupied by John Draper and John Garrett; and a house
on Mill-Bridge Street, over against the Star Tavern, occupied by Jamea
The question of the location of ^Mrs. Tailer's house, occupied for a time
by Andros, will be considered later. — Eds.
Governour and most of the Coimcillours absent. Mr.
Stoughton, Gov^ Hinkley, Mr. Usher and some other at
Satterday, January 1, [1687]. Took Capt. Elisha
Hutchinson with me and went to Jn" Alcocke, talked
througly with him about his ill courses. Told him by
reason of our fear of the Small Pocks must fetch his chest
away ; would have had him done it then, but he would
not, yet promis'd to do it Monday next.
Monda}^, Jan. 3, 168f . Jn° Alcocke not coming, Robert
Saunderson carries home his Trunk and Chest with Cloaths,
Books, Papers.
Wednesday, Jan. 5. Sam. is taken ill of a Fever and
we fear the Small Pocks.
Jan. 6. I sup at Capt. Wing's with Capt. Hutchinson,
Phillips, Townsend, Turell, Prout, Sugars, Hill. Major
Wally came in afterward.
Friday, Jan. 7"'. I went to Capt. "Winthrop's upon
business, and the Governour happen'd to be there, Capt.
Winthrop had me up to him, so I thankfully acknowledged
the protection and peace we enjoyed under his Excellen-
cie's Government. Capt. Wing waited on him at the same
time about a Man slain at Worster yesterday by a Logs
rolling upon and over him which he just before had cut
off. Capt. Davis carries his wife out of Town for fear of
the Small Pocks, she being with Child. This day Dame
Walker is taken so ill that she sends home my Daughters,
not beino; able to teach them.
Sabbath, Jan. 9. Goe to Mr. Mather's Church and
there sit down with them at the Lord's Super. Mr. Cot-
ton Mather preach'd and administred. Text was the
Words of Thomas, My Lord and my God. 'Twas a com-
fortable day. Mr. Brown, the Scot, preached in the after-
noon. Micah 4. 5. Scope was to shew that the Errors
of the Times should incite them to more strict Godliness
in their whole conversation.
Thorsday, January 13, 168 f. Cous. Savage's wife buried
in Major Savage's Tomb. Capt. Hutchinson, Self, Town-
send, Turell, Davis, James Hill, Bearers. Died yesterday
morn about 4. aclock of the Small Pocks ; came out upon
her about a week ago, two or three dayes after her Travail.
Suppose this to be the first Funeral Govf Andros has been
at, Blew-Coats going before him. The Charter is demanded
and the Duplicate, last Monday or Tuesday. Though some
say 'tis not so.
Tuesday, January 18, 168 f-. Between two and three
in the Afternoon, for near an hour together, was seen in a
clear Skie such a Rainbow, Parelions and Circles as ware
on January 2. 168|. In the night following falls a snow,
not much. I was at the North-end when I first saw it.
People were gazing at it from one end of the Town to
Wednesday is snowy storm, but not much falls. Mr.
Stoughton and Dudley and Capt. Eliot and Self, go to
Muddy-River to Andrew Gardener's, where 'tis agreed
that 12£ only, in or as Money, be levyed on the people
by a Rate towards maintaining a School to teach to write
and read English. Andrew Gardener, Jn*? White, Tho.
Stedmand are chosen to manage their affairs. Boilston
Clark, Capt. Eliot and I, formerly chosen with Stedmand,
Thorsday, January 20. Mr. Lee preaches the Lecture.
Eccles 7. 13. From whence exhorted to quietness under
God's hand : about middle of Sermon fire was cry'd, which
made a great disturbance, by many rushing out. 'Twas
only a chimney I think. Spake of the inverted Rainbow,
God shootimi: at sombodv. And that our Times better
than the former, and expected better still, Turks going
down, a sign on't : Jews call'd, and to inhabit Judea and
old Jerusalem.
Satterday, 22. Governour and Mr. Dudley ride in a
Sled. Zebit's Letters came to hand last Thorsdav, Janu-
ary 20. brings Gazetts to the 4*^ Nov^ came out of the
Downs 16*.!'. In them is the Parhaments Prorogue to 15^.?
February, and Taking of Napoh di Romania [by the Vene-
tians from the Turks].
Sabbath, Jan. 23. Sun rises extreamly red so as I
think I have not seen it before.
Tuesday, January 25. This day is kept for St. Paul,
and the Bell was rung in the Morning to call persons to
Service. The Governour (I am told) was there. Court
sits in the Afternoon ; suppose through the extraordinary
cold, snowy, blustering wether yesterday. Persons con-
cern'd were not got together.
Thorsday, Jan. 27. At night between 10. and 11. was
a grievous Alarm of Fire, by reason of Mistress Thacher's
chimney greatly blazing out.
Friday, Jan. 28. Mr. Moodey and I goe to visit Mr.
Morton at Charlestown, went on the Ice from Broughlon's
Warehouse. I came home upon a Streight Line from his
House to Boston.
Satterday, Jan. 29. Haiiah not well, vomits and hath
Sabbath, January 30".' 168|. About | past eight at
night my wife is delivered of a Son, Eliza. Weeden, Mid-
wife. Was fine moderate wether though had been very
severe for near a week together before. My wife sent
not for the Midwife till near 7. at night. But one staid
at home with her, though was not well most part of the
day. The child large, so my wive's safe delivery is much
to be heeded, considering our former fears. 'Twas much
another had not intercepted the Midwife, to whom went
from us.
Monday, January 31. There is a Meeting at the Town-
house forenoon and afternoon. Bell rung for it, respecting
the beheading Charles the First. Governour there, very
bad going by reason of the watery snow. Joseph Brisco's
wife gives my son suck.
Feb. 1. Last night, or very early this morning, Mistress
Luscomb dyes, so that now Mr. Kellond hath neither Child
nor Grandchild left.
Thorsday, Feb. 3. Spring Tides shake the Ice and car-
ries away part ; near night it suddainly breaks away to
the outward Wharfs more suddenly than hath usually
been known.
Friday, Feb. 4. A woman found dead under the Ice
within the Wharfs. A Souldier falls into the Ice and is
drowned. Mrs. Luscomb buried.
Satterday, Feb. 5. I visit Mr. Stoughton.
Thorsday, Feb. 3. Mr. West comes to Town from New
Sabbath, Feb. 6. Between -^ hour after 11. and ^ hour
after 12. at Noon, many Scores of great Guns fired at the
Castle and Town, suppose upon account of the King's
entring on the third year of his Reign.
Feb. 6, 168f . Between 3. and 4. P.M. Mr. Willard bap-
tiseth my Son, whom I named Stephen. Day was Louring
after the storm, but not freezing. Child shrunk at the
water but cryed not. His Brother Sam. shew'd the Mid-
W'ife who carried him, the way to the Pew, I held him up.
Thomas Bumsted was baptiz'd at the same time. This
day the Lord's Super was administered at the middle and
North MeetinQ:-IIouses ; the ratlimj: of the Guns durino;
almost all the time, gave them great disturbance. 'Twas
never so in Boston before.
Feb. 15, 168^. Jos. Maylem carries a Cock at his back,
with a Bell in 's hand, in the Main Street ; several follow
him blindfold, and under pretence of striking him or 's
cock, with great cart-whips strike passengers, and make
great disturbance.^
^ As this was on Tuesday, we presume that tlie olijectionable sport was iu
honor of Shrove Tuesday- This is the day prior to the beginning of Lent,
and may occur on any day between February 2 and March 8. The name ia
Friday, Feb. 25. Last night Mr. Elijah Corlett/ School-
master of Cambridge, died.
Satterday, Feb. 26. There begins to be a talk of the
new Captains.
March 3. Mrs. Abigail Moodey buried in the old place
near Messenger's house. This week the new Officers of
the Militia receive their Commissions ; viz : Lieut. Col.
Shrimpton, Major Charles Lidget, Capt. Humph. Luscomb,
Capt. Antho. Haywood, Capt. Benj. Davis, Capt. Tho.
Savage, Capt. W™ White, Capt. Sam! Ravenscroft. 'Tis
said Mr. Nelson and Foxcroft ref us'd ; else I supose Sav-
age and Davis had dropt. Left out Richards, Checkly,
Dummer. Sewall had returned his Cornission before the
change of Government, as see in August. This week also,
the Law for annual publick Charges is anew engross'd.
Written Satterday, March 5, 1681.
Satterday, March 5, 168 1. The Massachusetts Books
and Papers are fetclit away from Mr. Rawson's to the
Town-House by Mr. Lynde and Bullivant.^
derived from the Catholic custom of being shrived or shrove (i.e., obtaining
absokition), and the day is observed as a holiday.
The custom described in the text was in vogue in England, and was a
variation of the widely spread sport of throwing at cocks on that day. Ref-
erence to this particular game will be found in English books, as Chambers's
" Book of Days " and others.
Sewall's keenness in noting, and his sensitiveness in observing, any token,
however trivial, of the presence and manifestation for the first time in the
old Puritan town of observances associated with the English Church, are
equally significant with his despondent view of the changes in civil affairs.
■ — Eds.
^ Master Elijah Corlet. This eminently serviceable and faithful man,
through whose patient training in the Cambridge Grammar School so many
youths, Indian and English, passed into the college, deserves that his name
should always be mentioned with gratitude and reverence. Born in London,
in 1611, and graduating at Oxford in 1627, he presided over the Wilderness
Academy in Cambridge forty-six years. The English Society for the rrop;v
gation of the Gospel among tlie Indians paid a portion of his slender compen-
sation for work done in love and piety. — Eos.
^ Doubtless we owe to this jealous care of the magistrates, in the anxieties
and upturnings of their revolutionary epoch, to do what in homely phrase ia
Thorsday, March 10, 168f. Mrs. Margery Flint dyes
at Braintrey, this morn. Mr. Mather preaches the Lect-
ure. Speaks sharply against Health-drinking, Card-play-
ing, Drunkenness, profane Swearing, Sabbath-breaking,
&c. Text [Jere. 2. 21], Degenerat Plant. Mr. Stoughton
treated the Governour and Council March 9*^^^.
Satterday, March 12. Went to the burying of Mistress
Flint, in Company Mr. Hez. Usher and Lady, Capt. Eliot,
Cous. Quinsey carried Mrs. Bridget. Mr. Torrey and
Thacher there, Mr. Torrey prayed. Was buried about
Noon. This day several Orders published at Boston,
Governour and Council standing in Mr. Usher's Balcony.^
Refer to Ministers, Moneys, Pirats, &c. as Eliakim tells me.
March 14, 168 f. Aniversary Town-Meeting. Select-
Men chosen — Mr. Elisha Cook, Mr. Elisha Hutchinson,
Mr. Jn" Joyliff, Mr. Tim° Prout, Mr. Theoph. Frary, Mr.
Jn'' Fayrewether, Mr. Henry AUin, Mr. Edw. Wyllys, Mr.
Daniel Turell. Constables — Arthur Smith, Robert Cumby,
Richard Kates, James Hawkins, Tho. Hunt Turner, Jn°
Nicholls, Benj- Walker, Edmund Brown. Select-Men had,
most of them, I think all, save Deacon Allen, above a
called " saving- the pieces," the preservation of many of our colonial records
which have come down to us.
Almost the closing entry on the Records of the General Court of the Colony,
as published by the State in 1854, is the following (Vol. V. p. 510): —
May 20, 1G8G. " Ordered by this Court, that Samuel Xowell, Esq. Mr.
John Saffin, and Capt. Timothy Prout be a Comitte for a repository of such
papers on file with the Secretary [Edward Rawson], as referr to our Charter
and negotiations from time to time, for the security thereof, with such as
referr to our title of our land, by purchase of Indians or otherwise: and the
Secretary is ordered accordingly to deliver the same unto them."
There was slirewdness in thus falling back on the Indian release of land,
under the apprehension of that arbitrary construction which, in vacating the
charter of the colony, invalidated every act and grant made under it. The
plain-spoken Andros said that a title from the Indians was worth no more
than the scratch of a bear's claw. But it seems that even that was thought
better than nothing. — Eds.
1 It would seem that this was the same house in wliicli. two years later,
Andros was confined over night as a prisoner, upon the success of llie .'•ising
against his government. — Eds.
hundred Votes apiece. Capt. Gerrish begun and ended
with Prayer. Capt. Winthrop and Mr. Wharton of the
Council present. Governour was busy.
This day Mrs. Willard removes to Roxbury with a great
part of the family and Goods for fear of the Small Pocks,
little Betty Willard lying sick of it.
Monday, March 14. Capt. Thaxter of Hinghara sinks
down and dyes as went to fodder his Cattel.
Tuesday, March 15. Mrs. Ballard, Mr. Lee's Sister, dyes
March 16. About 1. aclock Mr. Anthony Stoddard dyes,
was the ancientest shop-keeper in Town.^
March 17. Father East dyes. Both good men.
March 18. Dr. W™ Avery dyes. I go to Charlestown-
Lecture, and then with Capt. Hutchinson to see dying
Major Gookin. He speaks to us.
March 19. Satterday, about 5. or 6. in the morn. Major
Daniel Gookin dies, a right good Man.^
Sabbath, March 20. Dr. Stone and Abraham Busby
1 ^Ir. Stoddard was one of the substantial men of the town. He and John
Coggan, as traders, were the earliest in the line of those afterwards known
as the " merchants " of Boston. Stoddard was a " linen-draper," was " al-
lowed as an inhabitant " in 1639, and licensed to trade with the Indians.
He was a Selectman of Boston, and one of its deputies in the General Court.
He was one of a committee to provide a town-house and to procure subscrip-
tions " to propogate such a building." He was also a foremost opponent of
the intermeddling Randolph. — Eds.
2 These epithets applied to Daniel Gookin deserve an em2:)hasis, for he
was a man of noble soul, of many virtues, especially those which are tlie
hardest to acquire and to practise, and his life was devoted to ends of public
service. Having as a child emigrated with his father fron England to Vir-
ginia, he there defended his plantation at Newport News in the Indian mas-
sacre. Drawn hither, in 1641, by his Puritan sympathies, he was called to
military otTice, and made successively deputy, speaker, and assistant. As
the Indian magistrate he was Eliot's most trusted friend and helper. On a
visit to England he had the confidence of Cromwell ; and on his return here
the regicides "Whalley and Golfe, who were his fellow-passengers, received his
strong protection. What he wrote about the efforts in behaK of the Indiana
and of their sad fate is of the highest value. — Eds.
1687.] DIARY OF SAMUEL SEWAl.... 171
Monday, March 21. Mr. Stoddard and Dr. Avery buried.
Mr. Avery about 3, Stoddard between 5. and 6. aclock.
Father East was buried on Satterday, On 's Rail 'twas
said was 94 years old.
Tuesday, March 22, 168 f. Major Gookin and Abraham
Busby buried. This day his Excellency views the three
Wednesday, March 23. The Governour sends Mr. Ran-
dolph for the Keys of our Meetinghouse, that may say
Prayers there. Mr. Eliot, Frary, Oliver, Savage, Davis
and my Self w^ait on his Excellency, shew that the Land
and House is ours, and that we can't consent to part with
it to such use ; exhibit an Extract of Mrs. Norton's Deed,
and how 'twas built by particular persons, as Hull, Oliver,
100. <£ apiece, &c.
March 22. a considerable Snow on the ground, that
fell last night. Mrs. Eliot of Roxbury dyes. Now about
Goodm. Francis an ancient and good Man indeed, of Cam-
bridge, dies.
Friday, March 25, 1687. Mrs. Nowel, Samuel Nowell
Esqr's, Mother, dies.
Satterday, 26. Eliza. Scot, a good ancient Virgin, is
buried at Boston.
Friday, March 25, 1687. The Governour has service in
the South Meetinghouse. Goodm. Needham [the Sexton],
though had resolved to the contrary, was prevailed upon
to Ring the Bell and open the door at the Governour's
Comand, one Smith and Hill, Joiner and Shoemaker, being
very busy about it. Mr. Jn" Usher was there, whether at
the very beginning or no, I can't tell.
March 28. Went to Mrs. Eliot's Funeral, which was a
very great one ; no Scarfs.
March 29. To Mrs. Nowell's [Funeral], the widow of Mr.
Increase Nowell a Patentee. Mr. Danforth, Davie, Richards,
Russell, Cook, Sewall, Bearers. None else of the old Gov-
ernment were there but Mr. Secretary Rawson. I help'd
to lift the Corps into Mr. Shepard's Tomb, and to place it
there, carrying the head. Mr. Nowell went not in : 84
years old. Note. Last Sabbath-day, March 27, Governour
and his retinue met in our Meetinghouse at Eleven : broke
off past two because of the Sacrament and Mr. Clark's
long Sermon ; now we were apointed to come ^ hour past
one, so 'twas a sad Sight to see how full the Street was
with people gazing and moving to and fro because had not
entrance into the House.^
Satterday, April 2. Mr. Lee goes to Dedham in order
to his going to Bristoll next week, to settle there if can
compose their differences respecting Mr. Woodbridge.
Monday, Ap. 4. Great Storm of Kain, Thunders seve-
ral times. No Artillery Training ; and I think would have
been none if it had not rain'd. Capt. W^ White apoints the
Serjeants and Corporalls to meet him at Serjeant Bulls at
3. aclock Ap. 4. In the Even Mr. Willard, Eliot, Frary and
Self have great debate about our meeting for the Lord's
Supper [on account of the seizure of their place of wor-
ship] .
April 7. 1687. Weare sails, in whom Mr. Clark, the
Church of England Minister, goes, Mr. Sheaf, &c.
April 8. I goe to Hog-lland with Cous. Savage, to view
the place.
April 10. Mr. Moodey helps Mr. Willard in the Fore-
noon. Text Job 23. 10. Shewed that Afflictions were
for Tryal, and where the Tryal met with sincerity, the issue
would be glorious. Mr. Solomon Stoddard here.
April 9. One W™ Sargent of Almsbury is trapand into
a Tipling house about 9 at night and robbed of Money, a
Gold Ring and several papers. Affidavit taken before Mr.
1 Though it would have been a graceful courtesy on the part of the pro-
prietors of the South Meeting-house to have accommodated those who wished
to use it for the Episcopal service, it was none the less an arbitrary act to
assume it when denied. — Eds,
April 12. Goe to Weymouth-Lecture accompanied
by Capt. Eliot. Mistress Torrey very ill, Mr. Eawson
April 15. Grafted the Button-pear tree stock, which
dies at the lower end of the Garden, and several Apple
Tuesday, Apr. 19. 1687. The Eight Companyes are
warn'd to Train next Satterday, being the 23. Instant.
Serjeant Bull warns the South-Company now under the
Comand of Capt. Wiir!' White : those the words ; and so,
Satterday next being the 23^^ of April, at the 2'1 Beat of
Thorsday, Apr. 21. Mr. Winchcomb is sworn Deputy
to Mr. Sherlock, who is this week made high Sheriff of
the Dominion.
Mr. Shove died on Thorsday about 9. mane ; was buried
the Friday following. Mr. Fisk, Keith, Anger, Wood-
bridge there and Major Walley.
Friday, 22. Seth Shove comes to Town in the morn,
and brings news of 's father's death yesterday, I let him
have my Horse to ride to Taunton. Mr. George Shove
was a principal Light in those parts, and the death
of their Saint George at this time calls for special mourn-
Thorsday, Apr. 21. Mr. West of New York, and his
wife and family come to Town in the even. Mr. Cotton
Mather preacli'd the Lecture from Heb. 6. 20. Jesus
being our Fore-runer.
Friday, 22. Two persons, one array'd in white, the
other in red, goe through the Town with naked Swords
advanced, with a Drum attending each of them and a
Quarter Staff, and a great rout following as is usual. It
seems 'tis a chaleng to be fought at Capt. Wing's next
Satterday, Ap. 23. Eight Companies Train : Many per-
sons : some officers have red paper Crosses fastened to
their Hats. The Governour' rode by and among the Soul-
diers, accompanied by the President, Mr. Davie and others.
Major Lidget the Chief Commander, Col. Shrimpton, he,
1 Although the general history of the administration of Andros has been
admirably given by Palfrey, it may be of some assistance to our readers to
have a brief summary of the matter.
The old charter of Massachusetts was undoubtedly construed by the colo-
nists to give them a degree of political independence without a parallel in
English history. During the reign of Charles II., repeated attempts were
made to procure the repeal of this charter, which was, indeed, of no greater
sanctity in the eye of the law than any other royal grant. The colonists
strove to maintain their privileges, and were aided by their obscurity and
remoteness. But at last, owing largely to the exertions of Randolph, the
charter was vacated by a decree of the Court of Chancery, June 21, 1684,
confirmed and made final Oct. 23, 1684.
Charles II. died on Feb. 6, 1684-5, and no change in the Massachusetts
government had been arranged up to that time. James II. at first simply
confirmed all existing arrangements, and Bradstreet was chosen Governor in
May, 1685, as usual. Again, in May, 1686, Bradstreet was elected; but two
days later Randolph arrived, with commissions for a new government. This
was to consist of a President (Dudley), Deputy-President (Stoughton), and
sixteen Counsellors.
On Maj^ 25, 1GS6, this new government, which extended over ISIassa-
chusetts, Xew Hampshire, ]\Iaine, and the King's Province, was pro-
On the 20th December, 1686, Andros arrived, with a commission super-
seding Dudley's, and placing the government on a new basis.
Sir Edmund Andros was the representative of a family which had been
for some generations settled in Guernsey, and he was at this time about fifty
years old. In 1666, he was major of a regiment employed in America, and
in 1672 was commander of the forces in Barbadoes. In 1674, he was appointed
governor of the colony of Xew York, then the property of the Duke of York,
and held that position through the year 1680. Returning to England, he
was in favor at court during the remainder of the reign of Charles II. He
was a favorite with the new king, and was commissioned, June 3, 1686, as
governor-in-chief in and over the dominion of New England. As we have
seen, he arrived here at the close of that year, and took possession of a juris-
diction comprising all New England.
In 1687, and till August, 1688, his duties were mainly to consolidate the
provincial aifairs; but in the autumn of 1688 he was called to the eastward, to
defend the settlers from the Indians.
On the 4th of April, 1GS9, the news was received in Boston of the landing
of the Prince of Orange in England. On this encouragement, aided also by
a party which had already resolved on revolt, the inhabitants of Boston and
its vicinity determined to rebel. On the 18th of April, 1680, the people
seized Andros at the fort on Fort Hill, and on the following day they pro-
and Lnscomb on Horse-back. Gave a Volley or two on
the Comon, march'd out about one aclock to the Market
place. The Rose fired and others. Companies gave three
Volljes, broke off about 3. in the afternoon. In the night
a Bonfire or two were made on Fort-hill. After followed
fire-works with Huzzas, ended about 11. or 12.
His Excellency on Mr. Shrimpton's House to behold the
Monday, Apr. 25. Another Challenge goes with his
naked Sword through the Street with Hitchborn Drum-
mer, and a person carrying a Quarter-Staff.
On Sabbath-day Old Meethig and ours much disturbed in
Sermon-Time the afternoon by a distracted Fr. [French ?]
Man. Mr. Willard fain to leave off for some time. The
same afternoon the Governour's Meeting was broken up by
the Fire of Capt. Paige's chimney : and rallyed not again.
Tuesday, 26. Court sits, President in the Governour's
seat, Mr. Stoughton at his right hand, Col. Shrimpton next
him; Mr. Lynde at his left hand, Major Lidget next him.
One Haman, Clerk, Massy Crj-er : Sheriff, Justices, Con-
stables, waited on the Judges to Town with other Gen-
Ap. 28. After the Stage-fight, in the even, the Souldier
who wounded his Antagonist, Avent accompanyed with a
cured the surrender of the castle and the dismantling of the royal frigate in
the harbor,
A temporary government was formed, and was continued until a new
charter was received from AVilJiam and -Mary, bearing date of 7th October,
Andros was kept prisoner until lie was sent to England in February, 1G90,
by order of the English government. There an attempt was made to try
him; but nothing came of it, and he was favorably received by the now king.
In 1692, he was made governor of Virginia and Maryland, and held that post
acceptably for six years. In 17U4, he was made governor of Guernsey; and
died, in February, 1713-14, at London, aged seventy-five years.
A careful examination of the life of Andros will probably convince the
student that he was a brave and loyal servant of the crown, a devout but not
bigoted churchman, and very far from being the tyrant tiiat Xfw England
traditions have portrayed. — Eds.
Drum and about 7. drawn Swords, Shouting through the
streets in a kind of Tryumph.
Monday, May 2. I go to Hog-Iland. Mr. Moodey, Oakes,
Capt. Townsend and Seth Perry in one Cokimn ; Capt.
Hill, Mr. Parson and Mr. Addington in the other, witness
my taking Livery and seised of the Hand by Turf and
Twigg and the House.
As we went met with Mr. Barns just come in. Hail'd
the Brigenteen as sail'd along, and after spoke with them
and drank with them, lashing to their side. Came from
Antego ; they told us the Parliament was not to sit till the
latter end of April, having had February Newes. Went
first to Capt. Townsend' s who hath a goodly situation ;
then to Hog-Iland. After Diiier take possession, and then
I planted some Chesnuts for a Nursery. Mr. Moodey
dropt several of them. Gave every of the witnesses one
of Mr. Lee's Books apiece. It was past 9. before we got
May 3. Sign'd the Leases, Mr. Addington, Eobert
Saunderson and Elisa. Lane, Witnesses.
May 4. I spend a pretty deal of time in the burying
place to see to the Graver of the Tombstone : Push Cat-
terpillars off the Apletrees ; goe to the Meeting at Mistress
Averyes ; read out of Dr. Sibs about submitting to God's
Providence, Sing the 110. Psalm.
May 5. Mr. Mather preaches against Covetousness.
Text, Thou Fool, &c. Speaks against neglecting Prayer,
pressing the Instance of Daniel. It seems was no Praj'er
last County-Court. A paper is found by Ilaman, the Clerk,
which, pasted up at the Townhouse, giving an account of
an Election yesterday.
May 6. Brother Stephen visits us.
May 9. Hamilton, Capt. of the Kingsfisher dies. 'Tis
said the North Bell was toll'd as he was dying.
Tuesday, May 10. Mr. Bullivant having been acquainted
that May 15^.1' was our Sacrament-day, he writt to Mr. Wil-
lard, that he had acquainted those principally concern'd,
and 'twas judg'd very improper and inconvenient for the
Governour and his to be at any other House, it being
Whit-Sunday and they must have the Coraunion, and that
'twas expected should leave off by 12. and not return again
till they rung the Bell, that might have time to dispose of
the Elements. So remembring how long they were at
Easter, we were afraid 'twould breed much confusion in
the Afternoon, and so, on Wednesday, concluded not to
have our Sacrament for saw 'twas in vain to urge their
promise. And on the 8*.^ of May were bid past One a
pretty deal.
May 15. Goes out just ^ hour after one ; so have our
Afternoon Exercise in due season. But see they have the
advantage to lengthen or shorten their Exercises so as may
make for their purpose.
Monday, May 16. 1687. I go to Reading and visit Mr.
Brock, and so to Salem ; this day Capt. Walker, a very
aged Planter, buried at Lin.^ Visit my Sister and little
Cousin Margaret.
Tuesday, May 17. Brother and I ride to Newbury in
the rainy Dusk ; this day Capt. Hamilton buried with Capt.
Nicholson's Redcoats and the 8 Companies : Was a funeral-
Sermon preach'd by the Fisher's Chaplain : Pulpit cover'd
with black cloath upon which Scutcheons: Mr. Dudley,
Stoughton and many others at the Coiiion Prayer and
Sermon. House very full, and yet the Souldiers went
not ill.
Wednesday, May 18. Mr. Cotton Mather preaches New-
bury-Lecture, Ps. 39. I am a Stranger with Thee. This
day Mr. Foye comes in and brings the Kings Declaration
for Liberty of Conscience.
1 This was Capt. Piiehard Walker, said hy Lewis, in liis " History of
Lynn," to he aged ninety-five years at his death. No relationship is
known to exist between him and the next named "as Fatlier WalktT."
— Eds.
Thorsday, May 19. Goe to Salem in company with Capt.
Phillips and Mr. Cotton Mather.
May 20. Went home and found all well, as found them
at Newbury to our great comfort.
Monday, May 23. Am invited to the Funeral of Mrs.
May 24. Mr. Fisk, Thacher, Denison, Self and two
others bore Mrs. Bowls to her Grandmother's Tomb.
May 25. A Fast is kept at Cambridge. This day Mr.
Bayly marries Mary Kay.
May 26. Marshal Green visits me, and tells that he is
wholly left out of all publick employment. Sam! Gookin
Sheriff for Middlesex. Said Green told me he knew not
of it till today, and that he was undone for this world. It
seems the May-pole at Charlestown was cut down last week,
and now a bigger is set up, and a Garland upon it. A Soul-
dier was buried last Wednesday and disturbance grew by
reason of Joseph Phips standing with 's hat on as the Par-
son was reading Service. 'Tis said Mr. Sam! Phips bid or
encouraged the Watch to cut down the May-pole, being a
Select-Man. And what about his Brother and that, the
Captain of the Fisher and he came to blows, and Phips is
bound to answer next December, the Governour having
sent for him before Him yesterday. May 26. 1687.
May 27. Went to Charles town-Lecture and heard Mr.
Morton from those words — Love is a fruit of the Spirit.
[Gal. 5, 22.] Mr. Danforth sat in the Deacon's Seat.
Friday, May 27, between 5. and 6. Father Walker is
taken with a Lethargy as was shutting up his shop to goe
to their privat Meeting : His left side was chiefly struck
with a kind of Palsy : His speech came to him something
between 6. and 7. He told me there was plenty of Lav-
ander in the Town where he was Prentice. He overheard
some discourse about the May-Pole, and told what the
maner was in England to dance about it with Musick, and
that 'twas to be feared such practices would be here. Told
me he had been liable to be overtaken with Sleep for three-
score years, and that 'twas his Burden which he something
insisted on. Had a blistering plaister to his neck, Drops
of Lavander in 's mouth and his neck chaf'd with Oyl of
May 28. Mr. Cook scrapes white Hellebore which he
snuffs up, and sneizes 30. times and yet wakes not, nor
opens his eyes. Hot wether.
May 29. Sabbath. Dame AYalker desires me to pray
with her Husband, which I do and write two notes, one
for our House and one for the Old. Sam. carries the first.
Between 12. and one Robert Walker ' dies, about a quarter
after Twelve. He was a very good Man, and conversant
among God's New-England People from the begifiing.
About one, several great Guns were fired.
Tuesday, Maij idt. Goodm. Walker is buried, Capt.
Eliot, Frary, Hill, Deacon Allen, Mr. Blake, Pain, Bearers ;
Mr. Saunderson and Goodm. Serch lead the Widow, Govf
Bradstreet, Mr. Cook, Mr. Addington, with the chief
Guests, were at our House. Burial over about four
aclock. Mr. Torrey came to Town yesterday, and supp'd
^N\i\\ us this night. Mrs. Long of Charlestown buried
June 3. The widow of Gemaliel Wait buried. Thunder
Shower took us at the Grave, the mourners went into the
Schoolhouse ; I to Mr. Chiever's. When broke up a Rain-
bow appeared : was great Thunder in the night. All my
married Cousins were in Town yesterday.
Wednesday, June 1. A privat Fast of the South-Church
^ Robert Walker has already been mentioned (p. 47, noto) as an old
acquaintance of the Sewalls in England. Besides his fame in connection
with the de^wsition cited, Walker will be noted as the person mentioned on
the T5o.ston town records, under date of March 1, lGo9— 10. It was then voted
that no more land should be granted out of the common field whicli is left
between the Gentry Ilill and Mr. Colbron's end, except three or four lots to
make up the street from Ilobert Walker's to the Hound Marsh. This was
the foundation of Boston Common. — Eds.
was kept at our house, Mr. Willard pray'd and preach'd in
the morn. Mr. Cotton Mather pray'd first in the after-
noon, Mr. Moodey preach'd and pray'd. Mr. Willard dis-
miss'd with a Blessing. Mr. Willard's Text, Deut. 32. 36.
For the Lord shall judge his People, &c. Mr. Moodey's
Text, Ps. 46. 10. Be still &c. Occasion of the Fast was
the putting by the Sacrament the last Turn, and the diffi-
cult circumstances our Church in above others, reo-ardino;
the Church of Eno-land's meetino- in it.
o o
Note. Monday, June 6. Ebenezer Holloway, a youth
of about 11 or 12 years old, going to help Jn'' Hounsel,
another Boston boy, out of the water at Roxbury, was
drown'd tos-ether with him. I follow'd them to the Grave ;
for were brought to Town in the night, and both carried to
the burying place together, and laid near one another.
Eben, as I take it, was the only Son of Mr. Holloway by
his deceased wife, and was boarded at Roxbury with his
Aunt Swan to goe to School, and be the better looked
June 8. Went to Dorchester-Lecture. Din'd at Mrs.
Flint's, who tells me that her Son Henry is in a Consump-
tion. This day the Quarter-Sessions is held at Boston,
Col. Shrimpton Judge, Tho. Dudley Clerk, Hudson Lev-
erett Cryer. Judge Shrimpton sat in the Governour's
Seat. No Civil Action try'd today.
June 9. Mr. Willard preached from Pro v. 29. 27.
Sliew'd there was a radicated Antipathy between the
Wicked and Godly.
June 10. Carried my wife to M.[uddy] River. This
day Mrs- Willard and her family return from Roxbury.
Sabbath, June 12. Lord's Super at the South-Church.
But Church of England men go not to any other House :
yet little hindrance to us save as to ringing the first Bell,
and straitningr the Deacons in removal of the Table.
Munday, June 20. Went to Muddy-River with Mr.
Gore and Eliot to take a Plot of Brooklin.
Tuesday, 21. June. Is a great Training at Cambridge :
His Excellency there.
Wednesday, June 22. Went to Muddy-River. Mr.
Gore finishes compassing the Land with his plain Table ;
I do it chiefly that I may know my own, it lies in so many
nooks and corners. Went to Cambridge-Lecture.
June 28, 1687. Went to Roxbury and heard Mr. Cot-
ton Mather preach from Colos. 4. 5. Redeeming the
Time. Shew'd that should improve Season for doing and
receiving good whatsoever it cost us. His Excellency was
on the Neck, as came by, call'd Him in and gave Him a
glass of Beer and Claret and deliver'd a Petition respect-
ing the Narraganset Lands.
July 1, 1687. Went to Hog-Iland ; had Eliakim thither :
went to see where to make a Causey to land handsomly :
brought home a Basket of Cherries : As went, saw a Sur-
vevor with two red-coats, and another measurino; and sur-
veying Noddles-Iland. Came home about ^ hour after
four aclock. About 6. aclock Abigail Saunderson is bur-
ied, who died yesterday.
Wednesday, July 6. Waited on his Excellency to Cam-
bridge. Eleven Bachelors and Seven Masters proceeded.
Mr. Mather, President, Pray'd forenoon and afternoon.
Mr, Eatcliff sat in the Pulpit by the Governour's direc-
tion. Mr. Mather crav'd a Blessing and return'd Thanks
in the Hall.
July 8. Carried my wife to Cambridge to visit my
little Cousin Margaret, they were going, so went to Mr.
Leverett's Chamber, the Library, Hall, Sir Davenport and
Mitcliel's Chamber, and so home well, blessed be God.
Little Stephen hath a Tooth cut two or three dayes agoe.
Monday, July 11. I hire Enis's Coach in the After-
noon, wherein Mr. Hez. Usher and his wife, and Mrs.
Bridget her daughter, my Self and wife ride to Eoxbury,
visit Mr. Dudlc}', and Mr. Eliot, the Father, who blesses
them. Go and sup togetlier at the Grayhound-Tavern
with boil'd Bacon and rost Fowls. Came home between
10. and 11. brave Moonshine, were hinder'd an hour or
two by Mr. Usher, else had been in good season.
Tuesday, July 12. I go to Mr. Usher's about 5. maney
Wan ' having been here : about 7. or eight we goe on
Board, the Ship being under Sail. Go with them to Al-
derton's Point,^ and with our Boat beyond, quite out of the
Massachusets Bay, and there catch' d fresh Cod. Went to
Nantasket, in which way lost my hat, and for fear of run-
ning the Boat on the Rocks, left it. From Nantasket, in
less than an hour and half sail'd home between 7. and
eight. Goe in the Ship Mr. Wharton, Sam. Newman, Mr.
Charles Morton, Mr. Wooddrop, Mrs. Bridget Usher, and
her Daughter Mrs. Bridget Hoar, and others. Had an
extraordinary good wind. Mr. Usher wept at taking
leave of 's Wife and Daughter. Before went from Mr.
Usher's, Mr. Moodey went to Prayer in behalf of those
going to sea, and those staying behind, in a very heavenly
Wednesday, July 13. Mrs. Eyre, Mr. Jn" Eyre's Mother
dies ; andjn" Davis, a hopefull young Man.
Thorsday, July 14. Much Rain. Mr. Allen preaches.
None save Mistress Bayly, Self and Mr. Usher in his Pue.
July 15, Friday. Thunder-Shower in the Afternoon.
Mrs. Eyre buried : Bearers, Mr. Rawson, Joyliff, Cook,
Addington, Wyllys, Oakes. Governour not there. This
same day Andrew Bordman,^ Steward and Cook of Ilar-
^ Under this date, Sewall notes in liis almanac (N. E. Hist. Gen. Regis-
ter, Vlir. 20), " Harris sails." Wan is very clearly written in the journal,
but Sewall may have intended Harr. — Eds.
2 All authorities seem to agree that this name, " Alderton," is an old
error for " Allerton," and that the cape was really named by discoverers from
Plymouth, in honor of Isaac Allerton, one of the most active of the "May-
flower " colonists. The rocky islands called the " JBrewsters " are believed to
have been named similarly, in honor of Elder Brewster, of Plymouth. —
8 Three generations of Bordmans — father, two sons, and a grandson — •
served as stewards and cooks of Harvard College, from 10G3 to 17i7. An
vard Colledge, is buried. Sore Tempest of Wind and
Rain this day in the afternoon, blew down Trees and
Sutterday, July 16. At night a great Uproar and Lewd
rout in the Main Street by reason of drunken raving
Gamar Flood, came from about Wheeler's pond, and so
went by our House into Town. Many were startled,
thinking there had been fire, and went to their windows
out of Bed between 9. and 10. to see what was the
Monday, July 18. Was startled in the morn as was at
prayer in the Kitchen, at a sudden unusual noise ; which
prov'd to be two Cows running into our little Porch ; the
like to which never fell out before, that I know of.
July 18. Mr. Mather had two Venice Glasses broken
at our Meeting.
Massie is some weeks since made Prison-keeper, and
Earl dismissed; viz: June 17. 1687.
July 20. One of the Fisher's Men is found dead, sup-
pos'd to be murder'd. Two men are stab'd (not mortally)
at Charlestown last night, viz : Capt. Hunting, and one
Adams ; ^ occasion was their going into street upon a stone's
being thrown into Adams' House, which endangered his
July 25. Town-Meeting to choose a Commission. Mr.
Addington chosen had 16 votes ; Mr. Saffin 8 ; Col. Shrimp-
account of them is given in the Proceedings of the Society for February,
18G1.— Eds.
' In regard to this affair, Frothingham (" History of Charlestown," p.
220) , writes as follows : —
" The constables waited on Sir Edmund Andros, related the circumstances
and asked for advice. Adams deposed: ' Hereupon he fell into a great rage,
and did curse us, saying, " d — n you, you deserve to be indicted," and calliul
us ill names, and threatened to send us to jail.' Addressing Phillips, Andros
said: ' Look to yourself and have a care, for you are marked men; — never
come to trouble me more with any such stories.' "
Tlie authority given is the deposition in ^lassaclmsetts arcliives. See also
•' The Andros Tracts," Vol. IL p. 153. — Eds.
ton 2 ; Col. Lidget 2 ; and I think Mr. Foxcroft, One.
Town was generally dissatisfied, partly said were not all
warn'd, and partly at the work it sett ; so most of them
that were there went aw^ay and voted not. Mr. West
there and Voted. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lard visit us. He prays with little Stephen who is very
Tuesday, July 26, 1687. About Nine aclock my dear
Son Stephen Sewall expires, just after the Judges coming
to Town ; died in his Grandmother's Bed-Chamber in
Nurse Hill's Arms. Had two Teeth cut, no Convulsions.
Mr. Willard pray'd with him in the Morning, Mr. Moodey
coming in when at Prayer.
Wednesday, July 27, 1687. Between 6. and 7. after
Noon, The Body of my dear Son Stephen is carried to the
Tomb by Jn° Davie, Sam! Willard, Joseph Eliot and Sam-
uel Moodey. Samuel Clark and Solomon Eainsford put
him into Tomb. Sam. had the head ; Solomon's foot, on
a loose brick, slipt, and he slid down the steps and let go
the Coffin ; but the end rested upon Jony's stone set there
to show the Entrance, and Sam. held his part steadily ; so
was only a little knock. I led my wife, Brother Stephen
led Mother Hull, Sam. led Hanah, Billy Duiiiier led Betty,
Cous. Quinsey led his w^ife, Cous. Savage and Dummer
went together. Got home between 7. and 8. Mr. Torrey
visited us but could not stay the Funeral. Sam. and his
sisters cryed much coming liome and at home, so that
could hardly quiet them. It seems -they look'd into Tomb,
and Sam said he saw a great Coffin there, his Grand-
July 28. Mr. Cotton Mather, and Mr. Bayly visit
Monday, Augt. 1, 1687. Brother comes to Town and
brings word that two Salem Catches are taken by the
French, of wliich his Newbury Ketch is one, and the
whole Fare due to him, so that his Livelihood is in a
manner taken away. Here is wave upon wave. I writt
to Mr. Nelson to see, if Brother might have his Ketch
again. Mr. Lidget buried a Daughter yesterday in the
even, with the Service-Book.
Tuesday, Augt. 2. W^ Rawson's httle Ebenezer dies ;
He was about a week old, baptiz'd the last Sabbath. This
day Brother writes me word that his Catch, the Margarett,
is return'd, parting from the Frigat in a Fogg and leaving
the Master behind, and bringing a Frenchman hether that
was put on board of them. Laus Deo.
Wednesday, Augt. 3. Capt, Gerrish is carried in a Sedan
to the Wharf and so takes Boat for Salem, to see if there
he may find amendment of his Distemper. It seems the
French and the confederat Indians made war upon the
Mohawks and theirs ; and Mohawks have killed about a
Thousand of them. This about a month or three weeks
agoe. GovF Dungan is concern'd, it seems, to animat the
Mohawks and hinder the French from coming on this side
the Lake, which they give out they will doe.
Tuesday, Augt. 9, 1687. Sam. Topan comes to Town
and brings me a Letter signifying that Capt. Gerrish died
this day about Noon, so that Mr. Willard, if he sail'd yes-
terday, is gon to his Funeral.
Thorsday, Augt. 11. I ride to Salem with Cous. Sav-
age and Mr. Dering to the Funeral of Capt. Gerrish. Major
Gedney, Major Brown, Mr. Hawthorn, Weld, Dering and
Self, Bearers. Was laid in Capt. Price's Tomb. Capt.
Winthrop, Edw. Tyng, Mr. Willard were by accident
there. Mr. Higinson, Willard, Noyes had Scarfs and the
Bearers. Hardly above two of Newbury there, viz :
Nath. Clark, James Smith. Was late before done, so
lodg'd there.
Augt. 12. Cous. Savage and I come home by Reading
and visit Mr. Brock. Come home just to the Funeral of
Isaac Goose's Child which dyed suddenly. Went to the
Augt. 15. Went into Water alone at Blackstone's Point.^
Tuesday night, Augt. 16, 1687. Elder Wiswall dies,
having liv'd, as is said, fourscore and six years. This day
goe to Charlestown to make an addition to Col. Lidget's
Farm out of the waste Lands ; or on Monday.
Augt. 19*.^ Mr. Morton's Text, out of the Fruits of the
Spirit, falls in course to be PEACE, indeed very season-
ably, as to the Exercise that Town is under respecting
the Comon, part of which was laid out and bounded to
particular persons. Just a little before Sunset Elder
Wiswall is buried. Gov^ Bradstreet, Mr. Saltonstall the
Father, Mr. Davie, Major Richards, Mr. Nowell, Mr. Cook,
Capt. Hutchinson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Addington and my
Self, ten of the old Government, followed to the Grave.
Wooburn Church is under much disquiet.
Tuesday, Augt. 23. Balston arrives and brings Gazetts
to June 13, and a Privy Seal whereby Capt. Nicholson is
added to the Council, being sworn.
Augt. 24, 1687. Bartholomew-day. Indulgence for
Liberty of Conscience published here.'^
Augt. 25. Mr. Mather preaches from the 5'- verse of
Jude, shewing that persons deliver'd, yet through Unbe-
lief left to eminent Judgments. Praised God for the Lib-
erty good People enjoy in England. Said, 'tis marvellous
in our Eyes. Mr. Dudley tells me His Father and Mr.
Stoughton are petitioning for Patents. After Lecture, I
visit Mr. Benjamin Eliot,^ who is much touch'd as to his
^ "VVe have already expressed the opinion that Blackstone's Point was a
little projection on the line of Beacon Street below Charles Street. It is
interesting to find that, as late as 1688, the name was in use, and the place
suitable for bathing. Evidently the Braman's Baths of our day were an
unconscious perpetuation of an old Boston custom at this spot. — Eds.
2 This is King James's first Declaration of Indulgence, April 4, 1687. —
8 This was the youngest son of Rev. John Eliot, of Roxbury, of H. C. 1665.
He died soon after, as will be noticed, and some obscurity has always hung
over his history, to be explained probably by the fact stated in the text. It
is to be noticed that Sewall not only speaks often of the family of Rev. John
Understanding, and almost all the while I was there kept
heaving up his Shoulders : would many times laugh, and
would sing with me, which did ; he read three or more
staves of the Seventy first Psalm, 9 verses, his Father and
Jn° Eliot singing with us ; Mr. Benjamin would in some
notes be very extravagant. Would have sung again be-
fore I came away but 's Father prevail'd with him to the
contrary, alledging the children would say he was dis-
tracted. Came with me to the Gate when took horse.
Monday, Augt. 29. Carried my wife to Braintrey,
Cous. Savage and Quinsey in Company.
Augt. 30"\ Carry her to Weymouth, Unkle Quinsey
in Company. Ly at Mr. Torrey's : Preach'd from Ezek.
36. 37. Mr. Fisk is sent for to bury his Brother.
Augt. 31. Carry'd my Wife to Hingham, Unkle Quinsey
and Cous. Hunt accompanying, visited Cous. Hubbard,
saw their two little Daughters ; saw the Meetinghouse and
Mr. Norton and Mrs. Came home with Unkle to Brain-
trey. He brought my wife on his horse.
Septy 1. Mr. Torrey comes thether to us early and ac-
companyes us to Boston. Find all well, and are so our-
selves. Mr. Willard preaches from 1 Peter, 4. 4. wherein
they count it strange, &c. Gov!' Hinkly came in and
lodged at Mr. Torrey's the same night as we did.
Thorsday, Sept. 1. This day we receive a Sloop Load
of Boards from the Salmon-falls Saw-mill, and the same
day, I think by the same Boat, I receive a Copy of a
Writt of Ejection which Mr. Mason has caus'd to be serv'd
on John Broughton respecting the said Mill.
Friday, Sept. 2. One Wakeam falls down in the Street
Eliot, but also of that of Jacob Eliot, brother of John. This latter inchided
Eliots, Frarys, Dowiies, and others, who lived at the south end of the town.
Two other brothers of Rev. John, Philip Eliot of Roxbury, and Francis
Eliot of Braintree, left no sons. As mentioned in a previous note, Benjamin
Eliot assisted his father at Roxbury, but, his name not bein<T italicized in the
College catalogue, he probably had not been ordained as a minister. — Eds.
and dies without speaking a word, I accompany Mr. Torrey
to Roxbury, visit Mr. Benj. Eliot, and consult with Mr.
Dudley, and then ride to Dorchester and consult with
Stoughton about my Law-Suit.
Friday, Sept. 9^-. Mr. Cook and I set out for Ports-
mouth. Dine with Brother Sewall at Salem, call on Mr.
Phillips. Lodge at Brother Gerrishes.
Satterday, call on Major Pike at Mr. Wears, of Hampton,
stay a good while. Our Horses well baited, in this time
the Judges got before us, overtook them at the Ordinary
at Diiier. Din'd with them at the Sheriff's cost. Went,
But Mr. Cook and I cast behind by alighting to take off
our Coats, so rode alone till overtook Mr. Hutchinson, who
staid for us. Went into Town another way than they did,
so miss'd of the Invitation and lay at the Ordinary in the
Porch of the great Chamber alone.
Sabbath. Mr. Loree preaches from James 5. 16. Dine
at Mr. Waldron's with Mr. Stoughton and there goe to
Duties and Sup. Mr. Stoughton pray'd. Lodge this night
at Mr. Yauorhan's with Mr. Cook.
Monday, Sept. 12. The Court sits. Our case is deferr'd
till March next. Was no Declaration filed, no Jury out of
the Province of Main, and we had no time to provide.
Court was kept at Partridge's and there we dine at Sheriff's
cost again, unwittingly. Lodge at Mr. Vaughan's.
Tuesday, 13*.!\ Breakfast at Mr. Grafford's. After, a
Fellow plays Tricks. Cook, Hutchinson and Self ride to
Bloody Point, so to Hilbon's point over the Ferry ; visited
Mr. Pike wdiile Mr. Hutchinson and Broughton came over ;
Boat would not carry all. Mr. Pike not at home, but his
wife and two Sons. Call'd at Major Waldron's, where Mr.
Cook lodg'd, but Hutchinson and Self rode to the Salmon-
falls, George Broughton being our Guide, who was acci-
dentally at Otisses. Lodge at W"}} Love's in a very good
House and Bed.
Wednesday, See the Mill, get a Cut, visit Mrs. Rainer
and her Daughter Broughton. Breakfast there. Ride
into Swamp to see a Mast drawn of about 26 Inches or 28 ;
about two and thirty yoke of Oxen before, and about four
yoke by the side of the Mast, between the fore and hinder
Avheels. 'Twas a very notable sight. Rode then to York,
through very bad way, Jn° Broughton Pilot. Saw Mr.
Sawyer's singular Saw-mill. Lodg'd at Cous. Duiner's
with Mr. Martin. Rode to Wells on Thorsday 15*, to
view the Records. Din'd at the Ordinary, (call'd at Mr.
Wheelrights in the way.) Then I rode with Jn° Broughton
to the Salmon-falls, got thether about 8 ; Lodg'd at
Friday 16. See Hobs his Hole, Quamphegen.^ Stay a
little at George and Jn" Broughton's : by then at Capt.
Wincoll's ; by this time Mr. Cook come. Din'd at Win-
coil's. Came to Hampton, by that time 'twas dark. Supped
there, then to Newbury. Mr. Cook and I lodge at Brother
Satterday, 17. Ride homeward. Dine at Mrs. Gedney's :
whether send for my Brother. Major sends a Letter by
me to his Excellency : we ride round by Charlestown, and
get home between 7. and 8. finding all well, blessed be
God. Note, The Friday we set out, at night, a Shallop
riding at anchor in the Sea was run over by a Brigantine,
and two Men drown'd. This day the Justices get a Town-
Meeting at Ipswich ; but they adhere to the former votes.
And as we come home find Jn'' Appleton Clerk, Lt. An-
1 Sewall was at this time on the Piscataqua River, which rises in a pond in
Wakefield, X. 11., and is about forty miles long. Quampegan, so called by
the natives because fish were taken here with nets (Williamson, I. 22), is
the great landing place, having falls or rapids above it, and being at the head
of tide navigation. A mile and a half above it are the Salmon Falls.
Quampegan is now the village part of the town of South Berwick, Maine,
and here the family of Ilobbs has been settled for several generations.
Inquiries, however, have thus far failed to obtain any information as to
" Hobbs's Hole," which we can only suppose to have been some remarkable
eddy or other natural curiosity in the river. — Eds.
drews Moderator, and another, in Custody at Mr. Gibbs
House* under the charge of Souldiers.
Monday, Sept. 12. Mr. John Alden, the ancient Magis-
trate of Plymouth, died.
Monday, Sept. 19. Capt. Ravenscroft with his Com-
pany level Fort Hill.
Tuesday, Capt. White — Wednesday, Capt. Savage —
Thorsday, Capt. Davis — Friday, Capt. Haywood — Sat-
terday, Major Luscomb.
Wednesday, Sept. 28. Col. Lidget. (Monday and
Tuesday it rained.) This day went with Mr. Mather
and visited Capt. Bradstreet, who was much distracted
last night ; but now pretty well ; said had not slept in
several nights, being confin'd at Fort-Hill.^ After, I went
and visited Major Appleton. Major Saltonstall is gon
home this day, giving Bond to appear at Salem-Court.
Thorsday, Sept. 29. Col. Shrimpton works, and the
School-boys there, my little Sam. among the rest.
Friday, Sept. 30. Capt. Paige and his Troopers work.
This day Mrs. Rawlins is buried. Fast at Mr. Allen's,
where my mother, wdfe and self were : Mr. Nowell and
Allen exercised.
Monday, Oct. 3. I and my wife ride to Sherborn,
1 This whole transaction is fully set forth by Palfrey (Hist., III. 525-528).
It grew out of the new form of government, by which no legislature was
convened, and the taxes were imposed by the governor in council. The com-
missioners and selectmen of towns were required to assess the taxes so im-
posed. At Ipswich, under the lead of Rev. John AVise, the town refused to
act. Six of the principal resistants — Wise, John Appleton, John Andrews,
Robert Kinsman, William Goodhue, and Thomas French — were put in
prison; and, Oct. 3, tried before a special court, consisting of Dudley,
Stoughton, Usher, and Randolph. They were fined from £15 to £50, and,
with exorbitant costs and charges, their expenses reached to £400. This
vigorous attack effectually silenced all farther opposition. — Eds.
^ Dudley Bradstreet, of Andover, was arrested for neglecting and refusing
to act in the matter of the taxes in his town, and was released on his bond
for £1,000, after acknowledging his " great imprudence and folly." Palfrey,
III. 529. — Eds.
George Bairstow accompanying us. Husk Corn and trace
[braid ears of corn by the inner husks].
Tuesday, Oct. 4. Take a view of the Meadow, ride to
Joseph Morse's ; set an H on a sear Pine, which said
Morse shewed me that it was certainly our Bound-Tree,
and another httle green Pine with Stones at the Roots.
It wet, and so rode home. This Night Horse breaks out.
Wednesday, Oct. 5. Ride near round the Farm, Goodm.
Holbrook shewing me the Bounds in Company of Joseph
Moss and Moses Adams.
Thorsday, Oct. 6. Joseph Moss and Goodm. Whitney
shew me the Stone-wall, what was wanting to finish it,
that so the Meadow might be secured. About Noon my
Unkle and Goodm. Brown come from Braintrey. On my
Unkle's Horse after Diner, I carry my wife to see the
Farm, where we eat Aples and drank Cider. Shew'd her
the Meeting-house. In the Even Capt. Prentice's Negro
brings my Horse. In the Morn Oct. 7"' Unkle and Goodm.
Brown come our way home accompanying of us. Set out
after nine, and got home before three. Call'd no where
by the way. Going out, our Horse fell down at once upon
the Neck, and both fain to scrabble off, yet neither receiv'd
any hurt. Laus Deo.
Oct. 10. Between 9. and 10. at night, Seth Shove goes
on Board Daniel Lunt at a Wharf over against Mr. Mum-
ford's Shop at the North End : Should have gon away at
noon, but the Master Let his Bark fall aground before he
was aware.
Thorsday, Oct. 13. A Boy of about 5 years old is burnt
to death by his Shirt catching fire.
Friday, Oct. 14. Eight Companyes in Arms, and great
Guns fired. At night a Bonfire on Fort-IIill round a Mast ;
The upper works fired not, but the Mast weakened with
the fire, bowed and fell. Strong wind at first and so
blaz'd not upright. I went this day to Hog-Iland, and
carried Plank to make a way.
Satterday, Oct. 15. Mr. Bowls brings word to Town of
the death of Mr. Benjaram Eliot this morning. Mr. Saffin
buries his only surviving Son this day, Oct. 15. Thomas
died of the Small Pocks in London, the news of which
came just about the Death of this.
Oct. 16^:^ After Exercise went to the Funeral of Mr.
Benj. Eliot, met the Funeral. Many were there, some of
which came at noon to hear Mr. Joseph Eliot preach. Had
the Sacrament today at the North Church ; Mr. Ratcliff
also had the Sacrament, and sent to Mr, Willard yesterday
to leave off sooner. To which Mr. Willard not consenting
Governour sent for him in the night.
Oct. 17, 1687. Weare Arrives, in whom comes the
Governour's Lady.^ Lands about eleven aclock at Fort-
hill ; Takes Coach in the narrow way that leads by Mr.
Gillam's ; Governour, his Lady and one more ride together.
Many Guns fired. Mr. Stoughton here.
Oct. 18. Carried Mother Hull behind me to Roxbury-
Lecture ; Mr. Joseph Eliot preached. Mr. Stoughton,
Moodey, Allen, Hobart, Brow^i and Self there. House
not very full because of the rawness and uncertainty of
the day. Got home about ^ hour after Three. Belcher
arrives this day, who it's said is Deputy to Sir W'.^ Phipps,
Provost Marshal. Mr. Eliot said the King was turn'd a
Puritan, and he w^as ravish'd at it ; supose 'twas from
something he had heard as to som Nonconformists, x\l-
dermen and Lord Mayor. As came home from Roxbury,
^ The Lady Andros, wife of the goA-ernor, was Mary, daughter of Sir
Thomas Craven. Iler brother, Sir William Craven, was a second consin of
the Earl of Craven, and upon liim and his heirs the lesser honor of tlie IJarony
of Ilampstead Marshall was entailed at the request of the Earl. Lord Ci aven
was for many years the favored adviser of the Queen of Bohemia (the
daughter of James I.), report even alleging a private marriage between them.
Andros had been a gentleman in ordinary to the same queen; and we may
thence infer his intim.ate acquaintance with the family of Cravens.
Under date of April 7, 16S8, hereinafter, Sewall mentions ]Madam Craven's
going off from Boston, — probably some relative of the late Lady Andros. —
I met the Governour's Lady riding in her Coach hither-
ward. The same day the Governour's Lady arriv'd, word
came that Capt. Phips was Knighted, so have two Ladies
in Town J
Friday, Oct. 21. I went to offer my Lady Phips my
House by Mr. Moodey's, and to congratulate her prefer-
ment. As to the former, she had bought Sam. Wakefield's
House and Ground last night for 3o0£.^ I gave her a
Gazett that related her Husband's Knighthood, which she
had not seen before ; and wish'd this success might not
hinder her passage to a greater and better Estate. Gave
me a cup of good Beer, and thank'd me for my Visit.
The Governour has a Gazett of the 22*.^ of Augt, that
relates great success of the Imperialists against the Turks
in a Battel [battle of Mohacs, in Hungary].
Wednesday, Oct. 26. His Excellency with sundry of
the Council, Justices and other Gentlemen, four Blew-
Coats, two Trumpeters, Sam. Bligh one, 15 or 20 Red-
Coats with small Guns and short Lances in the Tops of
them, set forth for AVoodcocks,^ in order to goe to Con-
necticut to assume the Government of that place.
^ Le Neve (Catalogue of Knip^hts) says that Phips was knighted at AVind-
sor Castle, June 28, 1GS7. — Eds.
2 Nov. 28, 1687 (Deeds, Lib. 17, f. 221), Daniel Turell and \^•ife Mary,
and Samuel Wakefield and wife Elizabeth, sold to Sir William Pliips for
£350 a brick house and land near unto Charlesto^Yn Ferry, bounded on tlie
north-east side by the street leading from the long street up towards tlie
burying-place, 140 feet; soutli-east by a lane leading from said street down
towards ]\Irs. Carwithin's house, 40 feet; south-west In' land of Turell, 145
feet; and north-west by land of William Sumner, 51 feet.
Jan. 7, 1087-88 (ibid., f. 22:5), Tun'U sold Phips laud bouudod nortli-east
by Pliips. 145 feet; south-east by Green Lane, 77 feet: south-west Iw laud
of Capt. Samuel Sewall, 154 feet; north-west by land of William Sumner,
70 fret. — Eds.
^ \\'ondcock's inn appears again in connection witli Audivs, Ix-iug men-
tioned by Caj'tain Prentiss wlieu he had charge of the recaptun'd guvcrnor,
in August, 1080. See Andrns's "Tracts," HI. lOl. r.arb.u- (Hist. Coll.
Mass., p. Ill) says Julin Wnodcock was licensed, in I07i>. to keep au ordi-
nary at the Ten-mile River, so calli-d, which is in the way from Rehoboth to
Monday before Capt. Tho. Dudley comes with his Com-
pany to digg. Tuesday, 25"? Andrew Gardener ; Wednes-
day, Dorchester Company to shovel, and carry stockados ;
so the Lecture put by.
Oct. 27. Mr. Joseph Eliot preached the Lecture from
1 Cor. 2. 2. parallels the diseases of New England with
Corinth ; among others mentions itching ears, hearkening
after false Teachers, and consequently sucking in false
Principles, and despising, sitting loose from the true Teach-
ers. Advis'd to fly into the Arms of a crucifi'd Christ,
because probably might have no whether else to goe. This
morn, Mr. Sirns thanks me for my kindness to Goodm.
Oct. 29. Mr. Taylor rides to Malborough in Company
of Mr. Jon? Russell.
Oct. 30. Have the Lord's Supper ; got home rather
before 12. both by my Clock and Dial. Mr. Oliver's
James was baptized in the Afternoon.
Tuesday, Nov. 1. Mrs. Elisa Saffin dies after about six
years languishing, keeping her Bed a great part of the
time. Dies about 5. mane. Joseph Cowell is sent away
Post to Hartford to acquaint Col. Lidget and Counsellour
Usher. They are there waiting on his Excellency. Mr.
Willard preached Eoxbury Lecture from Job. 1. 21. The
Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, &c. Col.
Shrimpton there, and sat by me. Mr. Moodey preaches
this dav at Readinii;. Connecticut Government chan2:ed.
Nov. 3. Mrs. Anne Williams tells me that an English
Maid was Executed last Thorsday at Bristow, for murder-
ing her Indian Child.
Thorsday, Nov. 3. The Long House upon Fort-Hill is
the bay; and that it stood where Hatch's tavern was afterwards, in Attle-
borough. The old garrison was torn down in 1806. — Eds.
1 We have seen repeated mention in the text of this work, whicli was the
building of a fort on Fort Hill. Andros wrote to the Secretary of the Admi-
Satterday, Nov. 12. About 5 P.M. Mrs. Elisa Saffin is
intombed. Major Richards, Mr. Cook, Mr. Chiever, Mr.
Jovlitt", Mr. Addino-ton and Sewall, Bearers : had Scarfs
and Rings. Rings given at the House after coming from
the Grave. The Lady Andros and Phips there. Mother
not invited.
Wednesday, Nov. IG. The Governour comes to Town
returnino; from takinor the Government of Conecticut. In
the Even sends for the Ministers and so Schools them
that the Thanksgiving is put by which was to have been
the IT'!'.
Tuesday, Nov. lo*!* Began to lay down the Wharf at
Hog-Iland, went thether with Mr. Newgate ; prosecuted
the same business on Wednesday.
Friday, Nov. 18. I goe over with Cousin Savage, and
are so late about the Wharf that I lodo-e there all night.
'Tis the first time that I have lodged at the Hand.
Satterday Afternoon, come to Town with Cous. Savage.
We meet Major Gedney who tells me a Thanksgiving is
apointed to be next Thorsday Fortnight.
Tuesday, Nov. 22. I goe to Hog-Island with James
Mirick. Being late at work, and wind and Tide contrary,
I lodge there all night, which is the second time of my
Lodging there ; on Wednesday come home and hear of
Justice Lvnde's death vesterdav about noon.
ralty, Sept. 5, 1687 (Andros "Tracts," III. 7.5), "I have made a Battery
and am now fortifying a place att the South end of the towne, called Fort
Hill, very proper and absolutely necessary for his Ma'Ji^ Service, under which
is a good Channell, close to the shore, where convenient "Warehouses may l)e
made, and as am advised, a Dry Dock if Occasion. The same commanding
the Avenues to the Town by Land or sea." Nov. 28, he wrote to the
Lords of the Committee (quoted by Palfrey, Hist., Til. olf)), '•! have now
effected a palisade fort of four bastions on Fort Hill, at the south eml of this
town, commanding the harbor, in which also a house is erected for lodging
the garrison, much wanted and necessary for his Majesty's service."
An engraved view of the fort from the water side, made aliout 1710, has
recently been recovered, and is reproduced in the '' Proceedings of the ^lass.
Historical Societv " for LS77. — Ens.
Brother Stephen lodged here in my absence, and the
next night with Unkle Quinsey.
Friday, Nov. 25. Mr.^Willard hath an order for the
Thanksgiving left with him.
Satterday, Nov. 26. Mr. Simon Lynde is buried. Bear-
ers, Col, Shrimpton, Mr. Nowel, Justice Bullivant, Justice
Hutchinson, Mr. Addington, Mr. Saffin. His Excellency
there, went in a Scarlet Cloak. This last week the Com-
panies of Boston work again to finish the Fort. Friday,
Nov. 25, Capt. Dudley brings his Company..
Friday, Dec. 2, 1687. About 10. at night Mr. Jn" Hay-
ward dies, having been speechless 48 hours. This Friday
Wild sets sail from Marblehead, in whom goes Capt.
Sabbath, Dec. 4. Mr. Willard baptiseth his little Mar-
garet, born about 8. last night. In the Even Capt. Eliot,
Frary, Williams and Self, Treat with Brother Wing about
his Setting a Room in his House for a man to shew Tricks
in.^ He saith, seeing 'tis offensive, he will remedy it. It
seems the Room is fitted with Seats. I read what Dr.
Ames saith of Callings, and Spake as I could, from this
Principle, That the Man's Practice was unlawfull, and
therefore Capt. Wing could not lawfully give him an ac-
coiiiodation for it. Sung the 90-' Ps. from the 12^!' v. to
the end. Broke up.
Dec"" 7^.'' 1687. Foye Sails, in whom goes Mr. Salton-
stall and Mr. Nowell. 'Tis reported that Wilde sail'd !)ut
this morning.
1 This room was undoubtedly one in Mr. Wing's tavern. (Snff. Deeds,
Lib. 9, f. 151), "William Hudson, vintner, and wife Anne, sold to John
Wing-, their house and lands, called the Castle Tavern. Hudson was
the original owner, as the "Book of Possession" shows. The land v,as
bounded north-east 140 feet 3 inches on the lane called Hudson's Lane (af-
terwards Wing's Lane and now Elm Street) ; south-east by the broad street
next the dock (i.e., Washington Street to Dock Square), 2i feet 9 inches;
north, 5G^ feet, on land of Christopher Parbus; south-west by Habakuk
Glover and Eliakim Hutchinson, 103 feet 5 inches; west by Thomas Brattle,
58 feet 6 inches. — Eds.
Deer 9. Mr. Palmer at the Coffee-House said Connec-
ticut had received Letters from their Agent by Prentice,
gone in to New London, in which desires Money ; and that
they are troubled at their hasty Surrender.
Monday, Dec' 12. Col. Mason calls here with Mr.
Hutchinson ; I stick at his Reservation of Masts 24 Inches
Dec^ 13. Carry my wife to Roxbury Lecture. Note,
Friday Decf Q*!' Major Appleton is by a mittimus coiiiitted
to the Stone-Prison, remov'd from Gibbs's House. ^ Sabbath,
Dec' 11. Mr. Mather propounds his going to England, to
his Church for their Consent.
Dec' 15. Mr. Mather preaches the Lecture from Judges
8. 27. — which thing became a snare unto Gideon and to
his house. Shewed that Good Men might fall into such
scandalous Sins as might bring temporal Wrath and ruin
upon themselves and upon their posterity. Mr. Stoughton
and Dudley not at Lecture.
Sabbath, Dec' 18. Is a very Rainy and dark day, a great
Thaw. Suns' at the Meetino; in the Morninii: the 129*:?
Psalm, Many a time, &c. Mr. Willard preach'd from Heb.
11. 36-37, to the word temiyted, inclusively. Sung in the
Family the 34^.1' In the night it thunder'd and lightend
pretty much.
Tuesday, Dec' 20. A cold blustering day; in the even
Mr. Eliot and Frary visit me : we sing the 41'.' Psalm.
President calls on Horsback but lights not, speaks about
Mr. Mason, said Mr. Morton not to be called till next
^ This house was a celebrated mansion, built by Col. Robert Gibbs. Josse-
lyn, in his "New England's Rarities" (1G7"2), writes as follows: "There
are fair buildings, some of stone, and at tlie East End of the Town, one
amongst the rest built by tlie Sliore by ]\Ir. Gibs, a Merchant, bring a stately
3'klifice, wliich it is tliought will stand him in little less than :]()()()£ bcfni-e it
be fully finislied." From a note in Veazie's edition of Josselyn (ji. •■il), it
seems that this land was formerly Henry Webb's. Dunton abo mentions
this house. Gibbs' Wharf, to the southward of the fort ou Fort Hill, is on
the early maps. — Eds.
Term.^ This day, or Monday, was buried one Mr. Lock
in Capt. Hamilton's Tomb. It's thought he kill'd himself
with Drink. Was in the Riot that Capt. Hunting was
wounded in at Charlestown, as is said.
Friday goe to Charlestown Lecture.
Satterday, Dec^ 24*.^ Very dark and much warm Rain.
The sun appeared not all day that I saw, or yet hear of.
Sabbath, 25. Have the Lord's Supper at the South
Church, break up about noon, at which time I hear that
Mr. Mather was, on Satterday between 1. and 2. P.M.
Arrested ^ by Larkin, to answer for a Trespass on Mr. Ran-
dolp, 500. £. damage. Major Richards and Capt. Turell
bound. Just as Morn-Exercise ends Mr. Cotton Mather's
child dies ; yet he preaches at Charlestown in the after-
Wednesday, Jan. 4. Rode to Cambridge-Lecture, Mr.
Jn° Bayly preached from Ephes. 2. 1.
Visited Aunt Mitchell and Cousin Fissenden, where I
dined in company of him, his wife and father Chany.
Very cold day, yet got home comfortably.
Tuesday, Jan. 10"' 168|. Carried Mother Htdl on my
^ See Palfrey's History of New England, III. 547. — Eds.
2 This suit of Randolph's was based upon a curious transaction. Some
time before, Randolph had received from a friend in England a copy of a
letter whicli he saw in Amsterdam, signed I. i\I., and dated in Boston. 'J'liis
letter, wliiuli was written in a spirit inimical to Randolph and liis party, was
attributed to Increase Mather. Matlier not only expressly denied the author-
ship, in a letter to J. Dudley (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 4tli Series, VIII. 101),
but accused Randoli^h of being the forger. Later, INIather said that he meant
not Edmund Randolph, but a brother. Ibid., p. 112.
Palfrey, III. 557, inclines to the opinion that Cotton ]Mather was the
writer. This is opposed in the notes to the Collections above quoted,
pp. lOS, ion, and the truth will prol)al)ly never be discovered.
Randolph lost his suit, the jury giving the defendant costs. Coll., VIII.
701. He then, as Hutchinson says (Hist., I. 3G6), " I know not how, was
bringing a new action for the same defamation." Matlier was solicited to
become the agent to England of the discontented part of tlie colonists; and,
in order to go abroad, he avoided the sei'vice of the writ by lying concealed.
— Eds.
Horse to Roxbury-Lecture, where Mr. Moodey preached
from Jn" 15. 6. shewing, that not abiding in, or apostatiz-
ing from Christ, is a ruinating evil. Mr. Stoughton, the
President, and Unkle Quinsey there. A very pleasant
comfortable day.
Monday, Jan. 9"'. Lieut. ALford arrested for not Watch-
Wednesday, Jan. 11*.^. Sam. falls ill of the Measles:
Joshua Gee, come in Capt. Legg, visits me, and returns
thanks for my kindness to him when Captive in Algier.
Thorsday, Jan. 12. Eliakim falls ill of the Measles.
Joshua Gee dines with us. Mr. Allen preaches the
Friday, Jan. 13. Betty Lane falls sick of the Measles.
Get Mehetabel Thirston to help us. Sabbath only Mother
and self at Meeting : Betty vomits up a long worm : Me-
hetabel goes home sick.
Friday, Jan. 13. Joshua Gee with Joseph Bridgham,
Jn° Barnard and Dyar, come to agree with me what I
must have for my Money disbursed in London : said Gee
presents me with a pair of Jerusalem Garters which .^ost
above 2 pieces | [Spanish dollars] in Algier; were maa^e
by a Jew.
131^ Jan. Mr. Moodey hears that Martha, a Grandchild
of 4. or 5. years old, is scalded to death at Barnstable.
Speaks at Mr. Sarah. [Mrs. Sarah Noyes ?] Mother and I
hear him.
Monday, Jan. 15 [16]. Mary Draper comes to help us.
Jan. 18. Capt. Ravenscroft having petition'd for a
Farm at Blew Hills, Cranes who Rents it, is said, in
stead of defending the Towns Interest, joins in petition-
ing : Complains that the Select Men slighted him and did
not take care for his defence. Crane was SuiTioned the
Thorsday before to this Council-day.
Frida}^, Jan. 20. Coming from Charlestown Lecture, I
saw Mr. AVears Ship lying on her Larbord side, fell so on
Wednesday by reason of Melasses between Decks, as she
lay at Scarlet's Wharf. Are now by Boats and empty
Buts trying to right her again. Is much damage to Sugar
that Avas laden, the water coming into her : besides what
damage the Ship may receive. Many people looking at
this odd sight. This is the Ship my Lady [Andros] ar-
riv'd in, Oct!" 17^.^ and in which Mr. Mather hath bespoke
his passage for London.
Satterday, Jan. 21. My dear Daughter Hanah is put
to bed, or rather kept in Bed, being sick of the Measles.
Droop'd ever since Thorsday.
Sabbath, 22'.^ Haiiah's Measles appear very full in her
face : had a restless night, read in course the 38':'.' Psalm.
My Lady Andros was prayed for in Publick ; who has
been dangerously ill ever since the last Sabbath. Today I
hear that Mr. Brown of Salem, the Father, dyed on Friday
last in the afternoon. One of a Dutch Church in London
is admitted to the Lord's Supper with us. About the
beginning of our afternoon Exercise, the Lady Andros
Monday, Jan. 23. The Clarks take Lists of the Com-
prtuies, take in the Deacons.
Monday, Jan. 23. The Measles come out pretty full
on my dear Wife, which I discern before I rise. She was
very ill in the night.
Tuesday, Jan. 24. Bettj^ Sewall keeps her Bed ; but is
not so full as her Sister Haiiah. Capt. Nicholson sat with
me an -hour or two on Monday night.
Tuesday, Jan. 24*- About noon, the Physician tells me
the Measles are come out in my face, and challenges me
for his Patient.
Wednesday, Jan. 25. Harris arrives from London, brings
a Gazett to the 5*.!' of December wherein is the Address of
the N. E. Ministers.^ I hear the notable firing as 1 lye abed.
1 See Collections, Mather Papers, p. G98. — Eds.
Friday, Jan. 27. Mr. Willard having been at Mr. Brown's
Funeral, acquaints me of Brother's being very ill of the
Measles, and his family was taken rather before me. In
the afternoon I arise to have my Sweaty Bed made and
Monday, Jan. 30. Near noon Mr. Bullivant gives a
Warrant to the Constables, and causeth the Shops to be
shut. [Martyrdom of Charles I.]
Jan. 31. Mr. Randolph, in his Action against Mr. In-
crease Mather, is cast. Mr. Hale being subpoena'd by Mr.
Randolph, pleaded he might not lay his hand on the Bible ;
must Swear by his Creator, not Creature. 'Twas granted
that he only lift up his Hand as customary in New Eng-
land. Col. Shrimpton lent Mr. Mather his Coach to ride
home : He abode there the time of the Tryal, to be at
hand if need were.
Feb. 2. Mr. Cotton Mather visits me, and tells me that
Col. Shrimpton and Mr. Brown are made of the Council.
Feb. 3. Unkle Quinsey visits us, and tells us that one
Withrington, a lusty young man of Dorchester, is dead of
the Measles. News comes by Mr. Harris of the Death of
Mr. Jn** Collins.
Satterday, Feb. 4. Mr. Stoughton visits us and tells
that Mr. Shrimpton and Brown were sworn of the Council
last Wednesday. Watertowns Trouble about a Town-
Sabbath, Feb. 5^^ I go to Meeting after the Measles ;
read in course at home the 39*-'.' Ps. I said I will look to
ni}' ways, &c. which was also sung in publick. Mr. Wil-
lard's Sermon about keeping a Conscience void of offence,
in the afternoon when I was there. See Mr. Carre's
Monday, Feb. 6. Towards noon the Shops are again
shut up by a Warrant from a Justice, 'tis said Col. Lidget.
Tuesday, Feb. 7. My Aunt Gerrish dies between 7.
and 8. mane: Had the Measles latelx", and now bv Flux,
vapours and others inconveniences, expires before I had
so much as heard of her being ill, that I know of. This
day, my wife, Sam. and self purge after the Measles.
Wednesday, Feb. 8. Obad. Gill, Jn° Atwood, and Jos.
Davis are fined by Judge West [blank] Marks ^ apice, for
refusing to lay their hands on the Bible in Swearing.
Friday, Feb. 10, 168-§-. Between 4. and 5. 1 went to the
Funeral of the Lady Andros, having been invited by the
Clark of the South Company. Between 7. and 8. (Lychus
[Lynchs ? i.e., links or torches] illuminating the cloudy air)
The Corps was carried into the Herse drawn by Six Horses.
The Souldiers making a Guard from the Governour's House ^
^ By Coles's Dictionary (London, 1701) we find that a mark of silver was
13s. 4d., and a mark of gold, 33s. id. By the entry later, under date of
March 30, 1G88, it seems they were fined one silver mark each. — Eds.
2 The governor's house was apparently upon Prison Lane, by which we
are to understand at that time Court Street, from Washington Street up to
the Court-house, or about to Franklin Alley. Andros's first residence waa
Mrs. Rebecca Tailer's house, as already noted. This house was on the
southerly corner of Elm and Hanover Streets, as the following evidence will
At the division of the estate of Capt. Thomas Brattle, May 10, 1684
(Deeds, Lib. 13, f. 162), William Brattle had assigned him a house and land,
bounded northerly by the lane that leads from the great dock to the house of
the late William Tailer, deceased; west by land of Francis Dowse, reserving
a twenty- foot passage along said line; south by the pasture of said Thomas
Brattle, which is said (Lib. 13, f . 96) to be of about eight acres, near unto
Gentry Hill.
The main Brattle lot was doubtless that recorded in the " Book of Posses-
sions " as belonging to .William Tyng, whose daughter married Brattle.
Feb. 17, 1701-2 (Deeds, Lib. 21, L 148), William Tailer sells to Edward
Lyde his house and lands now occupied by said Lyde, bounded north-westeily
by the back street leading from the mill-bridge towards the upper part of
Prison Lane, 167^ ft. ; north east by Wing's lane, 57-| ft. ; east-southerly by
heirs of Isaac Walker, 96 ft. ; north east by do., 37 ft. ; east south by land of
Ingrum, late of Francis Dowse, 73 ft. ; south by Thaddeus Maccarty
late Tho' Brattle, 61 ft. ; south west by James Allen, 113 ft.
The various deeds of the Brattles show that the Dowse land was west of
theirs and next to Tailer's.
Finally, in 1708, in the order of the selectmen laying out and naming the
streets, we find " the way leading from Mr. Pemberton's corner at the end of
Dock Square, to Justice Lyd's corner in Hanover street, Wirig''s laiie.^'
Hence Andros lived first on the corner of Elm and Hanover Streets. Did
down the Prison Lane to the South-Meetinghouse, there
taken out and carried in at the western dore, and set in the
Alley before the pulpit, with Six Mourning Women by it.
House made light with Candles and Torches. Was a great
noise and clamor to keep people out of the House, that
might not rush in too soon. I went home, where about
nine aclock I heard the Bells toll again for the Funeral. It
seems Mr. Ratcliffs Text was, Cry, all flesh is Grass. The
Ministers turn'd in to Mr. Willards. The Meetin2:-House
full, among whom Mr. Dudley, Stoughton, Gedney, Brad-
street, &c. 'Twas warm thawing wether, and the wayes
extream dirty. No volley at placing the Body in the
Tomb.' On Satterday Feb. 11, the mourning cloth of the
Pulpit is taken off and given to Mr. Willard. My Brother
Stephen was at the Funeral and lodged here.
Satterday, Feb. 11. Gary arrives from Jamaica, 5 weeks
Passa2;e : brin2:s word that the Duke of Albemarle was
there, and Sir William [Phips] upon the Wreck.^
he live there at the time of the funeral? The text would rather imply that
the govei'uor's house was on Prison Lane, and yet it is not incompatible with
his living a short distance down Hanover Street.
Some years later, the Earl of Bellomont, tlien governor, wri'"es to the
Lords of Trade (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, VI. 83) that he pi id £100
a year for a house in Boston, besides his charge for a stable. " It is '"or the
king's honor that his governor have a house; there is a very good house plot
wliere Sir Edmund Andros lived, in the best part of tlie town." ■ — ■ Ens.
^ It seems, from a statement made in Bridgman's "King's Chapel Epi-
taphs," p. 318, and repeated by Shurtleff, p. li)3, that Lady Andros was
buried in a tomb afterwards owned by Dr. Benjamin Churcli, of llevolution-
ary fame. — Eds.
2 The Life of Sir AVilliam Pliips, by Cotton :\Iatlier, in the " :\ragnalia,"
and tliat by Professor Bowen, in Sparks's Biogi-aphy, furnish full and inter-
esting iniVirmation about the extraordinai'y and romantic career of this very
remarkable man. One of tw(uity-one sons, says Mather, in a family of
twenty-six cliildren of the same parents, he was born at what is now Wool-
wich, Mc, Eel). 2, lO.jl. His father, a blacksmitli and shijiwright, at liis
death left this numerous family in the care of tlu; mother, on the sea-coast
bordering a wild forest filled witli Indians, wolves, aiul bears. The son Wil-
liam, first a sh(>)iherd, then a ship-carpenter, is said to have learneil to read
and write only when, at the age of twenty-two, lie was working at iiis trade
in Boston. Being from his earliest years of a roving and adventurous spirit,
Tliorsday, Feb. 23. Sam. Topan brings word of my sick
Mother, and my being sent for to see her,
Friday, Feb. 24. I set out, get to Newbury by 9. at
night, ways being very bad. Find Mother something
better, so that speaks to me comfortably. Father and
Brother Sewall were gone to Bed before I came in.
Satterday, 25*». Brother Ste. goes home to Salem.
he was impelled to undertake the recovery of the treasure in a wrecked and
sunken vessel in the Spanish ]\Iain. Having gone to England in 1684, by
zealous persistency, with royal patronage, he obtained a public vessel for his
first search, wJiich proving unsuccessful, the Duke of Albemarle was at the
charge of a second enterprise for the same end. The result in this case was
dazzlingly successful. He recovered treasure exceeding in value a million
and a half of dollars, his own share being near a hundred thousand, with a
gold cup to liis wife of the value of five thousand, as a present from the Duke
of Albemarle. Besides knighting him, the King made him High Sheriff of
New England. He also succeeded as commander of the fleet whicli captured
Port Royal from the French, in 1690, but met with disastrous failure in his
assault on Quebec. He was appointed the first Governor of Massachusetts
under the province charter. There was no truth in the rumor that the Duke
of Albemarle accompanied him on his voyage in search of the treasure-ship.
Notwithstanding Viather's wonderful story of the twenty brothers of Sir
William, Savage points out that only one, John, is ever heard of. It seems
certain that this John Phips had a son John, who lived at Wrentham, and
left issue.
Lady Phips was tlie widow of a John Hull (not Sewall's father-in-law) and
daughter of Capt. Roger Spencer. She had two sisters; viz., the wife of
Frecgrace Norton, and Rebecca, wife of Dr. David Bennett. Spencer Ben-
nett, nephew of Lady Phips, took the name of Phips, inherited Sir William's
wealth, and became Lieutenant-Governor of the province. He died, in 1757,
leaving descendants by daugliters only.
There was another family of the name, to which belonged Samuel Phips,
Register of Deeds for Middlesex, and Solomon, who married Mary Danforth.
In this branch is preserved a portrait, said to be that of Sir William (see
Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings for November, 1870); but as we know of no
relationship, we may presume the portrait is that of some real ancestor in
this distinct line.
By a strange blunder. Sir William was claimed as an ancestor by the
noble family of Phipps, created Marquises of Normanby, ISoS, Earls of
Mulgrave, 1812; Barons Mulgrave, in England, 1791, in Ireland, 1767.
They are descended from Sir Constantine Phipps, Lord Chancellor of Ire-
land in 1710, who was certainly not a son of our Governor. The cousinship
now stated in the Peerages is probably doubtful, though both families bear
the same arms. — Eds.
Sabbath, 26*:^. I sit down with the Church of Newbury
at the Lord's Table. The Songs of the 5'.^ of the Revela-
tion were sung. I was ready to burst into tears at that
word, bought loith thy blood. Me thoughts 'twas strange
that Christ should cheapen us ; but that when the bargain
came to be driven, he should consent rather to part with
his blood, than goe without us ; 'twas amazing. Before
night Dr. Weld comes with Sam. Topan, being sent by
Brother to see if he could reliev Mother, so he and Mr.
Doel consult.
Feb. 28. Dr. Weld and I came to Salem in good wether
and ways much mended.
Feb. 29. Come home about 3. aclock and find all well
through God's Grace.
Feb. 29. Mrs. Foster is buried, and Mr. Giles Masters,
the King's Attorney, dies. Yesterday Mr. West's only
child buried.
Thorsday, March 1. Mr. Masters is buried.
Tuesday, March 6. Ride to Newbury in Company of
Mr. Cook, Hutchinson, and Sam. Walker, Mariner.
Wednesday, went to Portsmouth.
Thorsday, March 8. Went up the River to Capt. Ilain-
ond who keeps Kittery Town Book. Mr. Hutchinson to
Friday, March 9. Goe to the Great Hand, saw the Mast-
Ship sail.
Satterday, March 10. Rid to Sagamore's Crick. Sev-
eral went to meet the Judges.
Sabbath, March 11. Heard Mr. Lovie preach from
Psal. 45. 7. Going home at noon Mr. Stoughton fell
off a Long [?] into water with his right Legg and
Monday, March 12. Mr. Mason discontinues his Actions
against Mr. Cook and me, saying, That Mr. Masters being
dead, the papers could not be come at.
Tuesday, March 13. Waited on the Judges to Ipswich,
Mr. Cook and Hutchinson going up the river. I lodgd at
Sparks's whether Mr. Stoughton and Capt. Apleton came
to see me in the evening.
March 14. Came home, rkling round by Roxbury, the
wind being extream high. Got home between 3. and 4.
Met with some Rain between Cambridge and the Town.
Found all well. Laus Deo.
March 14, about 2 P.M. Mrs. Downs, Mr. Eliot's Sister,
dies of Convulsions.
On Monday, March the 12. There was no aiiiversary
Town-Meeting at Boston, to choose Select-Men and Con-
stables, &c. as hath been formerly used. This day Capt.
Wait Winthrop falls down his stairs and is grievously
March 15. Capt. Tho. Dudley is thrown by a Horse,
on oxen, and is much endangered.
Satterday, March 16. The order is pass'd about Select-
Men, to be of an even number, not exceed Eight any
where ; if any refuse. Justices to supply. To make Rates
approv'd by Justices. To be chosen the 3!^ Monday in
May. Not to meet at any other time on any pretence
whatsoever, i. e. the Town. Published. March 19. On
which day Salem Gentlemen come w^ilily to Town early
in the morn and buy up a great quantity of Salt, they
having advice that none to be had at Salt.-Tartoodas
[Tortugas] .
Thorsday, March 22. Mr. Mather preaches his farewell
Lecture, from Exod. 33. 15. If thy Presence goe not —
mentioned the sound of going on the tops of the Mulberry
Trees. Desired Prayers and Presence for Goers and
Friday, March 23. Shaller's Still-House ' with English
^ This was the property of Michael Shaller, who was a late comer liere.
He seems to have owned land at the south end, on both sides of Washington
Street. One lot, mortgaged by him two or tliree times, was on the west side,
just north of the corner of Boylstou Street. It was a brick house with or-
Hay in the Loft, fell on fire, and had not the wind carri'd
the flame into the Commonward in all probability many
Houses had been consumed and ours among the rest.
4 P.M.
March 25, 1688. Mr. Increase Mather preaches at the
South-Meeting from Ezek. 47. 11. But the mirie places,
&c. See the Sermon Preacht in the morning.
March 27*.^ 1688. Last night a cold, blustering N.W.
wind. Three Indian Children being alone in a Wigwam
at Muddy-River, the Wigwam fell on fire, and burnt them
so that they all died, youngest bowells burnt out in the
Wigwam. Eldest, 10. or 12. years old, got to an English
House a little before day ; but died quickly.
March 28, 1688. Capt. Davis spake to me for Land to
set a Church on. I told him could not, would not, put
Mr. Cotton's Land to such an use, and besides, 'twas En-
tail'd. After. Mr. Randolph saw me, and had me to his
House to see the Landscips of Oxford Colledges and Halls.
Left me with Mr. Ratcliif, who spake to me for Land at
Cotton-Hill for a Church which were goinii: to build : I
told him I could not, first because I would not set up that
which the People of N. E. came over to avoid : 2'.^ the
Land was Entail'd. In after discourse I mentioned chiefly
the Cross in Baptism, and Holy Dayes.
March 29, 1088. Mr. Moodey preaches from Isa. 9.
12, 13. for all this his anger, &c. This day my wife sitts
cliards, and we might conclude it to be tlie one mentioned in tlie text, but
for Sewall's remark about tlie danger to A/.s- house.
This lot seems to have been among the lands of AVilliam Colbron, but we
fail to find any note of sale to Shaller. Possibly it came to him from his
wife; and he seems to have mortgaged it as early as ffuly o, lijiCj (Deeds,
Lib. 10, f. 17), when the house was occupied by Joiiu Ilayward and William
Gibbons. Feb. 9, lG!)G-97 (Deeds, Lib. 1-1, f. 121), he madi> a marriage-
settlement, previous to his marriage with Ilannali, widow of Xathaiiitd
Jewell. She outlived him; and liis children, probably nut by lu'r, were
Michael Shaller, Jr., and Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer Lowell, June "J!), 1709
(Deeds, Lib. 21, f. 211). —Eds.
with, very good liking, in the place I procured for her in
Mrs. Baker's Pue : several being dead that us'd to sit
March 30, 1688. Obadia Gill, John Atwood and Joseph
Davis are by a Writt from the Sheriff imprisoned, because
they paid not the 13- 4'^ which each was fined, Feb. 8., for
not laying their Hand on the Bible : Judgment run thus
— refusing to take the Oath as by Law is required. Though
they offer'd to take the same Oath, the oath the others
did, that Ceremony set aside. They pay the Fine and
charges and Ly not in Prison one night. Mr. Larkin
sought after Mr. Mather this week to Arrest him. Mr.
Mather on Tuesday was taking Physick and so was free,
and since hath purposely avoided him.
Satterday, March 31. I, Daniel Maio and another hand
plant Six Chestnut Trees at Hog Hand.
Ap. 2, 1688. Mr. Robert Sanderson rides with me to
Neponset and gives me Livery and Seisin of his 8".' of the
powder-mill Stream, Dwelling-House and Land on each
side the River, Mr. Jn!' Fayerwether, Desire Clap, and
Walter Everenden, witnesses, having the Deed there and
exhibiting it, when he gave me Turf, Twigg and Splinter.
Mr. Thacher's Son, Tho., dies this morn. Lodge at Unkle
Quinsey's with Cous. Dan! Gookin, who has a Son born
last Satterday.
Ap. 3. See the Orchard Jn° Ilayford has planted, help
Mrs. Flint, Sir Shepard and Newman in dividing their
Goods. Come home in Company of Mr. Blake, Coroner,
who has been at Hingham to view the body of father Bcal,
a good man of an hundred years old, who was found dead
in 's yard the last Sabbath. Note. Mr. Fayerwether's
House was near burning when he and 1 at Neponset :
Bells runo;, and Town alarm'd.
Wednesday, Apr. 4. At night Sam. Marion's wife hangs
herself in the Chamber, fastening a Cord to the Rafter-
Joice. Two or three swore she was distracted, and had
been for some time, and so she was buried in the burying
Friday, Apr. 6. The Exposition of the Church of Eng-
land Catechise by the Bishop of Bath and Wells [Ken],
comes out printed by Richard Pierce, with the 39. Articles.
Foy and Wild are arriv'd as 'tis told on Change today.
Sailed Dec. T}^ 1687.
Satterday, Apr. 7*.^ 1688. Capt. Arthur Taiiar sails
about 10 aclock, a shallop follows quickly after, which
'tis said is to prevent Mr. Mather's getting on Board : 'tis
certain all the Town is full of discourse about Mr. Mather.^
Carie sails a little after. Many Guns fired at Madam Cra-
ven's troino; off.
Friday, March 30. I am told Mr. Mather left his House
^ We have already seen that blather had been in trouble "svith Randolph.
His escape from Boston is told by Cotton INIather (" Remarkables of Dr.
Increase Mather ") in the following glowing manner: —
" He waited on Sir Edmund Andros, the governor and oppressor of New
England, and acquainted him that he designed a voyage for London. He
also gave the country notice of his voyage, in a sermon at the Great Lecture,
on Exod. xxxiii. 15. . . .
" Hereupon Randolph again, assisted by one 'Pothecary Bullivant, a
memoralile Justice (and something else !) privately sent an ofhcer to arrest
him once more, (such was the Equity of tliose times!), upon the former Ac-
tion of Defamation. But it fell out, that he was just then under the opera-
tion of a more wholesome physic than what tliat 'pothecary had sent him;
and so the officer was ignorantly denied admittance. Tlie 'jiotliecary, as
ignorantly, reported that Mr. ]\Lather was arrested, and the report flying like
lightning about tlie solicitous town, it soon reached ^Mr. Mather's ears, who
then kept upon his guard."
" ^Mr. Mather withdrew privately from his house in a changed haliit,
unto tlie house of Colonel Philips in Charlestown; in which withdraw it is
remarkable, that a wicked fellow whose name was Thurton, and who was
placed as an under-sheriff to watch him and seize him if lie stirred abroad,
— now saw him and knew him, and yet found himself struck with an enfee-
bling terror, that he had no power to meddle with him. From thiMice, he
was, by ci'tain well-disposed young men of his flock, transported unto Win-
nisimet: and from thence he went al)oard a Ketch, wliich lay ready to assist
his voyage. From which he was on Apr. 7, 1GS8, gladly received aliuard the
ship (called the President) on which he had at first shipped himself: and so
bore away for England." — Eds.
and the Town and went to Capt. Phillips's at Charlestown.
Sabbath, Ap. 1. To Aaron Way's by Hogg-Island, Tues-
day, Ap. 3. At night from Aaron Way's to the Boat
near Mr. Newgate's Landing-place, so throught Crooked-
Lane and Pulling Point Gut to Mr. Ruck's fishing-Catch,
thence to the President, Capt. Arthur Tanar's Ship, as
Tuesday, Apr. 10. Went to Muddy-River to show Mr.
Gardener his Bond ; to Andrew Gardener, Simon Gates,
George Bairstow, Subael Seavers : home. After I came
home a Redcoat was buried with Arms in the old burying
Apr. 13, 1688. Grafted a Stock next Jn'' Wait's, pretty
high out of the Cows reach, with cions from Mr. Moodey's
Orange Pear, and grafted Two Apletree Stocks with Mr.
Gardener's Russetings ; the Cow having eaten last year's
Grafts all save one Twigg. Mr. Moodey, Willard, Cotton
Mather, Capt. Townsend, Mr. Eyre were here last night.
It seems Mr. Watter and Elisha Odlin were fmed last
Wednesday, 13. 4'!, apiece, for refusing to lay their hand
on the Bible in Swearing.
Apr. 13, 1688. Elder Chipman visits me, and tells me
that the Indian Meetinghouse at Sandwich is raised.
Satterday, Apr. 14. Mr. West comes to Mr. Willard
from the Governour to speak to him to begin at 8. in the
morn, and says this shall be last time ; they will build a
house. Soe begin about |- hour past 8. yet the people come
pretty roundly together. 'Twas Easter-day, and the Lord's
Supper with us too.
Tuesday, Apr. 17. First Training of the Eight Com-
panies. I went to Dorchester Lecture, and visited Mrs.
April 18. Went to Hog-Island, set six Chesnut Trees,
and took Livery and Seisin of Mr. Maverick's Marsh.
This day about Sun-set, Jack, alias Jacob Negro, dies at
my Unkle Quinsey's by the oversetting of the Cart, he
(probably) sitting in it, the Rave ^ fell on 's neck and kill'd
him. This day an Order is made that next Sabbath-day
senight be a Thanksgiving for the Queen's being with
Ajoril 18. The news about Lima's^ Ruine comes abroad.
Mr. Cotton Mather mentions it on the 19"^ at the Lecture.
Above 60.000 persons perished, and now there is a Pool of
Water where it stood, if the news be true.
Apr. 19. Mr. E"^ Hutchinson, Fayerwether, Cornish
and my self goe to Braintrey ; have much adoe to get a
Jury because of the Training at Weymouth, whether His
Excellency went by Water. As came back we treat with
Mr. Ryal about setting up a Fulling-Mill at Neponset.
April 20. Joshua Atwater's wife dies. It seems he
carried her out of Town but last Monday. She was a
worthy Gentlewoman.
Apr. 22, 1688. Mr. Willard having rec'd no Order
mentions not the Thankso-ivino; : thouo;h it seems one
was sent to him at noon to mention it, but left no Order
with him.
Apr. 29. Mr. Willard received an Order about the
Thanksgiving on Satterday night; yet read it not this
day, but after the JVofes said such an Occasion was by
the Governour recommended to be given Thanks for.
Mr. Allen sings the 6 first verses of the 21. Ps. and the
first Part of the 72!', which gives offence to some of his
Church.^ Mr. Willard prays more particularly and largely
for the King, but else alters not his course a jot.
Monday, Apr. 30*.!'. Mr. Cotton Mather, my wife, Cous.
Anna Quinsey and Self ride to Dorchester in Mr. Emms
^ Webster, -o-ho terms it a Xew England word, defines " rave" as " the
upper side-piece of timlier of the body of a cart." — Eds.
'■^ See, in the Modern Universal History, XXXIX. 177, a short account of
the earthquake, in October, 1G87. — Eds.
* The offence seems to have consisted in the gush of loyalty animating
those Psalms. — Eds.
his Coach, to visit Mrs. Pool, then goe to Mr. Stougliton's,
who sends a Basket of Aples to sick Mr. Nelson.
Wednesday, May 2. Went to Hog-Island with Mr.
Newgate, where by appointment we meet with Cousin
Savage trying to adjust the difference between them as
said Newgate's claim of Marsh. Water the Chesnut Trees.
The Bristow man who arriv'd Apr. 29*.^^ speaks of a Dispute
was to be between the Roman Catholicks and Protestants.
Thorsday, May 3. Fast at the old Church and several
other Churches for Rain. Great likelihood of Rain in the
morn and considerable Thunder. Thunder at noon and
beginning of the night to the Eastward : but no Rain to
speak of. Mr. Willard began in the Forenoon with Prayer.
Mr. Phillips of Rowly in the Afternoon. Mr. Allen and
Moodey preached.
Friday, May 4t^ 1688. Last night there was a very re-
freshing Rain ; this 4*.^ May, a Print comes out shewing
the Lawfullness of Swearing according to the English
mode, Laying the hand on the Bible. Taken out of
Mr. Baxter's Directory, printed by Richard Pierce May
the 1. 1688 ; were publickly known May 4. Sent Mr.
Noyes one May 7*'.'.
Monday, May 7. Mr. West removes to dwell in the
House of Mr. Ilezekiah Usher upon the Coinon. About
7. P.M. begins a plenteous Rain. Laiis Deo.
Tuesday, May 8. Discourse with Mrs. Woodmancy ^ as
to her pretended Marriage, which Mr. Willard, Eliot, Frary
and Self find to be nothing at all.
May 10. Mr. Dudley and his Son call here. I speak
to him about the mode of swearing, if no remedy might
be had, of which had no encouragement, but said Lifting
up the Hand was the handsomest way.
1 At this time there was living here Elizabeth, widow of John Wood-
mansey, who married secondly George IMonck. Her son James married
Abigail ]\Ielyen, who took for a second husband William Tilley, and married
thirdly Sewall himself, in 1719, as his second wife. — Eds.
May 11. Go to Charlestown Lecture. In the even
Mrs. Woodmancy comes to me and says Mr. White and
she took each other on the 2'! of June last, and her child
last Monday was 8. weeks old.
Sabbath, May 13. Lord's Super at the South-Church.
Near half an hour after twelve by that time I got home,
by my Clock : and five by that time got home in the af-
ternoon : Day cloudy. Mrs. Nowel here, sits in our Pue,
and dines with us. A fine Rain begins at 7. P.M. Mr.
Lawson ^ who came to Town to dwell last week, with us.
Monday, May 14^.^ 1688. Put Sam. to Eliezer Moodey
to learn to WTite.
May 15. Mr. Stoughton calls here to discourse about
Mrs. Avery who is like to break. Mr. Farwell went to
her last Thorsday by Col. Lidget's appointment to demand
2 or 3 hundred Pounds Money, for which her House and
Ground is mortgaged.
Thorsday, May 17* 1688. Capt. Leach arrives from
London, brings news of the 10'- of March, or Later. Col.
Dongan is to be Governour of Barbados, and New- York
afiexed to this Government. Fears of War with Holland.
Now is talk that no Parliament till October next.
Friday, May 18, 1688. Went to Hog-Island with Capt.
Eliot and Frary. This day Cratey comes to Marblehead,
brinui-s a Packet for the Governour.
Sabbath, May 20. Mr. Willard preach'd in the morn
from Ileb. 12. 4. Have not yet resisted unto bloud, &c.
In the AfternQon rain'd exceeding hard, so tliat I doubt
many staid to hear the Service [the Church Service which
followed] who had not been wont.
Monday, May 21, 1688. Town-Meeting. Present, Capt.
Wait Winthrop, Col. Sam! Shrimpton, Councillors ; Major
Luscomb, Mr. E"' Hutchinson, Mr. Jn" Joyhff, Mr. Benj^
^ This was probably the person called by Calatny, " the unliappy ^Ir.
Deodat Lawson," afterwards prominent in the sad experiences at Salem vil-
lage, where he had been a preacher. — Eds.
Bullivant, Justices ; Mr. Bullivant said he protested against
voting by Papers, and opposed it much, at last voted in
the old way. Capt. Tim^ Prout 85 — Capt. Turell 74 —
Mr. Fayerwether 55 — Mr. Wyllys 50. Cook, Joyliff,
Hutchinson, Frary, Allin, left out. New chosen — Capt.
Penn Townsend 84 — Capt. James Hill 80 — Mr. Adding-
ton 44 — Mr. Adam Winthrop 35. Came next, S. Sewall
31 — Peter Serjeant 29 — Eobl^ Howard 24. Of the old,
Capt. Frary had 40 — Mr. Cook 37 — Mr. Joyliff 33 —
Deacon Allen 25. Mr. Elisha Cook chosen Commissioner.
Constables — Jos. Townsend 70. Jarvis Ballard 63. Mi-
^ chael Shaller 59. Abraham Blush 57. Jn" Goodinp^
g 56. Ambrose Daws 52. Jon- Bill 47. Jn° Coney
I jun!" 35. Hugh Flood for Rumney-Marsh. Came
P-i next, Isaac Griggs 32. James Halsey 27. Joe
g Atwood 26.
W2 Nota. Jn° Coiiey and Isaac Griggs at first had 32
each ; so voted again, and Jn'^ Coney had 35 votes. Xo
About Six aclock went with my wife, being invited, to
Mr. Willard's to eat Salmon, where sat down with Gov!
Bradstreet and 's Lady, Madam Leverett and her daughter
Cook, Mr. Joyliff and 's wife, Mr. Willard and wife : came
away about 9. at night.
May 23, Wednesday, 1688. Went to Hog-Island with
Brother Stephen Sewall, Brother Topan and Sam. Shepard :
Upon the Hill we agreed that Sam. Topan should bo bound
to Brother Stephen for five years from September next, to
be bound to Brother only during his Life. Brother Topan
chose it rather than that he should be bound to a Trade
as a Taylor, or the like ; Hopes by going to Sea or the
like after his Time is out, may get a livelihood.
Thorsday, May 24*.'^ Bell is rung for a Meeting of the
Church of England Men, being in their language Ascen-
sion day.
May 25. Brother and Sister Topan goe home to-day,
came 22*? This day Mrs. Elisa. Greenough, Elder Rains-
ford's daughter, is buried ; a very desirable woman of
about 40 years old.
May 25*:^ 1688. Col. Peter Bulkley of Concord dies,
having languished for a long time. Died this Friday
about eleven aclock.
Sabbath, May 27*.'?. Councillor and Judge Bulkly bur-
ied, because could not be kept : word of which was sent
to Boston on the same day to prevent persons going in
vain on Monday to the Funeral.
Monday, May 28. News comes of his Excellency lying
at Newbury last night, so sundry Gentlemen ride out to
meet Him coming home this day.
Tuesday, May 29. About 5. mane, all the 8. Companies
are warn'd by Beat of Drum to be in Arms at the 2*! Beat
of the Drum. Mr. Joseph Eliot preaches at Roxbury,
where I goe. There, Mr. Stoughton and Capt. Black well,
Capt. Prentice, Townsend, Hill, &c. besides several Min-
Wednesday, May 30. Eliakim sets forth with his Brother
Williams for Cofiecticut. Mr. Joseph Eliot here, says the
two days wherein he buried his Wife and Son, were the
best that ever he had in the world. ^
Friday, June 1, 1688. Went to Watertown Lecture in
Company of Mr. Moodey and Capt. Townsend. Text
1. Cor. 11. 31. If we would judge, &c. Mr. Dudley,
Blackwell, Mr. Danforth, Councillor Usher, Mr. Russel
Graves, and many more there, Madam Phipps for one,
who was ready to faint at word was brought in by the
Coach-man of Sir William's being spoke with at Sea. By
that time we got home, we heard that Sir William came
in his Pinace from Portsmouth this day. Many of the
Town gone to complement Him.
^ The kindest consti-iiction sliould be put on this remark of tlie bereaved
husband and father. — Eds.
Satterday, June 2, 1688. I sought God in behalf of my
wife and family and of the Country.
Sabbath, June 3. Neither Mr. Bradstreet, nor Mr. Raw-
son at Meeting, both the places empty. Mr. Bradstreet
taken very ill last Satterday night. Sir William not
abroad in the forenoon, in the Afternoon hears Mr. Mather;
so the Whitsuntiders have not his company.
Monday, about 3. mane, June 4. My wife is taken very
ill with pains like travailing pains, of which afterward has
an abatement. Laus Deo.
Tuesday, June 5*1' Mr. Nath! Newgate marries Mr.
Lynds Daughter before Mr. Ratcliff, with Church of Eng-
land Ceremonies. Mr. Payson and Mr. Farwell his Bride-
men, a great wedding.
Wednesday or Thorsday Mr. Graham comes to Town
with his wife and family ; dwells in Mr. Jn° Howard's
brick House.
Thorsday, June 7'- Mr. Dudley and Stoughton call
here. In comes Mr. West and hath one Mr. Newton, a
newcomer, sworn an Attorney. Mr. Dudley ask'd for a
Bible, I ask'd if it might not better be done without.
He laugh'd and seeing a Bible by accident, rose up and
took it.
Friday, June 8. Sir William at Charlestowai Lecture.
In the Even Capt. Hill and I discourse with Roger Judd
and Mrs. Willy.
Satterday, June 9. Mr. Sheaf is set upon on the Coiiion
in the night by Hamilton and two more, sorely wounded
and Robb'd.
Sabbath, June 10. Sacrament with us, finish so that I
got home just about a quarter past 12. by the Dial. Gov-
ernour angry that had done so late, and caused their Bell
to be rung about a quarter past one ; 'twas rather more
before the Bell had done : So 'twas about a quarter past
Three before our Afternoon Bell Rung about 1} hour later
than usual.
Monday, June 11. About 3. this Morn Major Luscomb
dies of a Fever. He was abroad, I am told, on the S'^ of
June morning and evening and Receiv'd the Lord's Supper.
June 12. In the Afternoon I wait on Sir William
June 13. Brother and Sister Moodey visit us. Goodw.
Moss of Newbury dead and buried.
June 15, 1688. Major Humphrey Luscomb buried be-
tween 7. and 8. P.M. Six Companies attended, viz : all
except Col. and Lt. Col. After the Vollyes several great
Guns fired. None of our family were invited. A consid-
erable deal of Thunder and Lightening with Rain this
day. About the Funeral time pretty dry.
Tuesday, June 19. Went to the Funeral of Mr. Brock
of Reding, a worthy good Minister, generally lamented.
Was very Laborious in catechizing and instructing Youth.
Mr. Danforth, Mr. Russel there, Mr. Morton, Wigglesworth,
Fisk, Fox, Shepard, Lorie, Pierpont, Lawson, Carter &c. ;
buried between 2. and 3. Dined at Cousin Savage's. Got
home about nine aclock.
June 22. I goe to Hogg-Island with Mr. Newgate to
see if could a<i:ree about his Marsh : Father Griff-n's and
Sam^ Townsend there. When came back, went and bid
Sir William welcome to Town, who landed an hour or so
before me, being come with his Frigot from Portsmouth.
This day Mrs. Joyliff and Mrs. Grecian goe to his Excel-
lency, and expostulat with Him about his Design of meet-
ing first on Sabbath-days in our Meetinghouse.
Satterday, June 23. Capt. Frary and I goe to his Ex-
cellency at the Secretaries Office, and there desired that
He would not alter his time of Meeting, and that !Mr. Wil-
lard consented to no such thing, neither did he count that
'twas in his power so to doe. Mr. "West said he went not
to ask Mr. Willard Leave. His Excellency asked who the
House belong'd to ; we told Him the Title to the House
was on Record. His Excellency turned to Mr. Graham
and said, Mr. Attorney we will have that look'd into.
Governour said if Mr. AVillard not the Parson, so great
an Assembly must be considered. We said He was Mas-
ter of the Assembly, but had no. power to dispose of the
House, neither had others, for the Deed, expressed the Use
'twas to be put to. Governour comj)lain'd of our long stay-
ing Sabbath-day senight; said 'twas the Lord's Supper,
and [he] had promised to go to some other House on sach
dayes ; Mr. Randolph said he knew of no such promise, and
the Governour seemed angry, and said He would not so
break his word for all the Massachusetts Colony, and there-
fore, to avoid mistakes, must give in writing what we had
to say ; we answered, Mr. Randolph brought not any writ-
ing to those he spake to. Governour said we rent off from
the old Church against the Government, and the Land the
House stood on was bought clandestinely, and that one
should say he would defend the work with his Company
of Soldiers. Mention'd folks backwardness to give, and
the unreasonableness ; because if any stinking filthy thing
were in the House we would give something to have it
carried out, but would not give to build them an house :
Said came from England to avoid such and such things,
therefore could not give to set them up here : and the
Bishops would have thought strange to have been ask'd to
contribute towards setting up the New-England Churches.
Governour said God willing they would begin at Eight in
the Morning, and have done b}^ Nine : w^e said 'twould
hardly be so in the winter. Mr. Graham said if they had
their Service by Candle-Light what was that to any : And
that the Service appointed by the Church for morning
could not be held after Noon.^
Sabbath, June 24. We read and sing in course the
^ This must have been a very exciting intei-view, with much frank and
strong speech, especially when Andros or Randolph quoted the threat of some
outraged proprietor of the South Meeting-house to use force in keeping it. —
67*.!^ Psal. Altaschith. They [the Church of England
congregation] have done before nine in the morn, and
about a quarter after one in the afternoon ; so we have
very convenient time.
July 1. Governour takes his old time again after our
coming out, and Sir William Phips's Chaplain ^ preaches.
We were a little hurried and disappointed in the morning,
the Bell ringing about quarter before nine.
Monday, July 2. Mr. Joseph Bridgham goes to New-
Thorsday, July 5^:^. Tells me of his being there with
his Son, but referrs me to another time for a full account.
This day Foy arrives, brings a Coinission for Capt. Nicol-
son to be Lieut. Governour : New-York to be aiiexed to
this Government. Mr. Randolph, a new Comission to be
Secretary of the whole Dominion.
Wednesday, July 4. Coinencement managed wholly by
Mr. W'." Hubbard ; - compared Sir William, in his Oration,
to Jason fetching the Golden Fleece. Masters proceeded,
no Bachelours. Several French came over in Foy, some.
Men of Estates.
Friday, July 6. 'Tis said Sir William is this day sworn
to officiat according to his Comission [of High Sherifi'].
Sabbath, July 8. Wants above 5 Minutes of 12. when
I get home.
Thorsday, July 12. Mr. Jn" Hubbard tells me there is
a Writt out afz:ainst me for Hoo:-Island, and aurainst several
other persons for Land, as being violent intruders into the
Kings Possession. George Keith [a Quaker] doth this
day send a Challenge to the 4 Ministers of Boston, in an
open letter by Edward Sliipen, to disjoute with them about
1 Wo ;m> unable to ex]il;un this allusion. As Pliips did not join Mather's
church until ^larch '2'-], KiOO, when he was also l)ai>ti/,ed, it is possible that
lie passed as an E}>iscopalian in Eni:;lan<l. Or the " chajilain " may have
officiated as such in the vessel which brouglit riiijis over. — Eds.
^ President Mather being on his voyage to England. — Eds.
the false Doctrine they delivered. Wild arrives, 9 weeks
from the Downs ; Mr. Bromfield comes in him.
Satterday, July 14"' Jeremiah Belcher comes and brings
me the Information Mr. Sherlock left with him on Thors-
day last in the Afternoon, when he served on him a Writt
of Intrusion. I try'd to goe to the Island yesterday but
could not, wind and Tide being against me, and one Oar
broke. Went from Winisimmet to the Point, but none
fetch'd me over. Wind is out [from the east], and so Sir
William comes up and Capt. Belcher.
Satterday, July 14. Writt to Mr. Wharton, Mr. Mather,
Capt. Hutchinson, inclosing the state of my case and crav-
ing their help to give Check ; sent the Letters under co-
vert to Cousin Hull, ordering him to pay them Fifty
pounds if they call'd for it.
Monday, July 16. Sir William's Frigot, and the Swan
set sail.
July 17. I discourse Mr. Stoughton, with whom I find
Mr. Moodey and Mr. Russell. After Catechising I and
my wife visit Mrs. Man's.
Thorsday, July 19*. Eight Companies in Arms, and
Sir Edmund's Coinission is published, extending his Au-
thority from the remotest eastern parts so as to take in
East and West Jersey.
To Sir Edmund Andros Knight, Capt. General and Governour in
Chief of His Majesties Territory and Dominion of New-Enghmd
in America, the humble Petition of Samuel Sewall of Boston,
That whereas your Petitioner stands seized and possessed of a
certain Island or Islands, cofnonly called and known by the name of
Hogg-Island, lying scituat near Boston aforesaid, in the present tenure
and occupation of one Jer. Belclier, having been peacably and quietly
possessed by your Petitioner and his Predecessors for the space of
fourty years or upwards by past : And whereas the said Belcher hath
been lately served with a Writt of Intrusion at His Majesties Suit,
And your Petitioner not being willing to stand Suit, but being desir-
ous of His Majesties Confirmation for the said Island or Islands:
He therefore humbly prays your Excellencies favour that he may
obtain His Majesties Grant and Confirmation of the said Hogg-Island,
with the members and Apurtenances thereof, unto your Petitioner
his Heirs and Assigns forever under the Seal of this His Majesties
Territory. To be holden of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors,
upon such moderat Quit-Rent as your Excellency shall please to
And your Petitioner shall ever pray.
Sam Sewall.
Presented the above written Petition to the Governour
with my own hand July 24*.!' 1688.
July 26'!' 'Twas read in the Council, and an order
made upon it for a Survey.
Sabbath, July 221 Read the Sixty first Psalm in course :
July 29'", the 62. Truly my waiting Soul, &c.
Monday, July SO'- . With many others I went to Ded-
ham to accompany his Excellency in his way to New- York
and Jersy : who goes to take the Government of those
July 31. Writt to Mr. Wharton inclos'd to Cous. Hull,
to do what he could to settle Proprieties. Towards which
if it might be done, was willing to give 50 or a hundred
pounds. Writt by a small Bark of which one Mr. Baily
Master. If Mr. Wharton not there, give it to Mr. Mather.
Augt. 3. Went to Neponset with Capt. Faycrwether
and Mr. Wyllys to see the Fulling-Mill lately set up, and
to direct for the ri<i:ht fittinii: and ordorini'- of it. Placed
a Stone in the Column of Sir Williams House next to Mr.
1 Sir William Phips's house was at the westerly corner of Salem and Char-
ter Streets. Drake, S. A., says (Landmarks, 219) that the lioiise was of
brick, and had a third story added during the present century: also that
it was used in 1830 as an asylum for indigent boys. Cotton blather in-
forms us, in his '' Life of Phips," that the future govovnor "would fre-
quently tell the gentlewoman his wife . . . that he should he owiht of a fair
brick house in the Green lane of Xorth Boston," and tliat the prediction was
fulfilled. Years afterwards, Piobert Calef, with gentle raillery, wrute tliat
" such predictions would have beeu counted at Saluni pregnant proofs of
Monday, Augt. 6, 1688. Mr. James Sherman Married
Richard Fifield and Mary Thirston : Mehetabel Thirston,
Giles Fifield and Elisa his wife, Elisa Lane and my Self at
the Wedding in our Bed-Chamber, about 9. at night, being
disapointed by Mr. Willard's being out of Town, and de-
sired Privacy all that might be.
Thorsday, Augt. 9*:'.'. Mr. Moodey, Willard, Mather,
Capt. Townsend here, Mr. Thacher was here before. This
day I goe for Mrs. Weeden, my wife having been ill a
week or more, and now ready to conclude her time to
Travail was come. Midwife staid and went to Bed here ;
in the night was call'd away b}^ another woman about 2.
mane. It seems the Monday the Governour went hence
towards New- York, Five Indians were killed at Spectacle
Pond not far from Springfield, four taken Captive, two
escaped. They that did the Murder are some of our late
Enemies who have since lived under the protection of the
Tuesday, Augt. 7. Capt. Nicholson, Lieut. Governour,
returns to Town from New-London, as is said upon this
report of the Indians slain ; where intended to have gone
to New- York and resided there.
Satterday, Augt. 11. Jn" Marion buries a Son of about
11 Moneths old. Sam. Clark and Eliakim Mather, Bear-
ers and had Gloves.
Sabbath, Augt. 12. My wife stayes at home as last
"witchcraft, and much better than what were against several that suffered
Besides the house and lands already mentioned in our note on p. 193 as
bought by Phips, he bought several other parcels adjacent.
William Sumner, "William Harris, Thomas Willis, and Francis Whitmore,
Jr., seem to have sold various lots to the governor, to enlarge his gardens and
grounds (see Deeds, Lib. 16, ff. Ill, 242). He also bought of John Brook-
ing's widow Elizabeth, then wife of William Green, of Maiden, a house
called " The Salutation," fronting on the street leading to Charlestown Perry
(Deeds, Lib. 15, f. 210), Oct. 27, 1692.
ISIany other deeds and mortgages attest the fact that Phips's large fortune
was used for the benefit of the inhabitants of Boston. — Eds.
Sabbath, but that Mother goes to Meeting and the Chil-
dren only bear their Mother Company : who hath much
pain, yet holds up still.
Augt. 14, 1688. About |- hour past Nine at Night Ste-
phen Greenleaf comes in and brings my Mother Sewall ;
they set sail from Newbury about 10. in the morning, had
a brisk Norwest Gale, turn'd up from Dear-Island and lay
aground a pretty while before they could fleet in. Cons.
Greenleaf sups with Mother. I give him the Catechise,
Day of Doom,^ &c. bound together in a good Cover, in
part for Mother's passage.
Wednesday, Augt. 15^-. About 4. mane, I rise to make
a fire, and to call the Midwife, Charlestowns Bell rung for
5. as came away from Mrs. Weeden's House. Very cool
day. My Wife is brought to Bed of a Son between 8. 9.
while the Service-Bell was ringing. Cous. Anne Quinsey
first tells me of it.
Thorsday, IG'.l' Put up a Bill for Thanksgiving. About
9. in the night news comes from Salem, by a Vessel from
Holland, that the Queen was deliver'd of a Prince, June
lO*.*^. So from 11. to 1. or 2. is Drumming, Bonfire, Huzas,
small and great Guns, Ringing of Bells, at which many
startled for fear of fire or an Alarm ; because the thing*
was so sudden, People knew not the occasion. Brother
Ncedham was called out of 's Bed to deliver the Keys,
which at first he refus'd, they not telling him the occa-
sion [for a Church service].
Sabbath, Augt. 19"^ 1688. Town is full of the news of
5. Englisli persons killed at Northfield ; So the Councillors
sent for ; and by that means Mr. Stoughton at our House
in the afternoon to hear Mr. Willard, who after Sermon,
baptized my young Son, whom I named Joseph," in hopes
^ The then popular and admired poem, by the Kev. ^liehael Wig-gle.sworth,
of Maiden. — Eds.
^ This was afterwards the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sewall, ordained Sept 16,
1713; colleague with Dr. Pemberton over the South Cluirch. — Eds.
of the accomplisliment of the Prophecy, Ezek. 37'.^ and
such like : and not out of respect to any Relation, or other
person, except the first Joseph. The Lieut. Governour
goes this day to Woburn to secure some Indians there,
now busied in gathering Hops. It set?ms were met to-
gether and praying when secured, or just before.
Augt. 20*.l\ Went to Capt. Marshall's and discoursed
with Brother Stephen about Sister Dorothy.
Thorsday, Augt. 23. Fast at the old Church, respect-
ing the Indians, at which was my dear Mother Sewall, set
in Mrs. Baker's Pue, went not out at Noon because of
the Rain. Mr. Willard begun with Prayer in the morn.
Mr. Mather in the Afternoon ; Mr. Allen and Moodey
Friday, Augt. 24. I carried my Mother over Wiuisimet
Ferry to Salem, there met with Mr. Noyes. Left my Horse
at Salem and came home in Mr. Grafton's Sloop the Lark.
Loosed from the Wharf at Winter-Island about 4. P.M.
and got into my own House at ])Ostou about 11. at night.
W^ind was East if not somewhat Southerly, so. very bare
till we got past Marblehead Neck. Had Moon-shine. The
Widow Bordman, and Mr. Kitchin's daughter by INIary
Bordmau, came Passengers, Landed at Scarlet's Wharf.
Got to Salem about noon. Left my Horse for ]\Iother to
goe to Newbury.
Wednesday, Augt. 20. Mr. Torrey comes to our House,
Mr. Sherman there at the same time, who hath bespoke a
passage for England in Mr. Gillam. When he was gou
Mr. Torrey and I had pretty much Discourse together
about Eno-land and ii-oinu; thether. I had been wishing
to speak with him.
Auo-t. 31, 1G88. Mr. Kitcliiu and mv Brother come to
see me, and Inform me that the Freucii King died July
41'.'.^ News came to Salem from Newfound Land.
^ Louis XIV. lie did not die, however, till Sept. 1, 1715. — Eds.
Thorsday, Sept. 6*^ The Duke of Albemarl's Yott ar-
rives, fires in Tjecture time. In the even Mr. Cotton Matlier
comes and prayes with my little sick Joseph.
Sept. 7'.!' Visit sick Tho. Canlener, the son, bespeak 3
Barrels of Aples of the Fatlier and Andrew; goe to Simon
Gates's, from thence to Cambridge to see my little cousin
Margaret; visit Mr. Brattle, and tlien Mv. Leverett. Fol-
lows of the Colledge. Come home and find my own ChiUl
somwhat better as is hop'd.
Sept. 10, 1G88. There is a press in Boston, of ."VJ Men,
four out of a Company, to goe to the Eastward, by reason
of the fears and dispersions people tliere are under. It
seems 10. or 11 English persons are taken away as hos-
tages till those Indians sent to Boston, be return'd. Kich-
ard Cornish and his wife come to me about their JNIoney in
Tuesday, Sept. 111'.'. Two and thirty Men are press'd in
Boston, and 6 from Charlestown and sent away to the
Eastward, and a Post dispatcht to acquaint the Covernour
at Albany.
Sept. 12'.'.' Bid to Cambridge Lecture, being rainy in
the al'ternoon. Madam Paige invited me, and 1 came home
in her Coach, with Mr. AVillard and his wife, and Mrs.
Paige's Boy rid my Horse.
Sept. ir.'.'. 1 discours'd largely with my Wife, and 12".'
7na)U' with my Mother, Betty being gone on foot to Cam-
bridge TiOcture.
Thorsday. Sept. 13'.'." Major Saltonstall conu>s to visit
me, saith liis Daughter married about 2 uiout^ths agoe to
I\lr. Denison ; is equal sharer with Mr. llubl^ard in the
Work of the Ministry. Mr. (ioin-din [Saltonstall] like to
settle at New-London ; two youngest Sons at Ipswich
School where Mr. Bogers's Son teaches.
Sept. 15. less. Corrected Sam. for br(>ach of \\\c *'".'
Connnandment, saying he had been at the \Vriting School,
when he h;ul not.
Satterday, Sept. 15. at night one who came over a
Souldier, and was diverted to a Taner, being himself of
that Trade, hangs himself.
Sabbath, Sept. 16^.^ Mr. Willard preaches from Heb.
12. 11. afternoon from Eccles. 7. 29"' I was too late in
the Afternoon ; Mr. Willard prayd for His Majesty morn
and even, and said, whereas prayers and giving of Thanks
commanded, they did so, and prayd that might be a Bless-
ing. 126. Ps. sung morn. Afternoon, 19"? from 9"' v. to
the end. Even, 84':'? from d^}} to the end. Had done before
Eleven by my Clock ; the afternoon, quarter before four.
About one, many great Guns fired just as first Bells for
afternoon rung ; vollies of small shot I think first. At
night a Bonfire with the usual Huzzas between 7. and 8.
Very cloudy and dark day. I want of Caryl [on the Book
of Job] the 30* 31, 32, 33, and U'}} Chapters.
Sept. 17'.^ I speak to Mr. Gillam for a passage in his
Ship. This day Capt. Frary sees a Souldier with an In-
dian Squaw in the Coin and open Sun.
Tuesday, Sept. 18. Several persons are Listed of the
Governours Life-Guard. Mr. Maccartas Son, of about 10
years old, who was at School on Friday, was now buried
Sept. 18, taken with a 'vehement Fever and Deliriinn at
once. About noon Capt. Gillam falls down, fires Seven
Guns, and the Fort answer with five. Capt. Townsend,
Gilbert Cole and I look on.
Sept. 191^? The rain hinders my going to Salem, and so
to Newbury. Eldridge comes in, who sais the Amsterdam
Gazett reported that Mr. Mather's Petition is granted, !*aid
Eldridge sais that one Ales Avas come out of the Downs,
who brings Mr. Palmer of New- York, Chief Judge of the
Teritory of New England.
Sept. 20. Mr. Lee preaches from Ezek. 47. 11. Shew'd
that Edom was on the South side of Asphaltites, and prob-
ably they would not be converted. Jews understood it of
Italy, called that Edom. This a Prophesy of the great
abundant enlargement of the Church not yet accomplished,
'twas now hastening ; but then also, some wicked hardened
Wretches. Had not heard of an Edomite converted ;
though that of the 10*^ Generation implied there might
be such a thing. Mr. Mather's last Sermon was on the
same Text. Pray'd for Bristow before and after Ser-
Sept. 21, 1688. The Letters of Ayles come to hand, in
whom comes Judge Palmer, about 8 weeks from the Downs.
Alba Regalis [Stuhl Weissenburg, in Hungary] surren-
dered : Belgrade besiegd. This day I ride to Newbury
with Mr. Lorie and Penhallow, to visit my friends, and ask
them about my going for England ; met with my fellow-
Travailers at Mr. Moodey's by accident the night before.
Brother Stephen there with whom I Lodge. Visit Mr.
Woodbridge and Mrs. Noyes.
Monday, Sept. 24*.^ Come to Brother Moodey's and
dine with him, his wife. Mother and James Noyes ; then
Brother brings me going to Rowley-Mill ; I call at Mr.
Payson's ; drive a Nail in Mr. Gerrishes Meetinghouse,
gave 2^. Visit Mr. Higginson,
Sept. 25*.^ Visit Mr. Natli! Mather, sick at Salem at Mr.
Swiiierton's. Come home in Company Major Gedny and
Brown, a very fair wind over, went in and drunk at
Brookins,^ came home and found all well, blessed be
A Press in Boston of 16 men to send Eastward ; several
being kill'd by the Indians, which news was at Newbury
on Monday morn.
Thorsday, Sept. 27. Capt. Goodenough makes an Alarm
at Sudbury in the night, which is taken at Concord, Mal-
borough, Sherborn, as am told.
Sept. 28. I go to Charlcstown-Lecture, Mr. Lee preaches
^ B •ookin, the Taverner, married Mary, daughter of Thomas ^\'alford,
the, ^rst Eiisrlish mliabitaut of Charlestowu. — Eds.
from Mat. 25. 6. After Lecture din'd at Mr. Russell's.
Then went on Board the Duke's Yott with Major Rich-
ards, Capt. Phillips, Mr. Cotton Mather, Madam Phips,
Richards, Shrimpton, Kelland ; Had Sturgeon, Wine, Punch,
Satterday, Sept. 29*.!'. Lydia Moodey comes hether to
dwell, helping my wife to nurse the Child Joseph.
Monday, Oct. 1. A Whiping Post is set up by the mid-
dle Watch-house. Brother Stephen visits us.
Tuesday, Oct. 2. I goe with Mr. Newgate in the rain
to Hogg-Island, having a canvas Tilt [awning, or canopy],
and take Livery and Seisin of his Marsh, Joseph Sowle,
Ambrose Honywell, John Sweeting and Elisabeth Warren
being witnesses ; only the first could write his name.
Wednesday, Oct. 3*? Have a day of Prayer at our House :
One principal reason as to particular, about my going for
England. Mr. Willard pray'd and preach'd excellently
from Ps. 143. 10 : , pray'd. Intermission. Mr. Allen
pray'd, then Mr. Moodey, both very well, then 3'!-7*"
verses of the 86^.!* Ps., sung Cambridge Short Tune, which
I set. Then had Gov^ Bradstreet and his wife, Mr. Moodey
and wife, Mr. Allin and Mr. Willard and wife, Cous. Duiner
and wife, and Mrs. Clarrk her sister, Cousin Quinsey and
wife and Mrs, Scottow, should have reckon'd formerly
Mother Hull and Self. My wife was so lately very ill of
the Ague in her face, she could not come down out of the
Chamber. Fifteen sat down togetlier. Mr. Addington,
Mr. Eyre, Capt. Townsend and several others here beside
the Meeting.
Thorsday, Oct. 4".'. About 5. P.M. Mr. Willard married
Mr. Samuel Danforth and Mrs. Hannah Allen. Mr. Mor-
ton began with prayer before Mr, Willard came. Mr.
Willard just before married Jonathan Evans and a Daugh-
ter of Mr. Bronsdon's. I was at Mr. Danforth's Wedding,
being invited by the Father.
Friday, Oct. 5. Mrs. Anger of Cambridge is bu^'^^d :
Was Sister to Mrs. Topan of Newbury. Went to Mrs.
Williams's Meeting where Mr. Moodey preached. About
9. night, Thomas, an Indian and very usefull Servant of
Mr. Oliver, hang'd himself in the Brewhouse.
Satterday, Oct. 6.^ The Coroner sat on him, having a
^ The following letter is printed in the Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 4th Series,
Vin. 518: —
For the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather at London.
Boston, X. E. Ocf 8. 1688.
Honoured Sir, — On Sept' 21. I reed yours of July 6"', by which I am
much oblig'd. Am glad to hear of the likelihood you have of succeeding in
the great concerns you manage for Xew-England. I writt to you p'' C. Bel-
char, of mine and my friend's concerns relating to our Properties, and since
p Mr. Curtis, sailing to Bilbao, and from thence to Bristow. In the last I
acquainted you, that tho I thought it very hard measure to be serv'd with a
"Writt of Intrusion; yet my friends not agreeing in their advice, I petition'd
for a Patent rather than to stand suit with the King. This was done July
2ith; and July 30th the Governour took his journey to Xew-York, East and
West Jersey, Albany, from which voyages is not yet return'd. The Indian
troubles falling in, which were begun, as I take it, July 30th, 4 or 5 Indians
being slain at a place call'd Spectacle Pond near Springfield Road. Since
that, several Englishmen have bee[n] kill'd at Xorthfied, al! Squawheag; and
since at Xorth -Yarmouth four or five; of whom Justice Gendal, one: but tis
thought sixteen or seventeen Indians were kill'd in tlie skirmish. Also, an
Engl, man was toll'd into the woods, at Xew-Haven, under pretence of assist-
ing to kill a Dear, and was himself, by tlie Indian Inviter, butchered in a
cruel maner. The murderer aprehended. People are much alarm'd and in
many places dwell in garrison'd houses, to their great anoyance and impov-
erishing. Two Presses have been in Boston, 32 sent the first, and sixteen
the second out of this Town, to help those in distress in the eastern parts.
The Lord provide.
The Gov"", and Mr. Secretary West being absent, witli other of the Council,
here is nothing done as to Patents, so have not any thing farther to add, till
I see how I shall be us'd. Have petitioned only for the I sland. Am so
sensible of the miseries this people like to undergoe, if tliat course be followM,
that I shall be very willing to give more than comes to my sliare, if some
general way of Relief might be obtain'd. I was so concern'd, that I had cast
myself on the sea to conie for England before petitioning, but knew not iiow
to get away from my friends. My wife was delivered safely of a son Au.;ust
IS"" vlt. If my many Land-ties (that I know of) hold me not, shall goe in'ar
to make an Essay to see my native country, while some that I know are there.
'Tis nuich that notliing was said of Judge Palmer in any letter, who is lika
to make a great figure here under that character. He hath so artificially re-
ported the Articles (as they are call'd) against the Gov^, as tend^ to consider-
Jury, and ordered his burial by the highway with a Stake
through his Grave.
Wednesday, Oct. 10*? Went on Board the America,
Mr. Isaac Addington one of the Owners, introducing me :
took up the Starboard Cabbin, and when came back, met
Capt. Clark and gave him Earnest 2 Of ; then went to Mr.
Moodey's to a Meeting. At night read in course the
Seventh of the Romans. Received a Letter from Mr.
Taylor this day, and writt to him before I had received
it. Both of us concluded alike from Joseph's Blessing,
Oct. 11"' Writt to Mr. Solomon Stoddard to acquaint
him with my design.
Oct. 12*.^ Thomas Brown comes from Sherborn and
acquaints me of the wellfare of our Cousins.
Satterday, Oct. 13"\ Went to Watertown with Mr.
Joyliff, Hutchinson, Serf. Taylor, Samp^ Stoddard. Din'd
at Cambridge, there was trimmd by Barret 12'^, gave
Goodm. Brown 12^!; visited Sister, her child asleep, so saw
it not, 'tis very ill. Visited Mr. Tho. Baily who is recov-
ering. Came home without seeing the Governour, whom
w^ent to meet. When I come home here the sad news of a
family of 8 persons being cut off by the Indians. Gillam,
who sail'd on Thorsday, is put back by a Storm, and now
stopt to wait the Governour's coming.
Sabbath-Even. Capt. Eliot and Frary visit me, Oct. 14.
Monday, Oct. 15. Speak to Gilbert Cole to Bottle me
a Barrel of Beer for the Sea.
able disadvantas^e ; tho Mr. No well's, of ... 21, gives check to a considerable
part of his Relation. ... of Cambridge was buried last Friday. Siipose . . .
[Two lines mutilated.]
from whence I lately came. Supose you will have a fuller ace" p'' Mr. Mather.
My service to your . . . Mr. Nowell, and my New-Engl' friends. Praying
God you may hapily finish what you have so well begun, especially about
Property, I take leave, who am, Sir. Your friend and serv'.
Sam'.- Sewall.
Tuesday, Oct. 16. Little Haiiah going to School in the
morn, being enter'd a little within the Schoolhouse Lane,
is rid over by David Lopez, fell on her back, but I hope
little hurt, save that her Teeth bled a Little, was much
frighted ; but went to School ; one Stebbin took her in,
who lives next Solomon Rainsford's Shop up the Lane, on
the left hand as goe up. This day the Ground-Sills of the
Church [the first King's Chapel, built of wood] are laid;
the stone foundation being finished.^ Visit Cousin Dum-
mer sick abed.
1 The Episcopal Church here mentioned was, of course, the predecessor of
our " King's Chapel." The first building was much smaller than its succes-
sors, and the land was undoubtedly taken from the burying-ground. To this
course no effective objection could be raised, and Andros, by appropriating
public land when individuals like Sewall refused to sell private estates, cer-
tainly did not abuse his authority. Bowditch has pointed out that in 1748
(Deeds, Lib. 76, f . 82) the town sold some additional land to the wardens and
vestry of the church.
The following letter from Sewall in the Mather Papers (Mass. Hist. Soc.
Coll., 4th Series, VIII. 517) deals in part with this matter. — Eds.
For the ReV^ Mr. Increase Mather in London.
Boston, New Engl. July 24, 1G88.
Rev" Sir, — I writt to London of the IG"" inst. by Belcher, giving an
ace? of the serving of several Writts of Intrusion, on Colonel Shrimpton for
Dear-Island, on M": Lynde of Charlestown, for land of his there; and on Mr.
Russell of the same place, for land of his near old Abraham's. Mr. Lynde
quickly made his ytesLce with Mr. James Graliam, the Attorney-General. Mr.
Russell follow'd not long after, prevaild with by Mr. Stoughton's advice.
I was urg'd by my friends two contrary way es ; but at last have this day
petition'd for a Patent for Hogg-Island. Mr. Dudley, Stoughton and sev-
eral principal men having taken Patents, and intend to doe it; some of which
were formerly most averse. I had resolv'd once to have come to you by Bil-
bao, in Mr. Curtis, by whom I send this, but when it came to, my friends
would ])y no means part with me, my wife being very near her time. Twere
good if you could come to know whether persons are thus to be compell'd to
take Patents. Tlie Judges did as good as toll us we should be cast; and
Apealing to England does not hinder tlie Execution going forth. Tlie gen.-
erality of People are very averse from com[)Iying with unj tiling tluit may
alter the Tenure of their Lands, and look upon me verj- sorrowfully that I
have given way. There was a Gallery erected last Thorsday, at the cast end
of the Town House, from whence His Excellency's new Comissinn was pub-
lished, 8 Companys being in Arms. About two a clock the Lecture began,
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1688. Ride in the Hackney-Coach
with Gov^ Bradstreet, his Lady, Mrs. Wihard, Mrs. Mercy
Bradstreet, Josiah Willard, to Roxbury, to the Ordination
of Mr. Nehemiah Walter. Mr. EHot, Allen, Willard, Dan-
forth of Dorchester, laid on Hands. Mr. Eliot ordain'd.
Mr. Allen gave the Right Hand of Fellowship, desir'd he
might keep to Christ's Institutions in the Purity of them,
for which God's people came over hether. Mr. Walter,
giving the Blessing, said, Hapy are they who are faithfull
in the work Christ calls them unto, &c. The 132. Psal.
sung from the 13"^ v. to the end. Din'd at Mr. Dudley's,
Mr. Bradstreet and Mr. Eliot sat at the uper end of the
Table. After Diiier sung Zech'* song from 76*1' v. to the
end, and the song of Simeon. At meeting, in the fore-
seat, sat Mr. Bradstreet, Danforth, Richards, Cook, Sewall,
Wilson, [of] Meadfield, Gookin [of] Cambridge. Note.
In time of the first Prayer the Governour came by from
his Progress. This day a great part of the Church is
raised. Mr. Cotton Mather not there ; he stays at Salem
to close the eyes of his dying Brother Nathaniel ; died
tliis day about one aclock.
This day a Church is to be gathered, and Mr. Williams
ordained at Dearfield.
Friday, Oct. 19. Carried my wife on Horseback to Mr.
Air's to a Fast. Mr. Willard pray'd, preach'd from Ezek.
9. 4. pray'd, P.M., Mr. Phillips pray'd, Mr. Moodey preach'd
from Psal. 57. 1. Pray'd, Sung the 125*.!' Psal. Mr. Wil-
Mr. Lawson preached. The Governour speaks of setting forth for Nt'w-Yoi'k
next Thursday. Deacon Bracket was buried this day. 'Tis finally said that
the Chh sliall be set between the School-House and Capt. Townsend's corner,
many of the Council urging it, that so it might not stand just up with ^Iv.
Moodey's gate, where it would have wholly cut off tlie way between my
fence and Jn? Coney's, and have stood upon the cartway that now is, into
the ground. We are all indifferent well, and so are yours so far as I know.
We have had a very showery summer hitherto, which produces good supl3'e3
of Grass, but Aples fail much by reason of worms in the spring.
I am, Sir, Your obliged friend and serv'.
Sam. Sewall.
lard was call'd out to Isaac Walker who lay dying, was
taken but last Sabbath-day. Very rainy day. I. Walker
dies about 3. P.M.
Monday, Oct. 22. Mr. Isaac Walker is buried. Bearers,
Mr. James Taylor, Mr. Francis Burroughs, Capt. Tho. Sav-
age, Mr. Simeon Stoddard, Mr. George Elleston, Mr. Sam!
Checkly ; Deacon Eliot and I led the young widow, and
had Scarfs and Gloves. The Lord fit me, that my Grave
may be a Sweetening place for my Sin-polluted Body.
Can't see that anything has been done towards raising the
Church since Wednesday : Friday and Thorsday had so
much rain. Rained as went to the Grave.
Tuesday, Oct. 23. Went to Mr. Wilkins and heard Mr.
Bayly preach from Numb. 33. 8, 9. Sung the prayer of
Jonah. Visited Cous. Dumer.
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1688. Mr. Bayly and his wife,
Mr. Moodey and his wife and Cous. Richard Dumer dined
with us. In the afternoon coming out of Town, I met
Mr. Ratcliff, who ask'd me if I were going for England ;
he ask'd when, I said in Capt. Clark. He jDray'd God
Almighty to bless me, and said must wait upon me. Capt.
Clark tells me at the Coffee-House, that he will sail next
week, or Monday come seiiight at out-side.
Oct. 25. Presented my final account to his Excellency
respecting the French-Contribution [for redeeming cap-
tives], as He landed at Mrs. Gillam's stairs, from seeing the
Sloops set sail with Souldiers and provisions for the East-
ward. Mr. Eliot and I eat tourether after Lecture. Mr.
Stoughton and Dudley call at the Gate as they goe home
at night.
Satterday, Oct. 27. The Rose-Frigot comes up, and his
Excellency goes off to Charlestown and so to Dunstable :
At both which, firing.
Oct. 28. Lord's Super at the South Church Mr. Wil-
lard preached from Heb. 9. 24. Mr. Cotton of llninpton
preached in the afternoon, His Text, Quench not the
Spirit. Note. It seems the Governour took Mr. Ratcliff
with him, so met not at all distinct in our House this day.
Several of them with us in the afternoon. Col. Lidget,
Mr. Sherlock, Farwell in one Pue : went to Contribution.
Monday, Oct. 29. Went to Hogg-Island, had Sam.,
Hanah and Betty thether, Mr. Oliver's two daughters,
Mr. Johnson's daughter, Mr. Balston's daughter: Mr. Oli-
ver himself went ; Sam! Marshall and his boy carried us.
Landed at the Point because the water was over the Marsh
and Wharf, being the highest Tide that ever I saw there.
Cous. Savage came and din'd with us on a Turkey and
other Fowls : had a fair wind home. Landed at Gibbs his
Wharf, got home about Sun-set. Visited Mr. Smith who
lies very ill.
Oct. 30. We have the news of Herbert Wanton and
Blagg being cast away on the Isle of Pines. Very high
Tide to day, in so much I feared 'twould have carried
away the Island-Dam, and sent on purpose to see : All
was firm and sound, blessed be God.
Wednesday, Oct. 31. Went to the Funeral of Mrs.
Gookin : Bearers, Mr. Danforth, Mr. Russell, Sewall and
Hutchinson, Eliakim, Mr. James Taylor, and Mr. Edw.
Bromfield. Note. The Tide was over the Causey, and
Mrs. Willard, whom Mr. Pain carried, fell into the water,
so that she was fain to goe to Bed presently in stead of
going to the Grave, the Horse verg'd to the right, till
fell into the Ditch. Mr. Hutchinson's Coach-Horses also
Joshua Gee Lanches to day, and his Ship is called the
Prince. Bant sails. Capt. Clark treats his Owners and
Passengers : I was invited but the Funeral took me up.
I help'd to ease the Corps into the Grave. Mr. Torrey
goes home. More mischief done at the Eastward by the
Indians. Mr. Alden dispatch'd again with Souldiers.
Satterday, Nov. 3. Mr. Offly and Mr. Clark come and
speak to me about laying in for the Cabbin. Yester-
day was Cous. Quinsey's Meeting where Mr. Moodey
preach' d.
Nov. 3, about two P.M. Capt. White comes and presses
me in His Majesties Name to appear at the Townhouse
compleat in Arms next Monday at 11. aclock.
Gunpowder-Treason-day 1688. I had sent for Robert
Grundy ; but his wife being great with child, and Jona-
than Wales offering to serve in my stead for five pounds,
I agreed with him, and had him to the Market-place at
the hour, where Capt. White listed him in my stead and
dismiss' d me.
Nov. 7. Brother Stephen comes to Town and brings
my Letter of Attorney and other writings. I go with him
to the Governour's where the witnesses are sworn, and
after that I ask his Excellency if He has any service for
me to Hampshire or Coventry : He ask'd where ; I said
in England. He said none in particular ; Ask'd whom I
went in ; said in Capt. Clark. He said 'twas very well,
and passed away out of the Porch.
Nov. 8. Capt. Tho. Smith dies about 5. mane ; buried
Nov. 10. Where the Corps was set was the room where
first my Father Hull had me to see the manner of the
Merchants, I suppose now above 12 years agoe. Bearers,
Capt. Prout, Fayerwether, W™ Clarke, Foye, Taner, Legg ;
Mr. Serj* and Benj. Brown led the widow, buried in the
old burj-ing-place. The Lord grant I may be ready when
my turn shall come to be becken'd away. There is a con-
siderable snow upon the ground which fell last Thorsday
night and Friday, near half a foot deep.
Sabbath, Nov. 11. Mr. Moodey preached with us in the
forenoon from Luke 12. 47, knew : — many got home just
about a quarter after 11. Afternoon got home about half
an hour by Sun.
Nov. 13. My Unkle Quinsey vi^^its me, and Mr. Torrey,
Willard, Mather. I see Mi-s. Nowell, Hutchinson. Mathers.
America comes to sail this dav, and runs ajxround as turns
up and down but gets off quickly. Governour went out
of Town yesterday, or to day, towards the Eastward.
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1688. Went to the Meeting at Mrs.
Averies, Brother Emons pray'd much about Death : I read
out of Mr. Allen about the Good, bad Angels, Death, Means
of Grace, being given in to the Covenant. Sung the 23*^ Ps.
I concluded with prayer. None but Brother Einons, Davis,
Self, Mother Hull, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Noyes of the Meeting
there, so none to invite the Meeting next time.
Nov. 16. The Upholsterer tells me the Ship is loaden
too much by the head and sails badly. About 11 M. The
Widow Glover is drawn by to be hang'd. Mr. Larkin
seems to be Marshal. The Constables attend, and Justice
Bullivant there.
Nov. 16. Went to Capt. Davis's to meeting : Mr. Wil-
lard preachd from Job 30. 23. At night read in course
the first Chapter 2 Cor. the 9^^ verse, of which have often
thought on of late. Sentence of death. Brother Stephen
visits me this day. Mrs. Rainsford, the aged Mother, dies.
Satterday, Nov. 17. Brother Stephen and I with Mr.
Pole and Capt. Clarke goe on Board the America. It
rained before we got aboard, and all the way as we came
from the Ship ; had a glass of good Madera. Brother
comends the Ship, dines with us and returns to Salem.
[The journal of Mr. Sevvall's visit to England is contained in a
separate MS. volume, a copy of which here follows.
The visit seems to have combined two objects on the part of
Sewall, one being in reference to his own kindred and the property of
his family in England, and the other a desire to be with Mr. Mather,
the agent of Massachusetts, and other friends who sought to uphold
the interests of the colony, now without a charter or a settled govern-
ment, and to secure, if possible, a restoration of its privileges.]
The Care of Heaven flourisheth towards you when you
Wither. James 1. 1. Dr. Manton's Exposition, p. 6.
When you lose your Dwelling, you doe not lose your
Interest in Christ : and you are every where at home but
there where you are Strangers to God. p. 9.
Thorsday, November 22, 1688. Set sail out of Boston
Harbour about an hour by Sun [before sunset], with a
very fair wind. Friday, Nov. 23, mane, the wind came up
at North-East to our great discomfort. Beiiy Harris reads
the 21 of the Proverbs, which is the first Chapter I heard
read on Shipboard. I much heeded that verse. He that
wandereth out of the way of Understanding shall remain
in the Congregation of the dead. At night I read the first
of the Ephesians, and go to prayer. Saturday, Nov. 24,
wind holds North-East, we go away East-South-East and the
like, hoping to shape clear of Nantucket Shoals. Mr. Clark
reads the two first Chapters of Isaiah, and Capt. Clarke
prayes. Sabbath, Nov. 25, Strong East wind. In the
even reef the Mainsail. I read the 74* Psalm, being that
I should have read at home in the family. Read four or
five verses out of Dr. Manton on the first of James : very
suitable for me. Sung the 23'! Psalm. Monday, Nov. 26,
sail generally East-South-East. Mate takes an Observa-
tion, and finds that we are in the Latitude of 40" and 13^-
Tuesday Nov. 27, sail East-South-East, and sometimes East
and North. Ait my wives Pastry, the remembrance of
whom is ready to cut me to the heart. The Lord pardon
and help me. Wednesday, Nov. 28, rains hard in the
morning, the other Tack is brought on board, and we
sail North-North-East. Just at night the wind blows very
hard, just in our teeth, so ly by under the Mizzen, the
other sails being furled. Scarce any sleeping all night,
things in the Cabbin were so hurled to and again. Thurs-
day, Nov. 29, wind comes up at North, or thereabouts, so
steer East-N.-East. This is the first day of a fair wind
since our coming out; goe away with fore-sail on our
course. Clouds and no observation. About 12 at night,
the Ship being under a hard Gale of wind, the whipstaf is
somehow loosed from the Gooseneck, which puts us into
great consternation : and the word is given, Turn out all
hands. Several go into Gunroom and steer there for
awhile, and by God's blessing no great harm. Some of
the men said if she had not been a stiff ship would have
been overset. Friday, Nov. 30*% one Cassemate being left
down and the wind astern, a Sea is shipped into the Cab-
bin to our great startling and discomfort. Mrs. Baxter,
who lay athwart ships at the bulkhead, the most wet.
Very high wind and by flaws, we ly under our foresail not
quite hoisted, and sail East. 'Tis a very laborious day by
reason of hail, snow, wind and a swoln sea all in a foaming
breach. A little before night the foresail is reefed, and
Main Top-Mast took down to prepare for the tempestuous
night, which proves very stormy, sore flaws of wind and
Hail. Satterday, Decemb. 1, wind very high, frequent
storms of Hail and Rain in fierce Gusts. About an hour
by sun we are put into great confusion, the iron of the
Whipstaff coming out of the said Staff. Some goe down
and steer below, but fain at last to take in the foresail and
ly by till the staff was fitted. The good Lord fit us for
his good pleasure in this our passage.
Sabbath, Dec. 2, goe with our fore courses, and just
before night hoist the Top-sail, sailing East-N.-E. Read
out of Dr. Preston ^ and Manton,^ prayed and sung Psalms.
Monday, Dec. 3, calm in the morn for some hours, then a
South-west wind and Top-sails out. Rain at night. Reef
the Mainsail because now the wind very high. Caught two
Petterils which Mr. Clark intends to preserve alive. Note,
my Erasmus was quite loosened out of the Binding by the
breaking of the water into Cabbin when it did. Was com-
forted in the even by reading the 4. 5. 6. 7. verses espe-
1 Probably Dr. John Preston, a distinguished Puritan preacher, born ia
1587, died in 1628. At one time he was Master of Emanuel College. — Eds.
* Dr. Thomas Manton, one of the most noted of the ministers ejected in
1662. His Practical Commentary, or Exposition of the Epistle of St. James,
was published in 1651. — Eds.
cially of the Ephesians. About 8 at night the Mate tells
me he saw three Corpressants/ upon the top of each mast
one. Tuesday, Dec. 4. mane, a violent North-East storm
rises, so all sails taken in and ly by : very troublesome by
reason of the frequent seas shipt and throwing the things
in the Cabbin into confusion. Mrs. Mar[c ?]y's Chest broken
and her things powred out. I put on a clean shirt this
morn. Can't dress victuals to day. Wednesday, Dec. 5,
wether is moderated : but the wind so contrary that we
sailed E.S.E. and South-East. Thorsday, Xr. 6*^ wether
is comfortable, but wind, E.N.E., so we sail N. or N. and
by West. Mrs. Baxter is taken ill with a Flux. Kill a
Shoat. Friday, Dec. 7*^ very fair day : sail N. East.
Breakfast on one of my wives Plum Cakes. Read Dr.
Preston, Sain*^ Support of sorrowfull Siiiers. One of the
Geese dyes yesterday, or to day. Mrs. Baxter is better.
Satterday, Dec. 8, very mild wether. Sail N.E. and
E.N.E. In the afternoon veer'd out about 100 Fathom
of Line, but found no bottom. Suppose ourselves very
near the Banks of New-found-Land, by reason of the mul-
titude of Gulls. Guiier trims me. Sabbath, Dec. 9. South,
and South-w. wind ; very temperat whether. Just at night
Rain and N.W. wind. Cloudy all day. Monday, Dec.
lO'.*? North Wind. Tuesday, Dec. 11. N. and N. and by
W. Pleasant wether. Last night I prayed to God and
was somewhat comforted. This day the Captain takes a
List of 's Letters. Wednesday, Dec. 12. West wind. Very
pleasant wether. Thursday, Dec. 13. Strong S.W. wind.
Ship runs between 6 and 7 Knots. Cloudy, dusky day.
Friday, Dec. 14, Fast wind. See Birds, and a number of
Fishes called Bottle-noses. Some say they are Cow-fish,
or Black-fish. Satterday, Dec. 15. N.W. wind. Very
pleasant morn. A little before night is a calm, after
that the wind comes up at South-East, or thereabouts.
Sail East N. East.
^ A sort of electrical ball or fire. — Eds.
Sabbath, Dec. 16. Very high wind and swoln sea,
which so tosses the ship as to make it uncomfortable :
wind after, so Cabbin shut up and burn Candles all day.
Shifted my Linen this day, Shirt, Drawers, N. Wastcoat,
Binder : only fore course to sail with. Monday, Dec. 17.
Strong N.W. wind. Tuesday, Dec. 18, wind N. N. West :
many flaws : storms of Hail. Afternoon was a Rainbow.
Killed the Sheep to day. Dream'd much of my wife last
night. She gave me a piece of Cake for Hannah Hett ;
was in plain dress and white Apron. Methouglits waa
brought to bed, and I through inadvertency was got up
into the upermost Gallery, so that I knew not how to get
down to hold up the Child. We are in about 48^- N.
Wednesday, Dec. 19, pleasant, west and southwest wind.
Have an Observation. Was a Rainbow in the morn, and
in the even Mr. Sampson set the Sun by the Compass.
This morn was refreshed in prayer from the Instance of
Jonah and God's profession of 's readiness to give his Spirit
to those who ask.
Thorsday, Dec. 20, strong North wind. Are in 48 D.
36, M. Lat. At night the wind veers a little to the East-
ward of the North.
Friday, Dec. 21. Little wind and that is Northerly.
See many Porpuses. I lay a [wager] with Mr. Newgate
that shall not see any part of Great Britain by next
Saterday senight sunset. Stakes are in Dr. Clark's hand.
In the night wind at North-East. Satterday, Dec. 22,
wind is at North-East, at night blows pretty fresh. This
day a Gafiet was seen, and a Purse made for him that
should first see Land, amounting to between 30 and 40*-
N. England Money. I gave an oblong Mexico piece of
Eight. Starboard Tack brought on board, and sail, N.E.,
N.N.E. and North by E.
Sabbath, Dec. 23. Pretty strong East, N. East wind.
Sail N. and by E. Saw a Ship about noon some two
Leagues to Leeward of us. A Ganet seen this day. To-
wards night the Capt. sounds and finds a sandy bottom.
The water between 70 and 80 Fathoms deep.
Monday, Dec. 24, wind remains right in our Teeth. See
a Ship to Leeward most part of the day which stood the
same way we did : but we worsted her in saihng. Tuesday,
Dec. 25, see two Ships, one to windward, 'tother to Leeward.
About 10, m. a Woodcock flies on board of us, which we
drive away essaying to catch him. Wind at North-East.
Ly by under the Mainsail all night. Wednesday, Dec. 26.
This morn perceive the Rails of the Ships head and the
Lion to be almost beaten oif , which cost considerable time
and pains to fasten again, Ly by with no Sails. A Rain-
bow seen this day. Thorsday, Dec. 27, begin to sail
again a little, winding East, N. East. Friday, Dec. 28,
wind contrary, yet keep sailing sometimes N. East, some-
times goe South and by West upon the other Tack. Saw
three Ships in the Afternoon, which, suppose are bound for
England as we are. Satterday, Dec. 29. Have an Ob-
servation ; are in 49? and 50¥ See a Ship.
Sabbath, Dec. 30*? Spake with a Ship 7 weeks from
Barbados, bound for London, tells us he spake with an
English Man from Galloway, last Friday, who said that
the King was dead, and that the Prince of Auraug [Or-
ano-el had taken Eno-land, Landino; six weeks ao:oe in Tor-
Bay. Last night I dreamed of military matters, Arms
and Captains, and, of a suddain, Major Gookin, very well
clad from head to foot, and of a very fresh, lively coun-
tenance — his Coat and Breeches of blood-red silk, beck-
ened me out of the room where I was to speak to me. I
think 'twas from the Town-house. Read this day in the
even the Eleventh of the Hebrews, and suug tlie 4G*.^
Psalm. When I waked from my Dream I thought of
Mr. Oakes's Dream about Mr. Shepard and Mitchell beck-
ening him up the Garret-Stairs in Harvard College. Mon-
day, Dec. 30*'', contrary wind still, speak with our Consort
again. Tuesday, Jan. 1. [1689.] speak with one who came
from Keiiebeek [?] in Ireland 8 day's agoe : says there
are Wars in England. Pr. of Aurang in Salisbury Plain,
with an Army Landed with fourscore and 5 Men of War and
above two hundred Fly Boats, has took Plymouth and
Portsmouth, &c. and is expected at London dailj^ Read
Hebrews 13*^ Wednesday, Jan. 2. Last night about 12
aclock the Wind comes fair, so that by morning the word
was. Steady, Steady. The Lord fit us for what we are to
meet with. Wind veered from East to South, and so
Westerly. This day eat Simon Gates's Goose. Thorsday,
Jan. 3, wind comes East again. A gray Linet and a Lark,
I think, fly into the Ship. Friday, Jan. 4, wind not very
fair. Some say they saw a Robin-Redbrest to-day. Sat-
terday, Jan. ^^^, wind is now come to be about Southwest.
Sounded and found a red, blackish sand about 50 Fathoms
deep. Have a good Observation. This day I finished
reading Dr. Manton. Blessed be God who in my separa-
tion from my dear Wife and family hath given me his
Apostle James, with such an Exposition. Page 8. Hon-
our God in your houses, lest you become the burdens of
them, and they spue you out. The tendernes of God's
Love ! He hath a James for the Xns. of the scattered
Tribes. Obj. My affliction for sin, not Christ's. Ans.
'Tis an error in Believers to think that Xt. is altogether
unconcern'd in their sorrows, unless they be endured for
his Names sake. If you do not suffer for Xt, Xt. suffers
in you and for you. We should with the same cheerfull-
ness suffer the will of Xt, as we would suffer for the name
of Xt. P. 15. Look then not to the earnestness of your
motions, but the regularity of them ; not at what you
would, but at what you ought. Men think 'tis a disgrace
to change their mind and therefore are unplyable to all
aplications made towards them. But there is not a greater
piece of folly than not to give place to right reason. 409.
Julian, the Apostat, was a very just, strict, temperat man.
So Swenkfield/ a man devout and cliaritable, notable in
prayer, famous for Alms : but of a very erroneous and
fanatical spirit. V. 17*? Cap. 3. p. 400. Sorrow in Heaven
a note above Elah, 482. God hath every way provided for
the comfort of His people : He hath pity for their afflic-
tion? and pardon for their sins. Cap. 5. 11. P. 561. There
is n J time wherein God doth not invite us to Himself.
'Tis wisdom to perform what is most seasonable. There
is a time to encourage Trust. At what time I am afraid,
I will trust in Thee. Ps. 56. 3. Cap. 5, V. 13, P. 569.
Doves Eyes, Doves peck and look upward : same V. P.
571. Paul's Thorn in the flesh meant of some racking
pain, not of a prevailing Lust. Cap. 5. v. 14. P. 584.
Must pray in Faith, either magnifying God's Power by
counterbalancing the difficulty, or by magnifying his Love,
referring the success to his Pleasure. Cap. 5. v. 15. P. 589.
In some cases Profession may be forborn, but not in time
of publick contest, P. 622. Psa. chiefly respects the feel-
ing of our Consciences. We dread them and God will set
them at distance enough, 613. Free Grace can show you
large Accounts and a Long Bill cancelled by the blood of
Xt. The Lord interest us in this abundant Mercy through
the bloud of Xt, and the sanctification of the Spirit. Amen.
Intend to give my Book to the Ship, and so took out this
Note or two. Satterday, Jan. 5*'' 1688 [9] Sounded twice
to day. Found 50 Fathom first, then about 70. odd. Wind
Souwest. A flock of Sparrows seen today. Psa. 84, or
some such small Birds.
Sabbath, Jan. 6. See Capt. James Tucker, Comander
of the Betty of London, about 120 Tons, whom spake with,
this day sennight. Saith he saw the Light of Silly last
Thorsday night. We carry a light and keep company.
Monday, Jan. 7"\ Mr. Clark goes on Board our Consort,
^ Kaspar Schwenkfeld, or Schwenckfeld. See Smith's Giesoler's Cliurch
History, IV. 378. — Eds.
and brings Oranges and a Shattuck [shaddock]. So steer
in the night E. and East and by South. We had no Ob-
servation. Capt. Tucker saith he had by a forestaff, and
Latitude 49.30. Reckons we shall be abrest with the
Lizard by morning. Wind So. west. Tuesday, Jan. 8,
mane, a brisk west wind. We sound and have 55 fathom :
speak with our Consort, who saith he had Lizard Sound-
ings, and would now have us steer East and by N. They
w^ere a little to windward of us, and a little astern. By
and by they all gathered to their Starboard side, and look-
ing toward us made a horrid Outcry, Land ! Land ! We
looked and saw just upon our Larboard Bow, horrid, high,
gaping Rocks. Mr. Clark imagined it to be the French
Coast. We asked our Consort. He said, Silly ! Silly !
Trini'd sharp for our Lives, and presently Rocks all ahead,
the Bishop and Clarks, so were fain to Tack, and the T^ick
not being down so close as should be, were afraid whether
she would stay [not miss stays]. But the Seamen were
so affected with the breakers ahead that the Mate could
not get it altered, or very little. But it pleased God the
Ship staid very well, and so we got off and sailed in Bris-
tow Channel toward Ireland, winding Nore, N. West, and
N.N.W., westerly. Just when saw the Rocks it cleared
a little, and when fix'd in our course thicken'd again.
Blessed be God who hath saved us from so great a Ruin.
Saw the Light-House, that look'd slender, about the height
of a man, and a Rock with a cloven top, not altogether
milike a Bishops Mitre, which I therefore take to be the
Bi.sliop. Wind would have carried us between Silly and
the Lands End, but durst not venture and could not sjDeak
to our Consort, who probably knew better than we. And
we Tacking, he Tacked.
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 168|. About Noon our Consort being
astern. Tacked, and we then Tacked, and stood after him,
hoping to wether Sylly and its Rocks. Just before night
Me were in much fear by reason of many Rocks, some even
with and some just above the water under our Lee, very
near us, but by the Grace of God we wethered them. In
the next place we were interrogated by the Bishop and
his Clarks, as the Seamen said, being a Rock high above
the water, and three spired Rocks by the side of him, lower
and much lesser, which we saw, besides multitudes at a
remoter distance. The breach of the Sea upon which
made a white cloud. So I suppose the former Rocks near
the Land of Sylly not the Bishop. Sailed Souwest, and
S.W. by S. At night our Consort put out a Light, and
about 8 o'clock began to hall away South-East. We im-
agined we saw some Glares of the Light of Sylly, but could
not certainly say.
Wednesday, Jan. 9*.'' As soon as 'twas light the word
was they saw of Man of War, which put us into as great a
consternation almost as our yesterday's Danger. Puts out
his Ancient [ensign] ; coming nearer speaks with us : is a
Londoner from the Canaries, who by dark wether for sev-
eral days had not made the Land, and lost his Consort
last night. We told him wx came from Sylly last night.
He told us that five weeks agoe a Ship told them the
Prince of Aurange was Landed in England before they
came from Portland. This was at Canaries. Said also,'
the King not dead. Suppose ourselves abrest with the
Lizard. Our Guiier said he saw it. Sail along 3 of us
pleasantly, Laus Deo.
Li the night the Londoner carries two Lights, one in 's
poop, the other in 's round Top.
Thorsday, Jan. 10, 1G8-|. Very fast wind, sail along
with four or five more ships. About Ten o'clock saw the
Isle of Wight plain, which is the hrst Land next to Sylly
that I have seen. Next to that saw high white Clitl's :
but then Clouds and Fogg took away our Sunshine and
Prospect. The He of Wight makes a long space of Land,
Hills and Valleys.
Friday, Jan. 11. A pretty while before day, a vehe-
inent North wind comes up, so that fain to ly by, and
great confusion by reason that the 6 or 7 Ships were so
near together that ready to fall fowl one of another. In
the morn see that we are over against Beachy [Head].
In a while Tack about to try to gain the Wight, but can-
not. A little before night tack again ; Seven Cliffs. Make
thus cold wether.
Jan. 12. Meet with a Pink 14 days from Liverpool : tells
us Prince of Aurange landed about the 29"^ Nov. [really on
the 5th] in Torbay, with 50 Thousand Men, Six hundred
Ships : Sea-Commanders all yielded to him : no bloud shed :
King and Prince of Wales gone to France somwhat privatly.
Bought three Cheeses of him. He sent us some Bottles
of very good Beer, and we him one of my Bottles of
Brandy. About 12 o'clock the wind springs up fair, and
about 6 in the even we take our leave of Beachey. Saith
the occasion of Prince's coming in, that apprehends King
James has no Legitimate Son, that that of Pr. Wales is
a Cheat. Told us there were Englishmen found dead,
drowned, tied back to back : so put us in great fear, be-
cause he intimated as if French Men of War were cruising
with English Commissions. Sabbath, Jan. 13. Goe ashoar
at Dover, with Newgate, Tuttle and Sister. Hear 2 Ser-
mons from Isaiah, 66. 9. — Shall I bring to the birth ?
Monday morn, Jan. 14*^^, view the fort at the west end
of the Town and the Castle : went into the Kings Lodg-
ings. The Town is like a Bow, only the two Ends tlie
thicker parts and the back the thinner, being built as the
Sea and Cliff would suffer it.
A small River runs that helps to clear the Dock of
Shingle : the Peers also defending. Houses of Brick
covered with Tile generally : Some very good Buildings.
A handsome Court-House and Market-place, near which
the Antwerp Tavern, where we drunk coming out of
Got this night to Canterbury time enough to view the
Cathedral, and Kentish Husbandry as went along.
Jan. 15. To Chatham and Rochester, which make
a Long Street of Good Houses. A fair Assize-House
now building, just over against which we lodged at a
Coffee House : no room in the Inn. Dined at Sitting-
Wednesday, Jan. 16*.^ To Dartford, where had a good
Goose to Dinner. 'Tis a considerable place. A river runs
into the Thames under a Stone Bridge of four Arches. To
Southwark, where we drink and reckon with the Coach-
man. Hire another Coach for 18*^ to Cousin Hull's.
Thorsday, Jan. 17'''', went to the Exchange. Jan. 30*^,
went to the Temple and to White-hall. Saw Westminster
Abbey : Henry 7"'^ Chapel. Heard Dr. Sharp ^ preach be-
fore the Commons, from Psa. 51. — Deliver me from
Blood guiltinesse, &c Saw St. James's Park.
Jan. 31. Heard Mr. Chauncy ^ preach. Writ to Mr.
Flavell this day.
Feb. 1. Received one from Mr. Flavell inclosed in Mr.
Feb. 7. A Minister who lives at Abbington earnestly
invites me to his House with Mr. Mather, and he will goe
and shew us Oxford. Mr. Brattle shewed me Greslium
Colledge, by Mr. Dubois his kindness and Cost. After-
ward went to Smithfield, and the Cloisters of the Blew
1 Dr. Sharp, at this time Doan of Xorwich, died Archl»ishop of York.
See, in INIacaulay's History of England, Chap. X., an account of this ser-
mon. — Eds.
'^ Probably Isaac Chauncy, one of the ejected ministers. — Eds.
Coat Boys [at Christ's Hospital]. Gresham-Colledge
Library is about one Hundred and fifty foot long, and
Eighteen foot wide.
Feb. 9, 168f . Guild-Hall I find to be Fifty yards long,
of which the Hustings take up near seven yards, Measur-
ing by the same yard-jointed Rule, Mr. Brattle and I find
the breadth to be Sixteen Yards.
Feb. 11^^ Mr. Brattle and I w^ent to Covent-Garden
and heard a Consort of Musick. Dined to-day with Madam
Lloyd and Usher.
Feb. 12. Saw three Waggons full of Calves goe by
together. At the Star on the Bridge, Mr. Ruck's, saw
the Princess ^ pass in her Barge, Ancients and Streamers
of Ships flying, Bells Ringing, Guns roaring. Supped at
Mr. Marshal's.
March 18, wrote to my Wife. 2d to Cousin Quinsey, 3,
to Bro. St. Sewall, inclosed in Sir William's into the
March 19. Writ to Cousin Stoeke to send me a perfect
account, Dr. and Cr., and the Balance Money. I took up
in Stockings 8, IT, 2 Am willing to allow what's reas-
onable for receiving my Money.
March 19. To Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, for Pole's Synopsis^
entire, lacking nothing, will give £4. here.
March 19. Saw Paul's, which is a great and excellent
piece of work for the Arches and Pillars and Porches.
The Stairs are five foot | long and four Inches deep, wind-
ing about a great hollow Pillar of about six foot Diameter.
March 20. Went and saw Weavers Hall and Goldsmiths
Hall. Went into Guild-Hall and saw the manner of chus-
ing the Mayor. About 16 were put up, though I think
but four were intended. Pilkington and StamjD had by
^ On her passage from Holland, she had taken barge off GreenAvich, and
was going up to Whitehall. — Eds.
'^ Air. Matthew Poole, one of the ejected ministers, published, in five vol-
umes folio, a Synopsis Criticorum. He died in 1G79. — Eds.
much the most Hands, yet those for fatal Moor ^ and Ray-
ment would have a Pole, which the Court of Aldermen in
their Scarlet Gowns ordered to be at four o'clock. They
sat at the Hustings. Sheriffs in their Gold Chains man-
aged the Election. Common Sergeant [counsel of the
Mayor and Aldermen] made a speech. When the People
cry'd, a Hall, a Hall, the Aldermen came up two by two,
the Mace carried before them, came in at the dore opposite
to the Street dore out of another apartment. I stood in
the Clock-Gallery.
March 20. Writt to Mr. John Richardson, of Bristow,
to send me Mr. Sergeant's and my Account, and that I
would however pay my own. Fear [1] shall never hear
of Nath. Man, or the Fidelity ^ any more.
March 25. Writt to Mr. Brown inclosing Mrs. Sarah
"Woodward's original Receipt by Bant, Copy by Lason.
Writt by Lason to Mr. Torry. Mr. Higginson inclosing
Mr. Whitfield's Papers.
March 28, To my Wife, inclosing Mr. Henry Hatsel's 2^.
Receipt. 27 To Mother Hull, with a Case of Spectacles,
April 20, 1689. Writt to Mrs. Mary Batter by Bant.
Shipped a Duz. Silver Spoons of Mr. Samuel Layfield,
Cost £5.13.3. Recieved of Cous. Natlil Dummer for your
account £5.10.3. freight, 5.8, so will be somewhat more
than I have in my hands.
April 20. Writt to Cous. Nath. inclosing Cous. Nath.'s
1 We cannot explain this word, " fatal." The parties to the contest were
vSir Thomas Pilkington, who was elected in 1689; Sir Thomas Stamp, mayor
iu 1G92; Sir Jonathan Raymond; and probably Sir John Moore, who had
been mayor in lfjy2, or some relative of his. Sir Jolm Moore had bocn mayor
in 1G82. In tliat year there was a severe struggle at the election of sherilfs.
Kennet says: " Tliis great struggle put the court upon considoriug. and in a,
nuinner resolving, to take away the election of sherilt's out of tlie power of
the City; and no other expedient could be found but liy taking away their
Charter." This may account for the epithet "fatal" attached to Sir J.
Moore's name. — Eds.
2 On which vessel Sewall probably had property. — Eus.
Bill for Mrs. Batter's Spoons by Bant. April 20. Went
on foot to Hackney through Brick-Lane, about ^ a mile
long, and dined with Mr. Tho. Glover his Son, Read,
Thompson, their wives, Mr. French, and several Grand-
children. Eat part of two Lobsters that cost 3. 9*^ apiece,
7' : 6'.' both.
[The following entries are on a fly-leaf of the English journal :]
April 20, 1689. Mr. Thomas Gooding would be glad
to see me at Pifior.
Disposal of Revolution, the Duz. [dozen] Capt. Hutchin-
son deliver'd me this day, July 3. 1G89 [when in London].
To Dr. Aiiesley One.
To Mr. Layfield One.
To Cousin Allen 1.
To Mr. Gilbert of Oxf. )
and Mr. Dauson . )
To Dr. Grew of Coventry .... 1.
To Mrs. Tuckey, ^V^arwick , 1.
To Madam Horsraau 1.
To Mr. Goldwire, Baddesly, Hampshire 1.
To Mr. Alsop 1.
Keep one for my self 1.
To Dr. Nehemiah Grew 1.
To Mr. Goodwin 1.
To Cousin Tho. Duiner, Portsm" 1.
April 24. Writt to Dr. Grew, inclosing my Psalm-Book,
in Turkey-Leather, and 4 of Mr. Cotton Mather's Sermons.'
Paid Cous. Hulls Bookseller in full, 15.6. and 2? for Past-
ing and Cover of my Gazetts. Went this day to White-
1 Up to this time, Cotton Mather had published but four sermons; viz.,
two in 1086, one each in 1GS7 and 1688. The latter two were " Right
Thoughts in Sad Hours: on the death of a First-Born," and "Early Piety
exemplified in the Life of his Brother, Mr. Xathaniel Mather, witli Several
Sermons. " Probably the latter was the one which Sewall distributed. — Eds.
Hall to attend the Earl of Shrewsbury about New England :
are referred to Friday next.
April 23. With Mr. Mather waited on the Lord Whar-
ton,' and Sir Edward Harly.
London, April 26, 1689.
Honoured Sir, Hat in Hand,'^ &c, Necessity puts men upon hard
Shifts to find out some pretence or other for making their addresses
to those from whom they may expect relief. There was Capt. John
Hull, of Boston in N. E., Avith whom in his life-time you had some
Correspondence by way of Merchandize. He died in Sept. 1683,
leaving a Widow and a Daughter, who is my wife ; by whom I had
an Estate that miglit afford a competent Subsistence according to
our manner of living in N. E. But since the vacating of the Char-
ter, and erecting a Government by Commission, the Title we have to
our Lands has been greatly defamed and undervalued : which has
been greatly prejudicial to the Inhabitants, because their Lands, which
were formerly the best part of their Estate, became of very little
value, and consequently the Owners of very little Credit. Sir, I am
glad that you are returned again to England, to your Country, Pos-
sessions, and dear Relations, and to a Seat in Parliament. I hope
your former Distresses will help you to sympathise with others in the
like condition. I, and several besides me, are here far removed fi'om
our Wives and Children, and have little heart to goe home before
some comfortable settlement obtained, whereby we might be secured
in the Possession of our Religion, Liberty and Property. I am in-
formed some favorable Votes have been passed in the House of Com-
mons, wherein X. E. was mentioned. I intreat your forwarding of
such Votes as you have Opportunity, in doing which you will be a
Partner with God, Who is Avont to be concerned in relieving the
Oppressed. I shall not take up more of your time from your mo-
mentous Em])loyments. My hearty Service presented to you, I take
leave, who am, Sir, your humble Servant,
Sam. Sewall.
1 This was Philip, Lord Wharton, a staunch friend to Xew England,
" renowned as a distributor of Calvinistic tracts and a patron of Calviuistic
divines," father of the notorious Thomas, Earl and Marquis of Wharton. —
■^ Under date of August 8 following, Sewall says he is " with Mr. Edward
Hull [his cousin], at the Hat in Hand, &c." This may have been either tha
shop sign of a hatter or a dealer in peltries, or it may have marked a coffee-
house. — Eds.
Above is Copy of my Letter to Tho' Papillon, Esq.^
April 25. "Writt to my Unlde Ste. Dummer. Sent the
News of yesterday's Acts. Sent John Heifford" and Mr.
Taylor's Letters.
April 27. Mr. Dauson introdnced me, and I visited
Mrs. Beck, Mr. Dauche's Daughter, and her daughter, and
Madam Horsman, formerly Dulcibella Dunch, and her
daughter, near fifteen years old : hath also a Son, and
buried two Children. Hath been a widow above ten
years. Lives in John's Street in Piccadilly near Jacob's
April 29. went to Greenwich with Mr. Mather, Whiting,
Brattle, Namesake : Supped at the Bear. Went through
the Park to Mr. John Flamsted's, who shewed us his In-
struments for Observation, and Observed before us, and
let us look and view the Stars through his Glasses.
April 30. Come to Deptford, where breakfast with
Cheescakes : from thence to Redriff upon the River's
Bank, where Dr. Avery's Cousin had us to a Gentleman
who showed us many Rarities, as to Coins, Medals, Natu-
ral and artificial things : from thence by water to Tower-
Stairs, about 10 o'clock.
^ Thomas Papillon, M. P. This gentleman can hardly be other than the
eminent merchant of London, recorded in Bm-ke's " Landed Gentry." He
was son of David P., of Lubenham, county Leicester, grandson of Thomas P.,
a Frenchman by birth, and a Huguenot i-efugee. The Thomas of the text
was a member of several Parliaments from Dover and London. We presume
he also sat for New llomney, as one of the Barons of the Cinque Ports. He
died in 1702, leaving a son Philip, M. P. for Dover, who died in 1730. A
son of the latter was David Papillon, born 1691, died 1762, from whom are
descended the Papillons of Acrisse, county Kent.
Peter Papillon was of Boston, says Savage, in 1679, and in 1722 had com-
mand of a ship employed against pirates on the coast. An injudicious refer-
ence to him caused the prosecution of James Franklin and the suspension of
the " Xew England Courant."
He had a son Peter, born March, 1681, who died in 1733, leaving a large
estate and a widow, Catherine, who died before Aug. 13, 1735. John Wol-
cott, of Salem, and George Gibbs were sons-in-law, and the daughters Kath-
arine, Martha, and Mary were probably the only heirs. Yet a Benjamin P
was one of the subscribers to Prince's " Chronology " in 1736. — Eds.
April 29. In the morn saw the Westminster Scholars;
3 of them made Orations in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, before
the Dean and Delegates. Cambridge Delegates sat now
on the right hand, for they take turns. Sub-Dean also
had an Epistle ; as did the Dean and Delegates. The grave
Dr. Busby sat by.
April 30. Queen's Birth-Day. Streamers, Flaggs, Guns.
Writ to Mrs. Dulcibella Horsman, inclosed Mr. Cotton
Mather's Sermons bound up in good Calv's Leather.
Hat in Hand, &c. Spent 4.3*^ apiece in going to Green-
May the 2'? went with Capt. Hutchinson, and saw the
Crown, Scepter, Armory, Mint, (none to see the Milling)
Lions, Leopard. Visited Dr. Annesly. He entertained
us standing in the Garden, we went not into the house ;
carried Mr. Mather's Letter with us. April [May ?] 3.
went to White-Hall, are referred till Monday. Went to
the Glasshouse and visited INIr. Harwood in Prescot Street,
Goodman's Fields. His wife speaks French.
May 2. writt to Unkle Richard Duramer, transcribed
Mav 3. went to the end of Southwark toward Newino--
ton Butts ; as returned went into St. Mary Overies, saw
the monument of Lockier,^ who died 1672, in the 72*^ year
of his age.
Sabbath, May 5, 1689. Went to Dr. Annesly's^ in little
St. Helena's, with Capt. Hutchinson, w^here the Lord's
Supper was administered. The Dr. went all over the
Meeting first, to see who was there, then spake sonietliiug
oi the Sermon, then read the words of Listitutiou, then
^ One of the couplets in the inscription on Lockyer's monument is tlie
following: —
" His virtues and his pills are so well known.
That envy can't confine them under stone." — Eos.
' Dr. Samuel Annesley, noted among the ejected ministers. lie died ia
169G. — Eds.
prayed and eat and drunk himself, then gave to every one
with his own Hand, droping pertinent Expressions. In
our Pue said — Now our Spikenard should give its smell ;
and said to me. Remember the Death of Christ. The
Wine was in quart Glass Bottles. The Deacon followed
the Dr., and when his Cup was empty filled it again : as
at our Pue all had drunk but I, he filled the Cup and then
gave it me ; said, as he gave it — must be ready in new
Obedience, and stick at nothing for Christ.
Tuesday, May 7*.^ went to Windsor, S^} Eaton, Hampton
Court, and so home.
Thursday, May 9, went to H. Court, to wait on the
King and Council. Mr. Mather not there : ^ said he was
feverish, yet I perceive was at Change. Sir Rob* Sawyer
spake of the Quo Warranto in Charles the First's time,
and supposed we had no Charter : asked if any had seen
it. I said I had seen a Duplicate. Dr. Cox craved Day ;
so are to appear agen next Thorsday, and just as we
were going out, by Sawyer's means were called back, and
then he spake of the Quo- Warranto for Misdemeanors,
and we are ordered to attend the Attorney General with
our Charter. As we came home were entertained by Mr.
Stephen Mason with Cider, Ale, Oysters and a Neat's
Tongue, being ten of us, or 11. This house is at Clap-
ham, wherein Col. Bathe did dwell.
May 10, writt to Mr. John Richardson of Bristow, that
had paid Mr. Ive, <£10.16.7, for owners of Fidelity and
£10.6.0, for my own proper account, as also, £1.6.3, for
Mr. Peter Sergeant's proper account — £22.08.10. If any
vessel get away from Bristow, give me a hint of it. If
^ Inci'ease Mather had been in England for a year, seeking, first from
James and then from William, a restoration of the Massachusetts charter.
The reader is referred to the preface of the second volume of the Andros
"Tracts" (Prince Society, Boston, 1869) for a detailed account of Mather's
proceedings. We know that on the 26th of February, 1688-89, and on tha
14:th of March, he had interviews with King "William. — Eds.
any happen to goe before you can send to me, tell Mr. Ser-
geant his N. E. friends and I were well this day.
Satterday, May 1 1* Declaration of War against France
comes out.
Sabbath, May 12, Capt. Hutchinson and I watched with
Mr. Wharton at his Sister Pack's in Kirby Street, Hat-
ten Garden. Monday morn, May 13, heard Mr. Read
Tuesday, May 14*^, Mr. Richard Wharton dyes about
10 post meind} He rid to Town the Wednesday before in
order to goe to Hampton-Court last Thorsday. Monday,
May 6, was at Westminster pleading against Mr. Blath-
wayt, in behalf of N. E. Mr. Brattle and I came down by
water with him. Wednesday, May 15, went and dined
with Fish at Capt. Kelly's upon Mr. Partrige's Invitation.
Capt. Hutchinson, Clark, Apple ton, Brattle, Hull, in com-
pany. Went to a Garden at Mile End and drunk Currant
and Rasberry Wine, then to the Dog and Partrige's, and
plaid Nine Pins. At the house a Souldier was shot by his
drunken companion the night before. Sir Samuel Dash-
wood has by the Poll 1000 and odd, and Sir W? Ashurst
] 700 and odd, for a Citizen to sit in Parliament. Mr.
Perry has a new maid come, called Anne, from Chichester.
Thorsday, May 16, went to the Old Bailey, the Court
was holden by Pilkinton, Mayor, Lord Chief Justice Holt,
Lord Chief Justice Pollixfen, Chief Baron Atkins, and 7
more Judges. Sat till 3 o'clock, in which time the London
Jury returned and brought in four Verdicts, which they
were charged with at once.
1 Mr. Wharton was of Boston, and married Bethia Tyng and Sarah Ilic^-
ginson. He was largely interested in the Pejepscot purchase, but died poor,
as his brother-in-law, John Higginson, wrote (^Nlass. Hist. Soc. Coll., Sd
ser., VII. 198). He was of Andros's Council, but opposed him, and thus
was visiting London at this time.
It may be mentioned that he used a seal bearing the arms of the, Whartons
of Yorkshire, a branch of which family was ennobled, as before noted. —
May 18, goe to Hampton Court in company of Capt.
Hutchinson and Jo. Appleton ; Mr. Mather, Sir Sam. Tom-
son, Mr. Whiting, and Mr. Joseph Tomson ridd in another
Coach. Cost 2P apiece, besides money to the Drivers.
Were dismissed sine Die. Mr. Ward and Hook our Coun-
cil. Entertain Mr. Humphrys too. Just now about a
virulent Libel ' comes out against N. E., the day Mr. Whar-
ton was buried.
Monday, May 20. Meet to answer the Print, and in
the evening another accosts us, called an abstract of our
repugnant Laws, full of Untruths almost as the former.
To comfort me when got home, met with a Letter from
my dear Brother, by the way of Bilbao, dated the 12
March ; all friends and my wife and Children well, but
New En":land bleedino*.
May 21, writt to Mr. Flavell of our N. E. Affairs. Writt
of the 20"' to Cousin Bean and Cous. Nath. Enclosed in
a packet ^ Hundred of Mr. Cotton Mather's funeral Ser-
May 22. writt to Uncle Nath. to tell him of my Broth-
er's Letter from N. E., dated March 12, and of the Ser-
mons sent to be left at Cousin Bean's ^9e?' Waldern. Cous.
Nath, give him two.
May 23. Green Goose Fair. Agreed to pay, as Cous.
Hull does, for being trimmed by the Quarter. Beghi to-
Monday, May 27. Saw the Dutch Embassadors make
their public Entrance. Came up through Crouched Fri-
ars, were about 50 Coaches, with Six Horses apiece, besides
Pages on foot, and youths on Ilorsback. The main streets
thwacked with people, and yet little miss of people in Fen-
Church and Lumbard Streets.
1 This was doubtless the pamphlet called " Considerations," &c., to sliow
that the charters of the colonies were taken away for good cause, which is
printed in the third volume of the " Andros Tracts." Mather wrote a
rejoinder. — Eds.
May 30*^ went to the Funeral of Mr. Agust,^ Non-conf.
Minister, who used to preach on the Sabbath where Mr.
Alsop ^ keeps his Lecture. Hath left some Thousands to a
little Daughter of 2 or 3 years old. Buried at St. Giles'
Church from the 3 Compasses, Kirby Street, Ilatten Gar-
den, Dr. Gilbert principal Bearer.
May 31. Went to Mr. Papillon to speak to him in be-
half of N. E., who entertains me candidly, and promises
to promote our Interest, and would have me take off [dis-
suade] those who may think contrarily. May 31. Is a
Fast kept at Dr. Annesly's : they began with singing and
sang 4 or 5 times. After all, had a Contribution. When
came home, found a Letter from Cousin Quinsey, giving
an account of the Health of my Wife, Children and
friends, on the 26 March. Came by Woodbery from
Bristow. Five Ministers exercised, Mr. Kentish, Dr.
Annesly, Mr. Sclater, Mr. Franklin, Mr. Williams [all
probably ejected ministers]. Four first wear their own
June 1. Writt to Cous. Hull for the last at Portsmouth.
Writt to Unkle Stephen Dummer acquainting him with
our friends welfare, March 26.
June 3, 1689. Capt. Hutchinson, Mr. Brattle and I
went to Xewington to visit Mr. Saltonstall, at his son-in-
law Ilorsey's. I gave him two of Mr. Cotton Mather's
Sermons. As came home saw one Elisabeth Nash, born
at EnfioUl, about 25 Years old, just aljout Three foot high,
not the breadth of my little finger under or over. Her
Hands show Age more than anything else. Has no Brcsts.
By reason of her thickness and weight can goe l)ut very
sorrily. Can speak and sing but not very convonienth'.
^ Probably Ben jiira In Agus. an ejected minister. lie "wrote an hand-
some sheet," in vindication of Xon-conforniity. — Ens.
2 Mr. Vincent Alsop. an ejected minister, " preached once in tli<! Lord's
Day, and had a Thursday Lecture, and was one of tlie six Lecturers at Pin-
ner's ILill." — Eds.
because her Tongue is bigger than can be well stowed in
her Mouth. Blessed be God for my Stature, unto which
neither I, nor my Dear Mother, my Nurse, could add one
June 4. Green Hastings, i. e. Pease, are cry'd at 6'^ a
Peck, in little carts. Cous. Hull, Mrs. Perry and Bedford
come from Portsmouth. I meet them at the Cross Keys
in Gracious Street.
June 10*^ Gave the Ch. Wardens of Cree-church, for
the relief of the Protestants of Ireland, four Crowns —
£1.0.0. Writt to Richard Cornish copies of Mr. Tho.
Read's Bonds, and the Affidavit by Bant, for fear of mis-
carriage, that so he might understand how his business
lay and not be cheated out of his Money by his Unkle.
Cousin Robert iVndrews brings me a Letter from my
Cousin of Swathling, his Mother-in-Law. Dines with us
on a good Line of Veal and Strawberries.
June 11. Green Hastings are cry'd for a Groat [four-
pence] a peck.
June 12. Went and dined w^ith Cous. Allen, with Beans,
Bacon, and a very good Line Veal roasted. Beans 5'^ a
Quart. Cous. Sarah played on her Flute. Cous. Atwell
sings well.
June 13. Last nio-ht dreamed of Mr. Adams. We siarn
a Petition for leave to goe home. Write to Unkle Dum-
mer to tell him he must come up to London, if he will
make a Letter of Attorney for N. England.
June 15. Being at Mrs. Calvin's alone in a Chamber,
while they were getting ready dinner, I, as I walked
about, began to crave a Blessing, and when went about
it remembered my Cloaths I had bought just before, and
then it came into my mind that it was most material to
ask a blessing on my Person : so I mentally pray'd God
to bless my Flesh, Bones, Blood and Spirits, Meat, Drink
and Aparrel. And at Dinner, paring the Crust of my
Bread, I cut my Thumb, and spilt some of my Blood,
which word I very unusually, or never before, have used
in prayer to my present remembrance.
June 16. Last night I dreamed of my Wife, and of
Father Hull, that he had buried somebody, and was pres-
ently intending to goe to Salem.
June 20*^ Writ to Cousin Stoeke, answering his of the
10*^ i?ist. Last Sabbath day night dreamed of the death
of my dear Wife, which made me very heavy.
June 20. Went to hear Mr. Alsop, where, in the utter
[outer] part I saw Madam Horsman, who spake very
kindly to me. About 10, mane, I visited Mr. Nathan!
Mather, who lives now in Fan[Fen]-Church Street. Betty
Ward and her husband visit us June 24. Eat and drink at
the 3 Tuns. Mr. Burfort visits us.
June 25. The Statue of Edward the first is set up on
the Royal Exchange. See Mr. Lake.
Wednesday, June 26. Mr. Mather, his Son, Cousin
Hull and self, set out for Cambridge, 45 miles : got
thither by 7 o'clock, with one set 4 Horses. Lay at the
Red Lion in Petit Curie.
Thorsday, June 27, Mr. Littel, Fellow of Eiiianuel Col-
ledge, shows us the Gardens, Walks, New Chapel, Gallery,
Library of the Colledge, in it a Bible MS. of Wickliffe's
Translation. Mr. John Cotton and Hooker had been Fel-
lows, as appeared by Tables hanging up. Dr. Preston,
Head of it. The Street where it stands is called Preach-
er's Street, from Black Friars formerly resident there.
Note. Said Fellow had in 's Chamber, Sir Ro2:er Le Strauire,
Jesus Salvator and K. Charles, 2'^ hanging up together.
Saw St. John's Collcdg, which stands by the River. Hath
a good Library and many Rarities, among M'liich was a
petrified Cheese, being about half a Cheese. Trinity
Colledge is very large, and the new" Case for the Library
very magnificent, paved with marble checkered black and
white ; under, stately walk on brave stone ; the Square
very large, and in midst of it a Fountain. In the Hall
many Sparrows inhabit, which is not known of any Hall
beside. At meal-Times they feed of Crums, and will ap-
proach very near Men. King's Colledge Chapel is very
stately. Went on the top of the inward Stone Roof, and
on the top of the outward Lead-Roof, and saw the Town,
and Ely about 10 miles off. Below, on the side, under
little Arches, is the Library. Mr. Littel dined with us at
our Lm : had a Legg Mutton boiled and Colly-Flowers,
Carrets, Rosted Fowls, and a dish of Pease. Three Musi-
cians came in, two Harps and a Violin, and gave us Mu-
sick. View the Publick Library, which is in form of an L,
one part not fil'd with books, some vacant shelves to be-
speak Benefactors. Saw the Divinity School over which
the Regent House is. The School fair and large. Public
Acts are kept in St. Marie's Church, over against which
the Schools are. Just before nicrlit our Landladie's Son
had us along Bridge-Street, and shewed us Sidney-Colledg
as I take it, and be sure Masrdalen Colledo- on the other
side of the River, on which side there is none but that.
Went to the Castle-Hill, whore is a very pleasant Prospect,
the Prison and Sessions House just by, which is very or-
diuarv, like a Cow-House. Cattell having free eo;ress and
regress there. Gallows just by it in a Dale, convenient
for Spectators to stand all round on the rising Ground.
Then went [ in Trumpington Street, which with this
makes a ]]]^ Most of the Colled ges stand on Trump-
ington Street, | and the oldest of all, Peter House, next
to Trumpington. I saw the Chapel in the outside of
which 'tis said There was a great deal of Rome in a little
Chapel : but Mr. Mompesson, Cousin's friend, not being
within, saw not the Inside. 'Tis a small Colledixe. St.
Maries is a fair Church. In sum Cambridge is better
than it shows for at first; the meanness of the Town-
buildings, and most of the Colledges being Brick.
June 28. Mr. Harwood and I step'd out and saw" Queen's
Colledge, wdiich is a very good one, in the Garden a Dial
on the Ground, Hours cut in Box. The River has there
also a quicker Stream, being a httle below the Mill : have
several Bridges to go over to their Groves. Over against
it stands Katherine Hall, the New Buildings of which are
some of the goodliest in Cambridge. By it, the Printing
Room, which is about 60 foot long and 20 foot broad.
Six Presses. Had my Cousin Hull and ray name printed
there. Paper windows, and a pleasant Garden along one
side between Katherine Hall and that. Had there a Print
of the Combinations. As came Homewards, saw Audley
Inn, or End. I can't tell which is the right name. 'Tis
a stately Palace. Din'd at Safron-Walden : went out and
saw the Safron Roots, which are Ten Shillings a Bushel,
about an Acre might yield an hundred pounds and more.
Were just dugg up to be planted at Abington, a little
place not far off. Have a fair Church. I writt out the
Lord Audley's Epitaph. Went into the Vault and saw
the Earl of Suffolk's Coffin, who died January last : stands
on Tressels, and may see it in the outside at the Grate.
Outside is black Velvet, and a small plate of Coper, telling
time of 's Death : rest is garnish'd. Lodg'd at Hockerred,
pertaining to Bishop-Stafford. In the even, Mr. Sam.
Mather and I viewed Trisday's Well and Castle Hill.
Set out on Satterday, about 4 mane, breakfasted at Eping.
Got to Mr. Croper's about Eleven aclock. He keeps a
Coffee House. While Mr. Mather read the Votes I took
Thorsdays Letter and read the News of Boston, and then
gave it Mr. Mather to read. We were surpris'd witli joy.
At Change Capt. Hutchinson shew'd me Capt. Byfield's
Letter, which comes by Toogood. They had the News on
Chauii-e that day we went to Cambridti:e.'
Julv 1. Writt to Cousin John Duiirier bv Waldeu, the
1 The joyful news was, of course, the revokition at Boston and the ilown-
fall of Anilros. Xathaniel Byfield's account tliereof was lirensi'il June "27,
1680, and printed at once by Kic. Chiswell, in Loudon. It is printed iu
" Andros Tracts," Vol. I. — Eds.
"Waggoner, inclosing four of the N. E. Revolutions ; one
to Winchester, one to Bishop-Stoke, one to Southhampton,
and one to Rumsey. Paid him a Groat. Thej come out
publickly this day, by the Hawkers.
London, July, 2. 1689.
Hon'd Sib, I have just now read the noble Petition of the Citi-
zens of London, in the Coiiion Hall assembled, the 24* past, whereby
I hope the honorable Comons of England will be eifectually moved
to expedite the Bill for restoring Corporations to their Ancient
Rights and Priviledges, in doing which I am very glad that yourself
is so ready to bear a part. I have met with a Letter written to the
Queen when Princess of Orange, in behalf of New England, which I
intreat yourself and Lady to accept of, from, Sir, your humble Ser-
vant, S. S.
To Tho. Papillon, Esq.
July 2, 1689. Writt to Mr. Zech. Tuthill, of Yarmo th.
Thanked him and his Sister for their good Company in the
America. Enclosed N. E. Revolution, Guild Hall Petition,
June 24, and 8 of Mr. Kick's Letters to the Queen. Send
by the Coach, Rich'd Oal^man. 1^ 6'?
July 4, 1689. Copy of a Letter to Dr. Obadia Grew,
at Coventry.
Honoured and Dear Sir, My Countrymen and dear Friends in
New England, being animated, as I hope, by the S])irit of Life from
God, have endeavour'd to write after your Copy here in Englnnd,
which I counted myself oblig'd to give you an account of, and have
accordingly inclos'd it, earnestly entreating your Prayers that God
would establish the work of their hands upon them, and give them
Light and Direction for every step they have to take. We have
some hopes of getting home before winter. The dangers of tlie Pas-
sage are now multiplied. I crave your Remembrance of us that Ave
may be preserved from them all, and carried securely to Boston, or,
however, to a better Haven, if that be denied, even to Heaven, wliich
Avill be the more so to me by reason of meeting yourself there. One
of our New-England Gentlemen died the 14"' of May last, here in
Town. The Survivors are in good health. Pray, Sir, present my
Service to Mr. Briant, Mr. Blower, and my Namesake, your Assist-
ant, to Mr. King and your own fomily. Accept the same to your
self from him who is your obliged friend. I have inclos'd the Noble
Petition of the Londoners, the answere of which we are waiting for,
New England being much concern'd in 't. Inclosed also Mr. Kick's
Letter to the Queen.
Hat in hand, Sam. Sewall.
Writt yesterday to Dr. Tho. Gilbert of Oxford, enclosing
the Print of N. E. Resurrection, and Mr. Kick's Letter.
July 4, Writt to Mrs. Hannah Tuckey, of Warwick, en-
closing a Print of the Revolution in New England, four
of Mr. Cotton Mather's Sermons, and Mr. Kick's Letter
to the Queen.^ Hat in hand.
July 6, '89.
To Mr. Tho. Goodwix,
Sir, Capt. Brookhaven did a pretty while since signify to me a
desire you had to see me at Pinor [Pinner?], wliich is to me very
obliging, who am a Stranger in this Land. I liope before my return
I may have an Oportunity to pay you a Visit. 'Tis little is here to be
done, and yet for all that I find it inconvenient to be out of the way,
one thing or other presenting of a sudden, wherein we that are here
count it our Duty if we can in anything assist Mr. Mather. I have
inclosed a printed account of what has lately hapend in Xew England,
which I would fain hope is their Resurrection, and not a precluding
of it only. AVhat is there transacted seems to be well resented [re-
garded] at Court, and the King promises to doe wliat is in His power
towards restoring our Liberties. If you come to Town, I should be
glad to see you on the N. E. Walk, or at my Chamber. Desiring
your Prayers that all things may work together for Good, respect-
ing N. E. and me, I take leave, who am, Sir, your obliged friend and
Servant, S. S.
Hat in hand, &c. Peny Post.^
June 5, 1689. Cousin Hull comes in with a Counte-
nance concern'd, and tells me sad News for me, which was
1 This letter from Abraham Kick to Queen Mary is dateil Ffb. 1, liSSD.
It was incor]^x)rated into the " Brief Relation of the State of New Eii^'laiid,"
which Mather published soon after this (licensed July 30, ltJ8!J), and will bo
found in the first volume of " Audros Tracts." — Eus.
^ The provision for a complete system of a penny i>ost was not made- by
the English government until 1711. The convenience of wliich Scwali availed
himself was that of a private enterprise, devised in IdS-J ly an upholsterer
named Murray, who soon made it over to one Dockwra. — Eds.
that had rated me as a Merchant, £10.0.0. 'Tis inconven-
ient, but I wish I hear no worse news.
June 7. Goe and hear Mr. Stretton, and sit down with
him at the Lord's Super. He, invites me to diner. Text,
Hosea, 2. 14. Before Sermon read the 32 Psahn, the 50'^''
of Jeremiah, the 12'^ of Matthew. Had one plate of bread,
about 5 Bottles of Wine, and two Silver Cups. At night
about 10 aclock, a great fire breaks forth in Mincing Lane.
I was hardly asleep between 10 and 11, before there was
a sad Alarm and Nojs of Carrs to carry away Goods. A
Woman lately brought to Bed was fain to be remov'd to
another House. I went and sat a little while with Mr.
Mather in Fan [Fen] Church Street.
July 8. Went with Mr. Brattle and swam in the
Thames, went off from the Temple Stairs, and had a
Wherry to wait on us : I went in in my Drawers. I think
it hath been healthfull and refreshing to me.
July 9. Cousin Brattle, his wife and Daughter, Mrs.
Shinkfield, Mr. Crossman, were invited to Diner by Cous.
Hull. Afterward, He and I went to Stepney, saw Thomas
Saffin's Tomb/ one end of 't joins to the wall. 50^ was
1 Thomas SafFm was the son of John Saffin, of Boston. His epitaph is as
follows (N. E. Hist, and Gen. llegister, IV. 109) : —
" Here Thomas SafRn lies interred: why?
Born in New England, did in London die;
Was the tiiird son of eight, begat upon
His mother Martha, by his father John :
Much favour'd by his Prince, he 'gan to be,
But nipt by death at the age of twenty-three:
Fatal to hiui was that we small-pox name,
By which his mother and two brethren came
Also to breathe their last, nine years before,
And now have left their father to deplore
The loss of all his children with his wife
Who was the joy and comfort of his life.
Deceased June 18, 1G87."
This epitaph is copied and commented upon in the " Spectator," Xo. 518,
for Oct. 24, 1712.— Eds.
given for the Ground. Tis a very large burying-place.
Were to be ten buried this night : we saw several Graves
open and the Bones thick on the Top. Saw a Bowling
Green where is 3 or 4 Sets of Bowls. The Lord help me
aright to improve my Flesh, Bones and Spirits, which are
so soon to become useless, and it may be expos'd in one
part or other of God's Creation.
Wednesday, July 10'''. Between 12 and 1 it grows
very dark, thunder, Lightening and Rain, much like a
N. E. Thunder Shower : but the Thunder not so sharp.
July 12. This day two stood in the Pillory before the
Royal Exchange for speaking against the Government.
Shears was one. They were exceedingly pelted with dirt
and Eggs. Another, that stood for forgery, had none
thrown at him that I took notice of. Cousin Hull star-
tied me again this day in the even, saying with a con-
cern'd Countenance, there was bad News for me, wliich
was, that mv Suit of Cloaths was in dano-er of beino- Moth-
eaten. Treated John Rawson at the Clubb to day. He
belongs to the Pearl Frigot, a 5'^ Rate, 30 odd Guns.
Monday, July 15*^. I rid to Tyburn, and saw Eighteen
Persons, 16 Men and 2 Women, fall. They were unruly
in the Prison, which hasten'd the Execution. Din'd in
Great Russell Street, view'd the House and Walks of Lord
Montao;ue : then ridd to Hemsted. Moutasrue House makes
a goodly Shew that way. Hempsted is a most sweet and
pleasant place for Air and shady Groves. Bought the
Gazett there. From thence ridd to Hiti;hg;:ate, which is
about a Mile. There drank at the Crowai, and then came
home by Islington. Then went to the funeral of ^Ir.
Loves, formerly an Assistant to Dr. Owen. Was buried
in a Grave near the Dr.'s Tomb. A pretty many Men
and Women there. Was carried from Armorers Hall in
Coleman Street to the new burying Ground.
July 16. Saw London Artillery Couipauy pass by about
2 aclock. Most had Buff Cloaths and Feathers in their
Hats. Marched 5. 6. 7. and Eight in a Rank. The Pikes.
Had Musick besides the Drums.
July 17. Mr. Mather, on Change, told Capt. Hutchinson
and Sam. Apleton that he had put in their Names as Wit-
nesses to Sir Edmund's [Andros] raising Money without
an Assembly. Aske'd where was Capt. Hutchinson. I
shewed and went with him to him, and Mr. Mather ask'd
him to be at Westminster at such a time, but said not a
word to me. Afterwards I went home, and then went to
Mr. Whiting's and told him that I could testify, and Mr.
Walker that collected the Money was in Town. He seem'd
little to heed it, and said I might be there : he knew not
that I could testify : but he seems plainly to be offended,
and for my part I can't tell for what. A Monetli or two
agoe Mr. Mather spake something about it, and I said I
could not tell whether 'twere so convenient then, because
we hop'd every day for the Parliament Act to come forth,
and thought Sir Edmund might have friends there, and
such a thing as this might make them more desperately
eger to hinder the Bill. But now the Bill is even de-
spair'd of, and our friends in N. E. are in for Cakes and Ale,
and we must doe all we may and swim or sink with them.
July 18, 1689. Sent Cousin Mary Atwell one of Mr.
Flavell's Books to Toothill, a place about 7 miles off, where
she is for the benefit of the Aer. Mrs. Katharine Norcott
of Hogsden, widow, makes her Will on March 11"' 1683.
Prov'd August 27, 1685. Mr. Tho. Rowe, John Eowe,
and William Howe are Executors. In the Will is this
Clause. — Item. To my dear Kinswoman Mrs. Jane
Poole, in Boston, in New England, five pounds, if she be
living, if not, I give it unto her Son Theophilus.^ — Mr.
^ Theophilus Pool was probal)ly that son of William Pool of our Dorches-
ter, born in 1660, and brother of the Bethesda Pool, mentioned ante, p. 33.
The father is ci"edited with being the founder, with his sister Elizabeth
Pool, of om- Taunton.
Savage says that nothing is known of Theophilus, but his brother John
•was a prominent merchant of Boston. — Eds.
Thomas Rowe, who shewed me the Will and executes it,
lives in Ropemakers Alley in Morefields. Capt. Hutchin-
son, Mr. Sam. Apleton and I went to Westminster to give
an Evidence for N. E., but there was not an oportunity.
So must wait on Mr. Mather again another time. Writt
to my Unkle Stephen, thank' d him for his Love, of which
I was unworthy, will come down if I can. Writt him the
News of the Gazett and the burial of Mr. Loves.
July 19. I was in the Shop to read a Print Cousin Hull
had took in about Ireland, and Madam Owen and Madam
Usher passed by, so I invited them and they kindly came
up to my Chamber. I treated them with a Glass of good
Cider. Gave Madam Owen one of Mr. Cotton Mather's
Sermons, the Revolution of N. E., and Mr. Kick's Letter.
Advis'd with Mr. Mather about Mrs. Pool's Legacy. He
would remit the Money by Bill of Exchange, if it were to
July 21. Went in the afternoon to Stepney, and heard
Mr. Lawrence. He fears the Clouds returning after the
rain as to Antichristian powers. His heart much upon
the 1000 years. Something in this Sermon, and I per-
ceive by them that know : few Sermons without. Gives
notice that Mr. Crouch, the Minister, dead, and will be
buried tomorrow, 5 aclock, from Armorour's Hall. Sat
with Mr. Paice.
July 23. The White Regiment marches into the x\rtil-
lery Ground, of which the Lord Mayor is Colonel, and so
they have the Preeminence. Consist of Eight Companies,
14 or 15 hundred in the whole, perhaps. Some had Silver
Head-pieces : Mr. Layfield for one.
July 24. Benj. Ilallawell visits me. I give him my
frize Coat, and Right Thoughts, bound with Mr. N. M.'s
[Nath. Mather's] Life.
Wednesday, July 24. Dine at Cous. Brattles, in com-
pany of Cous. Brattle, his Wife, Cous. Hull, Mr. and Mrs.
Perry, Mr. Crossman, Mrs. Shinklield, Cousin Mary, and
a Gentlewoman of Farnum. Had a Dish of Bacon with
Pitlgeons, Sauce, Beans and Cabbage. Then roast Veal.
Tarts. After, walk'd with Mr. Brattle, Jener, Nicholson,
Cooper, Breading, to Blackwall. View'd Sir Henry John-
son's Dock, where the Ships ly afloat at Low water, the
Gates keeping in the Water. A very great Ship building
there now. From thence went on board the Mehetabel,
and then on board the America, at Bugsby hole. So to
Blackwall again, which has two little Streets like a Car-
penters Square. Walk'd hom^. I fell down and hurt my
right hand and left Legg on the Gravel. Standard out
and Bells ringing for joy the Princes Anne is brought to
Bed of a Son.
July 25. I begun on Tuesday to drink Northall Waters
by advice of Dr. Morton, ^°- Mana in the Water each
morning. To day he adviseth me to leave off putting in
Mana, and to hold on drinking the Water a week or fort-
Satterday, July 27 Writt to my Wife, to go by Dartmo,
Capt. Lewis advising that there was a vessel going to N. E.
from thence.
Monday, July 29, Standing in the Shop about 7. mane,
Mr. John Usher comes to the door, which surpriseth me.
Foy is at Pezans. Mr. Usher came to Town Satterday
night. Sir William [Phips] and Lawson arriv'd ; all
friends well. He knew not of his coming away till a
day or two before. Is very confident, and hopes to be
going home in seven weeks, or to be at home in little
more than that time. I go and acquaint Mr. Mather, who
had heard nothing of it. He hastens to tother end of the
Town. The Lord save N. E. I spoke to Mr. Usher not
to do harm, as knowing the great King we must finally
apear before : because he spake of going to the King.
King is proclaim'd at Boston. Mr. Cook had like to have
been kill'd with a fall from his horse. This 29"' July the
Jews have great joy by reason of a Priest come to Town
in the Harwich Coach, they having not had one a long
time. Mr. Ekins his Wife and Daughter here.
July 31. N. E. Convention printed here, 500 Copies.^
Visited Mr. James, but found him not at home : Sat a
little while with 's Daughter, but he came not in. Left
Him N. E. Revolution and Convention.
Aug. 1. News Letter. A Ship is arriv'd at Penzans in
Cornwall, from New England, and reports that that Gov-
ernment has in all their Tow^ns and Cities procl-aimed
William and Mary their rlghtfuU Soveraigns, and caused
all Processes of Law, and otherwise, to run in their Majes-
ties Names, and are sending over two persons in the na-
ture of Envoys, to have their Liberties confirmed and to
pay fealty for the same. I read the above-written at
Temple-Bar, at Cheapside and Algate, in the very same
words. Capt. Hutchinson trails a Pike to day under his
Cousin, in Sir Tho. Stamp's Regiment, the Green. His is
the 3*^ Company — i.e, the 6^'', reckoning in the field
Aug. 3, 1689. Writt to my Wife by Dartmo, inclosing
Thorsdays Gazett, this days Scotch Paper, telling of Gov.
Bradstreet's Letter by Peck being come to hand from
Berwick : though none from Foy, whoes Passengers have
been in Town this week. Pay Mrs. Pole 6. 10. 0. for £5
received here, Mrs. Norcott's hegticy, with abstract of the
Will.^ Mr. Mather presents his Respects, and says tliat
Sir Henry Ashurst told him the Country had put as much
honour on him in sendinii: the Address to him as if the
Emperour had made him his Envoy. Corporation Bill
1 There can be no doubt tliat tliis was the tract ab-(\ady citoil, the '■ IJricf
Relation of the State of New England," by Increase Mather. 'J'he lett^'r of
Kick, which is printed in it, was probably also issued sej^arately fmin tho
same types; and thus Sewall was supplied with the copies he mentions. — •
2 These lines seem to be an abstract of Sewall's letter homewards, and the
payments to Mrs. Pool in Boston would imply strongly that Theophilus wad
dead. — Eds.
sticks in the Birth. Mr. Ratcliff follows his business close.
Capt. Nicholson, 'tis reported, will be Governour of New
York. Many of us desirous to come home, but judge not
fit to come without a Convoy. Service to Gov. Bradstreet,
Mr. Willard, Moodey, thanks for their Labour of Love.
Glad was a Fast at our House in April. Duty to Parents,
Love to Brothers, Sisters, and to thee and our dear Qua-
ternion.i S. H. E. J.
Aug. 6. Writt to Cous. Quinsey by Faymouth, of Foy's
Arrival and delivery of the Country's Letters. Writt to
Eliakim to the same purpose.
Aug. 7*? Went with Mr. Mather, Mr. Whiting, Mr.
Samuel M. and Mr. William Whiting. Saw the Hall Chapel,
Council Chamber, and some of the Lodgings of Chelsey,
about 26 in one Gallery. Very lovely Cellar, two rows of
Pillars that suport the uper floor. Saw the Physick Gar-
den,^ and in it among other things, an Olive Tree, Orange
Tree, Cortex Peruvianus. Cost about 20"; When was
at Mr. Whiting's, Mr. Lobb^ came in and spake of hot dis-
course in Council last Sabbath-day, about sending a Gov-
ernour to N. E. Sir William Waller, to prevent others as
he says, has petition'd to be Governour.
Aug. 8. Writt to Cous. Nath. Duiner, inclosing Bro.
Stephen's ; bid him send by the first Post any Letters he
intends for New England because Ships just ready to sail.
Writt to the Widow Brunton of Whitehaven, and to Mr.
Robert Johnson of Dunfrey in Scotland that [they] would
remit to Mr. Ive for my Account of Money [they] have
^ The quaternion, S. H. E. J., was, of course, their four children then
living; viz., Samuel, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Joseph. Four had also been
born up to this date, who had died infants. — Eds.
* The Garden for IMedical Plants was instituted at Chelsea in 1673 by the
Company of Apothecaries. This was the basis of the subsequent extensions
and improvements in the interest of medical botany made by the eminent
Sir Hans Sloane, who brought Peruvian bark into general use. — Eds.
^ Probably Richard Lobb, who married Nathaniel Mather's wife's sister.
See Mather Papers, p. 468. — Eds.
in their hands of Ketch Tryal, of which Mr. John Wins-
low own'd I and I | : both made Mr. Ive our Attorney :
Mr. Addington and Mr. Dan. Quinsey in my behalf, sup-
posing I had been at Sea homeward bound, they being
my Attorney : I aprove of the Person they have pitch'd
on and intreat them to applj^ to him. Have been great
Losers, having receiv'd nothing of Ketch or hire. Am
with Mr. Edward Hull, at the Hat in Hand, within Algate,
London. If I am gon he will give Mr. Ive the Letters
sent first Post.
Aug. 8. Writt to Mr. Zech. Tuthill inclosing a N. E.
Aug. 9. Visited Madam Usher, Loyd, Harfield, Cous.
Bridget, Madam Blackwell, and took my leave of them.
Mr. Mather came in.
Aug. 10. Writt to Mrs. Pole that I had received her
Legacy given by Mrs. Katherine Norcott : send Acquit-
tances. My hearty service to Mr. Stoughton. Gave her
full Instructions as to the Will. Bant [shipmaster].
Aug. 10. Writt to my dear Wife enclosing Mr. Ma-
ther's Receipt for £100, use of N. E. Bant.
Aug. 11. Sung, or rather wept and chatter'd, the 142
Psalm, in course. Mrs. Perry ill, kept her Bed yesterday.
Tuesday, Aug. 13. Came with Capt. Hutchinson, Mr.
Brattle, Partridge, Apleton from Salutation at Billingsgate
to Woolige, where din'd with Mr. Sam. Allen : saw the
King's Ropeyard and the Canon in the Waren. Ropoyard
nine score paces long. From thence to Graves-End in the
even. Went on board the America about 10 aclock. hurt-
ing my shin against the end of a Chest going into the
Cabbin, from which I supose in the night issued a pretty
deal of Blood, and stain'd my Shirt, which startled me
wlien rose in the morning at Graves-End, where I lodg'd
with Mr. Brattle.
Awj:. 14'!' Mr. Mather comes down, and chides us se-
verely that none staid for Him, and seeing the Ship not
gone, goes to London again. I gave him my Letter by
Cous. Hull, which had writt to inform him, not knowing of
's coming, and beg'd his pardon, thinking I might be more
servicable here and at Deal, than at London.
Aug. 15. Write to Cons. Quinsey by Bant, with In-
voice and Bill of Lading, Mr. Vaughan's Cheese, his and
Bro. Sewall's Anotations : Wife's Stockings. Mr. Brattle
and I ride to Chatham, dine at the Crown, see the Dock
and 33 Spiners of Rope-yarn, goe on board the Britania,
so to Sittingburn, lodge at the George : rains hard in the
night. In the morn a good Ring of 6 Bells entertains us :
no whether for the Ringers to work.
Aug. 16. From Sittingburn to Canterbury in the Rain,
dine at the Crown : Mr. Powell : send for Cou. Fissenden,
his Sister dead since my being there, and my Landlady at
the red Lion dead. Bought each of us a pair of Gloves of
Mr. Chiever. From Canterbury to Sandwich with the
Post. Sandwich a large place and wall'd about, 10 miles
from Canterbury, in a very flat, level country ; Creek
comes up to it. From thence to Deal 5 miles, built on
the Beach. Land we ride over is call'd the Downs, and
the Castle, Sand-Down Castle. Lodiz-e at the 3 Kinsrs.
Mrs. Mary Watts, a widow, our Landlady.
Satterday, Aug. 17. Goo to the new Meeting house that
is buildino* for Mr. Larner^ in the 3'^ and lower street of
Deal, towards the north end, which is, within the Walls,
34 wide and 41 foot long : 2 Galleries, one at each end,
of 4 Seats apiece. Roof is double with a Gutter in the
middle : built with Brick covered with Tile. Went to see
Sand-Down Castle : but a Coach was there to bring out a
Corps. The little Sand-Cliffs and iiier Sand Hills, somtliiug
like Plum Hand little hills, give name no Question to tliat
part of the Sea now call'd the Downs. Deal is built be-
1 Perhaps Eichard Lardner, father of the distinguished Dr. Xathaniel
Lardner. Richard lived at Deal. See "Wilson, I. 89. — Eds.
tween the 2 forlands, about 5 mile from the North-forland,
3 parallel Streets, the upermost built on the very Beach,
daring the Sea.
Sabbath, Aug. 18. Hear Mr. Larner in a Barn. Mom
read the 8"' Romans.
Aug. 19. Mr. Brattle and I went and saw Deal and
Strolume Church, about a mile off : the Church very old,
but set off with a new brick Steeple. That part call'd
old, and upper Deal, though some of the Ground between
that and the very low Country, Houses and Gardens and
Orchards almost all the way.
Aug. 21. Mr. Mather and my Namesake come in a
Coach from Gravesend. Intended to have gone to Pli-
mouth : but the Plimouth Coaches full.
Aug. 22. Writt to Eliakim by Clark inclosing a Bill of
Lading, Invoice, and Copy of Cou. Hull's Note at Graves-
Aug. 20. 22. Writt to Mr. Flavell, inclos'd to Cou.
Aug. 23. Writt to my Unkle St. Duiiier, to take leave
of him and friends in Hampshire from Deal. Writt to
Mr. Zech. Tuthill, Mr. Perry, Cous. Hull. Exceter come.
Exceter comes into the Downs. Mr. Mather, Bmttle,
Namesake and Self goe abord the America. Call on Bant.
Mr. Quarles dying there.
Aug. 24. Mr. Mather, Mr. Sam! and Self visit Mr
Larner, who desires Mr. Mather to preach for him to-
Aug. 25. Mr. Mather preaches for Mr. Earner in the
Auiz;. 26. Visit Mr. Larner.
Aug. 27. Tuesday. Exceter sumons all aboard about
4. p.m. Came to us in the Ship-Arbour, Mr. Lamin.
Got aboard between G and 7. The shifting the wind was
unexpected. No puljlick Prayer in the even. A'erv sore
night for Thunder and Lightening. Were about to sail
at midnight and the wind chopt about, and blew so hard
that were glad to drop another Anchor again.
Aug. 28. Mr. Mather reads the S** Matthew : reads the
epistle out of my Testament. Prays. Boat comes aboard
and brings Gazett signifying the Pope's Death [Inno-
cent XI.].
Aug. 22-26. Enclos'd in Cou. Hull's to me. Mr. Ma-
ther, Sam, Mr. Brattle and I came aboard first in a boat :
gave 3® : Others came aboard in the night.
Satterday, Sept. 14^^. Went on Board when the Ship
under sail, but wind veer'd against us, so came again to
Sept. 15. Sabbath-Day. Went aboard : the Fleet sail'd.
Wind N. West, veer'd fairer and fairer : in the Night was
much Lightening and loud Thunder. Exceter convoy.
Sail by Dover, Folkston, Rumney.
Monday, Sept. 16. is rainy, so can't well see the Land.
Tuesd. Sept. 17. Come up with Portland, wind at north,
or thereabouts, and very strong. We are almost the far-
thest of all from the Shoar, and had lost the Exceter in
the night : find her in the morning. Am ready to wish
myself with Mr. Mather and my Namesake, recovering of
the Small Pocks at Deal. After, sail with the Barclay-
Castle, and on Wednesday morning, between 8 and 9. fair
whether. Came to an Anchor in Plimouth Sound, tiro Tide
being made strongest against us, and the wind but bare.
Wednes. Sept. 18. About 6. p.m. the Ship being got up
hiofher, we went ashoar. Mr. Brattle and I lodf2:'d toiretlier
at the house of one Mr. John Jeiiings near the Key. Note.
In coming up a Privateer fell foul of us, took off our An-
cient-Staff, much discompos'd our wooden Guns, put Will's
[Merry's] Thumb out of joint, and some other damage.
Nf.L. [?] Convoy have an order not to goe, it being so
late in the year.
Sept. 20. Writ to Mr. Mather at Deal, and to Cousin
Hull at London, to pay ten pounds to Anne Searle, in
Meeting house Alley. She is a Widow, daughter to my
Landlord, John Jennings, of whom I am to receive the
Money in way of Exchange.
Sabbath, Sept. 22. I goe and hear Mr. Jacobs. In the
morn he reads the 39*'' of Jeremiah. Preach'd a funeral
Sermon from 1 Thess. 4. 17. — and so shall we ever be
with the Lord. Begun thus — One being lately dead who
did belong to this Congregation, but now, we hope, is
gone to a better. Afternoon read the 4"' John, and
1 John 3. 19, was his Text: — The love of the Saints
with its genuine effects and fruits, is a good Evidence of
real syncere Christianity.
Monday, Sept. 23. Last night Thundered for a great
while together, rains this day. Many Souldiers march
away to make room for D. Bolton's ' Regiment lately come
hether by sea. Two Serjeants goe out of our house, and
two other Souldiers come in.
Sept. 24. Mr. Brattle, Dr. Edwards and I walk to
Stonehouse, 1} Mile from Plimouth, a Causey thither.
Visit Capt. Hutchinson and Mr. Partridge, who lodge
there in a very mean Chamber.
Sept. 25. Went with Mr. Bedford, who shewed us the
Cittadel, and Sir Nicholas Staiiing, the Lieut. Governour,
who gave order that he should have us into his hou.se, and
then came in himself, and drank to us in a Glass of Ale,
that beinsr the drink I chose and Mr. Brattle. Two Men
were laid Neck and heels. In the afternoon went aboard
and fetch'd ashoar my Trunk : Landlady's Brother and
Daufjliter went with us.
Sept. 2G. Went with Capt. Hutchinson, Brattle and
Partridge to Milbrook in Cornwall, and there diuM well
for 6'^ apiece. Went l)v the Beach and came home the
uper Way by Maker Church, which is a large fair one
^ Charles Powlftt, first Duke of liolton, 10S9, raised a reijinient of foot
for the reduction of Ireland. — Eds.
upon the Hill, and so a very good Mark for Seamen. Go
over Crimble Passage to Mount Edgcomb. Milbrook is
part in Devonshire and part in Cornwall. Dr. Edwards
came after us, and overtook us coming home. Milbrook
People goe to Maker Church.
Friday, Sept. 27. Landlord receives a Letter from 's
Daughter giving an Account of <£10, paid her for me by
Cous. Hull, but I have no Letter from my Cousin.
Sept. 28. Mr. Brattle and I walk out and see the Course
of the Water brought by Sir Francis Drake, Aiio, 1591,
as apears by an Inscription. We are told it is brought
so winding about, that notwithstanding the Hilliness of
the Country, no Troughs are used to carry it over Val-
leys. Many very good Overshut Mills driven by it. Upon
another Conduit is engnwen, Bedigit desertum inStagnwn,^
1593. It's brought 9 or 10 miles, from Ruper Down, de-
riv'd from a River as one goes to Tavistock, coiTionly
call'd Testick.
Sept. 29. Sabbath. Heard Mr. Sherril [SherAvil] preach
forenoon and afternoon, from the 11*"^ Isaiah, 6-9, verses;
of the taming Men's Dispositions by the Grace of God.
Sept. 30. Mr. Bedford invited Mr. Brattle and me to
diner to Mr. Dracot's. Had a dish of Fowls and Bacon
with Livers : a Dish of Salt Fish, and a Piece of Mutton
reaching from the neck a pretty way of the back, the
Ribs reaching equally from the back bone, Cheese and
fruit : no Wine. This evenino; we are told that 4 Fricjots
are come into the Sound which are to Convoy the Ships
bound to the West Indies.
Octob. 1. Receiv'd Letters from Cous. Hull and Mr.
Mather about N. E. See one Mr. Tucker married at the
New Church.
Octob. 2. Hear a Stranger preach at Mr. Jacobs's from
^ "He turnetli the wilderness into a standing water." Psalms cvii. 35.
Exod. 25. 15, from whence observ'd that God was not
oblig'd to continue the Tokens of his favourable presence
to any people. At the Fleece Capt. Clarke tells us that
he hath this day put Six hundred weight of good Beef
aboard, and what is there already is good. Make some
essays to get Mr. Edwards again, but he seems resolv'd to
the contrary.
Oct. 3. Agree upon putting aboard 5 Shoats, fowls, &c..
Oct. 4. Write to Cous. Hull, which is at least my third
Letter. Goe aboard the America : bring Will Merry ashoar.
See the Ships in Catwater [the estuary of the river Plym],
over against Onson Passage. Dr. Edwards goes aboard
Capt. Weare, in order to leave us.
Oct. 5. The Ships inward bound sail for London. Dr.
Edwards in Weare. Went to Grimble [Cremil] Passage.
Spake to Mr. Jacobs when came home. Saw an Ensign
buried. The Company was drawn up in one Rank, Pikes,
next the House of Mourning. When ready to goe, rank'd
six, came to funeral Posture : Colours cover' d with Mourn-
ing went after Pikes, then Captain, then Parson and Corps.
Posted the Pikes ex adverso, mutually, when Service say-
ing. Gave 3 Volleys, but saw not the Colours open all
the while. The Tattoo with which the Watch is set goes
thus : —
Durrera dum
Durrera dura
Durrera dura
Durrera dum
Dum dum Dum dum Durrera dura
Dum dum Dum diim Durrera dum
Durrera dum.
About three Sets of Drums take it one after another.
Oct. 6. Goo to Mr. Jacobs's, and in the Aftenioon sit
down with him at the Lord's Super : and so I i:;oe from
one Pit to another to see if I can find any Water to re-
fresh me in my disappointments and discomforts. Dr.
Edwards comes in «igam being put back by the wind : is
now willing to goe. But, Oct. 7, the Captain and he are
like to break off again for 20^, and hear of a Frigot being
taken by the French off of Silly, so that am wavering as
to my going, or else would rather give the 20' myself than
goe without him. Were four Frigots of the English, and
eleven of the French. The Lively taken.
Thorsday, Oct. 10. Set Sail out of Plimouth Sound
with a fair wind. East, N.E. Capt Allen having left the
Ship I was about to leave it too, but he returning I re-
Oct. 11. Pleasant wether. Two Rogues to windward
of us, which the Man of War keeps off but can't come uj)
with them : in the night a meer Calm.
Oct. 12. Fair wether, wind East and somewhat South-
Sabbath, Oct. 13. The Convoys leave us when scarce
40 Leagues from Silly. Night very tempestuous.
Oct. 14. Make a shift to sail West, and W^est and by
South. A Scattering day. I broke my white Plate.
Tuesd. Oct. 15. Is a strong West wind, or West by
South. Saw a Rainbow or two this day. Sail to the
Oct. 16. The wind is just in our Teeth. Last niglit
presently after going to bed, turn'd out in some Conster-
nation because of a Squawl, and danger of ruliing on 2
or 3 Ships. Many Porposes, or Hering Hogs seen this
Thorsday, Oct. 17. Foggy rainy wether, wind at South
pretty strong : Several Ships in sight,
Oct. 18. ditto. Oct. 19. Wind westerly. One of the
Frenchmen complain'd yesterday and to day of a feverish
distemper. Dumenee.
Sabbath, Oct. 20. About sunrise saw a pleasant Rain-
bow. Matt. 18. 20. This place is to be understood of
the least meetings of true Christians in the name of Christ,
as well as of the largest Councils. Preston, Pillar and
Ground of Truth, 7. 11. 2 Kings 17. 33. 34. God will
not own his own coinanded Worship when mingled and
compounded with another, idem, p. 16 at the bottom.
Monday, Oct. 21. Wind came at South-East some hours
before day. By noon was little wind : a little before night
it came at Norwest, so brought on board the other Tack,
and laid the Ship's head the other w^ay. Found out Mr.
Mather's Cake.
Oct. 22. Wind comes contrary : calm.
Wednesday, Oct. 23. Wind N. Nor,-East since 10 last
night. 6 or 7 Knots the Ship runs.
Oct. 24. See a Sail to windward. Capt. Dumenee re-
mains very ill. Mr. Edwards took some blood from him
to day. Sorted my Letters, giving what belong'd to Capt.
Clark inside his bagg.
Oct. 25. Fair wether, but wind in our teeth.
Oct. 26. Fair warm wether, wind Southwest, sail N.W.
by W.N.W. : are in 44^^ 30^ Latitude. Tis supos'd a Cur-
rent sets us to the Southward, or else cant tell how came
by this Latitude. Mr. Fanevol sick yesterday : pain in 's
ear. Have a very sick Shij). Read in Dr. Preston, of
God's Attributes, from 7, A.M. The Lord comfort me
by that His Name. Mr. Partridge has forborn coming
into Cabin some days, looking on the disease to be con-
Oct, 27. Very rainy day : sun shines out pleasantly
about an hour before setting : grows a Calm, which makes
the Ship roll in a very irksome maner.
Oct. 28. Capt. du Menee very dangerously ill. See a
Ketch ahead of us. Wind in our teeth. We goe to
Prayer, and Eat in the Round house by reason of the
Frenchman's illness.
Oct. 29. Last night sail'd briskly a good part of it :
but this day the wind at South West, and a Swoln Sea,
Fair wether.
Oct. 30. Wind N,W. At night Demenee is watch'd
with, who has been dehrious a great while.
Oct. 31. Strong West wind, so that we hardly have
gain'd anything for a considerable time.
Friday, Nov. 1. Contrary Wind, but shifting. Mr.
Partridge trim'd me. Will Merry has the Measles, as
many have had before him.
Nov. 2. Strong West wind : last night much Lighten-
ing and Rain. In the afternoon saw a Ship standing to
the Eastward, but when came nearer stood from ns to
the Southward; we ly N.N.W. Demenee grows better.
Nov. 3. Strong West Wind.
Nov. 4. Wind N.W. Mr. Simons has the Scurvy.
Nov. 5. Wind N.W. Rainbow. Dine in the Cabin
again. Mr. Simons has a very bad Legg. Put on my
Deal Stockings to day. Nov. 6 North Wind.
Nov. 7. Wind SS.E., S.W. and S.E. Last night Mr.
Brattle was taken with his indisposition of Spitting Blood.
Call'd the Doctor, and was about to breath a vein as lay in
's cabin : but it ceasing, defer'd. This day after a slender
Dinner, was taken worse than in the night, and had Seven
Ounces of Blood taken away.
Nov. 8. Last night about 12 or 1, Mr. Brattle calls me
up, thinking to be let Blood again, to prevent his coughing
it up : but Dr. Edwards gave him 4 Grains of Laudanum
Opiatum dissolv'd in Plantan Water, with which he lies.
In the day inclines to vomit, wdiich doth about noon, with-
out Blood. Eats Barly boil'd. Towards night the wind
comes fast, but is very little of it.
Nov. 9. Wind is fair, being North, or better, make
good way of it : the former part of the night uneasy :
Ship passing in the trough of the Sea.
Nov. 10. Wind fair, but towards night veers to the
Westward of the North. Capt. Walkington is so sick as
to take his Cabin and keep it almost all day. Dr. gives
him something to sweat at night.
Nov. 11. Fair Wind. So Tuesday.
Nov. 12. A fairer, but little of it. Strengthen the
Bolt-sprit, the Gaiiion [lashing] of which was loosed.
Nov. 13. Are in 43. Latitude. Sound, but find no
bottom ; so supose we are Southward of the Bank, 4. p.m.
Birds and coldness of the Water are indications that we
are near it.
Nov. 14. Fair Wind and Wether. Sound, but find no
bottom. Wether so mild that eat at the Table on the
Deck, 4 or 5 times together.
Friday, Nov. 15. 9 Mane. Sound, and find ground
in 45 or 50 fathoms. Bring the Ship to and put out
fishing Lines. Mr. Fanevill only catches a good Cod,
which had several small Fish in him, supose to be An-
choves, however, very much resemble that Fish. Very
foggy wether. Judge are on the Southermost point of
the Bank. And now we have tasted afresh of American
Fare. Lord, give me to taste more of thyself everywhere,
always adequately good. Nov. 16. N.W. NN.W. Nov. 17.
North Wind. Calm.
Monday, Nov. 18. South Wind, run 7 Knots. See
many Porpuses jumping.
Nov. 19. N.W. and North Wind. See two Ships
astern, standing right after us.
Wednesday, Nov. 20. East Wind. Sail 6 and 7 Knotts.
Note. Last night about 2 aclock, Mr. Partridge came into
Cabin and told us the Ships were come ujd with us, which
made several suspect them to be Kogues, and put us in
fear lest they should be Enemies. The small Arms are
charg'd. But in the morning, by putting out our Ancients,
find them to be Jersey-Men, our Friends. The best Saihir
spake with us : he shortens sail for his partner, who sails
heavy and hath sprung a Leak. Thinks we are the hind-
ermost of all the Fleet. So, by the good ILmd of God,
that which cause of Fear and thoughtfulhiess to us, is
turned into matter of Pleasure and Comfort. Blessed be
his Name. Yesterday Observed : found the Latitude 41
and 25 Minutes.
Nqv. 20, 1689. If it should Please God, who is Right-
eous in all his Ways, and Holy in all his Works, to put
an End to my Life before I come to Boston, my Desire is
that the Rev. Mr. John Hale, of Beverly, have given him
the Sett of Pool's Synopsis which I bought of Mrs. Mills,
quarto 5 Volumes : And that Mr. Charles, the Son of the
Reverend Mr. Israel Chauncy, of Stratford, have given him
another Sett of Mr. Pool's Synopsis Criticorum, in five
Books : And that the Money laid out with the Winthrops,
on account of the Land the South Meetino; House stands
on, be given the persons concerned, that so I [who ?] have
done them no good, may doe them no hurt. Provided no
damage hapen by a Bond I have given the Winthrops, or
one of their Husbands, a Copy of, w^liich is in my Papers.
And that my dear Brother, Mr. Stephen Sewall, have given
him my new Cloath-colour'd suit with the Chamlet Cloak.
And if I have not done it already in my Will, left at
Boston, I desire that my Namesakes, Sam. Toppan and
Sam. Sewall of Newbury, have Five pounds apiec given
them by my dear Mother and Wife, unto whom my other
Friends are equally known as to my Self. I desire my
dear Wife to accept of my Watch as a Token of my Love.
And as to the things mentioned on this and the other side
of this Leaf, I leave them to the Discretion and good
liking of my dear Mother and Wife, to doe them or leave
them undone, because the Estate is theirs. As witness
my Hand, Sam. Sewall.
Nov. 21. A great deal of Rain. Wind Shifts. Speak
with the Jersy Men.
Nov. 22. Friday. Wind comes to Nor West and blows
hard. Speak with the Jersy Men.
Nov. 23. Have an Observation and find are in 40 and
33 Minutes, more Southerly much than the Mariners
supos'd : so Tack'd iinediately, and by night the wind
came to fair, about W. by N. West, and had very fresh
Nov. 24. Supose are now in the Latitude of Cape Cod,
or near it : Sound, but find no bottom : Wind at West, but
by night veers to the Southward, so as to ly West Nor-
west. Very pleasant wether, but no Observation.
Monday, Nov. 25. About Break of Day the Wind car-
ries away our Main-Top Mast, breaking it off just above
the Cap : about 8 Foot of the Mast lost. The day spent
in fitting the piece, hoisting it into its place, and j)artly
fixing it with Rigging. Intended to have set up a Purse
to day, [for the one who should first get sight of land]
but this evil occurrent hindred us. Wind comes to the
Northward of the East, which makes us bring the other
Tack aboard, and by Westward by South, hope the Wind
will veer faster.
Tuesday, Nov. 26. Wind abaft ; hails and snows, yet
not very thick wether. The Main-Top Sail was brought
to in the night. In the morn give two half Crowns, a
Jacobus, and a Carolus Secundus to the Purse. Sounded
in the night, and now about 10, mane, but fetch'd no
ground : so judge are between the Bank and the Land.
A flock of Isle a Sholes Ducks seen to day. When the
Lead came up saw we had Ground aljout one hundred and
30 Fathom : in the night lay by, not knowing our Lati-
Nov. 27. Wind West and by South. Sail to the Nor-
ward : Sound and find all oose at 1-30 Fathoms. In the
night Sound and find small, black, gritty Stones, so in the
night stood to the Southward, because came to TO and 50
Fathom, and had not an Observation.
Nov. 28. Stand to the Norward, N.W. and N.W. and
by Nor. E. Have a good Observation : are in the Lati-
tude of 42 and 50, which, it seems, is the Latitude of Ca})e
Anne. Hoist up the Top Sails, to see if can make the
Northern Land. See a small Boat u-one adrift. About
3. p.m. Samay goes up the Shrouds and on the Top Sail
Yard spies Land, and takes the Purse. The Mate Wallis
and Guner say 'tis Pigeon-Hill on Cape Anne. Gufier,
who is a Coaster, saith also that he sees Newbury Old
Town Hill, and Rowly Hill. All see it plain on the Deck
before Sunset. Pleasant wether, clear skie, smooth sea.
Sail N.W. Blessed be God who has again brought me to
a sight of New-England.
Nov. 29. Most pleasant day. Find the Land we saw
yesterday to be Agamenticus Hills. Canot wether Cape
Anne, so goe into Piscataqua River : land at the Great
Island : from thence to the Bank in the night. Capt.
Hutchinson and I lodge at Mr. Crafford's. Send Madam
Vaughan her Cheese.
Satterday, Nov. ult. Ride to Newbury. Friends there
exceeding glad to see me, being surpris'd at my coming
that way.
[The following memoranda are copied from leaves at the end of
the book containing the journal of Sewall's foreign trip.]
July 11. 1689. Receiv'd of Mr. Samuel Layfield, by
his Servant, £20.0.0.
July 13. Paid Joseph Cliff e, Collector of Poll Money,
Ten pounds one Shilling.
[A few lines are illegible.]
Mr. Wotton gave me a very good Book, well bound and
Lettered on the Back, of Mr. Flavell's. Mr. Matthew
Wotton, Bookseller, sends me by his Servant a parcell of
Englands Duty, which are 25, the Sale of which in N. E.
I am to warrant, if I doe well get there ; not else. Are
sent to Mr. Joseph Brauing, at Boston, New England. I
pay him the frait for them.
July 22, 1689. Mr. Joseph — aice and I saw Mr. In-
crease Mather Sign, Seal and Deliver an Obligation to
Mr. Stephen Mason for 150 pounds English Money with
Interest this day 2 Moneth, as I take. Gave Bonds signed
and sealed of the same tenor. Sealed at the N. E. Coffee
house with my Anchora S2')ei.
To 2 ounces Manas 0.1.0
To 4 quarts Northall Water, by Dr. Morton's Directions
— 0.1.0.
Paid Mrs. Cooper in full for washing my Clothes and
making up Linen — 0.1.4.
July 24. paid my Barber 2^ 4^ Man, 2^^ — £0.2.6.
Borrow'd and rec'd of Samuel Sewall, Money of England, Twenty
Shillings. I say, Borrow'd and rec'd ^per me
Benjamin B. Hallawell.
July 26. Bought at Holburn a Greek Testament and
Shephard's Abridgment of the Laws — 0.18.6.
July 30"^ Rec'd of Mr. Tho. Rowe, Five pounds Eng-
lish Money. This Money by order and in account of
Mrs. Pole, widow, of Boston. This five pounds is
in full of a Legacy given said Pole by Mrs, Katharin Nor-
cott de\l, in her last Will and Testament; whereof said
Rowe is one Executor £5.0.0. Vide July 18. at tother
end of this Booke.
July 31. To a Map of England, Scotland and Ireland
0.10.6. Larore one of London 0.2.6.
Went and was Trim'd by Cousin Henry Ward, and gave
his wife, who sat by him in the Shop -^- Duz. Silver Spoons,
marked E. W. 1689. Cost 63«- of Mr. Layfield, weighing
10-- ll^-— 8^ fashion, £3.3.0.
Aug. 1, 1689. To Mr. Wotton, for Baker's Chronicle,
Aug. 3. Lent and paid John Rawson, five Shillings, as
per Receipt. Mother-in-Laws Name is Margaret James,
next the Dogg, on the Left hand, without Bi.sliop Gate —
Aug. 8. To 2 Pole's Ailotations and 2 Catechises. £4.8.0.
Leusden's Hebrew Bible — 0.18.0
Rec'd of Mrs. Rebeckah Barrett one Letter with a Token
to Madame Leverett at Boston, her only Sister.
Aug. 9. To 3 Busliels and 3 pecks very good boiling
Pease — £0.13.
Madam Usher sends a small Book to Mr. Moodey by me.
Rec'd of Mr. Layfield — £16.17.0 Cash and the Spoons,
July 31., now writt off, which come to £3.3.0 — £20.0.0.,
which is, as supose, in whole of my Bill.
To Mr. Increase Mather for New England £27.0.0.
In the Barrel, Aug. 12. '89., one Set Poles Synopsis
Criticorum : Two pair Anotations, ditto.
Aug. 12. To 2 more Poles Anotations, put up this day,
Left for Cousin Hull to pay Mr. Parker's Bill : Mr.
Alford for my Watch, Mr. Dunton.
Paid 40£ to the Heirs of Mr. Stephen Winthrop for
Releases of Meetinghouse Ground and my Warehouse :
fain to take up the Money of Mr. Hall and give bond with
Cousin Hull, and counterbond to Cousin Hull, £40.0.0 :
was fain to doe it in a hurry, Capt. Willie not being come
from sea till very lately. Gave Mrs. Perry Clarks Exam-
ples. To Mr. Walter Pery in full for Board from June 24
to this day at 8^ /;er Week — £2.16. Borrowed of Mr.
Perry, Seven Guineas in Gold — £7.10.6.
Gave a Note to Mr. Stephen Mason that if he would
accoinodate Madam Usher with £5., I would see it repaid.
Left to Cousin Hull, to pay the Lines — £13.16.0. Hooks
Paid of the Chees 0. 8. 0
Lines 13.16. 0
Hooks 0.11. 6
7 Guineas of Mr. Perry 7.10. 6
Mr. Parker 25. 2. 9
Mr. Alford, Stockings 3.15. 0
Borrow'd to Lend New-England 27. 9. 2
Hat, for Self and Son 2.7.0.
Muffs, Yarman Serge 5.15.0.
Cousin Hull, Dr. To Cash paid him, which rec'd of Mr.
Whiting £5.0.0
Bill to pay Benet, of Ipswich 5.0.0
for w^hich sum of £10, Brother Stephen Sewall is to have
Credit, I having rec'd it, or with 20^ of Cousin Nath
Duiner, John Edwards Money.
Deal, Aug. 19. To a pair Home-made Stockings, which
weighed 11|- oz. at 3*^ 0.2.10
pair Mittins 0.0. 5
Quire Paper 0.0. 6
To drink with Mr. Clark's Cousin, 0.0. 6
Aug. 24. To an Enghsh Testam^ Oxford Print, 0.1.2.
To a Mans and Womans pair of Kid Leather Gloves, which
gave Mrs. Lamin for her Brother Clarke, in considera-
tion of his servicableness in dressing our Diet on Ship-
board, cost — 0.4.0. Gave Capt. Clarke two Guineas, one
of the new Coin. In consideration of my Passage hether
2.3.0. To the Men on Shoar, to drink— 0.1.0.
Au2r. 26. To a Bed of Straw to lav under my Feather-
bed — 0.2.9.
Aug. 28. To Mr. Brattle, for my Share of Disburse-
ments towards the Cabbin — £4.11.4.
Paid it thus. Discounted his Barrel of Cheese . 1.10.0
Cash in Guineas 3. 0.7
Paid him at the same time, nine Shillings for two pounds
of Quick Silver, he hath in his hand for me ; I paid him
for my Wether-Glass before, 10^ — : in all, £0.19.0.
Sept. 26. Plimouth, deliver'd to be wasli'd 2 Shirts, 2
Handkerchifs, 5 Crevats, 1 Cap, 1 Binder.
London, 168|. Massachusetts Bay, Dr.
Feb. 11. To Cash Lent Mr. Mather .... £50. 0. 0
May 14. Cash dehver'd Mr. Eob't Humphrys . 20. 0. 0
To Mr W? Grymes, past Copy Charter . . . 2.10.10
Au^. 10. To Mr. Mather 27. 9. 2
£100. 0. 0
Aug. 21. To 4 parcells^er the Deal-Hooker . £0. 1. 0
To Wilham Wilbore, Searcher 0. 1. 0
Aug. 13. Cous. Samuel Sewall hath aboard the Amer-
ica, Wm. Clark, Commander :
Number S. S. 20 Punchin Books : No. 3 Punchin
Cordage ; 4 Barrel Cheese ; 5. Barrel Pease : 6. 7. 8
Three small Trunks with his childrens Names, the first
Letters of them and the year of their Birth. 9. Barrel of
Books : A Map of England and London : A Sea-Chest :
A Bed, Quilt, 4 Blankets ; one large Trunk, mark'd with
nails, H. S. one, (the 4^^) small one, corded with Canvas :
One old small Trunk ; one Cheese in Lead, mark'd W. V.
for Capt. Vaughan, of Portsmouth, with Thanks for his
kind Entertainment of me at his house : one Cheese Store :
one Deal Box of Linen : one Box Biskets : 1 Small Case
Liquors ; 1 great Case Bottles (Liquors in Coiiion) : Three
Pastboard Boxes, with Hats : One Angling Rod : 1 Hat in
a Paper : Two Hampers, 1 Beer, 1 Ale : 1 Ladder. Mem-
orandum, that this 13^^ August, '89, I drew a first and 2'^
Bill of Exchange on Cous. Sewall, for £5. payable to
Henry Benet, of Ipswich : which said £5, with Mr. W"
Whiting's £5. make good Cousin St. Sewall's £10.
4 good Muffs £2.6: two of the best £1.14.0. Hats
unpaid for. Above is Copy of what Cousin Hull writt at
Plymouth, Sep. 23. Borrowed of Mr. Thomas Brattle,
Cash, Ten Shillings : fill'd 12 Bottles with Beer at the
Ship, the same day £0.10.0.
Sep. 25 paid Mrs. Elizabeth Jenings 3! for our Chamber
and Lodging to this day, i to me £0.1.6.
[In another hand.]
Plimouth 27^** September 1689, at Mr. Jennings, neare
the Key.
An Account of Severall things on board the America,
Wm. Clark, Commander, which Mr. John Edwards saith
he put on board said Ship when he came down to Graves-
end intending to have gone Chirurgeon to the said Ship,
and therefore took no receipt for them. J. E. a box of
medicines, cost £15.15.7 store : 1 box with a jack in it,
without any mark on't 2.10.0
1 fishing net call'd a Seyne, put up in a powther barrell,
with a canvis over it, and not marked . . . 3.0.0
J. E. store 1 box with Spice, fruit, &c, .... 2.9.3
The day above-mention'd Capt Clark was here and told
Mr. Edwards that whatever the said Edwards had aboard
should be deliver'd to him or to his order, and that he would
detain nothing, or words to the same effect, in presence
of us, Samuel Sewall, Trio. Brattle.
[Sewall resumes.]
Sept. 28, paid for washing Linen at Plymouth, £0.1.4.
Oct. 1. Rec'd of Mr. John Jennings Ten pounds, in
consideration of Ten pounds my Cousin Hull paid his
Daughter, Anne Searl, in London, of which ]Mrs. Searl
hath" advised her Father, £10.0.0.
Oct. 2. paid my Landlady, Mrs. Jennings for my
Chamber, 3^ — i— £0.1.0.
Oct. 3. To a Urinal, which is in the great Drawer of
my Trunk, O.O.G.
Paid Mr. Partridge, for my Self and Mr. Brattle, 30^
each, to buy Shoats, kc, for the Voyage — <£3.0.0. : my
part, £1.10.0.
Paid Mr. Brattle three pounds ten shillings : which, with
the 30^ above, makes five pounds, the sum Capt. Ezek!
Hutchinson paid Cous. Hull on the said Brattle's Account.
Oct. 8, 1689. Rec'd of Mr. John Jenings, by the hand
of his Wife, Five pounds, for which have drawn a Bill on
Cousin Hull of the same sum, payable to Mrs. Anne Searl,
dauo-hter of said Jenin2:s.
Oct. 9. paid 18'\ my proportion for the Chamber one
week. Diet, and Punch last night, to drink with our Host
and hostess, 1^ — 0.2.6.
Nov. 26. paid to the Mariners Purse, £0.5.0.
Dec. 4. paid Capt. W^ Vaughan fourty shillings N. E.
Money, which is in full of what I borrowed of Mrs. Mar-
garet Vaughan at Portsmouth, Nov. 30.
Deer. 12. Tho. Read, Sen?", of Sudbury Acknowledged
an Instrument to his Son Thomas.
Henry Crane and Elisabeth his Wife Acknowledged a
Deed to his Son Ebenezer.
Dec. 27. Lent and paid to Marshal General John Green,
Cash, 7 pieces of f — £2.2.0.
Jan. 27 '8f Rec'd of Jno. Edwards, Chirurgeon, ten.
shilling's. He discounted the other Ten with Mr. Par-
tridge, in whoes behalf I lent it and charg'd it to hi.-i
Account. Vide, Oct. 7, '89.
Jan. 30.
Henry Hatsell . .
• * . .
£10. 0.
Feb. 1.
Ward, for Books .
12. 0.
„ 4.
Remainder, passage
• • • •
4. 5.
„ 11.
J? ??
Hat, Gloves, Token
2. 9.
J? 5>
Mr. Mather . . .
50. 0.
„ 12.
Shoes and Gloves, .
1. 1.
?? »
Rapier, Stockings, I
S^ews, Books,
Scales ....
. . • .
Cloak and Suit . .
Fruit, Cranberries .
• • • •
Mr. Ive, for B. Hal! 72. 2. 7.
Mugg, 2. 2. 0.
May 14. Massachusetts 22.10.10.
„ 22. Books 5. 8. 2.
„ 25. Fish Tackle 1. 4. 6.
„ 27 pair Stockings 0. 5. 0.
„ 30 Books 1. 2. 6.
June 10. Irel. Prot. [Protestants of Ireland] 1. 0. 0.
„ 15. Cloths 3.10. 6.
Books 4. G. 6.
o. z.
April 27. Mills, Brattle 6. 2. 0.
30. Fish Geer, Books 10.16. 3.
May 3. Ashwood 5. 2. 0.
6 22. 8.10.
£253.12. 3.
To James "Warner, for Money rec'd at Boston 5. 0. 0.
[We omitted to note that one of ScwalFs fellow-passengers on the
voynge home is termed by him (p. 270) ]Mr. Fanevol, and again
(p. 281) Mr. Fanevill. It is not improbable that this was one of the
three Faneuils, brothers, one of whom settled in Boston. Savage,
following authorities, doubts if Benjamin and John ever resided here,
though Andrew was a eitizen. But, besides the eviilence of tlieir
admission, given in the document annexed, we find other ]n-0(^f. In
the Boston Tax Lists (First Keport of the Record Commissioners\
in the tax of June, 1691, in the sixth division or ward, all three
brothers are assessed. Benianiin and John are also named in the
list of inhabitants for 1G95.
The document we have cited is printed by Drake, and is found in
a book in the City Clerk's office, containing bonds for tlic^ support of
]n'rsons coming to reside in Boston in the latter |)art of tlic seven-
teenth century. All the jiersons named are in tlie taxdevy ot" June 1,
IGOl, and we conclude that the entry was made in the Februai'y pre-
ceding. It is as follows : — ]
[" Boston, Feb. 1, 1691. List of Persons of the French nation
admitted into the Colony by the Governor and Councill.
Peter De Vaux, his wife, daughter and an English maid.
Fi-ancis Legare, two sons.
James Montier, his wife and English maid.
Isaac Biscon, his wife.
Benjamin '\
John >- Funell.
Andrew )
Doctor Basset.
Gabriel Bernon.
William Barbut.
Louis Allare.
JVIoses Secq.
Peter Uringe. to give Security next meeting."
We may add that Moses Secq figures on the list as Moses le Sec
and Moses Dry. Peter Uring was probably a relative of Edward
Youringe of 167-1, and also of that Captain Xathaniel Uring who
visited Boston between 1697 and 1721, and gave a description of the
town, reprinted by Shartleff (434-5), and elsewhere. — Eds.]
[We have already mentioned the fact that Sewall made notes in
the Almanac for each year, perhaps as aids to bis more extended
diary, and have given such extracts as served to incrense our text.
By the kindness of John Ward Dean, Esq., the acconi])lished libra-
rian of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, we have had
an opportunity to examine his transcripts of these Sewall almanacs,
made years ago.
The volume for 1689, being the period of Sewall's sojourn in Eng-
land, contains so many interesting items omitted in his diary, that we
have accepted Mr. Dean's obliging offer, and have printed nearly
the whole. The items have been arranged, so far as possible, chro-
The almanac used was that of Thomas Trigg, published in Oxford
and London, for the year 1689. It has, besides Sewall's notes, a few
by Rev. Thomas Prince. The original is presumed to be in the
Briuley Library at Hartford.]
[Sewall has jotted down in one place the following table : —
[1689.] " Wednesday, Jan'y 16, came to London.
Wednesday, Feb. 13th, went out.
Satterday, March 16, into London.
Thorsday, March 28, went out.
Monday, Apr. 15, came into London."
It will be noted (aw^e, pp. 248, 249) that the diary says hardly any
thing in respect to these two journeys ; but the entries in the Alma-
nac are very full, and mention many interesting particulars as to
Sewall's relatives in England. — Eds.]
[Sabbath, JanT 13, 168|. Through God's Grace landed at Dover
about 9 or 10 aclock with Mr. Newgate, Mr. Tuthill and his Sister
Mary and Monsier Odell. Mr, Newgate and I went and heard one
Mr. Goff in a kind of Malt-House. In Afternoon all went. His Text
Isa. ult. V. 9th, vid. Sermon-book.
Monday, Jan'' 14. Rode in a Coach to Canterbury, after had view'd
at the West, King's Lodging &c. 'Tis a piece of work that at first
cost Labour and Expence, but now much decay'd. Getting to Can-
terbury a little before night view'd the Cathedral, which is a very
lofty and magnificent building, but of little use. Visited Aunt Fis-
senden, her son John and three daughters Mary, Elisabeth, and Jane,
as I take it. Cousin Jn" sup'd with us at the Red Lion. I should have
said before that Dover is a large Town like a Bow, only the back is
tluiiest, reaching from the Fort to the Castle. A convenient JMarket-
place and Court Chamber. The Harbour not altogether unlike Boston
Dock but longer. Two Peers to keep off the small shingle or stones,
and that also clear'd in some measure by a small River whoes head
is several Miles towards Canterbury, on which two or three villages
and Water-Mills for Corn. The Town built chiefly of brick. Houses,
most of them old, some very fair buildings. Town built as the Cliff
and Sea would admit back of the Bow toward the Cliff. A very
handsom square of Warehouses, and another little range, both more
newly built, on the Beach, which made a good shew as we came
ashore in one of the Boats that came for a Pilot.
Tuesday, Janf 15. Came to Rochester through Sittingburn (where
din'd) and Ranam with other little places. No room in tlic Inn by
reason of Souldiers, so lodg'd at a CofEee-House over against the
Assize-House that is now buiMing.
Tuesday, JNIay 21, 1G89. Elisabeth King was marled to Henry
Ward whoes Father keeps a Coffee II. in Bredstreet London. ^Nlaried
in Duke's place. Cous. Hull made ace? she had been mafied some]
[Monetbs before to one Wilson. Receives this ace- from her June
18, 1689, with the Certificat. und' Stephen Denman's Hand.
Feb. 18, 168|. Writt to Tho. Read of Gillingham desiring him
and the Uncle, in wlioes hand the Bond is, to give me a meeting at
Salisbury. I can give an authentick discharge. Send me an answer
by the first oportunity by Penton of Rumsey to be left with Mr. Jii°
Storke of said Riunsey.
Feb. 18, 168| Winchester
To a pr Boots Spurs Sasoons 0-15-0
To the Man 0-0-6
A Letter 0-0-2
Tavern 0-0-6
Bought a Bay Horse at Wincliester-Fair for which am to pay four
pounds. Cous. Storke Cr. for the sum £4-0-0
This day Feb. 18, Reed a Letter from Cous. Hull at A7inehester
which gives an acco. that my N.E. friends well ; will send the Letters
by the Carrier.
Febr. 19. Went to Winchester into the Hall and Arbour to see
the choice of Knights of the Shire. Jarvis, Henly and Fleming
stood. It came to the Pole, I offer'd my Voice, but was refiis'd be-
cause I would not lay ray hand on and kiss the book, though I offer'd
to take my Oath.
My Rapier was broken short off, I supose coming down the steps
into Hall. View'd tlie king's [troup ?] Deliver'd Mr. Goldwier the
packet of Letters in the Hall.
Feb. 19. Bought a Bridle, Saddle, Saddle cloath of Cous. Gilbert
Bear, for 0-6- 0
A new Girt 0-0- 6
Driver 0-0-10
Febr. 20'!' Went to Baddesly and Visited Mr. Goldwire Fatlier
and Son. Mis Goldwire is gone to London. Visited Cousin Ridci-,
but he not at home. Mr. Goldwier invited me to stay there all niglit.
Saw the Stone of my Aunt Rider's Grave. She died iNlareh 21
168 J. Lies in Baddesly burying place.
Thorsday, Feb. 21. Cousin Jane Holt came in the morn to iuA ito
me to diner. I went with my Aunt Alice and Cous. Xatlil Had
very good Bacon, Veal, and Parsnips, very good shoulder of Mutton
and a Fowl rosted, good Currant suet Pudding and the fairest dish
of Aples that I have eat in England. From thence Cous. and I went
to the Church, and then up the Street to a Hill where we saw Win-
chester and Hampton j)lain ; they lye pretty near North and South.
Bell was ringing for a Funeral, so Ch'' open. View'd it. Have three
good Bells. Sup'd at Uncle Nath'f]
[Friday, Febr. 22, 168|, rid to Southton with Cousin Nathl View'd
the City. Deliverd Mr. Biles his Letter, and Mr. Eawling's his
Letters to Mrs. Graunt, and to Mis Bernard who lives now with Mr.
Lee the Son, she being reniov'd from the Water Gate : So had a fair
oportunity to see Mis Phoebe Lee formerly Goldwire : She enter-
tain'd us with a great deal of Respect and kindness, Has three chil-
dren, a Son and two Daughters, eldest ab' six years old.
Visited Aunt Hills and Cousin Thomas Duiiier, who is just setting
up at his Mother's house. Saw also the House where Cous. served
his time and a young Maid, comely enough, whom some allot for my
Cousin. Din'd at the Dolphin before these visits, at least before all
save Mr, Biles. Cousin treated me.
To the Barber £0-0-6
Enquir'd of Capt. Dulner as came home. He is rather worse than
when we were there.
Satterday, Feb. 23, ride to Bushnet and get a Shoe set on upon
my Horse 4''. — This day Cous. Newman's Man comes and tells my
Aunt that his Mistress is brought to bed of a Son.
February 23, In the Afternoon Cous. and I goe and see fair Oak
where are about 7 or 8 Houses. Drank a Cup of Beer at the Angel.
— To a Bag 2.2'*, Quire Paper at Winchester 3**, which Unkle bought
Sabbath, Febr. 24, Went and heard Dr. May preach from Ej)h.
5, 11, Have no fellowship &c. Made a good Sermon ; among other
things mentioned erroneous Worship as a work of Darkness. I went
not in till they began to sing. Stoke People sing well. In the After-
noon heard Mr. Leadbeter at Otterburn ; rid most part of the way.
lie Catechis'd and by that means was somewhat hamjierM in his Sur-
])lice and Common Prayer because had left some till after Catechising.
Text was out of Deut. 32. 36. Shew'd that when God's people lowest
and the enemies highest God usually was wont to help. This day
Scripture fulfill'd in your ears. God's People never have reason to
despair ; wicked never secure. Cous. Mary din'd with us.
Fel>r. 25, IGS^- Went to Winchester in the morning, and there met
Avith my Letters from my dear wife and Xew England Friends, dated
January last. Laus Deo.
To a {»air of Buckles for Cousin Sarah £0-3-3
Spent in my Journy 0-3-7
View'd Winchester Colledge, the Chapel, Library built in the
midst of the Green within the Cloisters. Left my Indian Bilde and
j\[r. Mather's Letter there. Was shew'd also the Hall which is above
Stairs. Cous. liear din'd with me at the Checker.
Febr. 20. Peed, of Cous. Xath. Duiner for ace" of John Edwards
Cash £3-0-0 Three pounds Engl. Money.]
[Feb. 27 [originally written 26 — J.W.D.] Lodg'd in Mr. Gold wire's
best Chamber at Baddesly. Febr. 27, din'd there, then went to Ram-
sey. Febr. 28, Rid to Salisbury and paid Madam Sarah Woodward
Nine Engl. Crowns in full for Ten pieces of Eight for William Brown,
Esqf of Salem, as g Rec' writ by Mr. Chauncellors Clerk, said Chaun-
cellor being at London £2-5-0
The Chancellor's clerk shew'd me the Cathedral, Chapter House
and Cloysters. Chapter H. round with a Pillar in the middle to
suport the Roof. Got the Organist to give us some Musick. Bp.
Davenant's Tomb. Shew'd as a strange thing (a Bishp I think) that
lay North and South. The Cathedral is very neat and stately. Two
Crosses in It. Candles on the Coinunion Table, so at Winchester.
The Bells hang in a Steeple distant from the Ch\ Tell us are Twelve
small Chapels for Prayers every Hour. The Bible over the Passage
that leads into the Chorus, that so Persons may hear on both sides.
The Spire is excellent for height and beauty. Din'd with the Chan-
cellor's Clerk. His Lady gone to a Christening, that it was invited
and could not stay, but shew'd us in a maiier her whole Hoiise, first
Plate, Library and Bedding. Her Daughter of 4 moneths old whom
took out of the Cradle and kiss'd though asleep.
Febr. 28. Rid on the Powny to go to Shaftisbury but raind and
wind very bleaky, so returnd to the Wh* Hart again. Ab* an Hour
by Sun went out of the City at Fislierton Bridge to goe along the
villages by the Bourn towards Mere. Reach'd to Chilmark. Lay at
the Noggin just by the Ch"* on a Doust [?] Bed ; rested very well. Had
the ringing of the four Bells. Pretty handsom Ch. ; Steeple in the
middle. Four Grave Stones like the roof of a House ; written on
the side.
Half BushI oats and Super, Breakfast £0-3-6
Salisbury 1-8
is a large place good streets, a very fair Market place besides a butter
From Salisbury to Wilton, and so on throw some other villages to
Chilmark, where lodgd at the Noggin near the Ch. in a doust [down ?]
March 1. From Chilmark to Hendon a Market Town, thence to
Fonthill where the Springs rise so thick in the Gravelly high-way
that in less than ^ of a Mile the stream obtains the reputation of a
little river, by Sir Edward Cottington's To Barwick, so to ]\[ere
where saw the like out of the Hill and high way. Mere is a compact
Town, and the Ch. hath a good handsome Steeple with four Pyra-
mids at top. To Gillingara a convenient place. Lay at the Red
Lion. Deliver'd my Letters to mr. Richard and Jn° Pern. Salter-]
[day March 2'' rid to Shaftisbury, a pretty fair Town built with stone,
Chimnyes and all, some Houses thatcht, some coverd with stone,
Two Churches on the Hill, Trinity and St. Peters, great Market of
wheat, Barley, Beans, Beef, Mutton, Leather, Cloaths &c. The part
of the Town next Gillingam fetches water at the foot of the Hill out
of Gill. Liberty in consideration of which pay a Calvs head, Pair
fringe Gloves of a Noble.
Gillingham March 2^ 168| , Reed, of Mr. John Pern One Guiney to
give to Mr. Edward Rawson with a Letter.
With Bread and Beer, a Duz. or two Come dancing down the
Hill the Monday before ascension day ; i.e. the two persons last mar-
ried whom they call the Lord and Lady, but now generally there is
a stated Dancer, a merry arch jocose Man, who procures a Lady. A
Horse carries ab* Sixteen Gallons in two Tuns, which is worth two
pence, to some of the farthest Houses from the Wells. One well is
for washing, the other for brewing. I saw a Horse load from the
washing well ; a furse keeps the water from flapping out. Lodg'd in
the Crown at the red Lion in Shaftsbury.
March 4, Went to Gillingham and from thence to Meere, so to
Wylie, lay at the Bull. March 5, to Winterburn Stoke a small
village by a Bourn four miles from Wilie. When on the Downs ab'
two mile from W. Stoke saw Yarnborough Castle, which hath ab*
three ditches, the inerraost deep and large q' within a great quantity
of ground, the ground hath such a descent that being rid in could not
see the other Ditch on the contrary side, q' a pretty many acres of
ground, lies in an orbicular form. From thence to Stoneliinge, four
miles from W. Stoke are nine transverse stones, three of them to-
gether, the other single because I supose their fellows fallen down
and so there is a discontinuance, rid through between some ; but
others the suporters stand so close canot. Almsbury to the eastward
of this place. The suporters have round Tenons, and the transverse
pieces mortices. From Stonige rid to Lake and Durnford ab' two
miles off upon a pleasant Bourn from Almsbury which runs to Salis-
bury. From thence four miles to Salisbury, went to old Sarum, rid
up to the highest suiuit. Are very deep Ditches something like Dover
Castle, only Sarum's walls all gone save some little part or fragment
of Flint wall in one place and other stone in another. From thence
to the Plume of Feathers in Salisbury where were entertained in the
Lamb. From thence home ab' Sunset. Deo Gloria.
Bought a whip at Salsbury l.G'', two p'' sizers for n\y Daughters
l.^-J 0-3-8
At Shaftsbury Gloves 0-o-U
two p'' for my Daughters, 18'^, p' for Cous. Mercy.]
[Spent I supose in the Journy ab' 40 or 50'. Bore Cous. Stork's
cliargcs £2-10-0
Wensday March 6. Went to Lee. Saw my House, Barns and
Ground, there are Seven Closes, two very fair ones besides the Or-
chard Ground and Half an Acre just by mr. Nowes's house. Visited
liiiu. He offers me four Hundred. Pounds for my Bargain. The
Tenants wife teaches scholars, One was reading whom I markt and
gave them 6'* to buy Aples £0-0-6
Thorsday March 7* Reed, of Cous. Jn° Stark, 8 half Crowns, Engl.
Money £1-0-0
Thorsday, March 7. Went from Ramsey to Redbridge just below
which is the Landing place ab' 4 miles from Rumsey. From thence
throw Milburn to Southampton. Heard mr. Robinson sitting in mr.
Taylor's Pue. Text, as I remember, out of Rom. 6. 3. Know ye not
&c. Said they who were call'd to teach were call'd to baptise though
they were not settled Officers ; They who hold forth the Covenant of
Grace, may set the Seal to it. Philip the Deacon : Apostles not
Apostles till after Christ's Ascention, for till then sent only to the
Jews, yet they baptised. Seem'd to say must be a Sermon or the like
at Baptisme. This day Mr. Tomlin baptiseth Warner Newnam at
Stoke, Preaches at Unkle Duiner's. After Sermon went into mr.
Robinson's and. sat with him, mr. Thornes, mr. Lee the Father, mr.
Watts, mis Robinson. Went home with Jane Kirby, Cous. Tho.
Holt's mistress; but I knew it not till he met her ; it being late, and
I observ'd a boy run parallel with us in the Grounds and ask'd her
about it ; I took him up ; and when set him down by the Mill, Lent
him half a Crown to buy Paper and Quills, told him if learnd to
write and read well, 'twas his, if not, must have it again with I know
not how much interest and put him to a great deal of trouble.
Friday, March 8, Unkle Richard, Cous. Nath. and I went to Hat-
terworth, there din'd with Fritters at Goodwife Caller's where Me-
hetabel Holt lives, thence to Rumsey and Lee, take Livery and Seisin
of my Tenement. To Stoke.
Satterday, March 9. Ride to Tichfield, view the Church and mr.
Oakes's l^ulpit, removd from the Pillar where it stood in his time to
the other side. Sexton spake much in 's praise and enquired after
his Children. Saw Mis. Bromlield's Monument who died 1618. Din'd
with Cous. Tho. Duiiier, bought the first pound of Tobacco which he
sold in a Fair. Cous. Nath. accompanied me to Kirbridg, from thence
alone, saw my Lord Southampton's seat by the way, is a small Town.
From thence I rid alone to Gosport ab' 6. miles, Gosport is com-
pass'd with a form'd Bank and Ditch which I walkd all round. Is
two or three good streets in 't but they are not long. Pretty good
[Mar. 10 would have heard mr. Gold wire, but rar. Beamont the
Minister of Faream preached from Ps. 45, 15. Doct. Interest and
Duty of Christians to rejoice in Chs? made good profitable Sermons ;
but I think might have been more so, if had us'd the Metaphor of
Bridegroom and Bride, which heard not of. Sat in the Afternoon in
mr. Lock's seat, who has the best House in Town.
Monday, March 11, Went to Portsm-, Mr. Barton shew'd me the
Fortifications, with whom din'd, visited Cous. Duiner, saw the Dock,
long Storehouse where Cables lye at length. Royal Charles 136 foot
by the Keel, to the Sun at the Red Lion again and so to Tichfield,
where lodgd at the Bull.
March 12. To Bussledon where a Pink leaving with Charcole out
of Tichfield Park for Cornwall, to Itching Ferry after had viewd
Peartree Chapel, Madam Mills Daughter and two or 3 more accom-
panying me, is a plain Chapel of Stone covered with Tile. Rails of
Burying place are mostly fasten'd in a circle of living Trees : Is Ser-
vice there but once a fortnight. Saw no Memorandum of Richard
Smith Esq' the Builder. To Rumsey, visited Mr. Warren, gave him
Twenty Shillings, visited mr. Burbenk. — N. at PortsmS saw plenty
of Shrimps which are took at Po^chester,
March 13, 168| Reed, of Amie Gales Fifteen pounds Money with
some Abatements by reason of extraordinary Losses, and extream
lowness of the price of Corn, is in full for One years Rent of my
Tenement at Lee, ending this present Monetli the five and twentieth
day 1689. Abatements relate to several years. S.S. Reed. XV£
Reed of Cous. Storke 22 pr. ^Yom' Stockins n" 30 at 24' G'^
^ Duz £2-5-0
Item 4 Duz. ditto at 20' 6'^ p Duz K° 24 4- 2-0
It^ 16 pr. worn' at 1' p pair N° 16 0-16-8
7 pr. Mens coloured at 3' 6'^ N° 20 1- 4-6
6 pr. Youths at IS'' pr. N» 24 0- 9-0
8 Duz. 3 pr. in all.
]M,ircli 14, 10S« Reed, of Cous. Xathl Dummer Hair Buttons
21 Gross at 2' 6" p Gross 2-9-0
9 Gross ditto 1-1-0
Cash 2-12-6
Charges reckoning nothing for time : made two journeys to
Asliley near LiiTiington ab' 30 miles off Feb. 26 . . . . -17-6
7- 0-0
Which with 3£ before is in full of Jn" Edwards's ten pounds.]
[Reed, of Cous. Dumer on ace- of Bro' Stephen Sewall Cash
Engl. Money £0-11-2
Reed, of Cous. Dumer for Mrs. Batter to lay out in Silver
Spoons 5-16-3
five pounds sixteen shillings and 3d.
Mark J, ^ ^
Thorsday Mareh 14, 168f . To Cous. Jane Holt abroad pss £1-3- 6
Cousin Mercy Stork yesterday 5.6*^, and IS** before in Shaf-
tisbury Gloves 0-7- 0
To Cous. Jn" pr. Buckles 0-5- 0
Thomas, Cash 0-3-
3 little sons, Philip, and Sam 0-7- 6
Two Girls before had Primers 0-0- 6
March 15 To Cous. Sam. at Bp. Stoke Gold Crown . . . 0-5-10
Cous. Stephen . 0-2- 6
Cous. Sarah ^ Crown and pr. Buckles before ab' 3 or 4' . . 0-6- 0
Boy and Maid 0-2- 0
To Cous. Abigail, Unckle Nath's Eldest Daughter. . . . 0-2-6
Din'd there with very good Beef; Bacon and rost fowls. Company
Unkle, Aunt, Aunt Alice, Cous. Stephen Winchester Butcher —
Left with Mr. Richard Dumer my Unkle ^ Crown for Debo-
rah Rider, and ^ Crown to each of Aunt Sarah's Children 0-7-6
Deborah with Tears shew'd my last Letter to her Mother, who I
think was dead before it was writt.
Friday, March 15, Unkle Stephen sick on bed with a Crick ins
Back. Unkle Richd. goes on foot to Winchester, Cous. Nath. and I
ride to see his house at Compton by tlie way which stands very con-
veniently ab* 1 mile from the Ch'' 2 from Wr.
At the Checker have a Hogs Cheek Souct, Send for Cous. Gilbert
Bear and Cous. Jn" Dumer ; I treat them with Ale and Wine, but
Unkle Richd will Call for one Pint and indeed Cous. Mercy Stork
and he seem the most kind of all my Relations. At Winchester reed.
Mr. Thorner's Letter of Mrs. Widell, who is a Shipmasters wife and
with her Daughter Hunt and D'r. in law Widell, are going to meet
their Husbands, one Winchester Gentlewoman ; From Farnum to
Bagshet 5 women and one jMan — there took in a Souldier instead
of the woman. At Winchester had of Mr. Edward Grace by his
man E<lward Hooker a bill of £20 on Mr. Tho. Abney at the Crown
in Cornhill for Twenty pounds 2' 6** paid there £20-2-6, Date March
15, 1688.
Satterday March 16. Capt. Widell was at Holburu with his Son]
[and Son in Law to meet their Wives, I drunk a Pint wine with them
and took leave. Mrs. Widell the Mother was very good Company and
so the rest.
Sabbath March 17. The Ld. Mayor Chapman dyes in the morn.
Monday March 18, Went and saw the Jews burying Place at Mile-
End : Some Bodies were laid East and West ; but now all are orderd
to be laid North and South. Many Tombs. Engravings are Hebrew,
Latin, Spanish, English, sometimes on the same stone. Part of the
Ground is improv'd as a Garden, the dead are carried through the
keepers house. First Tomb is abt the year 1659. Brick wall built
ab* part. Ont 's two sides 5444, Christi 1684, Tamuz 21, June 23,
as I remember, — I told the keep' afterwards wisht might meet in
Heaven : He answerd, and drink a Glass of Beer together, which we
were then doing.
March 28, 1689. With Mr. Mather and his son Sam went in the
Coach of Abbington to Hounslo, so to Colebrook and to Maidenhead
22 miles from London. Sam. and I went to Bray-Ch. and writt out
2 Epitaphs by Candlelight. Maidenhead belongs to the Parishes of
Bray and Cookam. Is only a Chapel of ease at M. head. A Nonconf.
Minister Mr. Brice preaches in a Barn. Outside the Hart is in Bray,
other side of the way is in Cookam. I din'd alone at Colebrook with
a Bullock's Cheek, Ab' 6. aclock Mr. Mather, Son and I sup'd on two
Dunghill fowls. Mr. Mather prays and we get to bed just at nine.
Bray Ch. a mile off the nearest way,
Friday March 29, to Abbingdon. Lodge with Mr, Dauson, find
Pie has 'Mis Dulcibella Garbrand, mr. Dunches Grandch., by his
Daughter Beck, She has a daughter Martha 4 years old a very
desirable child. Mis Jane Cave also lives in the House, a Border.
Satterday March 30 Mr. Mather and Ave ride in the Coach to Oxford
5 miles, little ones, costs us 12' of which I pay 5 and mr. blather the
rest. See the Colledges and Halls, New-CoUedge, Maudlin and Christ
Ch. do most excell. At New-Col. eat and drank Ale, wine. Lent Cakes
full of Currants, good Butter and Cheese, by means of Mr. Benj. Cut-
ler the Butler, to whom D^ Woodward sent a Letter on my behalf.
Saw the Theatre and Schools Congregation-House. To xVbiiigdon.
On the Sabbath March 31, Mr. Dauson preaches in the morn. Come
to me all weary. Mr. Mather in afternoon. All are siners, which
preach before at Mr, James's, vide. Monday Aj). 1, very windy, yet
view Abingdon, the river Occe which gives name to Occ-street ruiiing
at the bottom of the Gardens of one side the street, there Pikes and
Perch are catcht, Occ Eels also are famous. On it stands a mill and
just where it falls into the Thames there is a Stone Bridge for Horse
and foot. Their flat Boat ly there which carry Seven Hundred}
[Quarters of Malts, which they count seventy Tun. Have Flashes to
help them over the Shallow places. Tuesday Ap. 2, View the Hos-
pital, old Town-Hall the place where the Abby was which in prece-
dency next to Glastenbury, and in Revenue above it. Ch. hath 5
lies. Ab' 300 Soldiers come to Town, so Horses press'd that could
not get out. Mr. Dauson preaches to the Youth at his House, They
that seek me eai'ly shall find me. —
Copy of a Letter to Edward Barnard of Meer from Shatsbury
March 2'^ 168|. Edw, B. Tis rainy wether and late, so that I shall
hardly get to Rurasey by night, so purpose to stay at this Town, and
being desirous of a peacable Issue as to the business I spake to you
of yesterday at your house, intend to be at Gillingam next Monday,
where you may meet me at the Red Lion by 9 or 10 in the morn.
Farmer Read has his cancell'd Bonds to justify his payment of mine
and twenty pounds to you for your Cousin Richd. Cornish, 20' abated
because the Money paid before the time. It seems your neighbour
Tho. Fry was present when the Money was paid you. Is an order
from Rich'd Cornish for Three pounds fifteen shillings to Tho. Ilooder
which is indors'd on one of the Bonds.
Rumsey March 6, 168| NB. A Deed from my Father to me dated
Oct- 16, 1680, of Lee Land without any entail is in the hand of Cons.
Storke with Widnell's Deed in a black box q' in another wooden
box. Witnesses, B. Alford, Tho. Barrett, Jer. Duiner, Edw. Broni-
field, Lancelott Lake, Jn° Hayward, Eliezer Moodey.
March 12, 168| Rec<> of Gales Thirteen pounds Ten shil-
lings in part for this years Rent £13-10-0
My Aunt Mehetabel Holt died Sei^tember, 1677, in the 38"' year
of her Age.
[In a different handwriting, or perhaps in two different hands.]
To Captain Humfry South in Crutched fryars Merchant or on tlie
Barbadoes Walk.
Mr. Jn° Wilmot Bookseller in Oxford.
March 30 Receivd in part of 30' five shill by me John Wilmot.
William Lee, late of this Borough of Abbingdon Gent, a principal
Burgess and 5 times Mayor, continued a principal Burges 53 years.
Gov' of Chr*' Hospital in Abbingdon 52 years. Master of sai<l Hospi-
tal 6 times and continued senior Gov"" 36 years. Was in Religion
zealous, in his dealings just, loving to his children, charitable to the
poor, courteous to all. Died Xovf 5, 1637, iEtat. 94. Had issue
from his Loyns in his Life-time two hundred lacking two.]
[By Jane Lapton had two sons, by Katharin "Wright four sons and
eleven Daughters. His third wife Kath. Liddal had no chiUilren.
Mis Jane Cave is of the Father, her fathers name was Thomas
Clempson married to Katharin Lee.
Abbingdon Apr, 1, 1689. A Letter from Mis Jane Cave to her
kinswoman Davis with i Crown inclosed, dwells with Mr. Morton.
All the above children proceeded from Kath. Wright save 29 from
Jane Lapton.
Kath. Wright 169
Children 17
Grandch 78
Great Grandchildren 103
Gentlewoman is of Kath" Wright, her Grand-child.
Apr. 1, 1689.
Dr. Owen was of Queen's Colledge in Oxon, Dr. Tho. Barlow Bp.
of Lincoln still living was his Tutor being then Fellow of said Col-
lege, said Barlow was afterwards Provost of it. Dr. Owen was
afterwards Dean of Christ-Church. Principal only of Brasen-nose,
Master, Warden, Pra?sident, Provost, Dean only of Christ-Ch. — All
the Heads of tlie Halls are by one name call'd Principals. Ap. 2,
1689. Teste Thoma Dauson.
Dr. Goodwin was Prassident of Magdalen Colledge.
^Ir. Roe a young Minister can inform concerning the family of the
Xorcott's. Mr. Gales was his Tutor.
Wednesday, Ap. 3, went to Mr. .Teiiings, where had Ale and Cider,
thence to Oxford in the Rain. ]\[r. Gilbert, a Bachelour of Divinity
sliew'd us the Bodleian Library which is an Ach, TI, a very niagiiiti-
ct'Ut Thing. Tlie Galleries very magnificent about 44 of my Canes in
k'ligth and near 8 in Breadth. I lookt in one book, (a came out ?)
which in Cuts sets forth the Glory of Old Rome. Mr. (iill»ert gives
us a pint of wine. Lodge at the Bear Inn.
Leave the Horse of "William iMatthews who keeps the Cross-Keys
in Abbingdon, at the Roe Buck in Oxford. Am to pay 7' for the
Journey and 12'^ a day for every working dav beyond seven working
dayes. Give the Keeper of the Roe-buck 6' if I leave not the llor^e
M-)fh liim on a ^Market dav. Weduesdav. Satterdav. A"i'eed willil
[Stiles on the same terms, am to leave liis Horse at the Cross Keys in
Oxford, to begin to morrow, Ap. 4"'.
Ap, 4, 89, left my Cane cuzen [?] and Box of Linen, silk stockings,
Gloves, with Jn° Wilmot of Oxford the Booksellers son.
Dr. Nehemiah Grew son of Dr. Obadiah Grew formerly of Baliol
Colledg, Oxford, lives at Racket Com-t in Fleet-Street near Shoe-
Lane. — Leave a Ps. B. there. Dine with Dr. Grew Ap. 8.
Leave Bodicot \ mile left H.
Lodge at the Unicorn Mr. Stiles, where also the Lord Brooks
Lodges in 's way to London, just by the Market House six Pillars
of a side. Abbingdon has a stately market house on square Pillars,
in the Town hall the Meeting is.
Ap. 4. Mr. Holland a Fellow of Corpus Christi shews me his
Chamber Cellar, Library ab* the bignes of our Chapel where saw
Dr. Jn" Reynolds Monum' who was President of said College. Said
Holland treated me very civilly though told him was a N. E. Man.
Thorsday Aprl. 4. I ride to Kidlington 4 m.
Dedington 10
Attlebury, through a bad Ford, 2
Warwick Apr. 5, 1689. St. Mary's Chapel. Richd Beucamp's
Statue in Brass very lively, veins and nails of 's hands, died 1439.
Robert Dudley in Alabaster. Spe certa resurgendi in Chiisto hie
situs est &c. Obijt 7, 4, 1588. Earl of Leicester.
Ld. Brook, slain at Leicester, in another part with a stately Marble
round the edge of which is engraven, — Fulke Grevil servant to Queen
Elisabeth, Councillor to K. James, and Friend to Sir Philip Sidney.
No Statue. But Marble Pillars ab' the Stone.
Satterday Apr. 6, Got well to Coventry about an hour by Sun.
By mistake of the Christian name, I goe to a King that is member of
the Ch. to which Mr. Blower preaches. He informs me of Dr. Grew
and that they have the Lord's super. I wait on the Dr. who receives
me very candidly and kindly but refers me to Mr. Briant because lie
cant be abroad. Lodge at tlie K's Head.
Hie recubat dilecta Philemonis uxor Holandi
Anna pudicitise non ulli laude secuuda.
Quadraginta octoque anos qu?e nupta marito
Septem illi pueros enixa est tresque puellas
Lactavitque omiies, Geuetrix eadem et pi a Xutrix
Septuaginta duos A'it?e numeraverat anos, &c.
Saucta vixit
Sancta obuit
in Festo omnium sanctorum. 1627 —
Out of S' Trinity Chh. Coventry, Ap. 8.
Hen. Sewall 1587
Hen^ Sewall 1606]
[Ap. 7. went to Leather Hall and heard my namesake
Shewell preach in the morn. Mr. Briant administered the Sacrament,
Eating and drinking first himself, then Mr. Sliewell, then the Deacons,
then every one, saying Take, eat this in remembrance of Chr'. Might
be 200 Coiiinnicants.
Mr. Briant preaches in the afternoon. I hear Mr, Blower between.
Monday Ap. 8. I view Bp Gate street. Mr. Tho. King is dead,
was a great Persecutor and help'd to put Dr. Grew in prison. Just
above Bp Gate there is a Cistern of ab' 17 yards square, the water
brought in a leaden Pipe ^ mile off, depth 5 or 6 foot, from thence
the water runs into Brewing Vessels just within the Gate. View'd
the Water work, the Wheel is over-shot, 3 Suckers, the water brought
from a Spring partly throng the Pool in Pipes. Pool serves only to
drive the wheel, Water carried to the heart of the City. Went into
S' ^Michaels steeple which the Sexton tells me is higher by several
yards than the Monum', a wager of 20' laid ab' it and a man sent on
])urpose to measure it. The Cross is a noble thing, Gilded, and many
Kings, but not high, but little higher than the Houses. Alderman
Owen shew'd me the City Hall, where saw my gr' Grandfathers name
without any alias. Shew'd me St. Mary Hall which is a fair Thing
and good Accoinodati. for publick Feasts and Treatments.
The Room at entrance of which the Maiors names are, is call'd
the Maiors Parlour. Din'd with Dr. Obadia Grew and his Daughter
and 2 Kinswomen.
Tuesday x\.pr. 9, Din'd with mr. Sam Blower and his Avife, then
went to Capt. King's in Mich-Park Street where was Prayer by
Briant, a Bro- mr. Wills, and mr. Blower preach'd, Mr. Shewel
prayd too. Xo Singing. Visited Cousin Powers, and Cons. Lap-
worth, whose maiden name was Ann Lee, hath a son at London Bp.
G[ate] Street near the Bull, a Daughter at Eltham in Kent and a
Daughter Mary at home of ab' 20 yeai's old a handsom maid. I per-
ceiv two Pastures worth ab' 40£ ^ anum are divided between that
Powers and 2 daughters of whicli this Lapworth one. Powers's was
first given to his Bn/, is call'd Barnfield hard by tlie City. Is more
Land at Stoke given by my Aunt Randall as this was. Told them
who I was and offer'd to confirm their Right. Lapworth said he
woidd not sxive 3'-' Anne his wife knew my fatlier and ]\Iotlier at
Warwick. Wednesday A]i. 10, Had 3 of the City Waits bid me
irood morrow with their wind Musick. — Went to Warwick f<jund
jNIis Tuckey still from home, tells me by a Letter that will come
home on Friday morn : I sent a Letter to her by W'" Clariilge.
Thorsday Apr. 11"' good weather, pretty <lcal of sunshine and no
Rain all day. I went with one Charles EiTis to Guy Cliff and saw]
[his Cave, drank at his Well, saw the Cellars cut in the Rock. By
the way I found my Pilot was a Quaker. Ab' 200 Hundred Sol-
diers I saw drawn forth in the morn to the westward of the Town,
which had their Drums, Cross a Horseneck and a Trumpet being all
Horsemen. In the Lord's Hall Guy's Pot was fiUd with Brandy
Punch ; when in the field heard the volleys and Huzzas, the Pope
cafied ab?
People, Soldiers and many others exceedingly debauch'd. Was
Trim'd by one Jn" Jarvis near the Upper parish Church, call'd S-
Mary as the Lower is call'd S* Nicholas, at which Mr. Butler used to
preach : Many reniemb'' him, all speak him a very good Man. It
seems Guy's Tower which I went xxp on to view the Town, is the
very Tower my Ld. Capel was once Prisoner in. I lodge at the Cross-
Keys in Castle-street, in the yellow Chamber next the Castle, front-
ing to the Street. Effigies of the late Ld. Brooks hangs there. Fri-
day Ap. 12, very pleasant fair morn.
A copy of Mis Randall's tripart Indenture that leads to the Use
of her Fine and Recovery, dated Octob^ 20, 1645. — Mr. Sewall's Will
was prov'd Junij ult. 1628, Cur. Proerog. Cant. Lond.
— To the said Margaret during her natural Life and after her de-
cease to the Heirs of her Body issuing, and for want of such issue
of her body, to remain to the right heirs of me, the said Henry the
Testator, for ever. Aunt Randall's Will dated May 4, 1646.
Oxford, April 13'^ 1689. Rec'' of Samuel Sewall the Horse of Jn°
Stiles of Abbingdon, in good condition, with Bridle, Saddle, Saddle-
Cloth and nine shillings 6'' in full for his Hire, I say Rec*" j) me.
Danill Forkner.
[Note by J. W. D. — All of this except the signature in the handwriting
of Samuel Sewall.]
Paid mr. Die five shillings Earnest to goe in his Coach next Mon-
day morn. Fare Ten Shillings £0-5-0
Apl. 14. Heard Dr. Hall at S' Ole's, Dr. Smith at St. Mary's, Dr.
Lethbridge at Carpax. Visit Dr. Tho. Gilbert who gives me his
Carmen Congratulatorium. Ap. 15, Come to Wickam where dine in
K. Ch. 2- Bedchamb"", 4 Men, so we pay for the 2 Maids 12" apiece.
Rid through Uxbridge where drunk some Kans of Ale, from tlience
to London ab' 7 o'clock. Passengers shew'd me the House where
Uxbridge Treaty was held and say 'tis now haunted that none dare
dwell there. A lovely Stream runs throw the Town-House compass'd
with a Brick Wall : Great part of the House now pulled dowm.]
[Apr. 4, was Shew'd the Library and Chapel of Corpus Christi
Colledge and the Cellar by Mr. Holland, a Fellow. Library may be
ab' the bigness of Harvard.
May 8, 1689. Queen's Bed-Chamber, 24 foot sqr. King's publick
dining R. 32 ft and near square.
Council Chamber 44
Breadth 24
3 windows to the River almost the height of the Room. Blew
Damask Curtains.
St. George's Hall 32 yards 2 foot long. Breadth eleven yards,
Five steps of Marble to an ascent pav'd with Marble, at the end of
the Hall Eastward, ovei", S' George painted on the side of the wall.
At the "West four Men suj5orting a Gallery between whom enter into
the Chapel. The Comunion Table at the West End. The floor of
the Hall pav'd with coarser stone by much. Ab' 32 foot higli, 7 nar-
row windows 14 foot deep looking into the Court where Charles 2**
on Horseback. Over each window a square window from which the
Light descends through an oval lying long ways of the Hall.
Eaton Colledge Library 69 Foot long, the Shelvs four.
Richardus Allertree Theol. Oxon. Profes. Regius, ^ton Col.
Prsepos. cui rectius visum Ecclesiam defendere. instruere, ornare,
quain regere. Obijt Jan' 28, 1680, JEtat. 61.
Wednesday June 26. 1689. Journey to Cambridge, Mr. Increase
Mather, Sam Sewall, Edward Hull, Sam Mather. Breakfast at
Epping in Essex £0- 2-3
Dine at tlie Crown in Hoggevill, a Hamlet of Bp. Stafford.
Two young Ducks in Hartford-shire 0- 6-2
Cherries brought from London, 25 Miles 0- 0-4
have none at the place. Water of Triesday's well. Ruins
of an old Castle In the way from Bp. Stafford to Cam-
bridge 0-2-3
Friday, June 28. Paid at the Red Lion, Cambridge . . . 1-13-0
Safron-Walden, Diner 0- 7-0
and view of Audley House Ilockevill, Super, and Maid . . 0- 7-0
June 29, Breakfast at Epping 0-2-0
So Journey Cost me ab' 35' besides what gave to persons that
shew'd us the Colledges and Audley H.
Henry Sewall late of Coventry Alderman died April, 16, quarto
Caroli. Mr. Henry Sewall his Son was then forty years old. As ;gt
Decree of Court of Wards.]
[Bound up -with the Almanack for 1689, in which the foregoing Journal
is contained, there is a handbill advertisement of a dwarf, "for Largeness
and shortness exceeding all that ever came from beyond sea." It was " a
Gentlewoman five and twenty years of age, and no higher than a child three
years old." On the handbill, Mr. Sewall has written: " June 3, 1689. Saw
[The Home Journal is here resumed.]
Nov. 22, 1688. Fast-day, set sail from Boston. Landed
at Dover January 13. Sabbath. Came from London Augt.
13*.^ 1689. From Plimouth Octob. 10*:^ Landed at the
great Island, Pascataqua, Friday, Nov. 29. 1689. Nov. 30.
came to Newbury from the Bank. Spent the Sabbath at
Newbury. Dec. 2. Came to Boston : Staid so long at
the Ferry that it was between 9. and 10. before I got into
my own House. Mr. Cook only came with me from Govf
Thorsday, Dec. 5. Capt. Hutchinson and I took our
Oaths ; Gov^ Bradstreet there : Deputies treated us at
Wing's after Lecture, as Major and Capt. Apleton, Mr.
Eps and others had done at Ipswich as came along.
Friday, January 3. I treated the Magistrates at James
Meers; viz: Dept. Governour, Mr. Winthrop, Richards,
Russel, Johnson, Apleton, Hutchinson, Cook, Hawthorn,
Smith, Philips, Shrimpton, Addington, Swain, with Mr.
Willard, Belcher, Bromfield ; I think all these there.
Jan. 9*.'.\ Tlio. Hawkins, Pirat, was Tried and found
Jan. 10^!\ It falls to my Daughter Elisabeth's Share to
read the 24. of Isaiah, which she doth with many Tears
not being very well, and the Contents of the Chapter, and
Sympathy with her draw Tears from me also. Mr. Dud-
ley went home yesterday, or the night before ; but it
seems refuse th to pay the Guards except the Council will
order the Sum.
Sabbath, Jan. 12. Richard Dumer, a flourishing youth
of 9 vears old, dies of the Small Pocks. I tell Sam. of it
and what need he had to prepare for Death, and therefore
to endeavour really to pray when he said over the Lord's
Prayer : He seem'd not much to mind, eating an Aple ;
but when he came to say, Our father, he burst out into a
bitter Cry, and when I askt what was the matter and he
could speak, he burst out into a bitter Cry and said he
was afraid he should die. I pray'd with him, and read
Scriptures comforting against death, as, 0 death where is
thy sting, &c. All things yours. Life and Immortality
brought to hght by Christ, &c. 'Twas at noon.
Monday, Jan. 13^.1* Joseph Eliot goes to Mr. Wiswall
at Duxbury, returns with a Letter on Tuesday.
Thorsday, Jan. W^ He and I ride thether in a very
cold day with a Letter from the Council to invite him to
goe to England with Mr. Cook.
Friday, 17. Return homeward. Call and see Mr. Tor-
rey and his wife ; Cous. Hunt and her Sons Jn** and Daniel.
Lodge at Unkle Quinsey's, coming in the night from Wey-
mouth for fear of Snow. Got home between 11. and 12.
Went after diner to the Town-House, to Mr. Addington,
from thence to Mr. Browning's, from thence with Mr.
Cotton Mather to the Prisoners who were condemned on
Friday. Spoke to, and pray'd with Pounds and others ;
then with Coward, Johnson and others. Gave him [Mr.
Mather] two Duzen Books bound, viz. Right thoughts. &c.
Sermons to his Father Philips, and on the Ark.
Monday, Jan. 27. Five were order'd to be executed,
but, chiefly through Mr. Winthrop's earnestness in Repriev-
ing, only Tho. Johnson dies.^ Had join'd in reprieving
1 Tt seems, from " The Vindication of Xew England " (" Andros Tracts,"
IT. 51), that there were two sets of pirates at this time. One lot stai'ted in
a boat from the frigate " Hose," and Thomas Pound was tlie leader. They
were captured by tlie armed sloop "Mary," under Capt. Samud Pease and
Lieut. Benjamin Gallop. Eight were condemned; viz., Thomas Joluison,
KleazerBuck, John Suklerdam, William Dun, Richard (jritlin, Daniel Lander,
William Warren, and Samuel Watts.
Later, William Coward lieaded another crew, and of his men the following
Pounds and Buck at the Governour's, and then got away ;
but Mr. Winthrop, Addington, Shrimpton followed me to
my house with another Writing for Hawkins, which Win-
throp and Shrimpton had signed, and got me to sign : He
was ready to be turn'd off before it took effect, which gave
great disgust to the People : I fear it was ill done. Gov-
ernour, Winthrop, Shrimpton, Addington, Phillips, repriev'd
Coward, and most seem'd to desire that he and his 3 com-
panions might be spar'd. Some in the Council thought
Hawkins, because he got out of the Combination before
Pease was kill'd, might live as well as Coward ; so I rashly
sign'd, hoping so great an inconvenience would not have
followed. Let not God impute Sin.
Feb. 1. Addresses and Letters are read over before the
Court, and Agent's in the Deputy's room, and Mr. Stough-
ton's Declaration. After, Mr. Winthrop mention'd the
Reprievs ; I spake for my self that, by Generall Court,
intended that which was to sit on Tuesday, the day after
Feb. 2. at Even. Little Joseph sucks his last as is de-
sign'd, his Grandmother taking him into her Chamber in
order to wean him.
Feb. 7^^ Court adjourned to Wednesday next, to meet
at Charlestown, because of the spreading of the Small
Pocks at Boston.
About Jan. 29. Sister Gerrishes daughter is buried,
and Sister Moodey's Daughter known to have the Small
Feb. 8. and 9*.^ Schenectady, a village 20 miles above
Albany, destroy' d by the French. 60 Men, Women and
Children murder'd. Women with Child ripp'd up. Chil-
dren had their Brains dash'd out. Were surpris'd about
were pardoned; viz., Peleg Heath, Christopher Kniglit, Dr. Thomas Storey,
and William Coward.
The pamphlet says that one was hung, and Sewall seems to confirm it,
giving Thomas Johnson as the only sufferer. — Eds.
11. or 12 aclock Satterday night, being divided, and
In the Storm of Snow that then fell Skipar Dotey, his
Son Jn", and Elkana Watson, were cast away on Ba[rn]-
stable Bar. Bodies not found, and 'tis fear'd they are
murder'd by a free Negro and Indians.
Friday, Feb. 21. Charlestown, Generall Court adjourns
to the 12".' March.
Feb. 24. [In margin. Treat.] Monday, Gov!" Brad-
street and Lady, Mr. Stoughton, Major Hutchinson and
wife, Mr. Willard, Mr. Moodey and wife, Mrs. Mather,
Maria, Mr. Allen and wife, Cous. Duiner and wife, Cous.
Quinsey and wife, Mr. Cotton Mather, Mr. Tho. Brattle,
who with Mother, wife and Self, made Twenty, Marshal
Green waited : Sat all well at the Table. Mr. Cotton
Mather returned Thanks in an excellent maner : Sung
part of the Six and fiftieth Psalm, in Mr. Miles Smith's
version. Thou knowst how long I have from home — to
the End. Mr. Mather was minded to have that Transla-
tion : I set it to Windsor Tune. N.B. The bitterness in
our Cups, was that, the Massacre at Schenectady by the
French ; the amazing news on't was by Post brought to
Town this day. Gov!" Bradstreet brought the Papers and
read them before and after diner. At last, Mr. Danforth,
Major Richards, Major General Winthrop, Col. Shrimpton,
Mr. Addington came in, and dispatcht Orders to the Majors
to stand upon their Guard, To Capt. Price, Sen!" Capt. in
Salem Reo'iment.
Just about diner time Mr. Nelson comes in and o'ets me
to subscribe 100. to the Proposals against the French. I
thought 'twas time to doe something, now were thus de-
stroy'd by Land too. Mr. Danforth looks very sorrowfully.
1 A very graphic account of this attack upon Schenectady, sent l)y the
mayor of Albany to our government, is preserved in the ^lassachusetts
archives and printed in " Andres Tracts," III. lli-120. — Eds.
Mr. Stoughton thinks best to prosecute vigorously the
buisness against the Eastern French.
Feb. 28. Capt. Vaughan, Mr. Martyn and Mr. Fryer
are aproved Magistrates of the County of New-Hampshire :
Mr. Vaughan Sworn.
March 1. I visit Mr. Ehot, who embraces me heartily,
and calls me Brother : I present him with Mr. Flavell's
Book ; England's Duty [under the present Gospel Liberty] .
Mr. Walter sits with me all the while. Visit Madam Dud-
ley. Was coming aw\ay, and Mr. Hutchinson call'd after
me, and I went in and saw Mistress Hutchinson and Billy.
Pray'd excuse for my unmindfullness of them.
Sabbath, March 2'^ I pray'd in the Family, that might
have an Interest in God, Signed, Sealed and Delivered,
and that all that tended to make it sure, might be per-
fected. And being in my Pue, I was praying that as God
had dispos'd me to put up a Petition some way unusual,
so He would doe some unusual thinij;: for me. While these
words were in my mind, in came Mr. Moodey, wdio preach'd
from 2. Thes. 3. 1. Doct. Tis the Duty of all, especially
of those who have profited by the word, to pray that the
Word of the Lord may run and be glorified : And I hope
I was included in the Blessing at the Close ; for if I know
any thing in this matter, I know that I desire and pray
God's word may run and be glorified : which came in my
mind when the Blessing was given.
To THE Constables of Boston,
You are Required in their Majesties Names to Walk tlirough the
several parts of the Town this day, and take effectual care to suppress
and dissipate all unlawfull Assemblies, or tumultuous gathering to-
gether of people for tlie Shailing or throwing at Cocks, and such like
Disorders, tending to the disturbance of their Majesties Liege People,
and breach of the Peace, contrary to the wholsom Laws on that be-
half made and provided, particularly, those entituled Cruelty, and Pre-
scri2:)tions. Hereof you may not fail. Dated in Boston the fourth
day of March 16§§. Annoque Reg. and Reginae Willielms and
Mariae — Secundo.
SiMOx Bradstreet Gov'
Wait Winthrop
Elisha Hutchinsox
Sam Sewall
Isaac Addixgtox
I gave the preceding "Warrant to Thomas Banister, Con-
stable, who said he would take effectual Care about it.
Another was given to Capt. Prout, to be deliver'd to a
Constable at the North end of the Town, only it was given
on Monday night at James Meers's and so the Governour
had not sign'd it.
March 4, 16|f Sam. Haugh, 14 years old last Febru-
ary, chuses me for his Guardian. Solomon Raynsford in-
troducing of him with a pretty handsome Speech for my
acceptance. Dept. Governour was by and told him he
must now hearken to me and take me for his Father.
George Monk brought in a Dish of Fritters, but Major
Hutchinson, Mr. Addington and my self eat none of them,
only Major Richards (of the Court) did eat.
BosTOx; March 5 10|^.
IIoxouRED Sir, — The Governour and Council have this day
ordered us to advise with your self about disposing of the Friend-
Indians in such place and manner as may be most expedient for the
safety of the English and themselves. The Condition they are in
re(]uires some speedy Consideration ; We therefore intreat your
Company next Friday morning at either of our Houses ; except
you rather choose our waiting on you at Dorchester. The affording
your Counsel in this momentous and difficult Concern, will be a
means to succour your distressed Country, and very much oblige
your friends and humble Servants.
Wait Wintiiuop.
Sam Skwall.
Above is a Copy of a Letter to Mr. Stoughton by Elia-
March 7*^ Mr. Stoughton gives Major General and my
self a Meeting, as cold as 'tis, and undertakes to give Lieut.
Swift notice to be here next Monday at one aclock at my
House, with a discreet person or two of Punquapaog Indi-
ans. I write to Capt. Noah Wisw\all to be here at the
same time with one or two from Natick, with a hint of
the occasion.
Copy of a Letter to Mr. Joseph Webb, Clark of the
Writts, March 1. 16|f
There have been several Attachments granted by you to bring
persons before me for the Trial of small Causes, whereas the Plain-
tiffs never acquainted me beforehand of the matter, which is very
inconvenient : because 'tis uncertain whether I shall be at home at
the time, and persons often come upon me at unawares, when I have
no leisure to attend them ; and yet am loth they sliould lose their
Travail and Cost. AVherefore I desire you to grant no Attachment
for the Trial of any cause befor me except on the first Monday of
the Moneth. And I would not have you send any to me whoes
Book-Debts are old enough to be senior Sophisters, being of more
than three years standing. Some think that when the Demand is by
Book, 'twere better to say, in an Action of tlie Case, than of Debt.
"When a Woman sues by Attorniship from her Husband, for Goods
she doliver'd before the Coverture, my Opinion is 'twere convenient
to ascertain it [make it certain], by saying — for a piece of Serge
deliver'd him by said Elisabeth Apr. 7. 1687, and several other goods
since that time, &c. or, for Goods delivered him by said Elisabeth,
April 7. 1687, and at several times since, as shall be made appear, &c.
for Goods deliver'd him by said Elisabeth. And I canot give a reason
why at least the year, or years of the Goods being delivered, should
not be noted in the Attachment, as well as the Date of an Obligation.
But your Books, and the honoured Governour and Mr. Addington are
far more fit to advise you in things of this nature, than your unex-
perienced, unskillfull, (and yet I hope honest,) friend,
S. Sjewall.
You should admonish persons to speak with the Magistrate before
you take out an Attachment.
March 10'.^ 16||. Mr. Stoughton, Major Generall and
my self met at my house, and there came to us Lieut.
Swift with William Hahaton for Punkapaug ; and Capt.
Noah Wiswall with James Rumney Marsh, and Peter
Ej^hraim for Natick. Enquired what might be most ex-
pedient for the present settlement of the Friend-Indians,
so as may be for the safety of themselves and English ; in
order to passing a Law for them in the Generall Court.
March 17'.^. Capt. Blagge came to enquire if the Coun-
cil's Letter were ready, so I invited him and Mr. Melyen
to dine with me ; which accordingly they did, and Mar-
shal Green fell in.
March 18, 16||-. I gave New-Roxbury the name of
Woodstock ^ because of it's nearness to Oxford, for the
sake of Queen Elizabeth, and the notable Meetings that
have been held at the place bearing that Name in Eng-
land, some of which Dr. Gilbert inform'd me of when in
England. It stands on a Hill, I saw it as went to Coven-
try, but left it on the Left hand. Some told Capt. Rug-
gles that I gave the name, and put words in his Mouth to
desire of me a Bell for the Town.^
Friday, March 21, 16|f. Madam Bradstreet, Mrs.
Moodey, Mrs. Mather and my wife ride in the hackney
Coach to Dorchester, dine with Mr. Stoughton. It should
have been on Wednesday, w4ien the news came indistinctly
in the afternoon of the Surprisal of Salmon Falls. This
Friday morn before they went to Mr. Stoughton's, the
dolefull news came that between 80. and 100. persons
were kill'd and carried away, were taken by surprise
about break of day : no Watch kept : are about half
French, half Indians. Ilopewood Capt. of the Indians,
^ Woodstock was set off to Connecticut about 1750. See Pi-oceeJings of
the Historical Socii'ty for February, 1873, p. ;399. — Eds.
2 jNIarcli 18, 1089-90. The Governor, Bradstreet, Sir William Phips,
ISIajor-General Winthrop, Major John Richards, Major Elisha Hutchinson,
Colonel Samuel Shrimpton, and Captain Samuel Sewall, or any three of
them, were to issue such orders for setting forth the forces as the Council
might do. This appointment stands on the Colony Records, although Sewall
makes no mention of it. The Council Records of this date are missing. —
Artel [Francois Hertel] of the French. Hampshire Gen-
eral got 100. Men and came up with the Enemy about
Sun-set and fought them till night took away the sight of
them. One Frenchman taken making up his pack who
gives an account as above.
This day Capt. Townsend is appointed Coinander in
Satterday, March 22. Sir William Phips offers himself
to go in person ; the Governour sends for me, and tells
me of it, I tell the Court ; they send for Sir William who
accepts to goe, and is appointed to Comand the Forces ;
Major Townsend relinquishes with Thanks. Sir William
had been sent to at first ; but some feared he would not
goe ; others thought his Lady could not consent. Court
makes Sir William free, and Swear him Major Generall,
and several others. Adjourn to Boston, Wednesday 14
night one aclock.
March 24, 16|f . Eight Companies and Troops Train.
I goe into the field, pray with the South Company, Exer-
cise them in a few Distances, Facings, Doublings ; before
which Thanked them for their Respect in mentioning me
when in England, warning the Company in my Name ;
and told them the place I was in required more Time and
Strength than I had, so took leave of them.
March 25. Drums are beat through the Town for Vol-
April 2. Father Dana falls from a scaffold in his Barn
and dies.
April 4, 1690. Major Richards, Hutchinson, Col. Shrimp-
ton, Mr. Addington and my self went to the Castle to
view what Capt. Fayerwether had done, and what was
proper for him further to doe in making Batteries, and
putting the place into yet a more defensible jDOsture.
Went to Dear-Island, and saw how the sea wash'd it
away. Then went to Apple-Island, to the Castle again,
and there din'd; suffer'd no Guns to be fired; but the
Captain caus'd the Flagg to be hoisted all the while we
were there, in token of Respect. Cost us 5? 8*^ apiec.
This day Capt. Theophihis Frarj, Mr. Joyhff, Wyllys, Ser-
geant, Adam Winthrop, Mr. Jn° Clark, Tim2 Thornton are
chosen Comissioners for the Town of Boston. Capt. Frary,
who had most, had 24 Votes ; several of them but 16, the
Meeting was so thin. This day Mrs. Averys Shop, and
Christian Herridges Shop shut, by reason of Goods in them
Satterday, April 5. A Post comes giving notice of a
Saw-Mill and several Houses burnt at Wells the 3*? Instant,
and Sayers Garrison beset with the Enemy. Council order
one hundred and twenty Men to be sent out of Essex for
their relief. April 4, one Pond of Dorchester, who had
several praying at his House and he conversant among
them, yet died before the day and Duty was ended ; so
that they were fain to break off to lay him out.
April 14. Sam. has an Issue made in his left Arm to
prevent the swelling in his Neck, which else 'tis feared
may prove the King's Evil. Have the advice of Mr. Ad-
dington and Dr. Allen who made the Issue.
April 15. Capt. Willard's Letter comes to Town of the
9t^ Instant, giving an account of the danger they were in
at Casco of an Assault from the Enemy, 30 Indian Canoes
being seen, and Several Fires on the Land. Writt to ray
Father and Brother Stephen.
April 21, 1690. Mr. Stoughton and I set forward for
New-York,^ Tho. Mosely waited on Him ; Joseph Cowell
^ Although Sewall does not mention the fact, he was sent in an official
capacity. He was appointed April 15, 1690 (see Commission in Mass.
Archives, Yol. XXXVI., f. 4, 5), with William Stoughton, to attend at a
meeting of Commissioners from the other Colonies. They were to concert
measures for the common safety. Their report, dated May 1, is signed by
Jacob Leisler, William Stoughton, Samuel Sewall, P. D' La Roy, John
Walley, Nathan Gold, and William Pitkin. The forces were apportioned at
four hundred from Xew York, one hundred and sixty from ^Massacliusetts,
sixty from Plymouth, one hundred and thirty-five from Connecticut, one
hundi'ed from Marvland. — Eds.
on me : Mr. Cooper and others in Company, refresh'd
at Roxbury, Billinges, and from thence rid to Rehoboth ;
lodg'd at the Bear, which one Sannders keeps. Mr. Auger
sup'd with us.
April 22. To Bristow, visited Mr. Saffin by the way
and Mrs. Saffin ; lodg'd at Capt. Byfield's.
April 23. Perswaded Major Walley to goe with us,
went to Newport, agreed with Tho. Brooks for his Sloop
at 12? per diem. Lodg'd at Mr. Hedges.
April 24. Set sail, leaving our Horses and taking our
Bridles and Saddles in the Sloop.
Satterday, April 26. got into Oyster Bay [L. L], the
wind being Contrary, and there anchored.
April 27. Went ashore, rid to Hempsted through Jer-
ico, to hear Mr. Hubbard, but he was at York : Staid at
Mr. Jacksons, read Chapters, and Mr. Stoughton prayed
April 28. Rid to Jamaica, there din'd with Mr. Prud-
den, Piistor of the Church there. From thence to Brook-
and [Brooklyn], where Mr. Edsal met us with a File or
two of Troopers, got to the Ferry about 12. aclock. Went
over and din'd with the Governour. Lodg'd at Mr.
Mariot's ; but were so disturb'd that were overcome by
the Governour's importunity and lodg'd at his House.
Major Gold and Mr. Pitkin met us there for Conocticut.
May 1. Rose before the Sun some considerable time
that might ease my burdened mind in Prayer.
May 4. Sabbath. Went to the Dutch Church in the
morn. Suncr the 69".^ Ps. 2'.^ Pause from the 24"? v. to the
end, which Capt. Lodowick taught me the evening before,
and lent me his Book, pointed to every syllable. At my
Lodging, Mr. Mariot's (for took leave of the Governour on
Satterday, not knowing but might sail.) Read, pray 'd over,
and sung the 25".' Psalm which should have sung in course,
if I had been at home this day ; and is a Psalm extraordi-
narily fitted for me in my present Distresses, and by which
have receiv'd comfort. Mr. Selyns Text, Philip. 2. 12.
"Work out your own Salvation, &c. In the afternoon it
rain'd hard, so staid at our Quarters, read Chapters, and
I pray'd. Landlady desired to be present.
May 5. Got on board our Sloop, leaving Capt. Du
Peyster's Diiier. Wind sprung up fair, got well throw
Hell-Gate, went ashore at Dr. Taylor's near the White
Stone, wooded and watered : Sailed again with a fail
On Wednesday Morn, May T^ there was a Fogg, which
put us to our shifts, not knowing which way to sail; but
it pleased God to clear the Air, so a^ we saw our Course,
Block-Island, Point-Judith, and got in about noon, being
their Election day. Gov' Bull furnish'd us with Beds for
the voj'age ; Din'd at Mr. Hedge's. Henry Bull chosen
Governour, Major Green of Warwick, Dept. Governour.
Rid to Bristow, lodg'd at Capt. Byfield's.
May 8. Rid to Billinges, where Mr. Lee met us in his
way homeward, gave an account of the wellfare of my
family, having din'd with my Mother and wife at Cous.
Dummer's. Pray'd with us.
May 9. Friday, Rid to Dedham and there refresh'd, so
home by 12. or thereabouts ; visited Mr. Eliot and Mr.
Walters b}' the way. Mr. Stoughton and I waited on the
Governour and I on the Council with GovT Leisler's Letter.
Found my Family all well, save Sam's sore in his neck,
and Haiiah droops as though would have the Small Pocks.
Note. I have had great heaviness on my Spirit before,
and in this journey; and I resolved that if it pleas'd God
to bring me to my family again, I would endeavour to
serve Him better in Self-denial, Fruitfullness, Not pleasing
Men, open Conversation, not being solicitous to seem in
some indifferent things what I was not, or at least to con-
ceal what I was : Endeavourin"; to iroe and come at God's
call and not otherwise; Labouring more constautly and
throwly to Examin my self before sitting down to the
Lord's Table. Now the good Lord God of his infinite
Grace help me to perforin my Vows, and give me a filial
Fear of Himself, and save me from the fear of Man that
brings a Snare. At Billinges heard Sam. Haugh was
dead, which made me sad : but it proves not so. At
Roxbnry Mr. Beiiet tells me of the death and Burial of
John Alcock, died on Monday, and buried on Wednesday,
May 7"' E"^ Mather one of the Bearers.
May 10. Haiiah takes a A^omit, her Grandmother earn-
estly desiring it. Has the Small Pocks very favourably,
keeps her Bed but three or four days ; about 50 or 60 in
her face ; pretty many on her Wrists.
May lO*.!" Begins to keep below with her Brother, and
Sister Betty.
Wednesday, May 21, 1690. Mr. Eliot ^ dies about one
in the Morning ; I visited him as I came from New-York :
This puts our Election into mourning.^
^ This was the famous Rev. John Eliot, of Roxbury, the " Apostle to the
Indians." — Eds.
^ Copy of a Letter from Mr. Sewall in Baylies'' " Plymouth.''^
Boston, :May 21, 1690.
HoNB^'^ Sir, — The Express sent pr. your Honour was with me about 5
a'clock this morning: But the Council being to meet in the morn, delayed,
that might have the sence, and expected a greater certainty of the condition
of Casco wliich yet fails; whose sitting proves so late that fear will be -1 past
M" before shall dismiss them. The General Court have oixlered our SouLliei'S
to be raised out of the several Regiments. Capt. James Converse is to com-
mand one company. They are to mai'ch next Tuesday, and rendevous at
Concord and Sudbury, and to march by land to Springfield, and on to Albany:
intend to send IMeat by Sea, and take up on trust, if it arrive not soon enough.
Intend to send the 2'! Company with a Lieutenant to Major Pynchon, and he
appoint a Captain. We think Capt. Converse may be fit to be next the
Major. Xo news is yet received from Sir William [Diips]. And exceeding
bad news from the Eastward: Tis believed Casco Garrison and Fort are
burnt, and the Inhabitants destroyed; so that we do not understand that
there is one escaped or shut up or left. We fear, if this be true, there may
be so many French and Indians that we shall be obliged to raise 4 or 5 hun-
dred Men to defend our Frontiers on that paii. This disaster fell out on
Friday and Satterday last. Fourscore Souldiers tliere. Capt. Willard came
away the day before. This Xews comes by men sent from Dominicas Jor-
May 22. We hear of the Taking Port-Royal by Sir
William Phips ; ' Mr. Moocley well ; which something abates
our sorrow for the loss of Casco, if that sad news prove
Mr. Walter preaches the Lecture, and so is the first who
has such a publick oportunity to mention Mr. Eliot's
Death, Ambassadour, Chariots and Horsmen [2 Kings II.].
Friday, May 23. Is a Fast at Charlestown. In the
afternoon Mr. Danforth and I call'd out of the Meetino;
presently after it began, the certainty of Casco's destruc-
tion being now brought. After having sat in Council
awhile went to Mr. Eliot's Funeral ; Governour and
Dept. Governour, &c. there. Bearers, Mr. Allin, Morton,
Willard, Fiske, Hobart, Nehem, Thacher. Mr. Torrey and
Danforth not there. Mr. Duiner of York ^ there ; He comes
to ask helf) : 'Tis dolefull news we have to celebrate Mr.
Eliot's Funeral with. Casteen is said to head about 70.
French, and Indians are above Two Hundred. Capt. Wil-
lard came away the very day before the Attack.
May 24V.' News is brought of Capt. Nicholson being
dans Garrison, and a Shallop that saw Houses on fire on Friday, and forced
to come away without loading. Have only some glimmering hope that tlie
Fort [is] not burnt. K. J. [King James] is so far from being dead that He
is said to be very strong in Ireland. Parliament [is] dissolved. Xew one to
meet on the 20 or 22 March. Ship came from Tor Bay, March 7. Bill for
Corporations twice fallen through; OTice by Prorogation, and tlien by the
dissolution. My humble service to your HonT, Major Walley, and the
Gent" with you, praying God to turn away his Anger from us. and to take
jiart with us, I take my leave, and remain Sir, your Honours Humble
Serv'. Sam. Skwai.l.
^ This was the main fruit of the expedition sent forward under Phips,
April 28, 1090. It consisted of seven or eight hundred men in eight small
vessels. Port Royal (aft'-rwards Annapolis), in Acadia, was surprised and
captured May 2:}. Palfrey (IV. -l!)) adds that Phips also capturrd aiul tle-
stroyed the French fort at the mouth of the river St. John. Ilutcliinsou
(T. .'JOT) says that the fleet returned May .30, 1090. This trivial success led
to the great disaster of the following year. — Eds.
' Rev. Shubacl Dumuier, of York, was killed by a body of French and
Indians, in an attack on that settlement, Jan. 25, 109^. — Eds.
come to his Government at Virginia, and Govf Slaughter
to New- York : First comes by Water : Mr. Arnold, the
Keeper, brings the second by Land. This day I goe over
to Winisimet and see my Brother St. Sewall.
May 25. Sabbath. Jane Toppan is taken very ill ; give
her a vomit : She brings up three great Worms, and much
fowl matter.
May 26. Has many Symptoms of the Small Pocks, we
count it the first day.
May 26. Mr. Cotton Mather prays with Eliakim.
May 28. Small Pocks apear.
Sabbath, June 1. Betty and Joseph are taken. Betty
very delirious. Mr. Moodey is known to have the Dis-
Monday, June 9*.!^ Joseph hath a very bad night, as
also the night before.
June 10*;^ He grows better and the Small Pocks doe
aparently dye away in his face.
Wednesday, June 11*:^ We put Sam. to Bed, having
the Small Pocks come out upon him, as the Physician and
we judge. Betty is so well as to Goe into Mother Hull's
Chamber, and keep Jane Company, between 9 and 10.
Thorsday, June 12. After Lecture there is a Meeting
of the Overseers of the Colledge : the Fellows are apointed
to hold the Comencement. Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, and
Mr. Cotton Mather were chosen Fellows, i.e. the Choice
of the Corporation was confirmed. About seven aclock
I married Capt. Theophilus Frary and Mrs. Mary Green-
wood, at the house of said Greenw^ood.^
Satterday, June 14. Have all my family together at
Prayer, which has not been for many weeks before. Mr.
Danforth, Mr. Russel, Mr. Hawthorn, Major Hutchinson,
^ Capt. Frary's first wife was Hannah, daughter of Jacob Eliot, the
mother of his children. This second wife is mentioned in his will, but her
surname was not known to Savaare. — Eds.
S. Sewall and Mr. Corwin subscribe for the Albany Expe-
dition, Complaint being made that the Council's not sub-
scribing much hindred others.
About 4 or 5. P.M. June 14*.^ Mrs. Winthrop dies of
the Small Pocks. About the same time Cyprian Stephens,
and Nath' Williams, Son of Jn" Williams, die. The Lord
fit particular persons and me and New England for his
good pleasure.
Monday, June 16*.^ Notice is given by beat of Drum
of the Sale of the Souldiers part of Plunder taken at Port-
Royal, to be made next Wednesday : this between 3. and
4. P.M.
Monday, June 16. Between 7. and 8. in the Even Mrs.
Mary Winthrop is buried : Mr. Houghton, Col. Shrimpton ;
Sewall, Addington ; Eliakim Hutchinson, Sergeant, Bear-
ers. Intended Tuesday, but the Heat of the Weather
compell'd the using this day. Had a double Coffin. Capt.
Torrey was buried last Thorsday ; died the Tuesday be-
fore. Mr. Houghton, Major Richards, there.
June 17'.? Tuesday. Sam. rises and sits up a good while
very hearty and strong. Blessed be God. This day one
of my Shirts goes to lay out a Man dead at Nurse Hurds
of this distemper, being a Stranger.
June 23. Brother Emons buries a Daughter of a Con-
sumption. Was a pious Maid, at Woman's Estate.
June 27^}} John Lake dies at his Mother's, of the Small
Pocks. Col. Shrimpton loses a very good Servant. Wil-
liam Parson, Mr. Joseph Parson's only Son and Child, was
buried of the Small Pocks yesterday, June 26.
Friday, Jul}^ 4. Mistress Tyng, wife of Mr. Edward
Tyng, is buried. Mrs. Parson dies this day of a Consump-
tion and Fever.
June 30. My wife and I ride to Braintrey in the Coach,
carrying sick Cousin Quinsey with us : ly there all niglit.
July 2. Go to Cambridge by Water in the P)arge,
wherein the Governour, Major Generall, Capt. Blackwell,
Mr. Addington, Allen, "Willard and others : Had the Tide
homeward. Thirty Commencers besides Mr. Rogers, Sir
Mather, and Mr, Emmerson.' Sir Mather in England yet
had a Degree conferred on him. Mr. Rogers and Emmer-
son should have Commenc'd last year, but were hindred
by Sickness.
Sabbath-day July 6. When we are at the Funeral of
Mrs. Parson the News comes in of the Engagement at
Oyster-River, and that in probability two Captains slain.
July 7'.^ Brother Stephen Sewall goes out w^ith Sixty
or Seventy Dragoons, and several others to the number of
150. or thereabout; The Lord God of Hosts goe along
with them.
July 8. Are alarm'd by a Post who brings a Relation
of Frenchmen being Landed at Cape-Cod, and marched
within ten miles of Eastham.
July 14"? 1G90. Mrs. Rebecca Taylor ^ dies of the Small
July 16. Mrs. Taylor buried. William Taylor princi-
pal mourner. Bearers, Major Richards and Col. Shrimp-
ton, Sewall, E"^ Hutchinson, Middlecot, Serjeant. This
day Cousin Quinsey comes from Braintrey in Sam. Mar-
shal's Boat, lands at Gill's Wharf, rests at our House, then
gets home. Is worse than when he went. Mrs. Green
the Printer's^ wife dies this day. Jn° Coney's only Son
^ Xathaniel Rogers, John Emerson, Samuel Mather. — Eds.
2 ]\IrvS. Taylor has already been mentioned in our notes. — Eds.
^ Samuel Green, Jr., the printer, and his wife, are both described by Dun-
ton. Thomas (History of Printing, I. 282) quotes a letter written to Rev.
Johir Cotton, dated Aug. 5, 1690, which says, in regard to Boston, "the
small pox is as bad as ever; Printer Green died of it in three days, his Avife
also is dead witli it." AVe find on the Colony Records, under date of Xov.
11, 1690, an order to pay to the administrator of Samuel Gi'een, late of
Boston, printer, the balance of his account.
This Samuel Green, Jr., was the son of Samuel Green, of Cambridge, like-
wise a printer, and the progenitor of printers. As Savage has some errors,
we will state the latest results of investigations.
Samuel, Sen., had two wives and many children, the last recorded being
and Child, buried this day. Mr. C. Mather prays with
Cousin Quinsey, and after at our house.
Sabbath, July 20. When Mr. Willard was in his first
Prayer, there was a Cry of Fire, which made the People
rush out. 'Twas said Mr. Winslow's Chimney was on fire.
Just about the same time, the House next the Old Meeting-
house, the Chimney smoaked so, and beat into the House
that made great disturbance there.
July 25. Major Nath! Saltonstall, and Major Tho.
Henchman aply themselves to the Council, shewing that
if so many be press' d for Canada as the Order mentions,
the fronteers will draw in, and they themselves profess
the}^ will do so. Major Saltonstall comes no farther than
Charlestown, because of the Small Pocks. Major Generall,
Mr. Addington, and self goe over and give him a visit.
Tuesday, July 29, 1690. This is a day of much Thun-
der and plenteous Rain which prevents the Souldiers for
Canada their mustering as was intended. Cous. Quinsey
as I sat with him bid me shut the door, and ask'd if I had
done that, meaning his Will. Mr. Moodey visited him
this day. He is very low.
July 30. Eliakim Mather sets out for Eastham. Mr.
Edw. Rawson and I have hot words about Deeds he shews
me relating to the Salmon-Falls Sawmill : Capt. Wincoll
Dorcas, b. 1071. But, by Middlesex Deeds, XIV., it seems that in 1707
there were four Greens living who sell land with the widow. Cleaily these
were his sons, and the last-named two were Joseph, and Timothy Green,
printer. Timothy was born in 1G79, and Josex)h was doubtless a few years
Samuel, Jr., did not marry Elizabeth Sill (Paige says she married Samuel,
son of Percival Green, of Cambridge), but his wife was doubtless named
Hannah, as tlie Boston Kecords indicate. Samuel and Hannah had Joseph
and Jane, but they probably died young.
Timothy Green went to Xew London, was a printer, and liad six: sons,
three of whom became printers. Of these, Samuel had Timothy, a printer,
who left two sons, printers. Jonas went to ^Maryland, and h;id tliree sons,
who were printers. Li fact we believe that in the present generation several
pursue this same business. — Eds.
having in '86. made a Deed to George Broughton, and
Acknowledg'd it in April last, of his Right in the Salmon-
Falls : Of which Deed said Rawson writ out a Copy before
he went away and gave me.
Satterday, Augt. 2. News comes of our Agents having
presented Addresses to the King and Queen ; of the King's
intention to go into Ireland, and an Act framing to enable
the Queen to govern in the mean time. Sloop that went
for Amunition, her arrival at Silly. Vce malum ! about 2.
aclock after midnight a fire breaks out on tother side the
Mill-Crick, which gets over to this side and consumes
about fourteen Dwelling Houses besides Warehouses;
Madam Leverett, and Mrs. Rock are great Sharers in
the Loss.
Monday, Augt. 4. Cousin Quinsey signs, seals and
publishes his Will, Capt. Jacob Eliot, Theophilus Frary
and my self Witnesses. Then went with Major Walley
to Dorchester to meet Govf Hinkley, Coinissiouer for
Plimouth, but Coiiecticut and Rhode-Island failing, noth-
ing could be done to purpose : but urgd Gov!" llinkley to
furnish us with a hundred Men : hope he will send fifty.
Din'd with Mr. Stoughton. Went and saw Capt. With-
ington's Company, 16 files, 4 deep, drawn up by the
Meetinghouse, gave them a French Crown to drink. Took
Mrs. Mills's Acknowledgment of a Deed as she lay abed.
Mrs. Pierce buried near the Tomb of her Grandfather
Friday, Augt. 8, 1690. Dept. Governour, Major Generall,
Major Richards, Mr. Russell, Major Hutchinson, Major
Phillips, Mr. Addington and self went to Nantasket to see the
Lieut. Generall ^ Muster his Souldiers on Georges Island ;
went on board the Six Friends ; urgd that might sail by
the first oportunity ; came up to Town. Km\ about 11.
or 12. at night Major Hutchinson, Mr. Addington and S. S.
' The Lieutenaut-General was John Walley, of Barnstable. — Eds.
with Mr. Eyre went down again carrying Carriages for
field-pieces. Anchor'd at Nantasket about 3. When day,
Augt. 9'" , was come, went on board ; the Generall per-
suaded Him to make Signs of Saihng ; then with the
Lieut. Generall visited the Ships of War and other Vessels,
directed as to the number of Souldiers each vessel was to
have and order'd to make Signs of Sailing. Wind comes
fresh from Sea ; Go and dine at Hull with Sir William
[Phips] and his Lady and Mr. Hale : Come on board, order
is given to unmore, to be in a readiness if the wind should
spring up. About 6. wind veer'd and the Fleet came to
sail, Four Ships of War, and 28 other. Brought up my
Lady from Hull. Got up to Town about 9. at night ; call'd
at Cous. Quinsey's whom I found very ill.
Sabbath, Augt. lO'l^ Went to see Cous. Quinsey ; read
the 102. Psal. and begin 103. pray'd, and so went home.
Put up a Bill at his request. Just after Contribution in
the Afternoon, was call'd out. Cousin being very bad, so
far as I could perceive. He desired me to pray, which I
did : Afterward sent for Mr. Willard, and He pray'd, then
Cousin pull'd his hand out of the Bed, and gave it to Mr.
Willard. Seem'd to pray himself ; but I could hear little
except Jesus Christ ; breath' d quick and hard, till at last
abated and He quietly expired about Seven aclock. Mother
Hull and I being there. I have parted with a cordial fast
Friend, such an one as I shall hardly find. The Lord fit
me for my Change and help me to wait till it come.
Cousin was concern'd what he should doe for Patience,
but God graciously furnish'd him, and has now translated
Him to that State and place wherein He has no occasion
for any.
Tuesday, Augt. 12. About 7. P.M. we lay the Body
of Cous. Daniel Quinsey in my Father's Tomb. Mr. Ser-
jeant, Duiiier, II. Usher, Davis, Williams, Coney, Bearers.
1 led the Widow, then the Children, next, Mr. T. Brattle,
Mrs. Shepard, II. Newman, Mistress Mai'garet, Mr. Wil-
lard, Mother Hull, Mr. Parson, my wife and so on. Note.
My wife was so ill could hardly get home, taking some
harm in going in Pattens, or some wrench, so had a great
flux of Blood, which amaz'd us both, at last my wife bad
me call Mrs. Ellis, then Mother Hull, then the Midwife,
and throw the Goodness of God was brought to Bed of a
Daughter between 3. and four aclock, Aug. lo'.'^ 1690.
mane Mrs. Ehsabeth Weeden, Midwife. Had not Wo-
men nor other preparations as usually, being wholly sur-
pris'd, my wife expecting to have gone a Moneth longer.
Wednesday, Augt. 13, 1690. Eliakim Mather goes away
about 10. at night for Eastham, and so for Jamaica before
his Return.
Augt. 16. Capt. Cyprian Southack comes in, saith he
saw not the Fleet.
Augt. 17. Mr. Willard keeps his Sabbath at Roxbury,
and so the Baptism of my little Daughter is deferred to
the next Lord's Day.
Sabbath-day, August the four and twentieth, 1690. I
publish my little Daughter's name to be Judith, held her
up for Mr. Willard to baptize her. She cried not at all,
though a pretty deal of water was poured on her by Mr.
Willard when He baptized her : Six others were baptized
at the same time ; Capt. Davis's Son James, and a grown
person, Margaret Clifford, two of them. 1 named my
Daughter Judith for the sake of her Grandmother and
great Grandmother, who both wore that Name, and the
Signification of it very good : The Lord grant that we
may have great cause to praise Him on her account and
help her to speak the Jews Language and to forget that
of Ashdod. Nehem. 13. 21. And that she may follow
her Grandmother Hull, as she follows Christ, being not
slothfull in Business, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord.
Her Prayers and Painstaking for all my Children are
incessant, voluntary, with condescension to the meanest
Services night and day : that I judg'd I could in justice
doe no less than endeavour her remembrance bj putting
her Name on one of her Grand-Daughters. I have now
had my health and oportunity to offer up Nine Children
to God in Baptisme. Mr. Tho. Thacher baptized the two
eldest ; John and Samuel ; Mr. Samuel Willard baptized
the Seven younger. Lord grant that I who have thus
solemnly and frequently named the name of the Lord
Jesus, may depart from Iniquity ; and that mine may be
more His than Mine, or their own.
Augt. 28. Publick Fast. Letters are brought to the
Governour informing that the Maquaws [Mohawks] fail-
ing to join the Christians at Wooden [Wood] Creek about
100 miles above Albany, they were coming back again,
which puts a great damp upon us here, to think that our
fleet should be disapointed of their expected Aid.
Augt. 29".'. We hear by a vessel 9. weeks from Bris-
tow of King William's being in Ireland with a great Army
and vast Preparations of War. Sail'd from High-Lake ^ the
11*.!' of June 1690. Mrs. Davis buried this day, who died
of the Small Pocks in Child-Bed.
Augt. 29, 1690. I watch at night with about 30. men.
Word was Skenectady. Nathan! Clarke of Newbury buried
this week, died Augt. 25.
Sept. 1, 1690. Eight Companies Train. Goveniour
dines at Mr. Pain's with the South Company. Capt.
Frary exercises the Company. Joseph is carried into the
Comon to take the air and see the men.
Friday, Sept. 5'-''. I went to Cambridge in the morn to
visit Brother Stephen Sewall and his wife, and come down
with the Dept. Governour and Marshal.
Sept. 9. Mrs. Jane Pole,~ widow, a Mother in our Israel,
^ "We cannot explain tlie name "High Lake." Macaulay says William
sailed from Chester. — Eds.
2 This ma)/ be the widow of William Poole, of Dorchester, of whom Savage
writes doubtfully as to her name; viz., perhaps Mary Eiclnnond. — Ki>s.
died at River-House in Boston, Sept. 9^^ and was buried
at Dorchester Sept. IV}} 1690.
Thorsday Sept. 11*- Being crowded in the Pue, by
reason Mr. Hutchinson and Sergeant constantly sit there
and claim. Propriety, so Mr. Usher is forced to take my
place ; having also found that sitting so near the out-side
of the House causeth me in Winter-time to take cold in
my head, I removed into Gallery, and sat with Dept. Gov-
ernour, Mr. Russel, Major Hutchinson, where had very
convenient sitting.
Sept. 13'.^. Sister Emons buried. This Week we hear
of a sore fight ^ between the English and French Fleets.
Sept. 14'.^ I Watch, Word was Salmon-Falls, had a
very comfortable night; only between 3. and 4. were
disquieted by Guns fired at Charlestown, and Drum beat :
But I did not observe a continual Beat of the Drimi, so
caus'd not an Alarm ; and about day a Messenger was
sent over who told us the occasion was some Indians seen
in their back fields. Run-away Servants they apear to be ;
by which means the Town was generally rais'd : But
throw God's goodness Trouble at Boston prevented.
Tuesday, Sept. 16'.^. About eleven at night a Fire
breaks out at the House of Jn° Allen, Worsted Comber,
in which his Aprentice, Sam. Worster, was burned, with
the House of Lieut. Reynolds, Mr. Bligh, Langden and a
great part of Savil Simson's. The wind being Sou-west
the South-Meeting-House was preserv'd with very much
difficulty, being in a flame in diverse places of it. Capt.
Cyprian Southack, and Lieut. David Mason did very
worthily, hazarding themselves with many others on the
Lead for a great while.
Sept. 17'.^. Fast at Mr. Mathers.
Sept. 18*. Mr. Willard's Edward dies of a Convulsion
' Battle of Beachy Head, June 29. — Eds.
Sept. 20. Is buried at Roxbury in Mr. Eliot's Tomb, I
was at the Funeral. Rain and Thunder this day after a
great deal of dry wether which made it extream dusty.
Mr. Walter went to Prayer : Mrs. Willard sick, and not at
the Grave. My little Judith languishes and moans, ready
to die.
Sabbath, Sept. 21. About 2 mane, I rise, read some
Psalms and pray with my dear Daughter. Between 7.
and 8. (Mr. Moodey preaches in the Forenoon,) I call Mr.
Willard, and he prays. Told Mr. Walter of her condition
at the funeral, desiring him to give her a lift towards
heaven. Mr. Baily sat with me in the Afternoon. I ac-
quainted Him. Between 7. and 8. in the evening the child
died, and I hope sleeps in Jesus.
Sept. 22. In the even, Mr. Moodey, Allen, Mather
come from Mrs. Clark's Funeral to see us. Mr. Moodey
and I went before the other came, to neighbor Ilord, who
lay dying ; where also Mr. Allen came in. Nurse Hord
told her Husband who was there, and what he had to say ;
whether he desir'd them to pray with him : He said with
some earnestness. Hold your tongue, which was repeated
three times to his wive's repeated intreaties; once he said,
Let me alone, or, be quiet, (whether that made a foui'th
or was one of the three do not remember) and, Mj' Spirits
are gon. At last Mr. Moodey took him up pretty roundly
and told him he mii>:ht with the same labour liave o'iven a
pertinent answer. When were ready to come away Mr.
Moodey bid him put forth a little Breath to ask prayer, and
said twas the last time had to speak to him ; At last ask'd
him, doe you desire prayer, shall I pray with you, He an-
swer'd, Ay for the Lord's sake, and thank'd Mr. Moodey
when had done. His former carriage was very startling
and amazing to us. About One at niii-lit he died. About
IL aclock I supposed to hear neighbour Mason at prayer
with him, iust as I and mv wife were i>'oin!i: to bed. Mr.
Allen prayed with us when came from said Hord's.
Sept. 23. Tuesday, between 5. and 6. Sir Moodey car-
ries the Body of my dear Judith to the Tomb, Solomon
Rainsford receives it on the Stairs and sets it in. On the
Coffin is the year 1690. made with little nails. Gov' Brad-
street and Lady, Mrs. Moodey, Mather, the Mother, Mr.
Winthrop, Richards here, with many others; Ministers,
Willard, Moodey, Mather.
As we were going, one [blank] of Watertown came up
with the Bearer, and talk'd to him on horseback, Mr.
Moodey bid him be gon about his business ; at that he
was in a rage and threaten'd to strike him, and said he
^\as a pittyfull Dogg and we were all pittyfull Doggs. I
thought of David and Shimei and said nothing to him.
The Lord prepare me to undergo evil Report, and to be
vilified by men ; but not for evil-doing. I led my wife,
Sam. his Grandmother, Hanah Betty, Jane Toppan man-
aged Joseph. Before we went. Children read the 18. 19. and
20*.'.' Chapters of John, being in course for family reading.
Sept. 24. Between 5. and 6. P.M. Jn° Hord buried ;
None of our House there save Mother Hull.
Sept. 25. A printed sheet' entituled publick Occurences
comes out, which gives much distaste because not Licensed ;
and because of the passage referring to the French King
and the Maquas.
Sept. 30. Going to Muddy-River, I meet Simon Gates
and his Wife bound for Dorchester Lecture, so turn back and
goe with them from D.[eacon] Eliot's plain by Bearsto's.
Mr. Danforth preached and pray'd very well. Text 18.
Luke — and shall not God: — shew'd that God would
certainly hear and deliver his people at their Importunity.
Mr. Torrey there, Avith whom din'd at Mr. Danforth's, and
wdth Mr. Nehem. and Gershom Hobart. I sat in Mr.
Stoughton's Pue ; His family not well.
^ This sheet is said to be of four quarto pages, one of which is blank, and
was printed by Richard Pierce for Benjamin Harris. A copy is in the State
Paper Oifice in London. Felt, History of Salem, I. — Eds.
Oct. 1. Print of the Governour and Council comes out
shewing their disallowance of the Public Occurrences.
Oct. 2. Mr. Mather writes a very sharp Letter about it.
Oct. 13. John Marion jun' is chosen Clerk of the South-
Company and Sworn, had 23 Votes.
Oct 7. Mrs. Cook aged 75 years died.
Oct. 9. Buried in the new burying place. Maj!" Rich-
ards, Majy Generall, Majf Hutchinson, Col. Shrimpton,
Sewall and Addington, Bearers. Buried after the Fast.
Oct. 14. Fast at Roxbury, I go thether on foot ; Lady
Phipps there, is come to Town again it seems, the Small
Pocks being at Charlestown.
Oct. 15. Had Sam. over to Winisimet to see his Unkle
Stephen, Mr. Evans carried him home behind him from
the Ferry.
Oct. 19*.^. Mrs. Goose dies of an Apoplexy.
Oct. 21. Is buried in the new burying j^lace, Sewall,
Addington ; Eliot, Frary ; Townsend, Allen ; Bearers. Is
a rumor in Town that Sir Edmund is to come Governour
of New- York, and Col. Slater our Governour. Tories are
flush' d, and 'tis said were drinking Sir Edmund's Health
last night at Neh. Pierce's. Capt. Hainond refused last
week to deliver the Records.
Tuesday, Nov. 4. Accompanied Mr. Stoughton to Col.
Paige's. He sent his Coach to the Ferry for us. Found
at 's house Col. Gedney, Major Brown, and my brother
Sewall ; had a sumtuous Feast. Col. Gedney presses
earnestly that Volunteers may be encouraged Eastward.
Thorsday, November the Sixth 1690, at my House in
Boston Samuel Haugh and Mr. Thomas Savage mutually
sign'd, seal'd and deliver'd Indentures to each other ; Sam.
to serve him from 7"^ Oct! last. Seven years and Six
Moneths. Witnesses, S. S. Joseph Wheeler, Jn" Cole,
Thomas Banister.
Friday, Nov. 8, 1690. Read Gov^ Leisler's extream
sharp Letter. Jn? Hoar comes into the Lobby and saia
he comes from the Lord, by the Lord, to speak for the
Lord ; Complains that Sins as bad as Sodom's found here.
Pass 20. Rates, a Bill to encourage Volunteers. Head
money to be but 12*^ for each of the 20 Rates. About 8.
at night, Governour and Magistrates goe into the Deputy's
Room, Governour prays that Mountain of the Lord's House
may be established in the top of the mountains, &c. Ad-
journs the Court to the 10"' of December at 9. mane.
Between 9. and 10. at night, Governour sends to me and
enforms of the defeat at Canada; and that Urrumbee,
Hawkins, and other chief Indians sued for peace. News
of Canada came from Salem. Shute comes into Boston
that night or next morning, hath thrown over aboard more
than Sixty persons since his going hence, most Indians of
Plimouth. Town much lill'd wdth the discourse, and some
cast blame on Major Walley ; were nine weeks getting
thether and landed not before the 7*^ or 8*!^ of October.
Satterday, Nov. 8. Council meets. Send away Major
Hutchinson, Capt. Townsend and others to Wells to treat
with the Indians, and commit the care of the sick on board
Shute, to the Select-Men. Two lie dead on board at this
time, the Small Pocks and Cold kills them.^
Friday, Novemb!^ 21, 1690. Mr. Sam^ Willard, Mr. Edw.
Rawson, Capt. Joshua Scottow, Deacon Jacob Eliot, Dea-
con Theophilus Frary and Samuel Sewall met together, at
said Se wall's House in Boston. Mr. Edward Rawson in
rcijard of his Asre, and dwelling;: out of Town desired that
Mrs. Judith Winthrop's Deed of the Meeting-house Land
in Boston, her Receipt, Mr. Leveret's Release, Mrs. Nor-
ton's Deed of Gift 1669, Mrs. Norton's Deed of Gift 1677,
An Instrument of Mr. Edw. Rawson, Capt. Joshua Scot-
1 Hutchinson, I. 404, says a truce was made at Sagadahoc, Xov. 19, 1G90,
by Capt. John Alden, with the Indian chiefs Edgeremet, Toqualniot, Watom-
bamet, Naictumbuit, Walombec, and John Hawkins. He adds that the
Indian name of the last chief is not given, and that the others are all names
of dignity, not personal appellations. — Eds.
tow, and Capt. Jacob Eliot to Sam! Sewall and others, being
Six Writings in all, should be put into a Chest to be pro-
vided for that purpose, on which a Coper plate to be fas-
tened with this Engraving, South Church, and Mr. Peter
Sergeant to be entreated to keep the said Chest in his
house, being of Brick and conveniently situated ; and
that, if can conveniently do, also put the Church plate
in said Chest ; and said Edward Kawson coinitted the
above-mentioned writings to said Eliot to be disposed of
as above with as great Speed as conveniently may be,
accordino^ to this Ao;reement.
Signed by — Edward Rawson.
Sam Sewall.
j. scottow.
Jacob Eliot.
Theo. Frary.
Nov. 21. I accompanied Capt. Hill to the Funeral of
Joseph Asgood, or Asbud, of Almsbury, a souldier of about
18 years old who died at Fort-hill of the Small Pocks. Mr.
Laurence, Capt. Davis's Son-in-Law, is buried this day ; so
that Five own Sisters are now Widows. 'Twas Tuesday,
the 18^? of November, that I heard of the death of Capt.
Stephen Greenleaf, Lieut. James Smith and Ensign W"?
Longfellow, Serj!' Increase Pilsbury, who with Will Mitch-
ell, Jabez Musgro, and four more were drown'd at Cape
Britoon on Friday night the last of October.
Satterday, Nov. 22. Went to the burial of Major Sam'
Ward ; was buried a very little to the Westward of our
Tomb. Major Walley, Savage, Townsend ; Capt. Wing,
Grcenough, Barnard, Bearers. Gov^ Bradstrect and 's
Lady went next the Herse. Was buried from Mr. Skifier's,
a Relation. Major Hutchinson with about 13 files 4 deep,
attended the funeral. One Volley only, because of the
scarcity of Powder.
Wednesday, Nov. 2G*^ Mr. Willard and I rid to Dor-
Chester, from thence with Mr. Stoughton and Danforth,
the Minister, to Braintrey, where met Mr. Torrey. I
sign'd a Lease to Nehem. Hayden ; Mr. Stoughton, Unkle
Quinsey and his Son Witnesses. Mr. Torrey is for a Fast,
or at least a Fast first. Mr. Willard for a Thankso-iving-
first. Mr. Torrey fears lest a Thanksgiving should tend
to harden people in their carnal confidence. Cousin Gookin
grows worse of her brest rather than better. Were wet
coming home ; met Mr. Caleb Moodey and N. Gooding on
Crane's plain, riding to meet the Son of said Moodey, who
came home in Jarvis and landed at Cape-Cod Harbour.
When came home went to Capt. Hill's to the Meeting. I
read the IV}} Sermon of Mr. Flavell to the end of the 3'f
Excellency ; 6 first Lines I composed with my own hand
in London concerning God's being the Centre and Rest of
the Soul. No body ask'd for the Meeting, so I invited
them to our house. [See note in errata, p. 510.]
Nov. 27. As 2'-^ Bell is begun to be rung for Lecture,
the Cleper falls out, the staple that held it being broken.
At night Goodm. Williams rings the South-Bell for 9
aclock, at which many people started, fearing there had
been fire. No rino-inji: at the Old Meeting;-House on the
Sabbath, Nov. 30, nor 9 aclock Bell since Thorsday, that
I have heard.
Nov. 29. MenvaP had a hearinir before the Council as
1 Monsieur de Menevall was the Governor of Port Royal in Acadie, and
was brought here by Phips as a prisoner of war. In Mass. Arcliives, A'ol.
XXXVl., are some papers relating to him. Thus (p. 233), Governor IJra.l-
street gave him leave, Oct. 6, 1G90, to go to any part of Europe, with two
servants. But, Dec. 25, 1690 (p. 262), Pliips ordered him to be sent to jail
for breaking the articles of treaty.
Jan. 7, 1600-1, Bradstreet wi'ites a private letter to Phips, saying that the
Council made an order, December 30, for the delivery to Meneval of his chest
and clothes, " taken into custody l)y your order when he was brought up from
on board the vessel." But as i\I. has not received them, and is in great want
of his clothes, Bradstreet reminds Phips of that order, and hopes he will
execute it.
It seems, from a letter in Vol. XXXVII., p. 2, that the Chevalier de la
to Money of his in Sir William's hand : very fierie words
between Sir William and Mr. Nelson. When Sir William
went out seemed to say would never come there more, had
been so abus'd by said Nelson, and if Council would not
right him, he would right himself.
Nov. 30. Tis extream cold and poor Cous. Savage is
still aboard at Nantasket, not being able to be brought up
yesterday, wind so high, he so low brought by wound and
Dec. 1, 1690. The Pink Eagle 80 Tuns, Joseph Buddy
Master, Loaden for Jamaica, was burnt in the Harbour,
very little sav'd besides a new Cable ; came by Careless-
ness. Owners, Capt. Checkly, his Brother Sam. Mr,
Dec. 1. Went to the Funeral of John Hews of New-
bury, a Souldier from Canada, died of the bloody flux.
Mr. Moodey and his Son went next the Corps, Major
Richards and Hutchinson next, Sewall and Thornton, Capt.
Hall, &c. ; about 30 or 40 Men and Women : Extream
Cold. Visited Sir William, so home.
Dec. 2. Lieut. Ephr. Sale dies.
Dec. 3. Brother Needham dies and Goodw. Deacon.
I was with Brother Needham on Tuesday about 11. aclock
and had comfortable discourse with him ; I had much adoe
to persuade him to let me help him on with his Jacket ;
he was much affected with the kindness.
Satterday, Dec. 6. Brother W!" Needham is buried
about 3 aclock : Bearers, Deacon Eliot, Frary, Allen, Tom-
son, Bridgham. Had Rings and Gloves. Executors sent
me a Rinii;.
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1690. A Church is gathered, and
Mr. Jolni Whiting Ordained Minister at Lancaster. Mr.
Sam Whiting gives him his Charo-e, Mr. Estabrooks o;ives
Tourasse was made Governor of Port Royal by our government after the
capture. — Eds.
the Right hand of Fellowship ; Mr. Brinsmead and others
Monday, Dec. 8. Din'd with me at the Eoyal Exchange,
Sir William Phips, Isaac Addington Esqr., Mr. Sam' Wil-
lard, Capt. Joshua Scottow, Capt. Nath! Bj^field, Mr. Peter
Sergeant, Samson Sheaf, Thomas Brattle, Jn" Eyre, Henry
Derings, Capt. James Hill. Twelve in all.
Dec. 16, 1690. Very cold. I visit the Major Generall
in the even, who has kept house ever since Wednesday
last, through pain and Indisposition by putting his Ankle-
bone of his right legg out of joynt. Advised him of the
Fast to morrow.
I spoke wnth Mr. Partridge about Kittery Grant, that if
he cut any Masts there, he should give me an account of
them, and I would use him well. He said he got Masts
at Exeter, and not there this winter : and would be sure
to wrong no man, much less me.
Wednesday, DecembT 17, 1690. A Day of Prayer is
kept at the Townhouse, Mr. Allen prays, Mr. Moodey
preaches, Mr. Willard prays. 'Tis so cold and so much
Ice in Charlestown River, that neither Dept. Governour,
Treasurer, Mr. Morton, nor Charlestown Deputies could
get over. Mr. Russel hath the Small Pocks which stays
him. Mr. C. Mather is ill, and can't come. Major Gen-
erall has put his Ankle out of joynt, he not there. Col.
Shrimpton and Deacon Eliot were there. This morning
w^e have the sad news of the death of Mr. John Clark, our
beloved Physician, between 4. and 5. mane.
Dec. 19, 1690. Heard Mr. Tliacher preach at neigh-
bour Ilerridges ; then went to the Funeral of Mr. Jn°
Clark ; Bearers, Richards, Hutchinson, Addington, Mid-
dlecot ; Townsend, Turell. Governour [Bradstreet], Sir
William, Major Johnson, Treasurer [Phillips], and Sewall
went next the Relations. Warm Southerly wetlier. Three
desirable Men now dead ; one out of each Church. Our
Mr. Pain, the oldest, being about 68.
December 23, 1690. Major Pike tells me in the Town-
house of Eliakim Mather's being come. Came with Mr.
Cotton about noon, but I saw him not till night, being
detained at the Townhouse all day.
Dec. 29, 1690. Mr. Addington and I goe to Sir William
Phips's, where Mr. Moodey and Mr. Mather in his Border:
had very sharp discourse ; Mr. Mather very angrily said
that they who did such things as suffering Sir William to
be arrested by Meneval, were Frenchmen, or the people
would say they w^ere, &c.
Dec. 30. Council orders the Writt ag;ainst Sir William
to be null.
Dec. 31. Visit Cousin Savage at Reading, who keeps
his Bed, and can hardly stir, yet is cheerly.
Jan. 1, [169f .] Visit Capt. Clap. Mr. Allen preaches
against minding our own things, &c. His house broken
up in Lecture time and above 40<£ in Money stolen.
Jan. 2. Eliezer Russel buried.
Jan. 3. Josiah Grice, a very usefull man and good
Christian, died last night. -Mrs. Ruck buried this day,
Sam. Clark's Aunt; outliving her Son but a very little
Jan. T^. Mr. Addins-ton and I went to Mr. Cotton
Mather, and expostulated with him about the discourse at
Sir William's, and the Remonstrance brought to the Coun-
cil b}^ Capt. Greenough and Mr. Coleman the Tuesday
following : and hope 'twill tend to promote Charity and
Satterday, Jan. 10, 169f . Betty with her Sister and
others were riding in a sled, and the Indian who drove it
struck Betty with his Goad on the side of the head so as
to make it bleed pretty much and swell, but thanks ho
to God, no danger now the fright is over, and heals.
Sabbath, Jan. 1P'.\ At night the House of Joshua
Gardener, at Muddy-River, is burnt, and two of his Chil-
dren ; the Lord help us to repent that we do nut likewise
perish. Twas my turn to Watch. I sent Eliakim ; the
north watch saw the light of the fire.
Jan. 21, 169f . Meeting at Mr. Woodmancies in Major
WalUes house. A cry of fire was made which much dis-
turb'd us in the middle of Sermon ; it prov'd to be Mr.
Pole's Chimney, which made a great light. Snow on the
houses which prevented danger. Sermon, Brother Emons
read, was about Hungring and Thirsting after Righteous-
ness. Mr. Burroughs on the Beatitudes. Sung 2^. part
45. Psal. Mr. Burroughs referring to the time of the new
Jerusalem. Very Cold.
Satterday, Jan. 24, 169f . Wear comes in ; came from
Cows Dec'" 1 ; brings Mr. Dudley, Mr. Brenton and
Jan. 26. Mr. Brenton exhibits his Coinission, under the
Broad Seal, for exercising the Office of Collector, Surveyor
and Searcher.
Jan. 27"'. Major Generall comes not, so that had much
adoe to persuade Major Hutchinson to hold the Court, it
seeming so odd for only three freshmen to hold it where
seven or more of the chiefest and ablest used to keep
Court ; by that means begun not till past noon.
Feb. 2. This morn Capt. Roger Clap dies, about 86
years old. Capt. Brown arrives at Marblehead, came from
Plimouth 19".' December.
Feb. 3. This morn, or last night, Capt. Johnson dies
suddenly, a very old Man, between 86 and 90.^ On Sab-
bath-day night, Feb. 1. Col. Shrimpton's Sign, the Royal
Exchange, is blown down, the Keeper of it run away on
Friday, Feb. 6. Mr. Stoughton and Dudley call here.
1 Savage, under the name of Ireson, quotes this passage from Sewall,
reading it as Captain Ireson. Yet, under Francis Johnson, he says that tliis
J. died Feb. 8, 1691. "We may conclude, then, that the second version was
tlie correct one, and that the person meant is Captain Francis Johnson, of
Salem and Boston. — Eds.
which is the first time since his coming from England
when I was at home.
Sabbath, Feb. 15. 9. mane, at the desire of Anis Hill,
1 give a Warrant to search for her Husband, Tho. Hill the
Tanner, who has been missing ever since last night. This
day is taken up drown'd. This morn, Elisabeth Dixie
(now Pemberton) is taken into Church before the Sacra-
Feb. 12. I watch with Mr. Baiiister and Peter Wear ;
Sit at James Meers's between while because of the Rain,
darkness and slippiriness. Had a good night.
Tuesday, Feb. 17. Went in Mr. Shiprev's Boat to Hog-
Island, to see what Wood the Tenant had cut. Passage
has been open about a week, and Crooked Lane a 14
Feb. 18. Mr. Willard and Capt. Frary came to our
March, 3, 169f . About noon Marshall Generall Green
dies of the Fever, about noon.
March 4. Buried in the evening.
March 5. After Lecture Mr. Sam! Gookin is Apointed
by the Governour and Council to be Marshal Generall till
the sitting of the Generall Court ; and the Oath adminis-
tred to him in open Court accordingly.
March 9, 169f. Town-Meeting. Select-Men chosen,
Mr. Jn° Joyliff, Tho. Walker, John Foster, Penn Town-
send, Tim2 Prout, Bozoon Allen, Jeremiah Duiner, Jn°
Marion, SenI", Obadiah Gill. Town-Treasurer, chosen by
papers, Mr. James Taylor. Select-Men last year, now
passed by, are Capt. Turell, James Hill, Mr. Richard
Middlecot. Constables, Joseph Belknap, Elizur Holyoke,
Josepli Grant, William Rouse, Jn° Borland, Benj. Bream,
Samson Duer, George Clark, Tim- Wadswortli. Fin'd
Jacob Melyen, Jn" Mico, Jn'' Borland. Overseers of the
Poor, Nath! Williams, Benj. Walker, William Coleiium,
Sim. Stoddard.
March 10*.^ Four Deputies for Boston, Capt. Penn
Townsend, Capt. Theophilus Frarj, Tim^ Prout, Mr. Adam
Winthrop, 27 Votes. Mr. Serjeant, Taylor, Eyre had
several votes.
March 10*.^, 169J. Cousin Ana Quinsey removes to
Charlestown with her Children and Goods.
Monday, March 16. I watch, accompanyed by Serj*
Jn° Bull, and Corp! Peter Wier : had a very comfortable
night. Gave money to each Guard.
March 19, 169f Mr. C. Mather preaches the Lecture
from Mat. 24., and appoint his portion with the Hypo-
crites : In his proem said, Totus mundus agit histi'ionem.
Said one sign of a hypocrit was for a man to strain at a
Gnat and swallow a Camel. Sio-n in 's Throat discovered
him ; To be zealous against an inocent fashion, taken up
and used by the best of men ; and yet make no Conscience
of being guilty of great Immoralities. Tis supposed means
wearing of Perriwigs : said w^ould deny themselves in any
thing but parting with an oportunity to do God service ;
that so might not offend good Christians. Meaning, I
suppose, was fain to wear a Perriwig for his health. I
expected not to hear a vindication of Perriwigs in Boston
Pulpit by Mr. Mather ; however, not from that Text.
The Lord give me a good Heart and help to know, and
not only to know but also to doe his Will ; that my Heart
and Head may be his.
March 25, 1691. I walk on foot to Eoxbury, and visit
Mr. Bowls, who lies very sick of the Small Pocks, this
the 7"' day. Mr. Walter pray'd with him before I came
March 28, 1691. A Post comes to Town from New
York, and brings a Letter from Henry Sloughter, Gov-
ernour there, who arrived the 19*!? Instant, on Thorsday.
Messenger tells us that on Tuesday, and Wednesday be-
fore, Capt. Leisler fired upon the Town, and killed Six
persons ; some went to fire a great Gun at the fort, and
by accident, five persons were slain, of whom Ma[tthew.J
Gregory was one. On Friday, the fort was surrendered,
out of which 400 marched. Col. Bayard took out of
Prison, and Capt. Leisler put in his room, and Bayard's
chain put on 's Legg. Governour had six weeks passage
from Barmudas, so that some began to think he might
have been cast away.
March 27. Mr. Moodey visited us in the even, pray'd
hard for Assurance. I was at Charlestown Lecture, where
Mr. Morton Preach'd well about the Light of God's Coun-
tenance desired by the Saints — very thin Assembly. Mr.
Russel and I prov'd one Greenland's Will. The L. hear
the Prayer of Mr. Morton and Moodey for them and me.
Mr. Moodey talked with me about resisting unto blood,
the Subject he was to treat of next Sabbath : and wit-
nesses not being slain.
April 6^}}. At night, about 12. or 1. set sail in the Pru-
dent Mary Bark, Daniel Lunt Master, for Newbury ; sail'd
through Squam, so to Ipswich Bar and Newbury Sound.
Mrs. Hannah Moodey and Jane Toppan with me ; fell
aground at Sandy Beach an hour by Sun, Apr. 6.
Apr. 9".'. Ride and visit Mr. Simms and Ward, take
Livery of Jn" Kent's Lot.
Apr. 10*:l' Drive a Nail in Abiel Sommerby's House.
Apr. 11. Ride to the Falls to visit Sister Longfellow;
To Peter Cheyny's Mill.
Apr. 13. To Salem, visit little Sam. Sewall, my Name-
Apr. 14. Home, find all well, blessed be God.
Apr. 20^.1' 1691. Being pressed with the sense of my
doing much harm and little good, and breach of Vows at
my retium from New York, this time twelvemonth, that
is, not heedfully regarding to go at God's Call, I kept a
Fast to pray that God would not take away but uphold
me by his free Spirit. When I came to look, I found it
to be the very day of the week and year as much as could
be that I set out for New York, which made me hope that
twas a token for good that God would pardon that Sin
and Sins since committed. Pray'd for Sister Dorothy, my
family. New England, that God would fit me for his good
pleasure in doing and suffering. Treaty Avith Indians to
be the 1^*^ May, &c.
Apr. 27. Went with Mr. Moodey on foot to the Ferry,
and with Major Phillips accompani'd him to Mystick, where
left him with Mr. Allen the Scholar and other Company
at the Widow Wade's; as return'd saw Mr. and Mrs.
Morton at their Farm. This Afternoon had Joseph to
School to Capt. Townsend's Mother's, his Cousin Jane
accompanying him, carried his Horn-book.
Apr. 27, 1691. Din'd at Cous. Dummer's with the
May 4. Eight Companies Train ; I went not into field ;
in the evening Major and Captains came hether to desire
me not to lay down my place, Mr. Cotton Mather being
here, set in with them. Mr. Mather staid and went to
prayer with us, and had the very expressions us'd by the
Dept. Governour when He deliver' d me my Comission ;
viz: Let us serve our Generation accordino- to the Will of
God, and afterwards fall asleep.
Satterday, May 16. Between 3. and 4. P.M. Soutli-
Company is warned to attend on the Election day, by
Solomon Rainsford, in the Rain.
May 19, 1691. mane, Mr. Richardson visits me. I ask
whether he receiv'd my Letter I sent him before my going
for England. He answered, yes. I tried to reinforce it,
as to what concern'd his faithfull fullfilling his Ministry.
What effect twill have God knows.
May 20*^^. Election-day, very fair and comfortable
wether. Led the South-Company into the Coiiion, there
pray'd with them, so march'd with Capt. Hill to the Gov-
ernour's. Guard consisted of two Files on each Flank,
&c. ; had but four Drums, made extream bad Volleys at
niglit. After being treated by the Governour, the 122.
Psalm was sung, Mr. Allen got me to set the Tune, which
was Windsor ; it brought to mind the Psalm sung in that
very Room in 1686, which Mr. Nowell read. Note. Throw
what heartlessness I scarce know, but I went not for Mr.
Morton to bring him to the Meetinghouse, nor to fetch
him from Mr. Eyre's to diiier, which now I look upon it,
troubles me much. Mr. Hutchinson and Addington not
sworn this day.
May 21. Dept. Governour, Major Generall and I went
to speak to Mr. Stoughton, desiring him to accept of the
place he is called to. I bought two answers of Church of
England Address of Mr. Wilkin, and gave Mr. Stoughton
one. Major Pike, my self, Matthew Jn^son, Sam! Partrigg,
and Joseph, are a Committee to consider how Money may
be got in for present Exigencies. Just as was at our Gate
with them and a crowd of other people, about 7. aclock,
Ben. Harris comes to me, and tells that Capt. Leisler and
Mr. Millburn were executed last Satterday, that Mr. Faii-
vil brought the news : whereas most were pleasing them-
selves that there was like to be no such thing, and that
Gov!" Slou(z:hter becrun to think him an honest man and
entertain him at his Table.
May 29^''. Mr, Addington and I wait on Mr. Stoughton
at Dorchester.
May 30*.'.'. Mr. Stoughton takes his Oath.
June 1. Mr. Taylor, Mr. Pierpont and Mr. Walter dine
with me ; Mr. Walter tells me of a small Paraphrase of
Mr. Eliot's upon Ezek. 37., written about half a year
before his death.
June 2'.' 1G91. Mr. Edward Taylor puts his Son James
to Mr. Steward, Shopkeeper of Ipswich, for Seven years,
to serve him as an Aprentice, Term to begin the first of
July next. Mr. Ta^'lor desires me to represent himself in
making the Indenture, if Mr. Steward desire tlie accom-
plishment of it befor lie comes down again.
June 3, 1691. Sister Sewall of Salem comes to see us ;
5'", Brother comes, tells me Ezekiel Northend is like to go
to Sister Dorothy again. 6*.'/, goe home.
June 10"M691. I goe to Salem, visit Mr. Higginson,
dine with Him, after his Lecture ; view the fortifications.
June IQ^}}. Brother sends me word of the arrival of Jn"
Ingersoll, well laden with good Salt. Sister Dorothy's
being come thether the night before, intends hether
June 17. Fast at the Townhouse, Magistrates, Minis-
ters : Mr. Hale, Bayly, Brinsmead, Torrey, Moodey, Wil-
lard pray, Mr. Lee preaches. Mr. Fisk, Thacher, Gookin,
Jn° Danforth sup here.
June 19'.? 1691. The Reverend Mr. John Wilson, Pas-
tor of the Church at Medfield, came before me, and seal'd
and published a certain Writing to be his last Will and
Testament, to which accordingly I subscribed my name in
the place of the Witnesses j Bromfield, Clark, Sharp having
subscribed before.
Monday, June 22. Sam. Topan brings Sister Dorothy
to Town. Tom. Hitchborns Son drowned this day. I
watch at night in the Ensign's turn with Serj* Bull o.nd
Corp! Weare.
June 29. Went to the Island, had my Daughters Haliah
and Elisabeth wdth me. Went to see about buildino; a
room for Goodw. Balchar to doe her work in. Cornelius
Creek and Jn'' Wells row'd us in Mr. Shiprevs Boat. Yes-
terday Rainsford arriv'd with IT Men that remained alive
on Antis Coti [Anticosti] ; 4 dead of Small Pocks since
the Longboat's coming. They saw Ten Sail of Frenchmen
standing for Canada River, many of them suppos'd to be
of 3. and 2 hundred Tuns.
July 20. Much Lightening in a Cloud toward the Cas-
tle, which many observ'd and talk'd of.
Wednesday, July 22. Brought the Major Generall,
gointj: to Jamaica, and under the Oak over ao-ainst the
Schoolhouse took leave. Is at last gon to New London
to settle his affairs j which Journey he has a very long
time talk'd of.
Wednesday, Augt. 5*.^. The death of Gov' Sloughter is
talk'd of through the Town, News came last night or this
morning. Capt. Scottow told it here as was at Breakfast
with Mr. Torrey and me. Cousin David Hobart here.
Thorsday, Augt. 6. Very great Thunder and Lighten-
ing last night between 1. and 4. past midnight, from the
Southward first, and then from the Northward. Hear
already that a Barn at Maiden is burnt by it.
Augt. 11, 1691. Sentenc'd Francis Allen and two
Frenchmen : admonish'd Humfry Johnson of Hingham
and his wife for living apart. Mr. Pay son din'd with us.
Adjourn'd to this day 14 night, 1. P.M.
August 14. Went to Charlestown-Lecture, from thence
walkd to Cambridge with Mr. Addington to visit the
Deputy Governour, who has kept his Bed these three
days, having an inward Fever. Visited the Colledge and
so came from thence about Sunset in the Shadow of the
Evening. Mr. Moodey preached the Lecture from Acts
IG. 29, 30. Shew'd that such an anxious Speedy Enquiry
after Salvation, was a good step towards it.
Augt. 19, 1691. .Sent Jane to Newbury by Tim^ Bur-
benk, to help tend her Brother Sam. Toppan, who is there
taken ill of the Small Pocks.
Augt. 23, 1691. Sabbath-day, about 3 P.M. The Rev?
Mr. John Wilson of Meadfield dies, being 70. years of age
wanting a moneth. vid. June 19'.'.'.
Augt. 28. Friday. Fast at Charlestown, where I am.
After my coming home when 'tis almost dark, Jane Top-
pan comes in from Newbury and brings the very sorrow-
full News of the death of Cous. Sam. Toppan last Tuesday
night about nine of the Clock ; buried the Wednesday
nigi-lit followinfj-, because of the Heat. No jNIiuister with
him : Mr. Shove prayd not with him at all, went not to
liim till was just dying : suppose might be afraid of 's
school. Sam. bewail'd his not minding Spiritual things
more, and that times were such as that things of that
nature were scoff'd at. About Monday night last as Jo-
seph was going into Cradle, He said, News from Heaven,
the French were come, and mention'd Canada. No body
has been tampering with him as I could learn. The Lord
help us to repent that we may not perish, as probably
Eliakim and those with him have done ; and now poor
Cousin Sam.
Sept. 1, 1691. Went to a Fast at Dorchester, Mr. Dan-
forth pray'd and preach'd. Mr. Moodey pray'd in the
Afternoon, Mr. Torrey preach'd, pray'd, had a comfortable
day. Before came home, supp'd at Mr. Stoughton's in
company of Mr. Danforth and wife, Mrs. Hanah Moodey,
Mr. Edw. Rawson, Mr. Moodey, Torrey, Bondet, Mr. Sam.
Sept. 2, 1691. Went with Mr. Moodey and visited the
Dept. Governour, Mr. Stoughton and Russel came in. Mr.
Moodey pray'd. Dame Mitchelson present, earnestly de-
siring prayers. Mrs. Danforth tells me that Goodw. Lux-
ford was buried yesterday, died of the Fever after four
years Torment or more, of a Chronical Illness. Deacon
Cooper died a little while agon, a very good Man.
Sept. 5. I went over the water with Sam. Haugh to
his farm to view the Carpenters Work.
Sept. 14, 1691. Mr. Parker comes to me by my desire ;
tells me there was no Rigging on the Mast he saw ; at the
[?] he called and said, did think it was Condey's Mast,
there was no Rigging on it : Condey is his Sister's So